Okay why is obama a good president?

I see allot of discussion about Obama-care
Can some one explain to me why we had to replace Medicaid
Who pays for services provided by Medicare?
What is Medicare? What is Medicaid?
Payroll taxes collected through FICA (Federal Insurance Contributions Act) and the Self-Employment Contributions Act are a primary component of Medicare funding. The tax is 2.9% of wages, usually half paid by the employee and half paid by the employer. Moneys are set aside in a trust fund that the government uses to reimburse doctors, hospitals, and private insurance companies. Additional funding for Medicare services comes from premiums, deductibles, coinsurance, and copays.

We tweak this program and what do we have?

One other thing
How come there are some who can cop out of this Obama-care
I ask again
why is this guy a good president?
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To me, the whole constitutionality argument is a cop out, but that's another debate. We are all at risk if we don't fix the healthcare system. But doing nothing or making minimal effort like what was proposed by the republicans certainly wasn't going to help the situation get better.

You aree the one who used the term getting the ball rolling.

That was what the GOP suggested. Yes, their ideas were small potatos...but they were easier to implement and easier to monitor opening the door to more iudeas as time gtoes on.

Obama wanted to take the ball, pick it up and put it at the bottom of the hill. And if it didnt work, so be it...back to square one....which means having to absorb the cost of the failure (metaphore...carrying the ball back up the hill) and having to start form square one again...time lost, money lost, nothing gained.

But their solutions didnt fix too many of the immediate needs including the fact that people were being denied for preexisting conditions, dropped from the insurance when struck with a major illness and people going bankrupt from medical bills even when they do have insurance.

The pre existing condition issue will prove to be the major downfall of the entire law...at many levels.

Sadly, it is a clause that is necessary to keep the cost of healthcare insurance somewhat palatable.

And I am sure you are aware that the need for the pre-exisitng conditions clauses was a result of the greed of the middle class...and the 22-30 group in particular?

People gamed the game. They believed it was not necessary to pay the money for a policy unless they got really sick...so they would wait until they got really sicj to buy a policy.....
Okay why is obama a good president?

Where did you ever get the idea that Obama was a good president?
Perhaps you might if you supported Bush, but aside from that...
Yo fella...coming from a conservative...
God DID create us all equal. We were the ones who decided God was wrong....and even when we realized this, we STILL tried to prove that we were NOT all created equal.
MLK sort of woke us up.
It is not a black holiday...it is a holiday celbrating OUR awakening as it pertinas to equality.
If it means nothing to you, then you most certtainly are a racist.

lol,Only in your twisted liberal mind,The MLK holiday was to appease you liberals
and Afro Americans.It means NOTHING to me.And NO ,iam NOT a racist and dont care that you think i am.I will not worship any man.

Jarhead - he thinks you're a liberal. LOL.

Typically the more often someone says the words liberal or conservative on this board, the more clueless they are on what those terms mean.
why is making the best finicial decision for themnselves gaming the system when the little guy does it?
Yo fella...coming from a conservative...
God DID create us all equal. We were the ones who decided God was wrong....and even when we realized this, we STILL tried to prove that we were NOT all created equal.
MLK sort of woke us up.
It is not a black holiday...it is a holiday celbrating OUR awakening as it pertinas to equality.
If it means nothing to you, then you most certtainly are a racist.

lol,Only in your twisted liberal mind,The MLK holiday was to appease you liberals
and Afro Americans.It means NOTHING to me.And NO ,iam NOT a racist and dont care that you think i am.I will not worship any man.

Jarhead - he thinks you're a liberal. LOL.

Yes...when I saw that I deemed it best to end communicating with the guy. He is not reading posts......he is just orating.
hussein obama,A evil RACIST POTUS,The worst of all time!!!You liberals and so called Independents
elected him,You deserve him.I dont. Do You liberals defend the Black Panthers like the true RACISTS
obama and holder?
You aree the one who used the term getting the ball rolling.

That was what the GOP suggested. Yes, their ideas were small potatos...but they were easier to implement and easier to monitor opening the door to more iudeas as time gtoes on.

Obama wanted to take the ball, pick it up and put it at the bottom of the hill. And if it didnt work, so be it...back to square one....which means having to absorb the cost of the failure (metaphore...carrying the ball back up the hill) and having to start form square one again...time lost, money lost, nothing gained.

But their solutions didnt fix too many of the immediate needs including the fact that people were being denied for preexisting conditions, dropped from the insurance when struck with a major illness and people going bankrupt from medical bills even when they do have insurance.

The pre existing condition issue will prove to be the major downfall of the entire law...at many levels.

Sadly, it is a clause that is necessary to keep the cost of healthcare insurance somewhat palatable.

And I am sure you are aware that the need for the pre-exisitng conditions clauses was a result of the greed of the middle class...and the 22-30 group in particular?

People gamed the game. They believed it was not necessary to pay the money for a policy unless they got really sick...so they would wait until they got really sicj to buy a policy.....

Well that's why you don't have an open enroll policy. You restrict enrollment to certain time periods to prevent gaming of the system like this. Can it still happen? Sure, every system in the world is manipulated by someone, but these enrollment periods will make it difficult and dumb to try and game the system.
why is making the best finicial decision for themnselves gaming the system when the little guy does it?

if you do not see that as gaming the game, then you have a warped style of thinking.

And when the "big guy" games the game...it is gaming the game as well.

Now...please go back into your own little wonderland. We are having an intellectual non partisan debate...and sure enough, you have to chime in with some unrelated trolling partisan class warfare crap....
why is making the best finicial decision for themnselves gaming the system when the little guy does it?

Because the little guy isn't risking his own money. He's seeing how much of his debt he can get paid with other people's money.
But their solutions didnt fix too many of the immediate needs including the fact that people were being denied for preexisting conditions, dropped from the insurance when struck with a major illness and people going bankrupt from medical bills even when they do have insurance.

The pre existing condition issue will prove to be the major downfall of the entire law...at many levels.

Sadly, it is a clause that is necessary to keep the cost of healthcare insurance somewhat palatable.

And I am sure you are aware that the need for the pre-exisitng conditions clauses was a result of the greed of the middle class...and the 22-30 group in particular?

People gamed the game. They believed it was not necessary to pay the money for a policy unless they got really sick...so they would wait until they got really sicj to buy a policy.....

Well that's why you don't have an open enroll policy. You restrict enrollment to certain time periods to prevent gaming of the system like this. Can it still happen? Sure, every system in the world is manipulated by someone, but these enrollment periods will make it difficult and dumb to try and game the system.

Actually, the madate to buy a healthcare plan ( I refrain to refer to it as insurance as it is not insurance) is for the sole purpose to allow for the elimination of the pre existing condition clause.

(wow...that is by no menas gramatically correct....but I trust you get my point)
How about the 20 year close relationship between the racist pig Rev Wright and obama.
With PRIDE I HATE obama!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The pre existing condition issue will prove to be the major downfall of the entire law...at many levels.

Sadly, it is a clause that is necessary to keep the cost of healthcare insurance somewhat palatable.

And I am sure you are aware that the need for the pre-exisitng conditions clauses was a result of the greed of the middle class...and the 22-30 group in particular?

People gamed the game. They believed it was not necessary to pay the money for a policy unless they got really sick...so they would wait until they got really sicj to buy a policy.....

Well that's why you don't have an open enroll policy. You restrict enrollment to certain time periods to prevent gaming of the system like this. Can it still happen? Sure, every system in the world is manipulated by someone, but these enrollment periods will make it difficult and dumb to try and game the system.

Actually, the madate to buy a healthcare plan ( I refrain to refer to it as insurance as it is not insurance) is for the sole purpose to allow for the elimination of the pre existing condition clause.

(wow...that is by no menas gramatically correct....but I trust you get my point)

Yeah, I know exactly what you mean. The insurance companies are actually the ones who lobbied to have the mandate included as it was originally not a part of the plan. But to offset and spread the risk over a greater pool, insurance companies wanted more healthy subscribers to offset some of the costs of the people with preexisting conditions.
So how does dumping people who have paid for years when they get sick rate?

other than a few claims of such happening that I have seen on the internet, and politicians claiming that it hapopened to Joes Gramma and Sallys father...and of course, a few that happened due to clerical and/or administative errors......I have yet to see such being a common occurrance.

For if it were....our courts would be FLOODED with lawsuits.

And they are not.
lol,Only in your twisted liberal mind,The MLK holiday was to appease you liberals
and Afro Americans.It means NOTHING to me.And NO ,iam NOT a racist and dont care that you think i am.I will not worship any man.

Jarhead - he thinks you're a liberal. LOL.

Yes...when I saw that I deemed it best to end communicating with the guy. He is not reading posts......he is just orating.

Thats right,and you should read and learn the truth.The truth shall set you free,lol

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