One God, as a Universal Trinity: How do YOU explain this?

Gen 1:1 ¶ In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

One thing to remember about the Trinity is that God in Genesis 1:1 is 'elohiym and it is PLURAL and not singular so when we think of John 1:3 "All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made." then we can start to understand the three persons in the one God.

Hebrew Lexicon :: H430 (KJV)

Zec 2:10 ¶ Sing and rejoice, O daughter of Zion: for, lo, I come, and I will dwell in the midst of thee, saith the LORD.

Zec 2:11 And many nations shall be joined to the LORD in that day, and shall be my people: and I will dwell in the midst of thee, and thou shalt know that the LORD of hosts hath sent me unto thee.

Who is speaking here? How can the Lord send the Lord? The Lord is speaking in Zechariah 2:10 and now in Zech 2:11 it says, "the Lord of hosts hath sent me unto thee." We know there is Father, Son and Holy Spirit but it baffles those Hebrew scholars that aren't Christians.

Psalm 110:1 [[A Psalm of David.]] The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool.

Matthew 22:42 Saying, What think ye of Christ? whose son is he? They say unto him, [The Son] of David.

Matthew 22:43 He saith unto them, How then doth David in spirit call him Lord, saying,

Matthew 22:44 The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand, till I make thine enemies thy footstool?

Matthew 22:45 If David then call him Lord, how is he his son?

The question to ask everybody is,"What do you think of Jesus Christ?" How can He be deity and not part of God because God will have no other gods before Him?

Its an impossibility for Elohim in Genesis to translate gods--it translates majestic(( God was king) plural, in comparison to a mortal king)
Moses wrote the word Elohim in Genesis---fact--Moses and every Israelite after him served a single being mono God named YHWH( Jehovah)----MAKING it an impossibility for Moses to use that word for gods when he served-God. trinity scholars know its truth.
Genesis chapter 19 has nothing whatever to do with any trinity. The chapter begins by specifically identifying the two men as angels.

Clearly you too must have been struck by blindness and can't find the hidden door they pulled Lot through.

Angels aren't called YHVH.

Oh I see, because "The Lord" is mentioned twice in the sentence where it says the fire and brimstone caused by The Lord came from The Lord from Heaven, you think there are two Gods?

Thanks for clearing that up...

As I said, Clearly you too must have been struck by blindness ..............

Did you read and comprehend the word "from"? It helps to understand the English language when reading what it says. "From" denotes position.

24. And the Lord (YHVH) caused to rain down upon Sodom and Gomorrah brimstone and fire, from the Lord (YHVH), from heaven.

Genesis - Chapter 19 (Parshah Vayeira) - Tanakh Online - Torah - Bible

Thank you for letting me clear that up for you.
Gen 1:1 ¶ In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

One thing to remember about the Trinity is that God in Genesis 1:1 is 'elohiym and it is PLURAL and not singular so when we think of John 1:3 "All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made." then we can start to understand the three persons in the one God.

Hebrew Lexicon :: H430 (KJV)

Zec 2:10 ¶ Sing and rejoice, O daughter of Zion: for, lo, I come, and I will dwell in the midst of thee, saith the LORD.

Zec 2:11 And many nations shall be joined to the LORD in that day, and shall be my people: and I will dwell in the midst of thee, and thou shalt know that the LORD of hosts hath sent me unto thee.

Who is speaking here? How can the Lord send the Lord? The Lord is speaking in Zechariah 2:10 and now in Zech 2:11 it says, "the Lord of hosts hath sent me unto thee." We know there is Father, Son and Holy Spirit but it baffles those Hebrew scholars that aren't Christians.

Psalm 110:1 [[A Psalm of David.]] The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool.

Matthew 22:42 Saying, What think ye of Christ? whose son is he? They say unto him, [The Son] of David.

Matthew 22:43 He saith unto them, How then doth David in spirit call him Lord, saying,

Matthew 22:44 The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand, till I make thine enemies thy footstool?

Matthew 22:45 If David then call him Lord, how is he his son?

The question to ask everybody is,"What do you think of Jesus Christ?" How can He be deity and not part of God because God will have no other gods before Him?

Its an impossibility for Elohim in Genesis to translate gods--it translates majestic(( God was king) plural, in comparison to a mortal king)
Moses wrote the word Elohim in Genesis---fact--Moses and every Israelite after him served a single being mono God named YHWH( Jehovah)----MAKING it an impossibility for Moses to use that word for gods when he served-God. trinity scholars know its truth.

They translated it.
Angels aren't called YHVH.

Oh I see, because "The Lord" is mentioned twice in the sentence where it says the fire and brimstone caused by The Lord came from The Lord from Heaven, you think there are two Gods?

Thanks for clearing that up...

As I said, Clearly you too must have been struck by blindness ..............

Did you read and comprehend the word "from"? It helps to understand the English language when reading what it says. "From" denotes position.

24. And the Lord (YHVH) caused to rain down upon Sodom and Gomorrah brimstone and fire, from the Lord (YHVH), from heaven.

Genesis - Chapter 19 (Parshah Vayeira) - Tanakh Online - Torah - Bible

Thank you for letting me clear that up for you.

No, it is just saying that the fire and brimstone caused by The Lord came from the Lord from the sky....

Even so, how do you manage to set aside the entire law and prophets that clearly teach that there is only one unequaled God based on a few sentences that do not say there are more than one God in any language?

That must take a kind of faith that I just don't have, but apparently you are full of it.

Gen 1:1 ¶ In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

One thing to remember about the Trinity is that God in Genesis 1:1 is 'elohiym and it is PLURAL and not singular so when we think of John 1:3 "All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made." then we can start to understand the three persons in the one God.

Hebrew Lexicon :: H430 (KJV)

Zec 2:10 ¶ Sing and rejoice, O daughter of Zion: for, lo, I come, and I will dwell in the midst of thee, saith the LORD.

Zec 2:11 And many nations shall be joined to the LORD in that day, and shall be my people: and I will dwell in the midst of thee, and thou shalt know that the LORD of hosts hath sent me unto thee.

Who is speaking here? How can the Lord send the Lord? The Lord is speaking in Zechariah 2:10 and now in Zech 2:11 it says, "the Lord of hosts hath sent me unto thee." We know there is Father, Son and Holy Spirit but it baffles those Hebrew scholars that aren't Christians.

Psalm 110:1 [[A Psalm of David.]] The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool.

Matthew 22:42 Saying, What think ye of Christ? whose son is he? They say unto him, [The Son] of David.

Matthew 22:43 He saith unto them, How then doth David in spirit call him Lord, saying,

Matthew 22:44 The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand, till I make thine enemies thy footstool?

Matthew 22:45 If David then call him Lord, how is he his son?

The question to ask everybody is,"What do you think of Jesus Christ?" How can He be deity and not part of God because God will have no other gods before Him?

Its an impossibility for Elohim in Genesis to translate gods--it translates majestic(( God was king) plural, in comparison to a mortal king)
Moses wrote the word Elohim in Genesis---fact--Moses and every Israelite after him served a single being mono God named YHWH( Jehovah)----MAKING it an impossibility for Moses to use that word for gods when he served-God. trinity scholars know its truth.

They translated it.

Who translated it?
Yes. And asked me to ship it on top of that.

People who have made more money than me have asked for all kinds of resources and expect to get it for free. The Bible isn't cheap. People risked their lives to bring you the truth.

The bible isn't free, god needs the dough, the heating bill in Hell is killing him!

Neither I nor God need your money. Please keep it.

If god doesn't need the cash, why do they pass a collection plate around every time?

And yes, you probably do need my cash, otherwise, why mention yourself? Delusions of grandeur maybe?
The bible isn't free, god needs the dough, the heating bill in Hell is killing him!

Neither I nor God need your money. Please keep it.

If god doesn't need the cash, why do they pass a collection plate around every time?

And yes, you probably do need my cash, otherwise, why mention yourself? Delusions of grandeur maybe?

Why the collection? It is an offering and offerings should be voluntary.

During the depression, there was big pressure on the church to release money that was designated for evangelism to building hospitals. Have you seen churches with names like "Presbyterian Hospital", "St. Mary's Hospital", Episcopal Hospital?

Episcopal Campus - Temple University Hospital - Philadelphia, PA
St. Mary Medical Center Langhorne PA
New York Presbyterian Hospital - Top NYC Doctors, Comprehensive Medical Care

These hospitals and more were built because of the church which society wouldn't have because the government wouldn't step up. Do you want to disrespect the church now for having an offering?

So if you were sick and laid up in bed, someone from church could come by and mow your lawn but it still takes someone time, effort and energy to help you.

People have real needs and your water and electricity bill at church costs money.

Have you priced a case of paper towels lately for people to wash their hands when they come to church?
Its an impossibility for Elohim in Genesis to translate gods--it translates majestic(( God was king) plural, in comparison to a mortal king)
Moses wrote the word Elohim in Genesis---fact--Moses and every Israelite after him served a single being mono God named YHWH( Jehovah)----MAKING it an impossibility for Moses to use that word for gods when he served-God. trinity scholars know its truth.

They translated it.

Who translated it?

The Watchtower didn't have credentials to translate the Bible

Yet, Frederick Franz's translation ability is open to serious question.

During a court trial held in Scotland in 1954 (during the same period that the New World Translation was being made) Franz was asked if he had made himself familiar with Hebrew. His reply was "Yes." Healso acknowledged under oath that he could read and follow the Bible in Hebrew, Greek, Latin, Spanish, Portuguese, German and French. The following day, during the same court trial, his linguistic abilities were put to the test.

He was asked to translate Genesis 2:4 into Hebrew. He failed the test as he was unable to do so. In fact he did not even try, but rather stated "No, I wouldn't attempt to do that."(See, Court of Session, Scotland - Douglas Walsh vs. The Right Honourable James Latham Clyde - November 1954.)

Focus On The Faulty: Articles
Neither I nor God need your money. Please keep it.

If god doesn't need the cash, why do they pass a collection plate around every time?

And yes, you probably do need my cash, otherwise, why mention yourself? Delusions of grandeur maybe?

Why the collection? It is an offering and offerings should be voluntary.

During the depression, there was big pressure on the church to release money that was designated for evangelism to building hospitals. Have you seen churches with names like "Presbyterian Hospital", "St. Mary's Hospital", Episcopal Hospital?

Episcopal Campus - Temple University Hospital - Philadelphia, PA
St. Mary Medical Center Langhorne PA
New York Presbyterian Hospital - Top NYC Doctors, Comprehensive Medical Care

These hospitals and more were built because of the church which society wouldn't have because the government wouldn't step up. Do you want to disrespect the church now for having an offering?

So if you were sick and laid up in bed, someone from church could come by and mow your lawn but it still takes someone time, effort and energy to help you.

People have real needs and your water and electricity bill at church costs money.

Have you priced a case of paper towels lately for people to wash their hands when they come to church?

See this thread I started:
One God, as a Universal Trinity: How do YOU explain this?

it is facilitated by the implicit idolatry being exercised by Christians, despite its fallacy and contradiction the trinity represents to a specific commandment from the Almighty that there is only one "God".

Oh I see, because "The Lord" is mentioned twice in the sentence where it says the fire and brimstone caused by The Lord came from The Lord from Heaven, you think there are two Gods?

Thanks for clearing that up...

As I said, Clearly you too must have been struck by blindness ..............

Did you read and comprehend the word "from"? It helps to understand the English language when reading what it says. "From" denotes position.

24. And the Lord (YHVH) caused to rain down upon Sodom and Gomorrah brimstone and fire, from the Lord (YHVH), from heaven.

Genesis - Chapter 19 (Parshah Vayeira) - Tanakh Online - Torah - Bible

Thank you for letting me clear that up for you.

No, it is just saying that the fire and brimstone caused by The Lord came from the Lord from the sky....

Even so, how do you manage to set aside the entire law and prophets that clearly teach that there is only one unequaled God based on a few sentences that do not say there are more than one God in any language?

That must take a kind of faith that I just don't have, but apparently you are full of it.


The verse means to explicate the extent of God's "fury", so to speak.
God to send down Fire and Brimstone from the earthly universe, but from the Heavenly universe.
The intent is that these civilizations had become so corrupt that even their heavenly equivalent was eliminated.
One God, as a Universal Trinity: How do YOU explain this?

Because language's nuance is inexact to handle this type of question, it can't explained competently.
I am not catholic. But I do have a logical way of understanding this seemingly contradiction of "3 is 1, 1 is 3" as it appears from the outside.

The trinity is the one God. The father, the son(Jesus) and the Holy Ghosts are aspects of god that Catholicism teaches.

From this perspective, Catholicism becomes a whole lot more understandable from an outsiders point of view.

P.S. There maybe other aspects of this god, but it seems like they are unknown and therefore not addressed. So one could consider that the Trinity(God) contains the three aspects of focus, but also contains other aspects that Catholics know nothing about.
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One God, as a Universal Trinity: How do YOU explain this?

it is facilitated by the implicit idolatry being exercised by Christians, despite its fallacy and contradiction the trinity represents to a specific commandment from the Almighty that there is only one "God".


We don't believe in three Gods though.

The closest I could explain it would be to imagine a computer with a co-processor or three co-processors. There is one computer but there are three brains inside of it.

God is so vast that He can do what He wants. But here is the thing. God overshadowed Mary, had a son and that birth has His own human spirit so you have this thing called the hyperstatic union where God is linked to a human soul. I don't fully understand it but we can apprehend what we can gather from scripture.

It isn't idolatry. We only believe in one God as revealed and the evidence is that Elohim in scripture is plural as well as other evidence in the second post in this thread where I explained the concept a little.
They translated it.

Who translated it?

The Watchtower didn't have credentials to translate the Bible

Yet, Frederick Franz's translation ability is open to serious question.

During a court trial held in Scotland in 1954 (during the same period that the New World Translation was being made) Franz was asked if he had made himself familiar with Hebrew. His reply was "Yes." Healso acknowledged under oath that he could read and follow the Bible in Hebrew, Greek, Latin, Spanish, Portuguese, German and French. The following day, during the same court trial, his linguistic abilities were put to the test.

He was asked to translate Genesis 2:4 into Hebrew. He failed the test as he was unable to do so. In fact he did not even try, but rather stated "No, I wouldn't attempt to do that."(See, Court of Session, Scotland - Douglas Walsh vs. The Right Honourable James Latham Clyde - November 1954.)

Focus On The Faulty: Articles

They studied very hard for nearly 80 years, old writings, history, languages, before correcting the errors in trinity translations. How else could this be( Daniel 12:4) possible if corrections weren't made in these last days? Two major errors=

John 1:1--In the beginning was the logos( word) and the logos was with ho Theos, and the word was Theos------ No ho in the last line--the only word in greek for God--god-- was Theos--Ho Theos means the true God--Theos means--god. It was not calling the word--The God--small g god means--has godlike qualities,---because it was the Fathers power that went through Jesus. Acts 2:22)

The other error = Proskenau--4 meanings from greek to English--1) Worship to God--2) obeisance to a king, plus 2 others----- Jesus was Gods appointed king( Daniel 7:13-15) the Messiah--obeisance( not worship) goes to our king Jesus.

Without those two major errors, the trinities have 0 leg to stand on.

That is why Jesus taught this truth--John 4:22-24--the true followers do this.
Who translated it?

The Watchtower didn't have credentials to translate the Bible

During a court trial held in Scotland in 1954 (during the same period that the New World Translation was being made) Franz was asked if he had made himself familiar with Hebrew. His reply was "Yes." Healso acknowledged under oath that he could read and follow the Bible in Hebrew, Greek, Latin, Spanish, Portuguese, German and French. The following day, during the same court trial, his linguistic abilities were put to the test.

He was asked to translate Genesis 2:4 into Hebrew. He failed the test as he was unable to do so. In fact he did not even try, but rather stated "No, I wouldn't attempt to do that."(See, Court of Session, Scotland - Douglas Walsh vs. The Right Honourable James Latham Clyde - November 1954.)

Focus On The Faulty: Articles

They studied very hard for nearly 80 years, old writings, history, languages, before correcting the errors in trinity translations. How else could this be( Daniel 12:4) possible if corrections weren't made in these last days? Two major errors=

John 1:1--In the beginning was the logos( word) and the logos was with ho Theos, and the word was Theos------ No ho in the last line--the only word in greek for God--god-- was Theos--Ho Theos means the true God--Theos means--god. It was not calling the word--The God--small g god means--has godlike qualities,---because it was the Fathers power that went through Jesus. Acts 2:22)

The other error = Proskenau--4 meanings from greek to English--1) Worship to God--2) obeisance to a king, plus 2 others----- Jesus was Gods appointed king( Daniel 7:13-15) the Messiah--obeisance( not worship) goes to our king Jesus.

Without those two major errors, the trinities have 0 leg to stand on.

That is why Jesus taught this truth--John 4:22-24--the true followers do this.

I don't trust the Watchtower at all for many reasons. Back in the 80's two elders from the Jehovah Witnesses found their way on our Christian BBS network which doesn't exist anymore. In a month, two elders gnerated around 800 messages which was hard for a small group to keep up with but everything they quoted was falsely quoted and I don't have any respect for deceitful people.

I have another life example. Christians built hospitals and spent their time doing a lot of good works while I 've witnessed Jehovah's Witnesses not help the poor but they spend all of their time trying to defeat Catholics and Christians with argumentation because they are a cult.

I had a Jehovah Witness bring her children to my house and when I was asking them to read the bible to me, what I learned was that her children were illiterate so it is these destructive things which are disturbing to me. They were old enough to be in fourth grade but the mother didn't take the time to teach the children to read and because I discovered it, they don't want anyone telling them they are wrong so they never came back to my house.
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The Watchtower didn't have credentials to translate the Bible

Focus On The Faulty: Articles

They studied very hard for nearly 80 years, old writings, history, languages, before correcting the errors in trinity translations. How else could this be( Daniel 12:4) possible if corrections weren't made in these last days? Two major errors=

John 1:1--In the beginning was the logos( word) and the logos was with ho Theos, and the word was Theos------ No ho in the last line--the only word in greek for God--god-- was Theos--Ho Theos means the true God--Theos means--god. It was not calling the word--The God--small g god means--has godlike qualities,---because it was the Fathers power that went through Jesus. Acts 2:22)

The other error = Proskenau--4 meanings from greek to English--1) Worship to God--2) obeisance to a king, plus 2 others----- Jesus was Gods appointed king( Daniel 7:13-15) the Messiah--obeisance( not worship) goes to our king Jesus.

Without those two major errors, the trinities have 0 leg to stand on.

That is why Jesus taught this truth--John 4:22-24--the true followers do this.

I don't trust the Watchtower at all for many reasons. Back in the 80's two elders from the Jehovah Witnesses found their way on our Christian BBS network which doesn't exist anymore. In a month, two elders gnerated around 800 messages which was hard for a small group to keep up with but everything they quoted was falsely quoted and I don't have any respect for deceitful people.

I have another life example. Christians built hospitals and spent their time doing a lot of good works while I 've witnessed Jehovah's Witnesses not help the poor but they spend all of their time trying to defeat Catholics and Christians with argumentation because they are a cult.

I had a Jehovah Witness bring her children to my house and when I was asking them to read the bible to me, what I learned was that her children were illiterate so it is these destructive things which are disturbing to me. They were old enough to be in fourth grade but the mother didn't take the time to teach the children to read and because I discovered it, they don't want anyone telling them they are wrong so they never came back to my house.

An apostle sold the son of God for 30 pieces of silver--the religion was still correct. Gods elite spiritual king David, sent Bathshebas husband to the very front lines of war to be killed so he could steal her. But the religion was still correct.
I didn't ask you to believe my teachers I shared what Jesus taught as truth--it just so happens my teachers listen to Jesus and teach all of us daily to apply Jesus truths. I know it for a fact

The world hates the 2nd side of the two edged sword( bible) but the table of demons( 1Cor 10: 21 must be exposed as well.
Did you read and comprehend the word "from"? It helps to understand the English language when reading what it says. "From" denotes position.

24. And the Lord (YHVH) caused to rain down upon Sodom and Gomorrah brimstone and fire, from the Lord (YHVH), from heaven.

Genesis - Chapter 19 (Parshah Vayeira) - Tanakh Online - Torah - Bible

Thank you for letting me clear that up for you.

No, it is just saying that the fire and brimstone caused by The Lord came from the Lord from the sky....

Even so, how do you manage to set aside the entire law and prophets that clearly teach that there is only one unequaled God based on a few sentences that do not say there are more than one God in any language?

That must take a kind of faith that I just don't have, but apparently you are full of it.


The verse means to explicate the extent of God's "fury", so to speak.
God to send down Fire and Brimstone from the earthly universe, but from the Heavenly universe.
The intent is that these civilizations had become so corrupt that even their heavenly equivalent was eliminated.

As chuck pointed out 'from' indicates position and as everyone should already know 'heaven' means the sky.

There could be any number of natural explanations for fire and brimstone raining down from the sky that people of the time would have interpreted as a judgment from an angry God.

What is nowhere to be found in Genesis 19, or any other book of the entire OT, is any support for the belief in a trinity or the belief that God could become a human being.
One God, as a Universal Trinity: How do YOU explain this?

Because language's nuance is inexact to handle this type of question, it can't explained competently.

How is it even possible for a person to understand what cannot be explained competently?

How is it possible to believe in something you don't understand?

Jesus said the truth is simple, comprehension either granted or denied by God.

The simple answer as to why the trinity can't be explained competently is because it is not rational or true.

Anyone who cannot accept this cannot accept this because they are suffering from the death consequent for setting aside the Law of God and worshiping a false coequal trinity that is not God , has no life, and does not correspond to any real living being ever in existence.
No, it is just saying that the fire and brimstone caused by The Lord came from the Lord from the sky....

Even so, how do you manage to set aside the entire law and prophets that clearly teach that there is only one unequaled God based on a few sentences that do not say there are more than one God in any language?

That must take a kind of faith that I just don't have, but apparently you are full of it.


The verse means to explicate the extent of God's "fury", so to speak.
God to send down Fire and Brimstone from the earthly universe, but from the Heavenly universe.
The intent is that these civilizations had become so corrupt that even their heavenly equivalent was eliminated.

As chuck pointed out 'from' indicates position and as everyone should already know 'heaven' means the sky.

There could be any number of natural explanations for fire and brimstone raining down from the sky that people of the time would have interpreted as a judgment from an angry God.

What is nowhere to be found in Genesis 19, or any other book of the entire OT, is any support for the belief in a trinity or the belief that God could become a human being.


I am not interpreting the verse. The translation uses the word heaven so that is what I use. I am not saying it doesn't mean sky but the fire could have come from space or however God did it.

God took on human flesh (John 1:14) and tabernacled with us.


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