Once again we see that there is no similarity between Trump's words and deeds


Gold Member
Jan 1, 2017
Recently, Donald Trump made an attestation about what he'd have the nation, lo the world, believe is the nature and extent of his heroism. ā€œYou donā€™t know until you test it, but I really believe Iā€™d have run in there even if I didnā€™t have a weapon.ā€ To that attestation, I call BS! Trump's supposition/assertion about the nature of his valor holds less water than a winter rain barrel.

The fact of the matter is that in a markedly less gruesome situation, Trump "turned away," his words, not mine.
ā€œSo what happens is, this guy falls off right on his face, hits his head, and I thought he died. And you know what I did? I said, ā€˜Oh my God, thatā€™s disgusting,ā€™ and I turned away,ā€ said Trump. ā€œI couldnā€™t, you know, he was right in front of me and I turned away....adding of the blood, ā€œItā€™s just not my thing.ā€ (Source)
Once again, the entire world, but most importantly the U.S., is forced to acknowledge that Trump's depictions of himself, his mindset and his character is the stuff of pure fiction.

For as much as I detest that man, I had no idea he was that reprobate, that callous, that pathetic! I wouldn't even have assumed that of him. Be that as it may, no one with the sense to pound sand in a rat hold believes no more remotely that Donald Trump would have "run in there," weapon or not, than they believe the "Man in the Moon" might cry.

Another member remarked of the matter:
I find his honesty refreshing TBH. His honesty reveals a true lack of Sociopathy. Our nation is dire need of honesty. The truth will set us free. We are blessed Xelor.
Well, I just don't feel the same way about that man. His attestation to/description of what he did/said at that event is one of the few things he's said that aligns with not only with what in fact he did say/do and what actually happened but that also is consistent with the myriad examples of his depravity and inhumaneness.
Quite simply, that Donald Trump watched an octogenarian fall from a rostrum, hitting his head and bleeding as a result, and rather than doing something -- directly or indirectly -- to aid the man, Trump said, "ā€˜Oh my God, thatā€™s disgusting,ā€™ and...turned away." Sorry, but there's nothing refreshing about that or about discovering that that is what Trump did.


That act is so deplorable that, no, Trump doesn't get a pass for attesting to having committed it. And, no, one honest attestation about a single event and related remarks/deeds/thoughts from a decade ago does not absolve him for the hundreds of attestations made hence and that in them have not the faintest glimmer of truth.
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Trump says he is brave.
Trumps says many things.
Actions speak louder than words, and his actions have spoken. Courage is not anything that can be attributed to those acts.
You cannot prove otherwise libwit, tissue?
Were you to have read the linked content, you'd know nobody needs to prove a damn thing. Trump has made the attestations about his cowardice and squeamishness that give all the proof one needs.
You cannot prove otherwise libwit, tissue?
Were you to have read the linked content, you'd know nobody needs to prove a damn thing. Trump has made the attestations about his cowardice and squeamishness that give all the proof one needs.

Riiiiiight a man who runs for President of the U.S., whoops over a dozen GOP candidates, takes on Hillary, the Dem party, the liberal media, and whoops their ass, he's a coward? You people are insane, I'm not even sure meds would help you.
You cannot prove otherwise libwit, tissue?
Were you to have read the linked content, you'd know nobody needs to prove a damn thing. Trump has made the attestations about his cowardice and squeamishness that give all the proof one needs.

Riiiiiight a man who runs for President of the U.S., whoops over a dozen GOP candidates, takes on Hillary, the Dem party, the liberal media, and whoops their ass, he's a coward? You people are insane, I'm not even sure meds would help you.
Riiiiiight a man who runs for President of the U.S., whoops over a dozen GOP candidates, takes on Hillary, the Dem party, the liberal media, and whoops their ass, he's a coward?
To the extent that man is Donald Trump and not any of the other men who've become POTUS, well, in a word, yes.
Let's be clear. Donald Trump is not about to run into a building to save kids or anyone else.

I know you see a well as I that Trump, did not push away his security team and stand up to the on rusher, a person who didn't have a gun, and displaying his oh so often bragged about "tough guy." Trump's comportment was not that of the "bring it on, motherf*cker" bravado that he'd have us believe courses through his veins and psyche.

Humans aren't the only species Trump fears.

Bald Eagle:
  • The average size of a full grown eagle is 30 to 32 inches tall, and has a wingspan measuring six to seven feet. Male bald eagles weigh between 7 and 10 pounds, with females being considerably larger, and weighing up to 14 pounds. (Source)
Donald Trump:
  • Six feet or more tall and weighing in at over 200 pounds.

The man couldn't find the courage to discipline a "tamed" bird, yet he'd have us believe he'd enter a building, unarmed no less, to defend someone, anyone. He'd do no such thing. He wouldn't even think of doing such a thing! What he has done and would do is tell people that he would do such a thing. And that's as close as he'd ever get -- before, during or after being POTUS -- to doing such a thing. Period.

Trump is at once thug and coward.
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Recently, Donald Trump made an attestation about what he'd have the nation, lo the world, believe is the nature and extent of his heroism. ā€œYou donā€™t know until you test it, but I really believe Iā€™d have run in there even if I didnā€™t have a weapon.ā€ To that attestation, I call BS! Trump's supposition/assertion about the nature of his valor holds less water than a winter rain barrel.

The fact of the matter is that in a markedly less gruesome situation, Trump "turned away," his words, not mine.
ā€œSo what happens is, this guy falls off right on his face, hits his head, and I thought he died. And you know what I did? I said, ā€˜Oh my God, thatā€™s disgusting,ā€™ and I turned away,ā€ said Trump. ā€œI couldnā€™t, you know, he was right in front of me and I turned away....adding of the blood, ā€œItā€™s just not my thing.ā€ (Source)
Once again, the entire world, but most importantly the U.S., is forced to acknowledge that Trump's depictions of himself, his mindset and his character is the stuff of pure fiction.

For as much as I detest that man, I had no idea he was that reprobate, that callous, that pathetic! I wouldn't even have assumed that of him. Be that as it may, no one with the sense to pound sand in a rat hold believes no more remotely that Donald Trump would have "run in there," weapon or not, than they believe the "Man in the Moon" might cry.

Another member remarked of the matter:
I find his honesty refreshing TBH. His honesty reveals a true lack of Sociopathy. Our nation is dire need of honesty. The truth will set us free. We are blessed Xelor.
Well, I just don't feel the same way about that man. His attestation to/description of what he did/said at that event is one of the few things he's said that aligns with not only with what in fact he did say/do and what actually happened but that also is consistent with the myriad examples of his depravity and inhumaneness.
Quite simply, that Donald Trump watched an octogenarian fall from a rostrum, hitting his head and bleeding as a result, and rather than doing something -- directly or indirectly -- to aid the man, Trump said, "ā€˜Oh my God, thatā€™s disgusting,ā€™ and...turned away." Sorry, but there's nothing refreshing about that or about discovering that that is what Trump did.


That act is so deplorable that, no, Trump doesn't get a pass for attesting to having committed it. And, no, one honest attestation about a single event and related remarks/deeds/thoughts from a decade ago does not absolve him for the hundreds of attestations made hence and that in them have not the faintest glimmer of truth.
Do people really think it took courage to run against Hillary Clinton? Any decent candidate could have beaten that one, and perhaps a less than decent one did.
Recently, Donald Trump made an attestation about what he'd have the nation, lo the world, believe is the nature and extent of his heroism. ā€œYou donā€™t know until you test it, but I really believe Iā€™d have run in there even if I didnā€™t have a weapon.ā€ To that attestation, I call BS! Trump's supposition/assertion about the nature of his valor holds less water than a winter rain barrel.

The fact of the matter is that in a markedly less gruesome situation, Trump "turned away," his words, not mine.
ā€œSo what happens is, this guy falls off right on his face, hits his head, and I thought he died. And you know what I did? I said, ā€˜Oh my God, thatā€™s disgusting,ā€™ and I turned away,ā€ said Trump. ā€œI couldnā€™t, you know, he was right in front of me and I turned away....adding of the blood, ā€œItā€™s just not my thing.ā€ (Source)
Once again, the entire world, but most importantly the U.S., is forced to acknowledge that Trump's depictions of himself, his mindset and his character is the stuff of pure fiction.

For as much as I detest that man, I had no idea he was that reprobate, that callous, that pathetic! I wouldn't even have assumed that of him. Be that as it may, no one with the sense to pound sand in a rat hold believes no more remotely that Donald Trump would have "run in there," weapon or not, than they believe the "Man in the Moon" might cry.

Another member remarked of the matter:
I find his honesty refreshing TBH. His honesty reveals a true lack of Sociopathy. Our nation is dire need of honesty. The truth will set us free. We are blessed Xelor.
Well, I just don't feel the same way about that man. His attestation to/description of what he did/said at that event is one of the few things he's said that aligns with not only with what in fact he did say/do and what actually happened but that also is consistent with the myriad examples of his depravity and inhumaneness.
Quite simply, that Donald Trump watched an octogenarian fall from a rostrum, hitting his head and bleeding as a result, and rather than doing something -- directly or indirectly -- to aid the man, Trump said, "ā€˜Oh my God, thatā€™s disgusting,ā€™ and...turned away." Sorry, but there's nothing refreshing about that or about discovering that that is what Trump did.


That act is so deplorable that, no, Trump doesn't get a pass for attesting to having committed it. And, no, one honest attestation about a single event and related remarks/deeds/thoughts from a decade ago does not absolve him for the hundreds of attestations made hence and that in them have not the faintest glimmer of truth.
Yes, we know that for you reading is not fundamental.
Recently, Donald Trump made an attestation about what he'd have the nation, lo the world, believe is the nature and extent of his heroism. ā€œYou donā€™t know until you test it, but I really believe Iā€™d have run in there even if I didnā€™t have a weapon.ā€ To that attestation, I call BS! Trump's supposition/assertion about the nature of his valor holds less water than a winter rain barrel.

The fact of the matter is that in a markedly less gruesome situation, Trump "turned away," his words, not mine.
ā€œSo what happens is, this guy falls off right on his face, hits his head, and I thought he died. And you know what I did? I said, ā€˜Oh my God, thatā€™s disgusting,ā€™ and I turned away,ā€ said Trump. ā€œI couldnā€™t, you know, he was right in front of me and I turned away....adding of the blood, ā€œItā€™s just not my thing.ā€ (Source)
Once again, the entire world, but most importantly the U.S., is forced to acknowledge that Trump's depictions of himself, his mindset and his character is the stuff of pure fiction.

For as much as I detest that man, I had no idea he was that reprobate, that callous, that pathetic! I wouldn't even have assumed that of him. Be that as it may, no one with the sense to pound sand in a rat hold believes no more remotely that Donald Trump would have "run in there," weapon or not, than they believe the "Man in the Moon" might cry.

Another member remarked of the matter:
I find his honesty refreshing TBH. His honesty reveals a true lack of Sociopathy. Our nation is dire need of honesty. The truth will set us free. We are blessed Xelor.
Well, I just don't feel the same way about that man. His attestation to/description of what he did/said at that event is one of the few things he's said that aligns with not only with what in fact he did say/do and what actually happened but that also is consistent with the myriad examples of his depravity and inhumaneness.
Quite simply, that Donald Trump watched an octogenarian fall from a rostrum, hitting his head and bleeding as a result, and rather than doing something -- directly or indirectly -- to aid the man, Trump said, "ā€˜Oh my God, thatā€™s disgusting,ā€™ and...turned away." Sorry, but there's nothing refreshing about that or about discovering that that is what Trump did.


That act is so deplorable that, no, Trump doesn't get a pass for attesting to having committed it. And, no, one honest attestation about a single event and related remarks/deeds/thoughts from a decade ago does not absolve him for the hundreds of attestations made hence and that in them have not the faintest glimmer of truth.
Yes, we know that for you reading is not fundamental.
We also know you are a long winded anti-American blowhole.
Words and deeds? What would the radical left do without the (tax exempt) media matters left wing propaganda source that gleans selected republican stuff and feds it back to left wing blogs as hate speech? JFK went to Germany when they were building the infamous Wall and called himself a "Berliner" which was slang for a jelly donut and went back to the U.S. with rave reviews from the media while the Germans were left to be shot in the back for the next thirty years. The difference is in the media's response to the President's comments. Trump will never get a break much less "rave reviews".
All his big talk on restricting guns from the mentally ill and raising the age to buy a firearm to 21 is just that....talk. Just like in the DACA pronunciations he made....he is just playing to the cameras. He will not go against the NRA. He is an Orange Charlatan...and of course a Sociopathic Liar....and I could go on.
Words and deeds? What would the radical left do without the (tax exempt) media matters left wing propaganda source that gleans selected republican stuff and feds it back to left wing blogs as hate speech? JFK went to Germany when they were building the infamous Wall and called himself a "Berliner" which was slang for a jelly donut and went back to the U.S. with rave reviews from the media while the Germans were left to be shot in the back for the next thirty years. The difference is in the media's response to the President's comments. Trump will never get a break much less "rave reviews".

Maybe if is actually did what he said he was going to do..he would get some praise. If he pushed through the gun restrictions he made to the convenient camera, I would give him credit. He won't. He will roll over for the NRA...cause he is "afraid of the NRA."

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