Okay why is obama a good president?

02-03-2011, 05:22 AM
The Rabbi
Death From Above
Member #20947 Join Date: Sep 2009
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That's what happens when blacks run things.

Anyway, who cares? What difference does this make? Are they filing bankruptcy? Are they asking for a bailout from the Feds?
Thread fail.
Democrats: The Party of "Fuck You."

"Every regulation doesn't save lives," -Sen Rand Paul (R-KY)

Rabbi that is blatently racist
Why is Obama a good president?

Well, he got elected, and fully proved that liberal/progressive idiots make lousy presidents, and probably made it so a liberal/progressive idiot will never again be elected to the presidency.

That, my friends, IS A VERY GOOD THING!

You would have thought that was settled by now. Look back 40 years and the Left was wrong about everything:
Cold War
War on Poverty
Jarhead, thanks for the intelligent discussion. It seems the racists and idiots are trying to take over the thread now, so that's my signal to bow out. Thanks again!
Jarhead, thanks for the intelligent discussion. It seems the racists and idiots are trying to take over the thread now, so that's my signal to bow out. Thanks again!
Yup, go ahead and bow out. that is the liberal way, isn't it? Cut and run when it gets a little to hot for ya?
Jarhead, thanks for the intelligent discussion. It seems the racists and idiots are trying to take over the thread now, so that's my signal to bow out. Thanks again!
Yup, go ahead and bow out. that is the liberal way, isn't it? Cut and run when it gets a little to hot for ya?

I'll chime back in once either of the two previous idiots post any of the links I asked for. You notice we've yet to see anything from them yet. Do you stop and ask yourself why that is?
77 of the top 100 markets added jobs.
What were exactly those jobs? Service sector? Government sector? What?
This is good news not bad news.
For the liberals that believe in what they are told from a government source that is controlled by the Obama admin maybe.
You hate the idea that Obama will get credit for anything good.
In order to get credit for something you actually have todo something worthwhile. Why did Obama get a Nobel Peace prize?
This is why the right wants to kill the economic progress by not voting for the debt ceiling to be raised.
:cuckoo::cuckoo:How do you lower the deficit by continuing to spend?
They care more for party gain than country gain.
And the dem's don't? Reality. It is not anywhere NEAR you.
I've claimed that two specific idiots, who happen to be conservatives, on this site are racist. If I link to their posts showing that they are racist, what will that prove to you? It should prove that I can back up my posts with proof and you are still making comments directly out of your ass. You promise to post your "study"?

You: "I realize it's only a small fraction of conservatives who are blatantly racist like Hot Wire and Rabbi"

You then gave 2 examples... Maybe you meant it differently but you didn't say HW (who seems to be a moron) and Rabbi are racist, you said: "I realize it's only a small fraction of conservatives who are blatantly racist and you used "like" as an example of these conservatives you spoke of.
Now if you wana clear it up and say you only meant these 2 guys them so be it. However you implied there to be some magical % of conservatives out there to be racist and so I took the liberty to do the same to the left.

Funny your reaction.

I said small percentage. Don't try and weasel out using semantics. You said MOST liberals are racist. Now, let's see your evidence. Please, post ANYTHING.

Sooo, it looks like you're 0 for 3 and getting ownd by your own words. Put up or shut up double D, where is that study! This is gonna be priceless!

You're a fuckin moron btw, and last time we did this you got your shit packed as well.

I'm arguing semantics? Shit, it's only YOUR WORDS buddy.
As I said before, “funny your reaction” when it’s in your direction.
You: "I realize it's only a small fraction of conservatives who are blatantly racist like Hot Wire and Rabbi"

You then gave 2 examples... Maybe you meant it differently but you didn't say HW (who seems to be a moron) and Rabbi are racist, you said: "I realize it's only a small fraction of conservatives who are blatantly racist and you used "like" as an example of these conservatives you spoke of.
Now if you wana clear it up and say you only meant these 2 guys them so be it. However you implied there to be some magical % of conservatives out there to be racist and so I took the liberty to do the same to the left.

Funny your reaction.

I said small percentage. Don't try and weasel out using semantics. You said MOST liberals are racist. Now, let's see your evidence. Please, post ANYTHING.

Sooo, it looks like you're 0 for 3 and getting ownd by your own words. Put up or shut up double D, where is that study! This is gonna be priceless!

You're a fuckin moron btw, and last time we did this you got your shit packed as well.

I'm arguing semantics? Shit, it's only YOUR WORDS buddy.
As I said before, “funny your reaction” when it’s in your direction.

WTF is wrong with you? Seriously. I never said I had a study. YOU DID. Do you have brain damage? Show your study.

Link to my post where "I got my shit packed" last time as well.


You're pathetic. I don't even know why I bother with you people. You're idiots who lie habitually.
Jarhead, thanks for the intelligent discussion. It seems the racists and idiots are trying to take over the thread now, so that's my signal to bow out. Thanks again!
Yup, go ahead and bow out. that is the liberal way, isn't it? Cut and run when it gets a little to hot for ya?

I'll chime back in once either of the two previous idiots post any of the links I asked for. You notice we've yet to see anything from them yet. Do you stop and ask yourself why that is?

You still have not "proved" your own words to be true. You know, the words that started the whole fucking debate? Now you want to claim I'm taking what you said to literally... OMG, it's like that guy that said 90% of Planned Parenthood is about abortions. What did you fuckers say, you said he lied when he said it was not meant to be taken literally... Maybe you were there defending him eh?
I said small percentage. Don't try and weasel out using semantics. You said MOST liberals are racist. Now, let's see your evidence. Please, post ANYTHING.

Sooo, it looks like you're 0 for 3 and getting ownd by your own words. Put up or shut up double D, where is that study! This is gonna be priceless!

You're a fuckin moron btw, and last time we did this you got your shit packed as well.

I'm arguing semantics? Shit, it's only YOUR WORDS buddy.
As I said before, “funny your reaction” when it’s in your direction.

WTF is wrong with you? Seriously. I never said I had a study. YOU DID. Do you have brain damage? Show your study.

Link to my post where "I got my shit packed" last time as well.


You're pathetic. I don't even know why I bother with you people. You're idiots who lie habitually.

I didn't say I had a study... I asked for one from you proving your point that some set amount of conservatives are racist. I said when you post yours I'll post mine.

As I keep saying, it's fun to watch your reaction to someone calling liberals out as racists yet you had no problem claiming conservatives/Republicans are racist.

Jarhead, thanks for the intelligent discussion. It seems the racists and idiots are trying to take over the thread now, so that's my signal to bow out. Thanks again!
Yup, go ahead and bow out. that is the liberal way, isn't it? Cut and run when it gets a little to hot for ya?

I'll chime back in once either of the two previous idiots post any of the links I asked for. You notice we've yet to see anything from them yet. Do you stop and ask yourself why that is?

Well maybe they see you as the idiot but they haven't made the statement as to bowing out of this thread. I have just signed into this forum and have noticed that YOU say a lot of things as well. I notice that you have said a few things concerning racism. Care to comment on why the left gave Robert Byrd a pass on his activities in the KKK? How about Obama hanging out with Rev Wright's church for over twenty years? Got anything on that?
Yup, go ahead and bow out. that is the liberal way, isn't it? Cut and run when it gets a little to hot for ya?

I'll chime back in once either of the two previous idiots post any of the links I asked for. You notice we've yet to see anything from them yet. Do you stop and ask yourself why that is?

Well maybe they see you as the idiot but they haven't made the statement as to bowing out of this thread. I have just signed into this forum and have noticed that YOU say a lot of things as well. I notice that you have said a few things concerning racism. Care to comment on why the left gave Robert Byrd a pass on his activities in the KKK? How about Obama hanging out with Rev Wright's church for over twenty years? Got anything on that?
Oh, you've done it now!

Byrd wasn't a racist anymore, and Obama only attended Wrights church when nice things were being said.:eusa_whistle:
I'll chime back in once either of the two previous idiots post any of the links I asked for. You notice we've yet to see anything from them yet. Do you stop and ask yourself why that is?

Well maybe they see you as the idiot but they haven't made the statement as to bowing out of this thread. I have just signed into this forum and have noticed that YOU say a lot of things as well. I notice that you have said a few things concerning racism. Care to comment on why the left gave Robert Byrd a pass on his activities in the KKK? How about Obama hanging out with Rev Wright's church for over twenty years? Got anything on that?
Oh, you've done it now!

Byrd wasn't a racist anymore, and Obama only attended Wrights church when nice things were being said.:eusa_whistle:
It's much more comical when the left says it. They think they are saying it with great conviction.:lol: I wonder if he'll respond. I think I'll take a nap first.
77 of the top 100 markets added jobs.
What were exactly those jobs? Service sector? Government sector? What?
This is good news not bad news.
For the liberals that believe in what they are told from a government source that is controlled by the Obama admin maybe.
In order to get credit for something you actually have todo something worthwhile. Why did Obama get a Nobel Peace prize?
This is why the right wants to kill the economic progress by not voting for the debt ceiling to be raised.
:cuckoo::cuckoo:How do you lower the deficit by continuing to spend?
They care more for party gain than country gain.
And the dem's don't? Reality. It is not anywhere NEAR you.

Net jobs from 2008 are at a 6 million job loss
there has been no jobs added during Obama's entire 26 months
he has 9 million hobs to get to his save or create 3 million

2008...... 136,790 114,281 21,334 767 7,162 13,406
2009...... 130,807 108,252 18,557 694 6,016 11,847

2010...... 129,818 107,337 17,755 705 5,526 11,524

Nobel peace prize?
US Killed 700 Civilians in Pakistan Drone Strikes in 2009 -- News from Antiwar.com
chew on that peace prize
Debt ceiling?
I think it is ironic Obama voted against it when Bush was president

TM, I know context is hard for you to understand... "We," that is to say the USA lost 1,500,000 million ish jobs in March. Ok now, we added 200,000k ish "new jobs" in March. So that means we as a country lost a net 1,300,000 in March. Do you understand yet? Maybe if you spent less time playing with your Obama doll you could do a little reserahc before you post.

sense 2008 we have lost 6 million jobs in this country
US Killed 700 Civilians in Pakistan Drone Strikes in 2009 -- News from Antiwar.com
this is the link
I realize it's only a small fraction of conservatives who are blatantly racist

I needz the proof homohater!

I'm still waiting!

I'm sitting here wonderin what "small" is to RDD. Rtard wouldn't have a problem saying 100% of conservatives are racist...

So what is small? And what is small based on other than "race baiting." Is a small fraction 1/100th? One out of one hundred conservatives are racist? Maybe it's 20/100ths... Only 20 outa 100 conservatives are racist! Who the fuck knows! It's all on how you see this "small fraction."

Man I really messed up when I said "most liberals are racist." Shit, only a true fuckwad would base some race baiting shit responce on their opinion in this case....
77 of the top 100 markets added jobs.
What were exactly those jobs? Service sector? Government sector? What?
For the liberals that believe in what they are told from a government source that is controlled by the Obama admin maybe.
In order to get credit for something you actually have todo something worthwhile. Why did Obama get a Nobel Peace prize?
:cuckoo::cuckoo:How do you lower the deficit by continuing to spend?
They care more for party gain than country gain.
And the dem's don't? Reality. It is not anywhere NEAR you.

Net jobs from 2008 are at a 6 million job loss
there has been no jobs added during Obama's entire 26 months
he has 9 million hobs to get to his save or create 3 million

2008...... 136,790 114,281 21,334 767 7,162 13,406
2009...... 130,807 108,252 18,557 694 6,016 11,847

2010...... 129,818 107,337 17,755 705 5,526 11,524

Nobel peace prize?
US Killed 700 Civilians in Pakistan Drone Strikes in 2009 -- News from Antiwar.com
chew on that peace prize
Debt ceiling?
I think it is ironic Obama voted against it when Bush was president

Reminds me of FDR voting against Hoovers policies only to later expand them...

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