

Libertarian Radical
Feb 8, 2011
Behind the Orange Curtain
There are those who claim that Marxist totalitarianism is a form of Libertarianism, some here on USMB. I guess the twisted logic is that Marxism frees people from freedom and creates an Orwellian "Slavery is Freedom" dichotomy.

The root of this nonsense comes from radical Marxist Noam Chomsky. Chomsky is a linguist who rose to prominence by building a cult following to his brand of Stalinism, which some, including Lew Rockwell decided was "libertarian." Rockwell gave Chomsky a platform among legitimate libertarian thought.

Yesterday, Chomsky once again showed his contempt for liberty and individualism with this statement;

“People who refuse to accept vaccines, I think the right response for them is not to force them to, but rather to insist that they be isolated. If people decide, ‘I am willing to be a danger to the community by refusing to vaccinate,’ they should say then, ‘Well, I also have the decency to isolate myself. I don’t want a vaccine, but I don’t have the right to run around harming people.’ That should be a convention,” said Chomsky.

“Enforcing is a different question. It should be understood, and we should try to get it to be understood. If it really reaches the point where they are severely endangering people, then of course you have to do something about it,”}

I have met a large number of Leftists who self identify as both socialist and libertarian.

On the one hand, they want everything they think is good for society forced on them, but on the other hand, recognize on some level that legislating morality is wrong. On some level, they concede that might and poll numbers does not make right, hence the mental gymnastics of convincing themselves they want to support the free will of being a libertarian. It is a Dr. Jeckle and Mr. Hyde tope of mentality.

It goes something like this, they are libertarian when it comes to drugs and sex, but when it comes to taking the jab or gun rights......well............we simply need to shift gears is all.
Rothbard advocated allying with the left, the right, marxists, whoever when their goals aligned. I can't think of a time when such an alignment came to be with Chomsky, but I am guessing there was a point, or maybe points, where Rockwell, who is certainly a Rothbardian, saw one. As you point out though, Chomsky is hardly liberty minded and is an advocate for state action any time, anywhere.
Maybe on anti war?
Rothbard advocated allying with the left, the right, marxists, whoever when their goals aligned. I can't think of a time when such an alignment came to be with Chomsky, but I am guessing there was a point, or maybe points, where Rockwell, who is certainly a Rothbardian, saw one. As you point out though, Chomsky is hardly liberty minded and is an advocate for state action any time, anywhere.
Maybe on anti war?
Libertarians never see the light of day when it comes to political power.


Because libertarians are not focused on seizing power because they are not focused on forcing people to do anything.

Conversely, the Left is only good at one thing, seizing power to do as they wish to the rest of society.

They are clueless though on how to govern.
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Just like bearded psychotics with dicks identifying as women, doesn't make it so.
Well I started a thread on mental illness and the Left you should check out, and I think I understand what is going on here. The mental gymnastics and hypocrisy on the Left I think takes a toll on the mental condition of those on the Left. They try to convince themselves they are doing good but deep down know that they are on the side of evil and insanity. I think this causes a vast variety of mental conditions that need treated.

I think this is also a cause of the drug epidemic. You will find that people who are mentally ill flock to drugs to cope. To escape their inner guilt and Godless emptiness, they simply don't want to feel anything at all.
Libertarians never see the light of day when it comes to political power.


Because libertarians are not focused on seizing power because they are not focused on forcing people to do anything.

Conversely, the Left is only good at one thing, seizing power to do as they wish to the rest of society.

They are clueless though on how to govern.
Because libertarians are not focused on seizing power because they are not focused on forcing people to do anything.

Incorrect....We reject the legitimacy of aggressive coercion in all of its forms...."Governing" comes from the barrel of a gun.
There are those who claim that Marxist totalitarianism is a form of Libertarianism, some here on USMB. I guess the twisted logic is that Marxism frees people from freedom and creates an Orwellian "Slavery is Freedom" dichotomy.

The root of this nonsense comes from radical Marxist Noam Chomsky. Chomsky is a linguist who rose to prominence by building a cult following to his brand of Stalinism, which some, including Lew Rockwell decided was "libertarian." Rockwell gave Chomsky a platform among legitimate libertarian thought.

Yesterday, Chomsky once again showed his contempt for liberty and individualism with this statement;

“People who refuse to accept vaccines, I think the right response for them is not to force them to, but rather to insist that they be isolated. If people decide, ‘I am willing to be a danger to the community by refusing to vaccinate,’ they should say then, ‘Well, I also have the decency to isolate myself. I don’t want a vaccine, but I don’t have the right to run around harming people.’ That should be a convention,” said Chomsky.

“Enforcing is a different question. It should be understood, and we should try to get it to be understood. If it really reaches the point where they are severely endangering people, then of course you have to do something about it,”}

Chomsky is an unqualified genius in the realm of linguistics and semantics.....He's a 100% fraud and poseur in the political sphere.
Because libertarians are not focused on seizing power because they are not focused on forcing people to do anything.

Incorrect....We reject the legitimacy of aggressive coercion in all of its forms...."Governing" comes from the barrel of a gun.
I read an article that did a study on sociopaths, and it concluded that the sociopath capital of the world was Washington DC.

Then it hit me. These people are amoral, and as such, will do ANYTHING for power. It would be akin to fighting in a war and doing anything to win.

Who is more likely to win in a war, the side that tries to play nice or the side that wants to kill the enemy any way they can?

Am I suggesting we all become sociopaths? No, but at least realize what you are up against.
There are those who claim that Marxist totalitarianism is a form of Libertarianism, some here on USMB. I guess the twisted logic is that Marxism frees people from freedom and creates an Orwellian "Slavery is Freedom" dichotomy.

The root of this nonsense comes from radical Marxist Noam Chomsky. Chomsky is a linguist who rose to prominence by building a cult following to his brand of Stalinism, which some, including Lew Rockwell decided was "libertarian." Rockwell gave Chomsky a platform among legitimate libertarian thought.

Yesterday, Chomsky once again showed his contempt for liberty and individualism with this statement;

“People who refuse to accept vaccines, I think the right response for them is not to force them to, but rather to insist that they be isolated. If people decide, ‘I am willing to be a danger to the community by refusing to vaccinate,’ they should say then, ‘Well, I also have the decency to isolate myself. I don’t want a vaccine, but I don’t have the right to run around harming people.’ That should be a convention,” said Chomsky.

“Enforcing is a different question. It should be understood, and we should try to get it to be understood. If it really reaches the point where they are severely endangering people, then of course you have to do something about it,”}

what he is actually saying is the vaccine doesn't work. He's just admitted it. Ouch, outloud.
Chomsky is an unqualified genius in the realm of linguistics and semantics.....He's a 100% fraud and poseur in the political sphere.


Try reading Bin Laden's letters to America and then read Chomsky on the same issues. All Chomsky has done is take all of Bin Laden's words, dress them up in that pondrously purple prose of his, admix an appeal to authority with him as the authority and voila'.

His themes are all extraordinarily derivitive and unoriginal.

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