Ohio Man Went Viral on FB in April : "“not buying a (expletive) mask”

I have my doubts about this story, and the dozens of others just like it you can read about.

I suppose that it is "possible" that it happened as suggested.

But too coincidental. The man who is said to have died is young, in tremendous shape and living in small town America.

The average victim of the Corona Pestilence is 85, receiving skilled nursing care, and lived in a large Urban Heck Hole on the coasts.

The chances of this happening are pretty wee to start with, and the idea that the private medical information on this particular case would be dug up and publicized that quickly in such a rare case- just seems too convenient for the fear mongers. This isn't the only case of young guys in Deplorable America being struck down like this. You get a new one every day if you look for it. And they all allegedly said the same thing "it can't happen to me" and "it did".

I don't know anyone who talks like that.
There are false stories going around....when you can't believe anything you hear and read I suggest we just turn it all off....things will right themselves after November 3rd.....

I remember similar stories when aids first became popular as well. Some horse's ass, straight as the day is long and thinks he is exempt , has a single evening with a hoe and he's instantly infected and quickly dies. Stories about gay mf'ers, supposedly emulating Richard Gere and inserting gerbils- ends up in critical care in the hospital and its reported all over.

I suppose those things "could" have happened too, but probably didn't, and were just repeated to "raise awareness" of the problems of aids among normative people and gerbilling , just like current stories warn of kung flu in the young and healthy.
Well, things didn't work out so well for him.
He was only 37 years old.
Note his last FB post that went viral, dated July 1
He died 4 days later.

That's too bad.

That he died and just because he didn't wear a mask, you think you can ascribe it to that.

Now show me the record of how many thousands of dead Covid people wore the fucking mask religiously, stayed away, scrubbed their hands, everything. And still died.

Chances are the guy got sick and let himself be put in a hospital. The hospitals don't care and can write ANYTHING off as due to Covid, so they are putting the non-Covid in with the Covid, letting them get infected and die.

Then they can bump up the Covid numbers and get more funding.

It's called DEATH BY DEMOCRAT, not death by Covid.

"""Now show me the record of how many thousands of dead Covid people wore the fucking mask religiously, stayed away, scrubbed their hands, everything. And still died."""

Keep your eye on the Sun Belt states, especially TX and FL.
They have shucked this whole thing off as a Northern Blue State problem for months.
Did not mask up or social distance.
Watch the numbers there, Sparky, because FL now has new daily cases twice the number NY had in April.
75,000 new cases nationally just yesterday.

I live in Philly, we had 135 new cases yesterday, (1006 statewide).
Florida logged in 11,466 new cases yesterday.

COVID is now a RED STATE problem because they followed Trump's lead.

So, in other words, YOU DON'T KNOW. There is no data on Covid deaths and whether the patient followed guidelines or not. And if there is, they are hiding it because it doesn't show any appreciable correlation with mask usage.

Gotta push the mask.

ITMT, the rise in Covid cases down south is mainlly attributable to Mexicans, protestors, and young kids partying in bars, pubs and clubs. Nice try, Brain Sniffer. Another swing and a miss.

I have my doubts about this story, and the dozens of others just like it you can read about.

I suppose that it is "possible" that it happened as suggested.

But too coincidental. The man who is said to have died is young, in tremendous shape and living in small town America.

The average victim of the Corona Pestilence is 85, receiving skilled nursing care, and lived in a large Urban Heck Hole on the coasts.

The chances of this happening are pretty wee to start with, and the idea that the private medical information on this particular case would be dug up and publicized that quickly in such a rare case- just seems too convenient for the fear mongers. This isn't the only case of young guys in Deplorable America being struck down like this. You get a new one every day if you look for it. And they all allegedly said the same thing "it can't happen to me" and "it did".

I don't know anyone who talks like that.

Same here. I've felt that way from the start. Those stories seem purposely designed to marginalize and discredit the non-compliers by saying "See! This person spoke out against the lockdown and now they're dead!" There's definitely something very evil going on, to me that is obvious.

Amen to that,all fear mongering.

Again, for the Peanut Gallery, the guy's FB is open to the public and tells the tale straight from him.
Are these more "Scare tactics"???
And if so, TO WHAT END?

Coronavirus: Texas braces for more deaths, orders body bags ...
www.cnbc.com › 2020/07/17 › texas-officials-order-extra...

1 day ago - FEMA is sending 14 refrigerated trucks to the state next week — on top of the ... as morgues at hospitals and funeral homes reach their capacity with the ... Houston, the nation's fourth-largest city, is “facing a situation where our ...
Texas counties are requesting refrigerated trucks as morgues fill
www.chron.com › news › houston-texas › article › Tex...

4 days ago - A refrigerated trailer was rolled into a loading area at HCA Healthcare ... things are becoming dire in some counties as hospitals fight the coronavirus. ... Last week, the Houston Chronicle reported that a refrigerated trailer was ...
Top stories
Texas orders extra body bags, mortuary trucks as it braces for more coronavirus deaths
CNBC.com·1 day ago

Coronavirus Texas: As state morgues fill up, refrigerator trucks ...
abc13.com › coronavirus-texas-refrigerator-trucks-on-t...

4 days ago - More Houston residents are also dying at home before they can make it to a hospital. That means the death toll is likely higher than the state's ...
Refrigerated trucks requested in Arizona, Texas as morgues ...
fox6now.com › 2020/07/14 › refrigerated-trucks-reque...

4 days ago - In hard-hit Houston, Texas, two top Democratic officials called for the nation's fourth-largest city to lock back down as area hospitals strained to ...
Would a mask have saved him? I was under the impression that wearing masks were to protect other people.
My question is what if wearing a mask only would've killed him sooner considering what is being put out there concerning the wearing of one at all?

God bless you and his family always!!!

Well, things didn't work out so well for him.
He was only 37 years old.
Note his last FB post that went viral, dated July 1
He died 4 days later.

That's too bad.

That he died and just because he didn't wear a mask, you think you can ascribe it to that.

Now show me the record of how many thousands of dead Covid people wore the fucking mask religiously, stayed away, scrubbed their hands, everything. And still died.

Chances are the guy got sick and let himself be put in a hospital. The hospitals don't care and can write ANYTHING off as due to Covid, so they are putting the non-Covid in with the Covid, letting them get infected and die.

Then they can bump up the Covid numbers and get more funding.

It's called DEATH BY DEMOCRAT, not death by Covid.

"""Now show me the record of how many thousands of dead Covid people wore the fucking mask religiously, stayed away, scrubbed their hands, everything. And still died."""

Keep your eye on the Sun Belt states, especially TX and FL.
They have shucked this whole thing off as a Northern Blue State problem for months.
Did not mask up or social distance.
Watch the numbers there, Sparky, because FL now has new daily cases twice the number NY had in April.
75,000 new cases nationally just yesterday.

I live in Philly, we had 135 new cases yesterday, (1006 statewide).
Florida logged in 11,466 new cases yesterday.

COVID is now a RED STATE problem because they followed Trump's lead.

So, in other words, YOU DON'T KNOW. There is no data on Covid deaths and whether the patient followed guidelines or not. And if there is, they are hiding it because it doesn't show any appreciable correlation with mask usage.

Gotta push the mask.

ITMT, the rise in Covid cases down south is mainlly attributable to Mexicans, protestors, and young kids partying in bars, pubs and clubs. Nice try, Brain Sniffer. Another swing and a miss.

I'm sure there is this kind of information being compiled by the CDC, but not released until all info from a coroner and medical examiner is released on the patient death.
I don't know why you all think this is some kind of conspiracy.
You can't get thousands of hospital CEOs across the country to lie about their data to protect Trump.
You just can't.
Sorry, you don't even know how to swing yet.
I have my doubts about this story, and the dozens of others just like it you can read about.

I suppose that it is "possible" that it happened as suggested.

But too coincidental. The man who is said to have died is young, in tremendous shape and living in small town America.

The average victim of the Corona Pestilence is 85, receiving skilled nursing care, and lived in a large Urban Heck Hole on the coasts.

The chances of this happening are pretty wee to start with, and the idea that the private medical information on this particular case would be dug up and publicized that quickly in such a rare case- just seems too convenient for the fear mongers. This isn't the only case of young guys in Deplorable America being struck down like this. You get a new one every day if you look for it. And they all allegedly said the same thing "it can't happen to me" and "it did".

I don't know anyone who talks like that.

Granted I have not had a FB account since before Trump was POTUS, but unless peoples' posts now come with fancy backgrounds and centered block lettering like a meme, I question the legitimacy of the post.

You idiot, I took a screenshot and cropped the ads out on the right and my FB info at the top.
Fucking A, I've posted a link to his FB page where I took the screenshot.
Fucking A, you people ares stupid.
wow you are really dense if you think a face mask has any effect on this. I had to stop mowing our yard my last year in high school because of bad allergys i had,this despite the fact i wore a face mask.the mask did no good for me,i would STILL sneeze all night long after mowing the yards.if there was really a virus,the only way you could be immune from it is dressing up in one of those suits like you see in the old james bond movies when the workers for a villain are working on unleashing a virus on the world. you would have to wear a suit like that if there was this deadly virus.LOL

It's not what I think, idiot.
And if you weren't wearing goggles to keep the pollen out of your eyes, of course you were still sneezing all night long.
Well, things didn't work out so well for him.
He was only 37 years old.
Note his last FB post that went viral, dated July 1
He died 4 days later.

That's too bad.

That he died and just because he didn't wear a mask, you think you can ascribe it to that.

Now show me the record of how many thousands of dead Covid people wore the fucking mask religiously, stayed away, scrubbed their hands, everything. And still died.

Chances are the guy got sick and let himself be put in a hospital. The hospitals don't care and can write ANYTHING off as due to Covid, so they are putting the non-Covid in with the Covid, letting them get infected and die.

Then they can bump up the Covid numbers and get more funding.

It's called DEATH BY DEMOCRAT, not death by Covid.

"""Now show me the record of how many thousands of dead Covid people wore the fucking mask religiously, stayed away, scrubbed their hands, everything. And still died."""

Keep your eye on the Sun Belt states, especially TX and FL.
They have shucked this whole thing off as a Northern Blue State problem for months.
Did not mask up or social distance.
Watch the numbers there, Sparky, because FL now has new daily cases twice the number NY had in April.
75,000 new cases nationally just yesterday.

I live in Philly, we had 135 new cases yesterday, (1006 statewide).
Florida logged in 11,466 new cases yesterday.

COVID is now a RED STATE problem because they followed Trump's lead.

135 cases? Do you know how they were counted, when, if the person was physically ill, if they died did they have an underlying condition?
Well, things didn't work out so well for him.
He was only 37 years old.

Note his last FB post that went viral, dated July 1
He died 4 days later.

View attachment 364722
I can do ya one better. This is both stupid and crazy

“He also sees us as being good, and anyone who is doing good deeds should not be living and hiding in the shadows behind a mask,” she continued. “A mask is a symbol of fear. You’re living in fear. If you have a mask on, it means you actually don’t trust God. You don’t have faith. You’re living in fear instead of faith. And of course, the Marxist globalist Satanists that are pushing all this, they are trying to invert reality and pervert God and Christians, and they want to isolate us from God, isolate us from other humans, and deprive us of that faith so that we rely on the government, the media, telling us what to do and telling us whether to be fearful or not instead of God.”

“I prefer to have faith,” Lorraine declared. “I will live by faith instead of by fear.”
Well, things didn't work out so well for him.
He was only 37 years old.
Note his last FB post that went viral, dated July 1
He died 4 days later.

That's too bad.

That he died and just because he didn't wear a mask, you think you can ascribe it to that.

Now show me the record of how many thousands of dead Covid people wore the fucking mask religiously, stayed away, scrubbed their hands, everything. And still died.

Chances are the guy got sick and let himself be put in a hospital. The hospitals don't care and can write ANYTHING off as due to Covid, so they are putting the non-Covid in with the Covid, letting them get infected and die.

Then they can bump up the Covid numbers and get more funding.

It's called DEATH BY DEMOCRAT, not death by Covid.

"""Now show me the record of how many thousands of dead Covid people wore the fucking mask religiously, stayed away, scrubbed their hands, everything. And still died."""

Keep your eye on the Sun Belt states, especially TX and FL.
They have shucked this whole thing off as a Northern Blue State problem for months.
Did not mask up or social distance.
Watch the numbers there, Sparky, because FL now has new daily cases twice the number NY had in April.
75,000 new cases nationally just yesterday.

I live in Philly, we had 135 new cases yesterday, (1006 statewide).
Florida logged in 11,466 new cases yesterday.

COVID is now a RED STATE problem because they followed Trump's lead.

135 cases? Do you know how they were counted, when, if the person was physically ill, if they died did they have an underlying condition?

They are counted with death certificate information from an ME they same way wherever it is that you live.
Unless you live in Florida where DeSantis is trying to bury the numbers. (No pun intended)
Well, things didn't work out so well for him.
He was only 37 years old.

Note his last FB post that went viral, dated July 1
He died 4 days later.

View attachment 364722
I can do ya one better. This is both stupid and crazy

To think that there's enough dumbasses out there who believe her.
So a whole bunch of nurses and docs are also involved in this conspiracy:

New York helps Houston set up two additional COVID-19 testing sites

HOUSTON — New York State is lending several helping hands to the city of Houston to combat COVID-19.

According to New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, a team of doctors and nurses from "The Big Apple" have been in Houston for a few days now assisting area hospitals with the surge of coronavirus cases. """"
They are counted with death certificate information from an ME they same way wherever it is that you live.
Unless you live in Florida where DeSantis is trying to bury the numbers. (No pun intended)

OK so, if a person gets pneumonia or has a morbid underlying condition, goes to the hospital and dies with Covid in their system, what does the DC read?
They are counted with death certificate information from an ME they same way wherever it is that you live.
Unless you live in Florida where DeSantis is trying to bury the numbers. (No pun intended)

OK so, if a person gets pneumonia or has a morbid underlying condition, goes to the hospital and dies with Covid in their system, what does the DC read?

That I'm sure varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.

That's why we need a nationwide COVID audit- to review the causes of the death of those who they claim are COVID related. Also, to make sure they aren't duplicated.

People I know in the mortuary business don't seem particularly busy for as many people as are supposed to be croaking.
That I'm sure varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.

That's why we need a nationwide COVID audit- to review the causes of the death of those who they claim are COVID related. Also, to make sure they aren't duplicated.

People I know in the mortuary business don't seem particularly busy for as many people as are supposed to be croaking.
Also, hospitals get paid 20% more for cases involving Covid. That being said, they do not get paid specifically for Covid deaths. This was instituted when Trump signed the CARES Act. So, a person with pneumonia that goes to the hospital and is found to be carrying the Covid virus is reported as a Covid case. If that person dies, the DC will probably read death from Covid. If that same person goes to the hospital with pneumonia and is found to have a commond cold virus then if that person dies the DC will most likely cite pneumonia as the cause of death.
Well, things didn't work out so well for him.
He was only 37 years old.
Note his last FB post that went viral, dated July 1
He died 4 days later.

That's too bad.

That he died and just because he didn't wear a mask, you think you can ascribe it to that.

Now show me the record of how many thousands of dead Covid people wore the fucking mask religiously, stayed away, scrubbed their hands, everything. And still died.

Chances are the guy got sick and let himself be put in a hospital. The hospitals don't care and can write ANYTHING off as due to Covid, so they are putting the non-Covid in with the Covid, letting them get infected and die.

Then they can bump up the Covid numbers and get more funding.

It's called DEATH BY DEMOCRAT, not death by Covid.

"""Now show me the record of how many thousands of dead Covid people wore the fucking mask religiously, stayed away, scrubbed their hands, everything. And still died."""

Keep your eye on the Sun Belt states, especially TX and FL.
They have shucked this whole thing off as a Northern Blue State problem for months.
Did not mask up or social distance.
Watch the numbers there, Sparky, because FL now has new daily cases twice the number NY had in April.
75,000 new cases nationally just yesterday.

I live in Philly, we had 135 new cases yesterday, (1006 statewide).
Florida logged in 11,466 new cases yesterday.

COVID is now a RED STATE problem because they followed Trump's lead.

135 cases? Do you know how they were counted, when, if the person was physically ill, if they died did they have an underlying condition?

What a joke. Locally, they report a thousand new "cases." Then in fine print they admit only 8 of them actually went to the hospital, and in the extra-fine print, only ONE of them died.

But it wouldn't sound horrible to say that ONE person died of Covid, would it? Gee, the hospitals are just OVERRUN! Can you imagine if we reported on every ONE person who died every day?!

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