On the road through a pandemic, some truckers fear for their lives


Nuthin' but the truth
Oct 8, 2013
South Carolina
LAS VEGAS, N.M., March 25 (Reuters) - At a truck stop here, a driver sprays his shoes with disinfectant to protect himself and his partner from coronavirus, another laughs and sees no threat, while a veteran trucker says he's heading for the hills, in fear for his life.

They are some of the millions of U.S., Canadian and Mexican truckers tasked with hauling food and goods to keep grocery stores stocked and essential services running as over half the U.S. population is told to stay home to stop the virus' spread.

In a windy truck park by the side of an eerily quiet Interstate 25, drivers hold up masks and gloves given them by loved ones for protection. Others say they don't need them for a "virus panic" created by the media.

Like nearly all these truckers, Marvin Gakin, 71, is determined to keep working. He hauls beef and pork and recognizes his essential role if Americans are to eat.

As a 57 year old OTR trucker myself, I am concerned about what I see taking place out there...In the north, and northeast truck stops were shuttered with porta pots set out in the parking lot. Rest areas were closed on I80 from PA to IL. Some shippers are either closed, or won't let truckers in to pu loads....

We can NOT have the supply chain effected. That would be disasterous....Already the ripple that is going to be felt through out the summer from what disruptions have already been done will be tough medicine for American's that see trucks as an annoyance on the road...

We as truckers are doing what we can for America, and more people should appreciate it...If you see a trucker thank him, instead of zooming on by with your one finger salute out the driver window, we are doing this at risk to ourselves.....
Truckers and trucking are the life blood of this nation. When the trucks stop we are all screwed.

You're exactly right. Too bad too many American's take us for granted...But, my observation is that truck traffic is down about 5% right now, and if this gets worse, so will that....Something to think about.
Truckers and trucking are the life blood of this nation. When the trucks stop we are all screwed.
And many democrat governors have closed all the highway rest areas. Really helps the truckers, don't it?

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