Oh SNAP! Hannity & Fox News Throw Down the Gauntlet. Gagged Bakers Tell All.

Will you commit to turning in ANY judge suppressing Christians' 1st Amendment civil rights?

  • Yes, a civil right is a civil right. There are no favorites.

    Votes: 11 78.6%
  • No, LGBTs have superior civil rights to Christians.

    Votes: 3 21.4%

  • Total voters
How certain are you that the Judge did not rule within the bounds of his jurisdiction, prerogative, and power?

You chime in to side against constitutional civil rights?

Color me shocked!

It doesn't matter what is jurisdiction, prerogative, and power were, you cannot silence political speech. Period. As much as you Leftwats want to...

Here's the Oregon law.

Let the couple go to the unelected tyrants aka judges and get it ruled unconstitutional.

ORS 659A.409 - Notice that discrimination will be made in place of public accommodation prohibited - 2013 Oregon Revised Statutes

Until then,

U R fucked.
How am I fucked? Are you confused who we're talking about here?

The demonic Left overreached. This case is going to put an unconstitutional law before SCOTUS.

You think the SCOTUS is going to make homosexuals second class citizens in the area of commerce? Really?
Getting rid of public accommodation laws and restoring freedom of association levels the playing field for everyone. Or has your mind been so perverted that you think homosexuality is the only thing going on in this country?

You honestly believe that the whites only lunch counter is coming back?

You're a fucking retard.

You chime in to side against constitutional civil rights?

Color me shocked!

It doesn't matter what is jurisdiction, prerogative, and power were, you cannot silence political speech. Period. As much as you Leftwats want to...

Here's the Oregon law.

Let the couple go to the unelected tyrants aka judges and get it ruled unconstitutional.

ORS 659A.409 - Notice that discrimination will be made in place of public accommodation prohibited - 2013 Oregon Revised Statutes

Until then,

U R fucked.
How am I fucked? Are you confused who we're talking about here?

The demonic Left overreached. This case is going to put an unconstitutional law before SCOTUS.

You think the SCOTUS is going to make homosexuals second class citizens in the area of commerce? Really?
Getting rid of public accommodation laws and restoring freedom of association levels the playing field for everyone. Or has your mind been so perverted that you think homosexuality is the only thing going on in this country?

You honestly believe that the whites only lunch counter is coming back?

You're a fucking retard.
Did I say that? Or is that the Leftist movie that runs in your head?
You chime in to side against constitutional civil rights?

Color me shocked!

It doesn't matter what is jurisdiction, prerogative, and power were, you cannot silence political speech. Period. As much as you Leftwats want to...

Here's the Oregon law.

Let the couple go to the unelected tyrants aka judges and get it ruled unconstitutional.

ORS 659A.409 - Notice that discrimination will be made in place of public accommodation prohibited - 2013 Oregon Revised Statutes

Until then,

U R fucked.
How am I fucked? Are you confused who we're talking about here?

The demonic Left overreached. This case is going to put an unconstitutional law before SCOTUS.

You think the SCOTUS is going to make homosexuals second class citizens in the area of commerce? Really?
Getting rid of public accommodation laws and restoring freedom of association levels the playing field for everyone. Or has your mind been so perverted that you think homosexuality is the only thing going on in this country?

You honestly believe that the whites only lunch counter is coming back?

You're a fucking retard.

no one ever said or implied that whites only lunch counters should come back. as to a fuckin retard---you have that one locked up
You honestly believe that the whites only lunch counter is coming back?

Three generations ago there were...

1. Areas of the country where black people couldn't rent a room for the night when traveling.

2. Areas of the country where black people traveling couldn't buy gas from white station owners.

3. Areas of the country where blacks couldn't eat unless they could find a black's only food establishment.

4. And we had systematic discrimination against minorities in terms of how government functioned, such as segregated mass transit (buses, trains, etc.), schools, law enforcement, etc.

5. Even segregation in the military.​

In those days such things were commonplace, but society has changed in the last 60 years and changed a lot. There has been a "corporatisation" where you can't spit without finding a company gas station, movie theater, restaurateur, motel/hotel, etc. Just because we repeal Public Accommodation laws, doesn't mean that things are going to go back to the way they were 3-generations ago. And there are a number of factors that impact this:

1. We are much more mobile society. People routinely travel in a manner unprecedented then both temporary and "permanent" relocation's out of the area they grew up in.

2. We are more informed society and information is much more available today about how a business conducts it self in term so taking care of customers we have Criag's list, Angie's list, Yelp, and a plethora of hotel, restaurant, and review sites for any type of business and it's not just the discriminated against who would choose not to associate with such a business. In addition I fully support the ability to community having access to information about businesses and their discriminatory practices. News media (TV, Radio, Newspapers) and social media (email, texting, Facebook, etc.) should all be free to report and have customers report on discriminatory business practices so that the public can make an informed choice.

3. The "corporatisation" of businesses in America watches the bottom line and having your "brand name" associated with and appearing to condone discrimination has a negative impact on the bottom line. With corporate owned "shops" and franchises who still fall under policies of the home office means that these businesses will not allow or condone what was going on prior to the 60's.​

Here's the Oregon law.

Let the couple go to the unelected tyrants aka judges and get it ruled unconstitutional.

ORS 659A.409 - Notice that discrimination will be made in place of public accommodation prohibited - 2013 Oregon Revised Statutes

Until then,

U R fucked.
How am I fucked? Are you confused who we're talking about here?

The demonic Left overreached. This case is going to put an unconstitutional law before SCOTUS.

You think the SCOTUS is going to make homosexuals second class citizens in the area of commerce? Really?
Getting rid of public accommodation laws and restoring freedom of association levels the playing field for everyone. Or has your mind been so perverted that you think homosexuality is the only thing going on in this country?

You honestly believe that the whites only lunch counter is coming back?

You're a fucking retard.

no one ever said or implied that whites only lunch counters should come back. as to a fuckin retard---you have that one locked up

"Getting rid of public accommodation laws..."

What do you think that means?
How am I fucked? Are you confused who we're talking about here?

The demonic Left overreached. This case is going to put an unconstitutional law before SCOTUS.

You think the SCOTUS is going to make homosexuals second class citizens in the area of commerce? Really?
Getting rid of public accommodation laws and restoring freedom of association levels the playing field for everyone. Or has your mind been so perverted that you think homosexuality is the only thing going on in this country?

You honestly believe that the whites only lunch counter is coming back?

You're a fucking retard.

no one ever said or implied that whites only lunch counters should come back. as to a fuckin retard---you have that one locked up

"Getting rid of public accommodation laws..."

What do you think that means?
You think the SCOTUS is going to make homosexuals second class citizens in the area of commerce? Really?
Getting rid of public accommodation laws and restoring freedom of association levels the playing field for everyone. Or has your mind been so perverted that you think homosexuality is the only thing going on in this country?

You honestly believe that the whites only lunch counter is coming back?

You're a fucking retard.

no one ever said or implied that whites only lunch counters should come back. as to a fuckin retard---you have that one locked up

"Getting rid of public accommodation laws..."

What do you think that means?

No it means that segregation and discrimination come back.

No surprise that conservatives think that means 'freedom'.
"Getting rid of public accommodation laws..."

What do you think that means?

Well PA laws like the DOMA laws can be partially struck down. And this is where what I like to call "the uncomfortable conversation" comes in. That is, a conversation about the fact that homosexuality is an action, a verb and not a noun. Getting into the mechanics of that is going to happen to separate it out from the false premise of "race = behaviors".

OF COURSE people can decline to participate in behaviors-as-a-lifestyle! If not, the jews would be required to cater "Nazi Americans" gatherings. If the jews refused to participate in catering a black gathering based on race and nothing they believed in or were doing (let's say it was a puppy play party), then that would be racist and wrong.

One is doing, the other is being.
You honestly believe that the whites only lunch counter is coming back?

Three generations ago there were...

1. Areas of the country where black people couldn't rent a room for the night when traveling.

2. Areas of the country where black people traveling couldn't buy gas from white station owners.

3. Areas of the country where blacks couldn't eat unless they could find a black's only food establishment.

4. And we had systematic discrimination against minorities in terms of how government functioned, such as segregated mass transit (buses, trains, etc.), schools, law enforcement, etc.

5. Even segregation in the military.​
And what changed this, and eventually most hearts and minds? Oh right, we made such things illegal.

Case closed, for all but a few morons hoping for the good old days, which were no such thing...
"Getting rid of public accommodation laws..."

What do you think that means?

Well PA laws like the DOMA laws can be partially struck down. And this is where what I like to call "the uncomfortable conversation" comes in. That is, a conversation about the fact that homosexuality is an action, a verb and not a noun. Getting into the mechanics of that is going to happen to separate it out from the false premise of "race = behaviors".

OF COURSE people can decline to participate in behaviors-as-a-lifestyle! If not, the jews would be required to cater "Nazi Americans" gatherings. If the jews refused to participate in catering a black gathering based on race and nothing they believed in or were doing (let's say it was a puppy play party), then that would be racist and wrong.

One is doing, the other is being.
Your inability to deal with human sexuality, and human sexual orientation therefore, in a rational way is really quite disturbing. It's the product of a disturbed mind. And being the bearer of bad news, it's not the homosexuals who have a mental disturbance, it's you...
Getting rid of public accommodation laws and restoring freedom of association levels the playing field for everyone. Or has your mind been so perverted that you think homosexuality is the only thing going on in this country?

You honestly believe that the whites only lunch counter is coming back?

You're a fucking retard.

no one ever said or implied that whites only lunch counters should come back. as to a fuckin retard---you have that one locked up

"Getting rid of public accommodation laws..."

What do you think that means?

No it means that segregation and discrimination come back.

No surprise that conservatives think that means 'freedom'.
That's the movie in your head, not what would really happen. Take your meds and those frightful voices will subside.
Your inability to deal with human sexuality, and human sexual orientation therefore, in a rational way is really quite disturbing. It's the product of a disturbed mind. And being the bearer of bad news, it's not the homosexuals who have a mental disturbance, it's you...

I've had more than a couple gay friends over the years. Just from the demographics you run into them now and again. I just don't believe people should be forced to support the spread of leprosy or advocate "leprosy with adoption rights!" if they happen to have a friend who is a lepper.

I have no problem with people who have afflictions. I just have a problem with being forced to help spread those afflictions around with a false label that says "normal" on the package...
Your inability to deal with human sexuality, and human sexual orientation therefore, in a rational way is really quite disturbing. It's the product of a disturbed mind. And being the bearer of bad news, it's not the homosexuals who have a mental disturbance, it's you...

I've had more than a couple gay friends over the years. Just from the demographics you run into them now and again. I just don't believe people should be force to have leprosy or support the spread of leprosy or advocate "leprosy with adoption rights!" if they happen to have a friend who is a lepper.
Homosexuals are lepers only in the disturbed minds of people such as yourself. To the ration ones they are equals, who play for the other team on the same field.
Your inability to deal with human sexuality, and human sexual orientation therefore, in a rational way is really quite disturbing. It's the product of a disturbed mind. And being the bearer of bad news, it's not the homosexuals who have a mental disturbance, it's you...

I've had more than a couple gay friends over the years. Just from the demographics you run into them now and again. I just don't believe people should be force to have leprosy or support the spread of leprosy or advocate "leprosy with adoption rights!" if they happen to have a friend who is a lepper.
Homosexuals are lepers only in the disturbed minds of people such as yourself. To the ration ones they are equals, who play for the other team on the same field.
Sure, it's totally rational to use another dude's anus as an artificial vagina, or to have yours used that way. And it's completely "lesbian" to be receptive to a butch dyke with a strapon penis.

No closeted hetero issues there...no sireee...

Understand your own closeted issues first, then tell the world how everything you do is peachy, normal and fine.

I get it. You're really pissy right now. You know this 1st Amendment issue isn't getting swept under the rug. Something about that bothers you. And it should. Because you and I both know where this is going. Your social movement is going to be exposed as a set of ideologies instead of something static like race. And *poof* there goes the false premise you launched EVERY legal challenge off of since day one.
So...You think the age of sexual consent should be, actually there isn't one in the Bible, can have sex with whoever ya want.

People should be stoned to death for working during the Sabbath?

Etc. cuz religion's just so groovy. Not at all fucked up.
No, Christians don't follow the Old Testament. It's just a historical citation. They follow the teachings of the New Testament of Jesus. And besides, I'm not a Christian.

Jesus said : "ye who is without sin cast the first stone". Remember that Jesus came along to correct the old jewish law mistakes? No? Might want to brush up on a basic world religions course and get back to the conversation after.

You're not a Christian? Bullshit! I went to your home site you posted in your "Silhouette is leaving USMB" thread a couple months ago. You call yourself a 'Rouge Christian' and your site is riddled with crosses and mentions of Jude 1. Why lie about it Sil? I don't care that you are Christian but to claim otherwise is a lie. The only person you are fooling is yourself.


Perhaps you should familiarize yourself with Proverbs 12:22

Silhouette Care to address your lie?
You're not a Christian? Bullshit! I went to your home site you posted in your "Silhouette is leaving USMB" thread a couple months ago.

Internet stalk much? You're a legal eagle. Might want to brush up on that one before you continue.

Meanwhile it's been about two or three days now since the Kleins defied the gag order. Has anyone heard of discipline for contempt from the rogue judge/commissioner? :popcorn:
You're not a Christian? Bullshit! I went to your home site you posted in your "Silhouette is leaving USMB" thread a couple months ago.

Internet stalk much? You're a legal eagle. Might want to brush up on that one before you continue.

Meanwhile it's been about two or three days now since the Kleins defied the gag order. Has anyone heard of discipline for contempt from the rogue judge/commissioner? :popcorn:

Stalk? Too funny. You posted the link for people to visit your site. All I did was expose your big ass lie about you claiming not to be a Christian. You want to pretend that you're arguments are not Biblical based but it is quite clear that is false. Are you ashamed of your faith?

The gag order is also unture. You lie as effortlessly as I breath so it is not shocking you would lie about that as well.
Funny, fighting for the right to continue to be able to discriminate against the LBGT community is hardly worthy of being called liberty lovers. More like Fucking Fascist to me.

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