On Parent Separation Issue Trump's Critics A Disgrace!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
Many of President Trump's critics on his policy of separating children from their parents at the southern border are a disgrace and they need to really cut it out we have a serious illegal immigration that is a devastating cancer on our nation and this self indulging behavior is really making the problem worse. These critics are opportunistic and are not fair they aren't considering the entirety of the problem. Of course everyone hates to separate children from their parents but their parents broke the law and they have to go through the court system that is why they need to be held. The critics are really cute and clever when they say things like the President is lying when he says it is the law and he is just following the law and the President could end it today with an Executive Order. The critics gloss over the fact that legally the Executive Branch of Government must release these children quickly,(mandated by the settlement in the Flores case and a 9th circuit case interpreting that settlement) further they ignore that there is serious consequences to President Trump doing what past Presidents did and just releasing the parents with the children that being the parents don't show up for their court date in front of an immigration judge resulting in the illegal immigration and DACA problem just getting worse. From a duty standpoint and morally good standpoint President Trump is doing the right thing, the country's illegal immigration problem is deeply dividing us as a people it is obstructing the invaluable bond that could exist among us which would create immeasurable good for us!

The over the top rhetoric on this issue from the critics should be something they are ashamed of themselves beyond in the absolute extreme. The criticism that immigration officials are ripping children out of their mothers arms and behaving horrible and this is another example of President Trump's discriminatory behavior toward people of color. I myself try to put living virtuously as my top priority and if I was President I would do what President Trump is doing on this issue I might make an exception for parents with infant children under six years of age because of the trauma this separation may cause and children at this age may not be old enough to understand that mommy and daddy broke the law and have to appear before a judge that is why they are being held. The critics seem to forget that hundreds if not thousands of U.S. citizens every year have their children separated from them when they go into the U.S. criminal justice system this is what happens when parents break the law.

David Axelrod made a very insightful and wise point on this issue on CNN last night when he said probably nothing the Republicans have been pursuing on immigration gets done so why don't Republicans and Democrats just focus on a narrow bill fixing this separating family problem it is doable because of bipartisan strong desire to see this stopped. David didn't really go into why he thinks nothing gets done but I'll offer an analysis. That being that the Republicans on immigration are trying to fire up their right wing base on immigration, because they desperately need their turnout in the mid-term elections, that really want no accommodation for immigration law breakers which will block them from doing a comprehensive immigration reform bill which is the only way they can get Democrats to support their enforcement improvements and legal immigration reform they are seeking. These are the principle issues in doing a limited separating family problem fix; something needs to be done about reigning in the qualifications for asylum it really is a big game for illegals they cross the U.S. border and seek out border patrol agents to claim asylum. Fleeing criminal gangs and domestic abuse are categories the U.S. can no longer afford to have as qualifiers it leads to too many case. Further issues are more family detention facilities and more immigration courts solely dedicated to hearing cases for illegal immigrant parents with children!

Trump's critics are making a miscalculation on this issue. They think that the vast majority of Americans strong dislike of breaking up families of illegal immigrants will lead to a strong backlash against President Trump on this issue. I don't think so the American people are smart enough to realize that President Trump has two choices release illegal immigrants with their children and continue the alarming numbers of these immigrants that don't show up for their court date or separate the families for a time and process these illegal immigrants out of the country which is what they justly deserve! The American people are smart enough to realize that it is Congress that is at fault here they are not doing their job on this issue, they need to pass legislation solving this problem!
Fuck Trump. He is a sadistic perverted old self indulgent asshole. Worst President in American history. He is destroying America physically and spiritually. He represents the evil in America.

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