Biden drops paid family leave from his monstrous tax and spend bill

marvin martian

Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2020
Texas Hill Country
Hahahahahahahaha! He fucked you DemoKKKrats AGAIN! No student loan forgiveness, no "free" college, and now no paid family leave.

Gotta make more room to pay off the billionaire lefties who pull the strings, so no paid family leave for you, but I think Bezos can go into space again soon!

Now put your masks on and shut the fuck up!


The Democrats plan to drop paid leave from President Biden’s spending bill due to Sen. Joe Manchin’s (D-WV) opposition.

In a move that will undoubtedly anger progressive Democrats, two sources confirmed to The Hill that paid family leave will be dropped entirely from the bill.

“It likely will not be in the final bill, despite many members lobbying him to support,” the source reportedly said.
The bill originally proposed 12 weeks of paid family leave before being negotiated down to four weeks, both of which failed to persuade Joe Manchin away from his opposition. The Hill noted:

A second source familiar with the talks described Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.V) as the hold up to getting paid leave into the bill, describing him as ‘firm’ in his opposition and suggesting it was out absent a shift by him. Democrats had been working for days to try to come up with a paid leave policy that could satisfy Manchin.
Hahahahahahahaha! He fucked you DemoKKKrats AGAIN! No student loan forgiveness, no "free" college, and now no paid family leave.

Gotta make more room to pay off the billionaire lefties who pull the strings, so no paid family leave for you, but I think Bezos can go into space again soon!

Now put your masks on and shut the fuck up!


The Democrats plan to drop paid leave from President Biden’s spending bill due to Sen. Joe Manchin’s (D-WV) opposition.

In a move that will undoubtedly anger progressive Democrats, two sources confirmed to The Hill that paid family leave will be dropped entirely from the bill.

“It likely will not be in the final bill, despite many members lobbying him to support,” the source reportedly said.
The bill originally proposed 12 weeks of paid family leave before being negotiated down to four weeks, both of which failed to persuade Joe Manchin away from his opposition. The Hill noted:

Hahahahahahahaha! He fucked you DemoKKKrats AGAIN! No student loan forgiveness, no "free" college, and now no paid family leave.

Gotta make more room to pay off the billionaire lefties who pull the strings, so no paid family leave for you, but I think Bezos can go into space again soon!

Now put your masks on and shut the fuck up!


The Democrats plan to drop paid leave from President Biden’s spending bill due to Sen. Joe Manchin’s (D-WV) opposition.

In a move that will undoubtedly anger progressive Democrats, two sources confirmed to The Hill that paid family leave will be dropped entirely from the bill.

“It likely will not be in the final bill, despite many members lobbying him to support,” the source reportedly said.
The bill originally proposed 12 weeks of paid family leave before being negotiated down to four weeks, both of which failed to persuade Joe Manchin away from his opposition. The Hill noted:
Does that mean men will have to pump their breast milk now and go to work? Let's ask Petie
Yet another campaign promise he lied about.

Is anyone keeping track? There should be a list of Biden's lies.
I don't understand why the far left put this in the legislation, maybe for businesses with under 50? There has already been a law on the books for years for family leave.

I heard they did or going to take child care out. Now, where were the republican that pushed this a few years back?
I don't understand why the far left put this in the legislation, maybe for businesses with under 50? There has already been a law on the books for years for family leave.

I heard they did or going to take child care out. Now, where were the republican that pushed this a few years back?

FMLA is unpaid leave. Basically job security. They wanted to make it paid leave.
Probably to compromise, we can forgive fat cat corporate pigs that have debt or are failing but not students with debt trying to exixt.
It's kind of ridiculous. We can throw trillions and trillions onto the debt for complete bullshit. Meanwhile about one trillion dollars would free an entire generation of young people that feel trapped by the debt they incurred through seeking education.

They don't want to do the things that would actually empower the nation.
This is actually how DC is supposed to work. Ask for the moon and stars and negotiate down to something more reasonable.

The fact that so many of you do not know this is sort of sad and scary at the same time
It's kind of ridiculous. We can throw trillions and trillions onto the debt for complete bullshit. Meanwhile about one trillion dollars would free an entire generation of young people that feel trapped by the debt they incurred through seeking education.

Not as long as Joe Biden is in charge. Bezos going back into space is more important to him than student loan debt, college, or family leave.
This is actually how DC is supposed to work. Ask for the moon and stars and negotiate down to something more reasonable.

The fact that so many of you do not know this is sort of sad and scary at the same time

You know all three of the things Biden cut were campaign promises, right? How many times are you going to let him fuck you? You're like a battered wife.

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