Once again "Our violence is speech, your speech is violence"


Diamond Member
Apr 5, 2010
Another conservative speaking event being cancelled by promises of violent protest getting venues to back out from hosting contracts.

Charlie Kirk’s Message of Non-Violence Greeted by ANTIFA Threats, Oregon TPUSA Event Cancelled

A hotel in Oregon cancelled its hosting of Charlie Kirk’s Exposing Critical Racism Tour Wednesday after receiving alleged threats of violence from ANTIFA.

The event was set to take place at the Holiday Inn Express Eugene Springfield, but the venue cancelled the reservation via email hours before it was set to take place.

“After careful consideration, we have made the decision to not allow tonight’s event to proceed at our hotel. We apologize for the short notice, and are making this decision out of an abundance of caution for the safety and security of our staff and guests,” Vice President of Operations Terry Goldman said in the email.
Have you ever tried to talk to an Alzheimer's patient? You will find that if you try to convince them of the reality around them and it conflicts with their mistaken take on the reality around them, the more you try to get them to see the flaw in what they think the more agitated they get.

In fact, if you persist the Alzheimer's patient will become increasingly hostile and may try to harm you physically. Why? Because you are tinkering with the only reality they can identify with that helps them make sense of the world. For them, it is a great violence to take that world they have constructed in their minds because it is all they have left to try and connect with the real world

I view the Left in this way. By challenging any of their notions you are doing to them what you are doing to an Alzheimer's patient. In this way, it is violence for them as they are clinging to the precipice of reality and if they lose their grp may fall into an abyss of pure insanity.

The Left needs our sympathy and they need treatment.
Have you ever tried to talk to an Alzheimer's patient? You will find that if you try to convince them of the reality around them and it conflicts with their mistaken take on the reality around them, the more you try to get them to see the flaw in what they think the more agitated they get.

In fact, if you persist the Alzheimer's patient will become increasingly hostile and may try to harm you physically. Why? Because you are tinkering with the only reality they can identify with that helps them make sense of the world. For them, it is a great violence to take that world they have constructed in their minds because it is all they have left to try and connect with the real world

I view the Left in this way. By challenging any of their notions you are doing to them what you are doing to an Alzheimer's patient. In this way, it is violence for them.

This is a tremendous analogy.

True believer brainwashed lefty sheep will look DIRECTLY at facts....and ignore them, lest the facts disprove their bullshit narrative.

Some KNOW they live a hypocritical existence. Others are true sheep.

People who support censorship know they cannot win an argument on merit and facts...so they want the other side SILENCED.

Classic authoritarianism.
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This is a tremendous analogy.

True believer brainwashed lefty sheep will look DIRECTLY at facts....and ignore them, lest the facts disprove their bullshit narrative.

Some KNOW they live a hypocritical existence. Others are true sheep.

People who support censorship know they cannot win an arguments on merit and facts...so they want the other side SILENCED.

Classic authoritarianism.
I am not an expert on trying to bring people out of a cult, but I think these tactics should be studied and implemented for those on the Left.

As for the truly mentally ill, you can't fix crazy.
I am not an expert on trying to bring people out of a cult, but I think these tactics should be studied and implemented for those on the Left.

As for the truly mentally ill, you can't fix crazy.

There are 2 camps. The puppet masters and the puppets.

The puppet masters do not believe ANY of this horseshit. It is a means to money and power.

The puppets are controlled in what they do, say, and think by their masters. If their masters tell them that 2+2=5...then 2+2=5.

These are cowardly people who prefer the cold comfort of government ruling them from cradle to grave. They have no individual identity or accountability or self reliance.

Kind of like what we see in the middle east by those brainwashed by Islam. You know, murdering women for showing a naked ankle? Those types. Brainwashed.

Indoctrinated left wing sheep are quite similar to RADICAL ISLAM.

Charlie Kirk Denounces Man Asking About Killing People He Says Stole Election​

Charlie has his own special way of cancel culture also... Like refusing to recognize the election wasn't stolen apparently Charlie likes to live the lie that his master Trump put out there for his attempt to overthrow the govt.

Charlie Kirk Denounces Man Asking About Killing People He Says Stole Election​

Charlie has his own special way of cancel culture also... Like refusing to recognize the election wasn't stolen apparently Charlie likes to live the lie that his master Trump put out there for his attempt to overthrow the govt.

That isn't "cancel culture". When he speaks about his belief about the election being stolen he isn't stopping anyone from saying the opposite, or even saying he's a lying douchebag.
So there is equivalence in a far left, illiberal group opposing Kirk, and the Neo-GOP's BIGLIE and resulting MAGA MOB riots' assault on the once peaceful transfer of power, as well as the years long partisan assault on fair and transparent administration of elections.

Not really equal.

This is a tremendous analogy.

True believer brainwashed lefty sheep will look DIRECTLY at facts....and ignore them, lest the facts disprove their bullshit narrative.

Some KNOW they live a hypocritical existence. Others are true sheep.

People who support censorship know they cannot win an argument on merit and facts...so they want the other side SILENCED.

Classic authoritarianism.
The same phenomena is strong on the right as well. It's not just lefty sheep - its just plain sheep in general.
Who gets to decide what is a lie?

A lie is a deliberate falsehood, if the person truly believes what they are saying it isn't lying, it is being incorrect if it turns out to not be the case.
A falsehood is a falsehood without evidence in this world. Speculating fraud when their is none is a lie not a falsehood.

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