Official Impeachment Thread 2.0: House Judiciary Committee Hearings

Let the people decide in 2020
Pelosi stated publicly that allowing that to happen is 'dangerous'.

The Democrats, especially the 'Jonathon Gruber' Elitists within their party - like Pelosi - can not trust the American people to actually vote for the rulers THEY want to see in power. This is why they stacked the deck against Bernie, helped HRC cheat in debates, protected her from indictment / prison, and finally gave her the nomination she could not win on her own - they could not trust their own snowflake sheep to do what they wanted.
The ranking member is yelling as much as an ex-wife. He seems to be just as reasonable too.

I'm a little upset at Nadlers Kangaroo Court myself.

Lots of Trump supporters are upset. You think Trump is above the law.

Not a Trump supporter.

But if you think Nadler, or the group to his left, is being fair, you're more partisan than I considered possible.


You're a hell of a person to talk about fair.
These four hacks would be chasing ambulances if they didn't suck up to the swamp....keep that in mind as we push this clown car down the road today....
not a
The ranking member is yelling as much as an ex-wife. He seems to be just as reasonable too.

I'm a little upset at Nadlers Kangaroo Court myself.

Lots of Trump supporters are upset. You think Trump is above the law.

Not a Trump supporter.

But if you think Nadler, or the group to his left, is being fair, you're more partisan than I considered possible.


You're a hell of a person to talk about fair.

Thank you, I try to be.
Republican tantrum? After we saw democrats smash windows and torch cars on inauguration day, beat up old men wearing MAGA hats, try to murder members of a republican baseball team, support an attempted coup and engage in an impeachment that nobody wants and nobody cares about the crazy left thinks republicans are throwing a tantrum? You almost gotta laugh.

'Republican Tantrum'?



After 4 years of continuous failed coup attempts which began by the call for Impeachment immediately after President Trump taking his oath of office - before he even entered the WH, there is still NO crime, NO evidence of a crime, NO whistle blower, NO witnesses, and the only crimes that have been exposed have been those perpetrated by DEMOCRATS.

The House Judiciary Committee is now taking up Impeachment hearings after the House Intel Committee submitted a 'parody' summary of conducted hearings that publicly demonstrated there was NO proven crime, NO presented evidence of a crime, NO whistle blower, NO witnesses - as no one witnessed anything...only a complaint filed based on hearsay that was initially dismissed by the Prosecutorial divisions within the DOJ based on the fact that there was no 1st-hand-account witnessed evidence of any crime.

"An expert legal witness plans to testify Wednesday that the current legal case for impeaching
President Trump is “woefully inadequate” and “dangerous,” as the House Judiciary Committee holds its first impeachment inquiry hearing.

According to an
opening statement obtained by Fox News, Jonathan Turley, a law professor at George Washington University Law School, is prepared to tell lawmakers that, while he is not a "supporter" of the president, he is concerned about the “integrity” of the impeachment process based on the case being built against Trump.

“One can oppose President Trump’s policies or actions but still conclude that the current legal case for impeachment is not just woefully inadequate, but in some respects, dangerous, as the basis for the impeachment of an American president”

Impeachment legal case is ‘woefully inadequate,’ 'dangerous,' legal expert Turley testifies


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Turly pretty much said it. One day a democrat will be presidant. That and all this is is a butthurt because trump won.
“Let’s waste time by threatening impeachment since Trump is doing great in the polls”

-swamp democrats
Now the clown car again. On to 50 roll calls, just to slow it down.

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