Okay so the NFL can make rules but they dont have to follow them now? okay,gotcha.


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2008
Okay the NFL is clearly now allowed to make rules but they can break them and change them at a moments notice obviously now. Thats not debatable with the Raiders being allowed to move to Las Vegas.:rolleyes:

Here is the proof that they do NOT have to follow the rules they set and that are in writing and have been in place ever since the mid 90's but have been violated and broken recently with first the chargers moving to LA and now the Raiders to Vegas.

This is why I never believed for a second it would be possible for the Raiders to go to Vegas because of rules they have set in place which have been followed since 95 till now.

If you do your research on this as I have the last couple of years, you will find the NFL has guidelines that they set back in the mid 90's that they are set to follow and have been followed all these years until these last 6 months with the chargers move to LA and now the Raiders being allowed to move to Vegas.:rolleyes:

Here are the THREE guidelines and rules the NFL drew up in the mid 90's and HAD been followed all these years up until now these last 6 months with the chargers and raiders moves. Both assholes Dean Spanos of the Chargers and now Mark Davis of the Raiders have now broken these three rules. Spanos has broken two of them and Davis has broken all three.


The NFL rulebook states an NFL owner has to meet with their city and try and work something out with them to stay and remain there.That he has to have ongoing communications with them and work with them. Well BOTH Dean Spanos and Mark Davis both VIOLATED that agreement in the rules.

Both cities said they tried to negotiate with both owners but neither ever once came to the table to try and meet with them and work something out.the mayor of san diego went on the radio many times and complained about it saying Spanos never once came to the table and tried to talk work with them and its very well known Mark Davis NEVER once tried to get anything done in Oakland.thats no secret at all them being the Raiders and everything ,that was all over the news everywhere all the time.

the guidelines also state that only if the team has exhausted ALL options and nothing can be worked out,then and only then can the team file for relocation.

Well San Diego wanted the mission valley site where they have played all these years for the site but the chargers wanted downtown and even though the city did not like it,they said they would so it if they came to the table and negotiated with them,asshole spanos never did that and neither did Davis.He said PUBLICLY that he would not stay in oakland even if they came up with a good plan which they DID,that he was going to vegas.

the final one they have that had the NFL rules been FOLLOWED as written down,that would for sure have prevented the Raiders from leaving and WHY I never once considered for a second they had a prayer of getting the votes from the owners, is this rule does not apply to spanos and the chargers which is why I always knew there was a 50/50 chance HE could leave for LA, is that a team cannot leave from a major market to a smaller market. Well this rule does not apply to the chargers obviously but it clearly cannot be debated or disputed that it DOES apply to the Raiders:rolleyes: This is the identical and exact as the Rams leaving LA for st louis back in 95 going for the 2nd biggest media market in the country to a real tine one,the 38th biiggest the FACT that Oakland is the SIXTH biggest media market in the country where vegas is even more tiny that St Louis ranked even lower at 44th I believe.:rolleyes:

the owners were very angry with then Rams owner Georgia Frontiere when she moved the Rams out of LA to that small hicktown in st louis,they at first in a majority vote voted against it only changing their vote later in march around this time back then approving of it.Well the Raiders going from Oakland to Vegas is the identical to that and no different yet the owners ARE in favor of this after setting up rules for this NOT to happen anymore?:rolleyes::uhoh3::wtf:

Okay how anybody can still follow the Lying NFL after this and support these greedy assholes anymore is beyond me.wait until they take YOUR teams from you in the future.dont think it will happen,then you are clearly in denial,it will,it has clearly become a merry go round circus now.:rolleyes::cuckoo:

I hate the Raiders for the fact they once invaded LA where my Rams are and where they belong but I would never want them out of Oakland.

I know firsthand how devasted and depressed I was back in 95 when the Rams left LA.It was the same as having a woman you devoted your life to and were loyal to for so many years leave you for another man,i would never wish that hurt on anybody which is WHY my heart goes out to the san diego and oakland fans.

a Year ago,I considered Stan Kroneke my hero for bringing the Rams back to LA writing a wrong making it a right now however,I hate that asshole as much as I hate Mark Davis,same as all the other NFL owners.

For the NFL to allow the Raiders to leave Oakland and break the rules they set.everyone of these criminal owners who voted for this should be behind bars for life the fact they broke the rules they set.all with the EXCEPTION of dolphins owner Stephen Ross.The one owner who cared about doing the right thing and resisted the money.He is a true patriot the fact he did not go along with these other criminal NFL owners.:clap2: I salute and applaud him for that.:thup:
Here is the proof I was talking about that both the Chargers and Raiders have violated the NFL rules and did not follow them. the Rams situation was much different. Different because Kroneke HONERED the terms of the lease agreement with the Rams and st louis drawn up in 1995.

St Louis fans are blamed Kroneke for the Rams leaving are such morons.They deserved to lose the Rams not only because unlike san diego and oakland who did support their teams when they were bac,st louis had empty stadiums all the time when they were horrible where oakland SD ALWAYS packed them in regardless of how bad they are. st louis deserved to lose the Rams not only because of that but also because of this.

St Louis football fans deserved to lose them as well because they are such clueless morons unaware of the facts to WHY they lost the Rams. Those idiot morons were always blaming Kroneke for them leaving when the REAL people they should have been angry at was the CITY.:rolleyes:

Reason being is because Stan Kroneke HONERED the terms of the lase agreement they had with them,He did everything they asked him to do in the agreement. the city of st louis did NOT honor the terms.THEY violated the agreement stated in the lease not Kroneke.:uhoh3:

Davis and Spanos on the other hand VIOLATED NFL rules as you can see below in these links.If our government was not corrupt as the NFL is,they would be sued and put behind bars but because of that,nothing will come of these lawsuits if they take action against the NFL.

San Diego Politician Exploring Lawsuit Against Chargers, NFL

If our the government was not so corrupt and evil same as the NFL,the city of oakland and san dieog would WIN in court. the city of st louis would lose though because Kronke followed the terms of the NFL and the lease agreement with the city where spanos and davis did NOT follow NFL rules.

as i said,fuck you stan kroneke for voting for this.I will no longer support the rams anymore since you are a part of this corrupt organization and are an evil greedy bastard same as mark davis and every other NFL owner.fuck you kroneke and the NFL.:fu:

City of Oakland: Sue to keep the Raiders brand in Oakland.
Mark Davis along with the NFL have lied about the viability of a new stadium in Oakland and haven't made every effort to keep the team in Oakland. Rather than acknowledging that Oakland has come up with viable proposals for a new stadium and moving forward with those options, Mark Davis, along with the NFL, decided they would relocate the Oakland Raiders to Las Vegas so that they may fleece the state of Nevada for over $750 million. As there are viable and ready stadium options in Oakland, the city of Oakland should file suit to keep the Raiders brand, logo, name, colors, etc. in Oakland as Cleveland did with the Browns in BEDER et al. v. CLEVELAND BROWNS, INC.

the raiders case for staying in oakland is even FAR more tight than the chargers being in LA since as I said,Davis made it perfectly clear he never ONCE had any intention of trying to worlk with the oakland city to get a new stadium which had a VERY VIABLE and solid plan that mother fucker goddel rejected.

goddel is LEAPS AND BOUNDS the worst NFL commissioner ever,that cannot be disputed.
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Oakland is a shithole with a 50 year old stadium ....they deserve to lose their team

Vegas is building a close to a billion dollar stadium to house their Raiders
i see USMBs resident troll WRONG winger,the child who is so butthurt about being proven wrong the rams are back in LA as he was so sure they would not leave st louis,finds this funny to no surprise.he LOVES corruption and works for the corrupt government so no surprise this troll finds it funny how the NFL is so corrupt and as evil as our government is.

he is a motherfucker as evil as kroneke and davis,goodel and all other other greedy selfish bastard owners,same as them,will do evil acts for money,he fits right in with them.the owners are reaping in 53million each from this relocation bullshit.i never considered the GREED of these evil bastards that stupid fucks like WRONGwinger admire.
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St Louis Rams want no part of LA
They haven't built a stadium in 60 years
i see USMBs resident troll WRONG winger,the child who is so butthurt about being proven wrong the rams are back in LA as he was so sure they would not leave st louis,finds this funny to no surprise.he LOVES corruption and works for the corrupt government so no surprise this troll finds it funny how the NFL is so corrupt and as evil as our government is.

he is a motherfucker as evil as kroneke and davis,goodel and all other other greedy selfish bastard owners,same as them,will do evil acts for money,he fits right in with them.the owners are reaping in 53million each from this relocation bullshit.i never considered the GREED of these evil bastards that stupid fucks like WRONGwinger admire.
laugh it off as much as you want stupid fuck child wrongwinger,but you and i both know how butthurt you are on being wrong about the rams going to LA and both know you are as evil as these other NFL owners willing to do any evil act for them for moeny.
laugh it off as much as you want stupid fuck child wrongwinger,but you and i both know how butthurt you are on being wrong about the rams going to LA and both know you are as evil as these other NFL owners willing to do any evil act for them for moeny.

Rams will never move to LA

It is just a wild conspiracy theory
As always,USMB's resident troll here,WRONGwinger^,the troll who has proven in spades the last year he is butthurt that he was proven wrong by me about the Rams coming back to LA,always trolling just always calling them the st louis rams all the time when i ask him what he was saying about the Rams never coming back to LA.:blahblah::lmao:,:rofl:

the shill at USMB as always,wont debate facts here same he never debates facts ANYWHERE in ANY section that prove him wrong, how evil and corrupt our government is.:biggrin:

same as he does there,he runs off from the FACTS i posted that spanos and Davis both have violated NFL rules that the NFL has made and followed the last 20 years,like clockwork,as he always does in ANY section,he just posts smileys in defeat knowing he cannot debunk my pesky little facts in my OP here where I took him to school.poor little baby troll cant handle defeat as always.:haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::itsok:
so cant someone else come on here and post OTHER than USMB's resident troll WRONGwinger who incredibly is STILL butthurt one year later to this day after i took him to school the Rams were coming back to LA who still to this day,incredibly runs off and changes the subject when i ask him that question what he was saying about the Rams never coming back to LA?:rofl::haha::rolleyes:

just not anquity,he is ten times worse and even far more butthurt than wrongwinger about being proven wrong on that always evading that question and throwing temper tantrems when I ask it.:rolleyes:

see unlike THOSE two trolls,I CAN admit when I am wrong as I proved on my other raider thread.I dont change the subject and throw temper tantrems as those two do.:rolleyes:

those two facts in my first two posts CANNOT be debated or refuted and the only poster that has come on of course so far wont challenge them since he is USMB'S resident troll and knows he CANT debunk them.:rofl:
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Oakland is a minor league city trying to keep major league teams

Doesn't always work
gonna have to wait a long while it appears the fact USMB's butthurt shill about being proven wrong on the rams, keeps shitting in my thread laughing in defeat unable to refute facts in my first two posts and like clockwork,unable to contribute anything to the discussion.:rolleyes:
Vegas Raiders .....has a nice sound to it

Oakland fans can come and visit
this just might not be over as yet.here again is the proof that san diego has a strong case against the NFL.
San Diego Politician Exploring Lawsuit Against Chargers, NFL

the raiders have an even much better airtight case against the NFL that mark davis violated NFL rules,guidelines and bylaws for relolcation.:lmao::muahaha::rofl:

that was WHY Miami Dolphins owner stephen ross did not vote for the move and was the one dissenting voice amongst the NFL owners.:thup:

This is why Oakland mayor Libby Schaff is filing a lawsuit against the NFL cause oakland has a VERY strong case against them as does san diego.:thup:

the NFL owners are going to want to assassinate miami dolphins owner now for coming out and telling the truth how mark davis broke all rules and did not negotiate faithfully with oakland.:D

I called this correctly saying that there would be a lawsuit if they voted for it the FACT davis and the NFL have violated NFL rules.

that is why I never considered for a second the NFL would vote on this because I never thought they would be this stupid enough to have really brought on ANOTHER major scandal on themselves again hurting their credibility.:up::clap::haha: i said i would laugh about this if the NFL was stupid enough to vote on this.that they would have a lawsuit on their hands.Looks like I am not as ignorant as idiots around here like WRONGwinger and others claim I am.:lmao::haha:

this is obviously not an april fools joke either.:D the joke is on mark davis :D

The City of Oakland will file an injunction in Alameda County Superior Court to stop the Raiders move to Las Vegas in its tracks.

Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf elected to take advantage of change in the legal climate around the historic City of Oakland v. Oakland Raiders California Supreme Court Case, and file a new lawsuit with the intent of taking the NFL team via emiment domain, thus preventing a move to Las Vegas and working to recover outstanding bond debt associated with the Raiders, and totalling $167 million.

On Monday of this week, at the National Football League Annual Meeting in Phoenix, the NFL Owners voted 31 – 1 to permit Raiders Owner Mark Davis permission to move the storied franchise to Las Vegas from Oakland. Many, including Mayor Schaaf and this blogger, believe Mr. Davis' stated reasons for wanting to relocate the team were essentially manufactured, and without basis in fact. Miami Dolphins Owner Stephen Ross has said to the media that the NFL did not have standing to allow the Raiders to relocate – a reference to the NFL Relocation Bylaws stating that the host community has to show that it's made plans to build a new stadium. Oakland has done that.

Rather than fool around with the media, Mayor Schaaf deciced to take advantage of major changes in the legal climate around the City of Oakland v. Oakland Raiders original emiment domain case, and attack the Raiders and avenge the work of our late mentor, Alameda County Counsel Richard Winnie. Her reasons are as follows:
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as I said in my first two posts and just proved,san diego and now oakland,unlike st louis,DO have a very valid case against the MARK DAVIS AND DEAN SPANOS,Roger Goodel and the NFL for violating NFL relocation rules,guildlines,and bylaws.
Franchise vs. Friars

IMO, there are two 'types' of players in the NFL, and they can be compared to the greats from the Super Bowl winning NY Giants of the 1980s: Phil Simms (QB) and Lawrence Taylor (LB).

The Simms 'brand' of NFL player is coach-obedient (for the most part) and franchise-minded, while the Taylor 'brand' of NFL player is talent-minded (for the most part) and contract-focused.

Both 'types' of players are 'good' for NFL marketing and dynamics, but not respecting the differences between these two 'types' makes it difficult for the rule-makers and managers to create harmonious procedure-focused teams such as the 1985 Chicago Bears or the 2016 Carolina Panthers.

With that said, I think it's relatively cheerful to consider how the Vegas Raiders move can hypothetically symbolize a stylistic shift in sports-marketing. After all, Vegas needs an established/respected professional sports team such as the NFL's Raiders to create a positive city-culture 'vibe' and get out of the 'Bugsy' shadow (if you can call it that). Hey, I'm sure President Trump is intrigued --- the former owner of Trump Taj Mahal casino in Atlantic City, New Jersey! Remember what Durant's Thunder (NBA) did for a trauma-dejected Oklahoma City?


SIMMS: I can't believe Madden approves of the Raiders moving to Vegas.
TAYLOR: I don't think Coach Madden has much say...
SIMMS: The league is changing...
TAYLOR: Well, look what the Patriots did for New England!
SIMMS: Yeah, but fans were equally intrigued by the Peyton-Eli rivalry.
TAYLOR: Contracts gauge marketing angles now.
SIMMS: People will say, "The league is scrambling to be media-catchy."
TAYLOR: You have something against Vegas?
SIMMS: No, but moving the Raiders there suggests people are scrambling.
TAYLOR: Dire straits call for creative thinking.
SIMMS: I'd rather the Raiders move to Carson City.
TAYLOR: Vegas Raiders can offer the NFL a 'fun' complement to the now-boring Patriots.
SIMMS: Why are the Patriots boring?
TAYLOR: No one wants to see Brady win another Super Bowl...he's the opposite of Babe Ruth.
SIMMS: Well, Brady is not as 'fan-loved' as Joe Montana or Eli Manning, but he is very professional.
TAYLOR: The fans want fun and quick evidence of money-in-motion...
SIMMS: I don't see the practicality of bending NFL 'culture' to suit market niches.
TAYLOR: Athletes are considered 'Vegas centurions.'



Franchise vs. Friars

IMO, there are two 'types' of players in the NFL, and they can be compared to the greats from the Super Bowl winning NY Giants of the 1980s: Phil Simms (QB) and Lawrence Taylor (LB).

The Simms 'brand' of NFL player is coach-obedient (for the most part) and franchise-minded, while the Taylor 'brand' of NFL player is talent-minded (for the most part) and contract-focused.

Both 'types' of players are 'good' for NFL marketing and dynamics, but not respecting the differences between these two 'types' makes it difficult for the rule-makers and managers to create harmonious procedure-focused teams such as the 1985 Chicago Bears or the 2016 Carolina Panthers.

With that said, I think it's relatively cheerful to consider how the Vegas Raiders move can hypothetically symbolize a stylistic shift in sports-marketing. After all, Vegas needs an established/respected professional sports team such as the NFL's Raiders to create a positive city-culture 'vibe' and get out of the 'Bugsy' shadow (if you can call it that). Hey, I'm sure President Trump is intrigued --- the former owner of Trump Taj Mahal casino in Atlantic City, New Jersey! Remember what Durant's Thunder (NBA) did for a trauma-dejected Oklahoma City?


SIMMS: I can't believe Madden approves of the Raiders moving to Vegas.
TAYLOR: I don't think Coach Madden has much say...
SIMMS: The league is changing...
TAYLOR: Well, look what the Patriots did for New England!
SIMMS: Yeah, but fans were equally intrigued by the Peyton-Eli rivalry.
TAYLOR: Contracts gauge marketing angles now.
SIMMS: People will say, "The league is scrambling to be media-catchy."
TAYLOR: You have something against Vegas?
SIMMS: No, but moving the Raiders there suggests people are scrambling.
TAYLOR: Dire straits call for creative thinking.
SIMMS: I'd rather the Raiders move to Carson City.
TAYLOR: Vegas Raiders can offer the NFL a 'fun' complement to the now-boring Patriots.
SIMMS: Why are the Patriots boring?
TAYLOR: No one wants to see Brady win another Super Bowl...he's the opposite of Babe Ruth.
SIMMS: Well, Brady is not as 'fan-loved' as Joe Montana or Eli Manning, but he is very professional.
TAYLOR: The fans want fun and quick evidence of money-in-motion...
SIMMS: I don't see the practicality of bending NFL 'culture' to suit market niches.
TAYLOR: Athletes are considered 'Vegas centurions.'



View attachment 119877
Simms was "franchise minded" but the franchise cut him as soon as his salary cap numbers didn't add up

The league has no loyalty to players and no loyalty to cities

Vegas is a perfect franchise for such greed

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