CDZ Ohio Town's Board of Education Wouldn't Back Up Pro-Heterosexuality Speech

With NAMBLA members calling people "bigots", I'm surprised that some made up term like "Pederastiphobe" has not entered the public discourse.

Leftists react entirely according to conditioned responses these days, and the easiest way to get them to support something is to create a word that represents an "ism" of some sort.
What the right doesn't want, is grooming IN THE WRONG DIRECTION.
Thats true

Marriage between a man and a woman has been the foundation of civilization since the beginning of time

This new sexual perversion standard on the left harmful to humanity
With NAMBLA members calling people "bigots", I'm surprised that some made up term like "Pederastiphobe" has not entered the public discourse.

Leftists react entirely according to conditioned responses these days, and the easiest way to get them to support something is to create a word that represents an "ism" of some sort.
I use "Christophobic" when they go into their anti-Christian hate mode.
This is how far we have sunk, folks. An alumnus of River Valley High School in Caledonia, Ohio, Jim McGuire, spoke at a commencement ceremony, and said >> "“Choose a spouse, I suggest,” I also strongly suggest to make sure to choose biblical principles, you know a male with a female and female with a male.”

Instead of backing McGuire's basic common sense (Bible or not) suggestion, the school administration released a statement Monday saying: “The speech was not reviewed by anyone on the River Valley Administrative team or Board of Education. Any views expressed by the speaker during his commencement speech reflected his personal beliefs. He was not speaking as an official representative of River Valley Local Schools.”

Well, that's fair enough, but considering that McGuire was giving good, sound advice to very young people, it would have been better if they would have added an affirmation, instead of a cowardly disclaimer.

This NBC news article (link) is further evidence of the looney mindset that has overtaken today's younger generation, and the need for normal adults to speak to kids, with normalcy, as Jim McGuire was admirably doing. Try not to get sick when reading this "article" >>>

Peoples choice of marriage partners and peoples sex life, What reason would there be for this to be part of a graduation speech at a high school? Getting more schooling or a good job could have been a better choice my opinion, BUT blowing up this into something worth much discussion, WHY?
Violent thuggishness on display.....not a surprise at all.
Yes, I’m a violent thug on a chessboard! I will mow down you pawns like an overgrown lawn, then mercilessly take out your marxist masters, knight by night, rook by rook, and bishop by bishop. Next, it’s time for Hillary and Barack. No mercy for the wicked and their useful idiot army! Bwahahahaha!!!
Yes, I’m a violent thug on a chessboard! I will mow down you pawns like an overgrown lawn, then mercilessly take out your marxist masters, knight by night, rook by rook, and bishop by bishop. Next, it’s time for Hillary and Barack. No mercy for the wicked and their useful idiot army! Bwahahahaha!!!
Just be careful when you do so.

Those queens can get pretty nasty.
While defending barbaric acts committed in the name of Islam.

They have no actual principles. They only know that their little peeps reward them if they say one thing and punish them if they say something else.
Pitiful sad frightened little creatures.
Of course it has NOT produced homosexuality. Nature produces body parts that work heterosexually, only.

It doesn't matter how long homosexuality has been around. Many forms of mental illness have been around for thousands of years. It's found in beasts yes, and so are other types of mental illnesses. That means nothing.
Despite the best efforts of gay groomers, homosexuality does not exist among animals. Homosexual behavior exists as a response to stressors but not Homosexuality.
Which means nothing at all, since those LGBT groups are, by definition, BIASED.

You can try all you like to DODGE the information of Post # 153, by ranting bout sources, but the CONTENT is what matters. The MESSAGE, not the messenger. Everyone knows the so-called referendum of 1974 was INVALID, due to the long list of things I specified, notably intense pressure from gays, resulting in almost half of the Association abstaining from voting.

Then we have the WHO and their proclamation.

Then we have what really matters the most. Just the simple reality that homosexuality is nuts, because it is contrary to nature's design, and those who subscribe to those nature contradictions, are just plain lunatics.

I heard of dogs and other animals who do same gender stuff with a another animal that is male or female.

I also know in some ancient cultures such as the Romans and the Spartans and the Norse Vikings that they accepted being LGBT.
First published in 1968, DSM-II (the second edition of the American classiifcation of mental disorders) listed homosexuality as a mental disorder. In this, the DSM followed in a long tradition in medicine and psychiatry, which in the 19th century appropriated homosexuality from the Church and, in an élan of enlightenment, promoted it from sin to mental disorder.

In 1973, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) asked all members attending its convention to vote on whether they believed homosexuality to be a mental disorder. 5,854 psychiatrists voted to remove homosexuality from the DSM, and 3,810 to retain it.

But there's much more to it than just that.

Instead of simply doing things democratically and properly, the APA pretty much caved in to threats and intimidation from radical homosexual activists.

Here’s what actually happened, according to the August 23, 1971 edition of Newsweek (cited here),

And that was just the beginning according to author Ryan Sorba. Citing pages 130-131 of The Gay Crusaders, a history of the homosexual movement authored by homosexual activists Kay Tobin and Randy Wicker, Sorba writes,

Following these threats the APA’s Board of Trustees decided to remove homosexuality from its official list of psychiatric disorders.

It is interesting that the three great pioneers of psychiatry – Freud, Jung and Adler – all saw homosexuality as disordered. And, while it is true that by the 1970s many psychiatrists had a different opinion, it was not science that ultimately settled the question; it was threats and intimidation.

Second, it was impossible that any truly impartial review of the literature could have missed the elevated levels of alcoholism, drug dependency, depression and suicide among homosexuals. It was simply preposterous for psychiatrists to claim that these either did not exist, or that they did exist but were not symptomatic of some kind of deeper disorder.

Third, the reference completely minimizes the intensity of the multi-year attack against psychiatry that was being waged by homosexual activists. Read the history of these attacks, beginning here (link below), and running for a total of 5 pages: Psychiatrists were being branded as “war criminals” and “the enemy incarnate” – and that was just the polite talk. These were a people under siege and they all knew it.

Fourth, the vote, when it finally did come, was 5,854 to 3,810 in favor of removing homosexuality from the list of disorders. What was not mentioned was that 17,905 members of the APA were eligible to vote and that 8,241 of them chose not to cast a ballot. In other words, the yeas represented less than a third (32.7%) of the APA membership. Obviously, the 8,241 (almost half the entire membership abstaining under pressure, were no votes, which is why they abstained).

Fifth, as the above reference mentions, the vote was partially controlled by the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (NGTLF). The NGTLF was able to obtain APA member addresses and, without identifying itself as an organization, send out letters to all members urging them to vote to remove homosexuality from the list of disorders. Bruce Voeller, the head of the NGTLF admits, “Our costly letter has perhaps made the difference.”

Eight psychiatrists are called for a new referendum by the American Psychiatric Association on homosexuality, to invalidate an earlier vote they contend was improperly influenced by a letter signed by top association leaders but conceived and paid for by the National Task Force.

The letter urged upholding a decision of the board of trustees to stop listing “homosexuality per se” as a mental illness. The eventual vote last month was 5,854 in favor to 3,810, out of 17,910 eligible voters. The trustees’ action and the vote upholding it have been hailed by homosexual groups as significant recognition of an Individual's right to select his sexual life‐style.
‘Knowledge Sacrificed’
The leader of the group of eight psychiatrists, Dr. Charles W, Socarides, clinical associate professor at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, contended in an interview last week that deleting homosexuality from mental illness listings “sacrificed our scientific knowledge.” He said it was like the Soviet distortion of genetics for political purposes during the Stalin era.
The Gay Task Force, formed last October to “work for libration of gay people and change in public attitudes,” acknowledges that it raised $3,000 to print and mail the letter signed by the three candidates for president of the association and two incumbent vice presidents.

Ronald Gold, public relations director for the Gay Task Force, also confirmed that the task force had suggested contributions be sent through St. Mary's Episcopal Church in Harlem, a task force sponsor, as a way to get tax deductibility.
He declared that similar letters for various causes went out daily “from famous people” without the actual drafters being identified.
Dr. Socarides argued that the leaders’ letter “should have said it was sponsored by the Gay Task Force—otherwise it was a totally deceptive and misleading document.” He held it probably had influenced some members in “a dishonest vote which does not fairly re fleet the true opinions of majority of psychiatrists.”
In Los Angeles, Dr. Judd Marmor, who has since won the election and is presidentelect, said he and the four other signers had agreed on the letter as upholding the trustees and also representing their views.
Dr. Marmor, who is chairman of the department of psychiatry at the University of Southern California, said “we think it would have been more correct” for the Gay Task Force to identify itself as the mailer. The task force, he said “paid for it—we were in no position to do so.”

In an exchange of letters on the controversy to be published in a June issue of the association's newsletter, Dr. Marmor said, “We agree, however, that some guidelines ought to be established to prevent such misunderstanding in the future.” He disclosed that a special group had been set up to report on referendum guidelines.​

The dissidents originally asked the association on March 21 for an investigation of the Gay Task Force role, and on May 13 formally petitioned to have the entire voting membership notified about “this impropriety” and be given new referendum “as soon as possible.”

The APA then compromised, removing homosexuality from the DSM but replacing it, in effect, with "sexual orientation disturbance" for people "in conflict with" their sexual orientation. Not until 1987 did homosexuality completely fall out of the DSM.

Meanwhile, the World Health Organization (WHO) only removed homosexuality from its ICD classification with the publication of ICD-10 in 1992, although ICD-10 still carries the construct of "ego-dystonic sexual orientation". In this condition, the person is not in doubt about his or her sexual preference, but "wishes it were different because of associated psychological and behavioural disorders".

As I said I am aware, and always have been aware of the fact that there has been much written on the issue of whether the change by the APA was politically motivated as opposed to being based on sound science. I will concede that there indeed was a certain amount of political pressure in the matter, even violence and intimidation as per your Newsweek article. Yes they were angry. Many minorities who are denied basic human rights and dignity are angry and find the need resort to such tactics. It does not make their cause less legitimate and it does not make them mentally ill

Furthermore you state that “Following these threats the APA’s Board of Trustees decided to remove homosexuality from its official list of psychiatric disorders” However, that does not prove that the boards action was because of the threats and certainly not the sole reason for it..

In the end, the change was approved by the Board of Directors and put to a vote by all members and passed by a comfortable margin, albeit with a sizable vote against the change. And yes many abstained resulting in about 1/3 of the membership approving the measure ( As you yourself documented However, a similar if not smaller percentage of voters actually voted for Trump, who I am sure you accept as president):

When Homosexuality Stopped Being a Mental Disorder | Psychology Today

The claim that the measure was rammed through by a small committee of gay members is ludicrous .
Furthermore the role of politics in no way negates the evidence that clearly shows that it is not appropriate to classify homosexuality as a mental disorder. And while one could speculate about the political motives of those on both sides of the debate, there is a clear correlation between the desire to prove that homosexuality is a disorder, and the wish to deny them full participation in society

Lets look at the major issues regarding the mental health of gay people

1 It has been shown that gay and bisexual people – if not burdened by discrimination, ridicule and marginalization can and do function as well as others in all areas of life, excel and contribute much to society

20 LGBTQ People Who Changed the World (

14 LGBTQ+ Innovators, Inventors and Scientists who changed the world - Idea to Value

Aside from these high achievers , there are more ordinary gay people in every community including my own, They have jobs and families. They are parents, they volunteer, serv on boards, maintain their homes and function just like everyone else. Freud who you referenced said of mental health...” It is to love and to work” and gay people do exactly that. I am so fucking sick of this mental illness bullshit!

This what mental illness actually is. It does not describe gay people
Mental illness - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic

2. There is increasing scientific evidence that the
re are biological factors that influence sexual orientation

The biological basis of human sexual orientation: is there a role for epigenetics? - PubMed (

Biology and sexual orientation | Psychology Wiki | Fandom

3.The high levels of addiction, depression and other self destructive behaviors that you and so many others point to as proof of mental illness are not caused by homosexuality. There are the direct result of societies response to homosexuality

Substance Abuse Factors Among LGBTQ Individuals | Hazelden Betty Ford

“In order to better understand the increased prevalence for substance abuse and dependence in the LGBTQ community, scientists have made attempts to identify common characteristics of LGBTQ individuals who report problematic substance use or seek treatment for substance use disorders. Many studies have found that LGBTQ individuals often face significantly increased trauma as a result of various internal and external factors.8 When compared with heterosexual and cisgender individuals, LGBTQ individuals have been found to suffer significantly higher incidences of stressful childhood experiences,9 school victimization,10 neighborhood-level hate crimes,11 and family conflict within the previous 30” days;7 each of these stressors has been found to correlate significantly with increased substance abuse.9, 10, 11
4. Attempts to “cure” homosexuality have been a dismal failure, quite simply because, you cant fix something that isn’t broken. However, there was no dearth of attempts, starting in the 50. Again, from Psychology today:

When Homosexuality Stopped Being a Mental Disorder | Psychology Today

“In the 1950s and 1960s, some therapists employed aversion therapy of the kind featured in A Clockwork Orange to "cure" male homosexuality. This typically involved showing patients pictures of naked men while giving them electric shocks or drugs to make them vomit, and, once they could no longer bear it, showing them pictures of naked women or sending them out on a "date" with a young nurse. Needless to say, these cruel and degrading methods proved entirely ineffective.”
Some of these practices continue to the present day continue, but thankfully, many jurisdictions, knowing the harm that it does, have barred banned their use on children

Sure, there are those who claim to be ex-gay after being shamed and coerced into forcing themselves to live a straight life. However, many of them are exceedingly miserable and if they marry someone of the opposite sex, it is usually a disaster

At the same time, there are others who have the capacity to be bisexual and thus able to live comfortably as straight and do so as a means of avoiding the consequences of being gay in an unaccepting environment

From the above link:
“The evolution of the status of homosexuality in the classifications of mental disorders highlights that concepts of mental disorder can be rapidly evolving social constructs that change as society changes. Today, the standard of psychotherapy in the U.S. and Europe is gay affirmative psychotherapy, which encourages gay people to accept their sexual orientation.”

Here is the current thinking of the American Psychological Association

Answers to your questions for a better understanding of sexual orientation and homosexuality (

“No, lesbian, gay and bisexual orientations are not disorders. Research has found no inherent association between any of these sexual orientations and psychopathology. Both heterosexual behavior and homosexual behavior are normal aspects of human sexuality. Both have been documented in many different cultures and historical eras. Despite the persistence of stereotypes that portray lesbian, gay and bisexual people as disturbed, several decades of research and clinical experience have led all mainstream medical and mental health organizations in this country to conclude that these orientations represent normal forms of human experience. Lesbian, gay and bisexual relationships are normal forms of human bonding. Therefore, these mainstream organizations long ago abandoned classifications of homosexuality as a mental disorder.”
As for Freud, Jung and Adler. They lived in a different time and at a different point in the evolution of the science of the mind. They all believed that Homosexuality was a disorder but Freud also believed that all men want to have sex with their mothers

I am going to stop her. It is just too much. I will concede that there is considerable evidence that politics played a role in the decision. There was manipulation and sometimes nasty and underhanded tactics. It was a revolution and a much needed one. But again, that is true of every civil rights movement and what must be done, must be done. Lets not forget that we had an actual war over slavery and much of the violence and deceit that you describe on the part of gays was also present during the Jim Crow era and beyond. Without such tactics neither Blacks or Gays would be where they are today, although both groups still have a ways to go.

None of what you established that Homosexuality is a mental illness or that change came about strictly because of coercion and violence . To the contrary, I have established that it is not.
Peoples choice of marriage partners and peoples sex life, What reason would there be for this to be part of a graduation speech at a high school? Getting more schooling or a good job could have been a better choice my opinion, BUT blowing up this into something worth much discussion, WHY?
To counter the harmful homosex grooming kids get.
As I said I am aware, and always have been aware of the fact that there has been much written on the issue of whether the change by the APA was politically motivated as opposed to being based on sound science. I will concede that there indeed was a certain amount of political pressure in the matter, even violence and intimidation as per your Newsweek article. Yes they were angry. Many minorities who are denied basic human rights and dignity are angry and find the need resort to such tactics. It does not make their cause less legitimate and it does not make them mentally ill

Furthermore you state that “Following these threats the APA’s Board of Trustees decided to remove homosexuality from its official list of psychiatric disorders” However, that does not prove that the boards action was because of the threats and certainly not the sole reason for it..

In the end, the change was approved by the Board of Directors and put to a vote by all members and passed by a comfortable margin, albeit with a sizable vote against the change. And yes many abstained resulting in about 1/3 of the membership approving the measure ( As you yourself documented However, a similar if not smaller percentage of voters actually voted for Trump, who I am sure you accept as president):

When Homosexuality Stopped Being a Mental Disorder | Psychology Today

The claim that the measure was rammed through by a small committee of gay members is ludicrous .
Furthermore the role of politics in no way negates the evidence that clearly shows that it is not appropriate to classify homosexuality as a mental disorder. And while one could speculate about the political motives of those on both sides of the debate, there is a clear correlation between the desire to prove that homosexuality is a disorder, and the wish to deny them full participation in society

Lets look at the major issues regarding the mental health of gay people

1 It has been shown that gay and bisexual people – if not burdened by discrimination, ridicule and marginalization can and do function as well as others in all areas of life, excel and contribute much to society

20 LGBTQ People Who Changed the World (

14 LGBTQ+ Innovators, Inventors and Scientists who changed the world - Idea to Value

Aside from these high achievers , there are more ordinary gay people in every community including my own, They have jobs and families. They are parents, they volunteer, serv on boards, maintain their homes and function just like everyone else. Freud who you referenced said of mental health...” It is to love and to work” and gay people do exactly that. I am so fucking sick of this mental illness bullshit!

This what mental illness actually is. It does not describe gay people
Mental illness - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic

2. There is increasing scientific evidence that the
re are biological factors that influence sexual orientation

The biological basis of human sexual orientation: is there a role for epigenetics? - PubMed (

Biology and sexual orientation | Psychology Wiki | Fandom

3.The high levels of addiction, depression and other self destructive behaviors that you and so many others point to as proof of mental illness are not caused by homosexuality. There are the direct result of societies response to homosexuality

Substance Abuse Factors Among LGBTQ Individuals | Hazelden Betty Ford

4. Attempts to “cure” homosexuality have been a dismal failure, quite simply because, you cant fix something that isn’t broken. However, there was no dearth of attempts, starting in the 50. Again, from Psychology today:

When Homosexuality Stopped Being a Mental Disorder | Psychology Today

Some of these practices continue to the present day continue, but thankfully, many jurisdictions, knowing the harm that it does, have barred banned their use on children

Sure, there are those who claim to be ex-gay after being shamed and coerced into forcing themselves to live a straight life. However, many of them are exceedingly miserable and if they marry someone of the opposite sex, it is usually a disaster

At the same time, there are others who have the capacity to be bisexual and thus able to live comfortably as straight and do so as a means of avoiding the consequences of being gay in an unaccepting environment

From the above link:

Here is the current thinking of the American Psychological Association

Answers to your questions for a better understanding of sexual orientation and homosexuality (

As for Freud, Jung and Adler. They lived in a different time and at a different point in the evolution of the science of the mind. They all believed that Homosexuality was a disorder but Freud also believed that all men want to have sex with their mothers

I am going to stop her. It is just too much. I will concede that there is considerable evidence that politics played a role in the decision. There was manipulation and sometimes nasty and underhanded tactics. It was a revolution and a much needed one. But again, that is true of every civil rights movement and what must be done, must be done. Lets not forget that we had an actual war over slavery and much of the violence and deceit that you describe on the part of gays was also present during the Jim Crow era and beyond. Without such tactics neither Blacks or Gays would be where they are today, although both groups still have a ways to go.

None of what you established that Homosexuality is a mental illness or that change came about strictly because of coercion and violence . To the contrary, I have established that it is not.
No you havent, and I established that it was from coercion and violence. IMO, you lie.

And as I have had to repeatedly say, it is mother nature that has defined the issue, not associations.
No you havent, and I established that it was from coercion and violence. IMO, you lie.

And as I have had to repeatedly say, it is mother nature that has defined the issue, not associations.
Holy shit! Seriously? That is your entire response to my extensive post? Mother nature? What the hell does that even mean? How about science? Clearly you are to close minded to consider any information tat does not support your bigoted and, quite frankly, stupid and out dated views of gays. You're good at doing research by no so good at actually thinking about what it all means

I learned a few things from your post. I will admit that I was not completely aware of the lengths to which gay supporters went to influence the APA but I maintain that it was necessary as it is necessary in any civil rights fight. I acknowledged that there was coercion and intimidation

You however cant seem to understand that that does not prove that being gay is a mental illness. In fact you seem to be incapable of learning anything at all.

My work is done here. You are exposed for what you are
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Holy shit! Seriously? That is your entire response to my extensive post? Mother nature? What the hell does that even mean? How about science? Clearly you are to close minded to consider any information tat does not support your bigoted and, quite frankly, stupid and out dated views of gays.

I learned a few things from your post. I will admit that I was not completely aware of the lengths to which gay supporters went to influence the APA but I maintain that it was necessary as it is necessary in any civil rights fight. You however seem to be incapable of learning anything at all.

My work is done here. You are exposed for what you are
You don't really want to talk about science.

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