Of course, Adam Schiff was briefed about Russian bounties....and didn't tell anyone. His Russian friends appreciate his help.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Turns out that the one guy who actually got a briefing about possible bounties on American soldiers.....was Adam Schiff.....and he didn't tell anyone in Congress or the President....

Odds are he is the likely leak.........

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA)’s aides first learned in February of allegations that a Russian military intelligence unit offered bounties for American troops in Afghanistan, according to a report.

Top Intelligence Committee staff for Schiff were briefed during a congressional trip to Afghanistan on intelligence that Russia offered the Taliban bounties in Afghanistan, but Schiff took no action in response to the briefing, sources told The Federalist.

He has also acknowledged that Trump was never briefed on the intelligence.

The Federalist’s Sean Davis and Mollie Hemingway wrote:

Schiff’s recent complaints that Trump took no action against Russia in response to rumors of Russian bounties are curious given that Schiff himself took no action after his top staff were briefed by intelligence officials. As chairman of the intelligence committee, Schiff had the authority to immediately brief the full committee and convene hearings on the matter. Schiff, however, did nothing. He did not brief his committee on the matter, nor did he brief the gang of 8, which consists of top congressional leadership in both chambers.

Turns out that the one guy who actually got a briefing about possible bounties on American soldiers.....was Adam Schiff.....and he didn't tell anyone in Congress or the President....

Odds are he is the likely leak.........

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA)’s aides first learned in February of allegations that a Russian military intelligence unit offered bounties for American troops in Afghanistan, according to a report.

Top Intelligence Committee staff for Schiff were briefed during a congressional trip to Afghanistan on intelligence that Russia offered the Taliban bounties in Afghanistan, but Schiff took no action in response to the briefing, sources told The Federalist.

He has also acknowledged that Trump was never briefed on the intelligence.

The Federalist’s Sean Davis and Mollie Hemingway wrote:

Schiff’s recent complaints that Trump took no action against Russia in response to rumors of Russian bounties are curious given that Schiff himself took no action after his top staff were briefed by intelligence officials. As chairman of the intelligence committee, Schiff had the authority to immediately brief the full committee and convene hearings on the matter. Schiff, however, did nothing. He did not brief his committee on the matter, nor did he brief the gang of 8, which consists of top congressional leadership in both chambers.

That's the hands down winner for most idiotic post of the week.
Turns out that the one guy who actually got a briefing about possible bounties on American soldiers.....was Adam Schiff.....and he didn't tell anyone in Congress or the President....

Odds are he is the likely leak.........

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA)’s aides first learned in February of allegations that a Russian military intelligence unit offered bounties for American troops in Afghanistan, according to a report.

Top Intelligence Committee staff for Schiff were briefed during a congressional trip to Afghanistan on intelligence that Russia offered the Taliban bounties in Afghanistan, but Schiff took no action in response to the briefing, sources told The Federalist.

He has also acknowledged that Trump was never briefed on the intelligence.

The Federalist’s Sean Davis and Mollie Hemingway wrote:

Schiff’s recent complaints that Trump took no action against Russia in response to rumors of Russian bounties are curious given that Schiff himself took no action after his top staff were briefed by intelligence officials. As chairman of the intelligence committee, Schiff had the authority to immediately brief the full committee and convene hearings on the matter. Schiff, however, did nothing. He did not brief his committee on the matter, nor did he brief the gang of 8, which consists of top congressional leadership in both chambers.

Lol! trump is the president and he was given the information.
Turns out that the one guy who actually got a briefing about possible bounties on American soldiers.....was Adam Schiff.....and he didn't tell anyone in Congress or the President....

Odds are he is the likely leak.........

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA)’s aides first learned in February of allegations that a Russian military intelligence unit offered bounties for American troops in Afghanistan, according to a report.

Top Intelligence Committee staff for Schiff were briefed during a congressional trip to Afghanistan on intelligence that Russia offered the Taliban bounties in Afghanistan, but Schiff took no action in response to the briefing, sources told The Federalist.

He has also acknowledged that Trump was never briefed on the intelligence.

The Federalist’s Sean Davis and Mollie Hemingway wrote:

Schiff’s recent complaints that Trump took no action against Russia in response to rumors of Russian bounties are curious given that Schiff himself took no action after his top staff were briefed by intelligence officials. As chairman of the intelligence committee, Schiff had the authority to immediately brief the full committee and convene hearings on the matter. Schiff, however, did nothing. He did not brief his committee on the matter, nor did he brief the gang of 8, which consists of top congressional leadership in both chambers.

What a surprise, the bug-eyed freak is at it again wasting everyone's time with his manufactured bullshit. :eek2yum:

There is a thread (above) that says the bounty on US service members has been going on since 2014. At least that claim has a name attached to it: Mullah Manan Niazi, who was the spokesman for Taliban leader Mullah Omar. According to Niazi:

“The Russians paying U.S. dollars—it’s not odd for the Taliban,” he said, his voice fraught with irony over the encrypted phone call as he recalled the Airstan incident. As for the current situation, “The Taliban have been paid by Russian intelligence for attacks on U.S. forces—and on ISIS forces—in Afghanistan from 2014 up to the present.”

Russian Bounties on US Troops Go Back Five Years, Ex-Taliban Claims

So, did Obama know? Pretty much the same questions that the Left is asking Trump now. Evidently Schiff knew about it back in February, but kept quiet about it. Why? Maybe the same reason as Trump and Obama had, insufficient data or corroboration. And then there's the next question, maybe the real reason Schiff kept quiet: Did Biden know? When did Bernie drop out of the race? Maybe the Dem powers that be didn't want Sanders to be the nominee and told Schiff to keep his mouth shut yo avoid any heat on Biden. I know, total speculation.
Turns out that the one guy who actually got a briefing about possible bounties on American soldiers.....was Adam Schiff.....and he didn't tell anyone in Congress or the President....

Odds are he is the likely leak.........

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA)’s aides first learned in February of allegations that a Russian military intelligence unit offered bounties for American troops in Afghanistan, according to a report.

Top Intelligence Committee staff for Schiff were briefed during a congressional trip to Afghanistan on intelligence that Russia offered the Taliban bounties in Afghanistan, but Schiff took no action in response to the briefing, sources told The Federalist.

He has also acknowledged that Trump was never briefed on the intelligence.

The Federalist’s Sean Davis and Mollie Hemingway wrote:

Schiff’s recent complaints that Trump took no action against Russia in response to rumors of Russian bounties are curious given that Schiff himself took no action after his top staff were briefed by intelligence officials. As chairman of the intelligence committee, Schiff had the authority to immediately brief the full committee and convene hearings on the matter. Schiff, however, did nothing. He did not brief his committee on the matter, nor did he brief the gang of 8, which consists of top congressional leadership in both chambers.

Lol! trump is the president and he was given the information.

No, actually, he wasn't.....
Funny as hell...turns out Schiff was briefed about the Russians paying the Taliban to kill American soldiers and withheld the information ....

...because it was going on UNDER OBAMA.


It was the Mulatto Messiah siding with our enemies, like he did with terrorists...and once again Democrats and the fake news media are covering up Democrat crimes / failures and accusing others of doing what they do / have done.
Turns out that the one guy who actually got a briefing about possible bounties on American soldiers.....was Adam Schiff.....and he didn't tell anyone in Congress or the President....

Odds are he is the likely leak.........

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA)’s aides first learned in February of allegations that a Russian military intelligence unit offered bounties for American troops in Afghanistan, according to a report.

Top Intelligence Committee staff for Schiff were briefed during a congressional trip to Afghanistan on intelligence that Russia offered the Taliban bounties in Afghanistan, but Schiff took no action in response to the briefing, sources told The Federalist.

He has also acknowledged that Trump was never briefed on the intelligence.

The Federalist’s Sean Davis and Mollie Hemingway wrote:

Schiff’s recent complaints that Trump took no action against Russia in response to rumors of Russian bounties are curious given that Schiff himself took no action after his top staff were briefed by intelligence officials. As chairman of the intelligence committee, Schiff had the authority to immediately brief the full committee and convene hearings on the matter. Schiff, however, did nothing. He did not brief his committee on the matter, nor did he brief the gang of 8, which consists of top congressional leadership in both chambers.

Why would they brief him and not the president? Pompeo claims he knew about it, BTW.
when Trump says he stands by the troops, he's right. just not our troops. he stands by Putin

when you're a traitor, you dont get to thank our troops for their service
Turns out that the one guy who actually got a briefing about possible bounties on American soldiers.....was Adam Schiff.....and he didn't tell anyone in Congress or the President....

Odds are he is the likely leak.........

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA)’s aides first learned in February of allegations that a Russian military intelligence unit offered bounties for American troops in Afghanistan, according to a report.

Top Intelligence Committee staff for Schiff were briefed during a congressional trip to Afghanistan on intelligence that Russia offered the Taliban bounties in Afghanistan, but Schiff took no action in response to the briefing, sources told The Federalist.

He has also acknowledged that Trump was never briefed on the intelligence.

The Federalist’s Sean Davis and Mollie Hemingway wrote:

Schiff’s recent complaints that Trump took no action against Russia in response to rumors of Russian bounties are curious given that Schiff himself took no action after his top staff were briefed by intelligence officials. As chairman of the intelligence committee, Schiff had the authority to immediately brief the full committee and convene hearings on the matter. Schiff, however, did nothing. He did not brief his committee on the matter, nor did he brief the gang of 8, which consists of top congressional leadership in both chambers.

Why would they brief him and not the president? Pompeo claims he knew about it, BTW.

He was told by guys on the ground.....the President wasn't told by the intelligence community because they had to actually verify that the information was accurate, and true.
Turns out that the one guy who actually got a briefing about possible bounties on American soldiers.....was Adam Schiff.....and he didn't tell anyone in Congress or the President....

Odds are he is the likely leak.........

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA)’s aides first learned in February of allegations that a Russian military intelligence unit offered bounties for American troops in Afghanistan, according to a report.

Top Intelligence Committee staff for Schiff were briefed during a congressional trip to Afghanistan on intelligence that Russia offered the Taliban bounties in Afghanistan, but Schiff took no action in response to the briefing, sources told The Federalist.

He has also acknowledged that Trump was never briefed on the intelligence.

The Federalist’s Sean Davis and Mollie Hemingway wrote:

Schiff’s recent complaints that Trump took no action against Russia in response to rumors of Russian bounties are curious given that Schiff himself took no action after his top staff were briefed by intelligence officials. As chairman of the intelligence committee, Schiff had the authority to immediately brief the full committee and convene hearings on the matter. Schiff, however, did nothing. He did not brief his committee on the matter, nor did he brief the gang of 8, which consists of top congressional leadership in both chambers.

Why would they brief him and not the president? Pompeo claims he knew about it, BTW.

Yes......but they hadn't confirmed it as actually being true.
So Congressman Adam Schiff knew more about the Taliban bounty than Trump did? Why would that be? Why didn't Trump know about the Taliban bounty on U.S. military personnel? Could it be because he just couldn't be bothered to actually READ his written daily briefing? Oh, gosh, that's just too much trouble...
So Congressman Adam Schiff knew more about the Taliban bounty than Trump did? Why would that be? Why didn't Trump know about the Taliban bounty on U.S. military personnel? Could it be because he just couldn't be bothered to actually READ his written daily briefing? Oh, gosh, that's just too much trouble...

Moron........schiff heard about it in from commanders on the ground, when he was in country......the information to Trump went through the intelligence agencies and they couldn't confirm it as being true or accurate......big F*****g difference in channels...

And you ignore the fact that schiff did nothing about it when he got back to congress...so it wasn't a big deal to him even with a direct contact with the information...you moron.
So Congressman Adam Schiff knew more about the Taliban bounty than Trump did? Why would that be? Why didn't Trump know about the Taliban bounty on U.S. military personnel? Could it be because he just couldn't be bothered to actually READ his written daily briefing? Oh, gosh, that's just too much trouble...

Hey, moron....they say this rumor was around in 2014...when obama was in office...you moron........ his head was so far up putin's ass he got caught on video telling Medvedev to tell putin he would help them after he won his second election....you dope.
So Congressman Adam Schiff knew more about the Taliban bounty than Trump did? Why would that be? Why didn't Trump know about the Taliban bounty on U.S. military personnel? Could it be because he just couldn't be bothered to actually READ his written daily briefing? Oh, gosh, that's just too much trouble...

Hey, moron....they say this rumor was around in 2014...when obama was in office...you moron........ his head was so far up putin's ass he got caught on video telling Medvedev to tell putin he would help them after he won his second election....you dope.
That isn't what Obama said, but it's futile to tell you otherwise...
So Congressman Adam Schiff knew more about the Taliban bounty than Trump did? Why would that be? Why didn't Trump know about the Taliban bounty on U.S. military personnel? Could it be because he just couldn't be bothered to actually READ his written daily briefing? Oh, gosh, that's just too much trouble...

Hey, moron....they say this rumor was around in 2014...when obama was in office...you moron........ his head was so far up putin's ass he got caught on video telling Medvedev to tell putin he would help them after he won his second election....you dope.
That isn't what Obama said, but it's futile to tell you otherwise...

obama told medvedev he would have more room to help Russia......after the election.....so, sell your crap to the other democrats who will believe you...

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