Occupy 2012: How Obama Plans To Use Wall Street Protests Against Republicans


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America

Obama plans to turn anti-Wall Street anger on Mitt Romney, Republicans

By Peter Wallsten

President Obama and his team have decided to turn public anger at Wall Street into a central tenet of their reelection strategy.

The move comes as the Occupy Wall Street protests gain momentum across the country and as polls show deep public distrust of the nation’s major financial institutions.

More: Obama plans to turn anti-Wall Street anger on Mitt Romney, Republicans - The Washington Post
Dean Baker on How We Can Make the 'Free Market' Work for the 99%

By Joshua Holland

The right has been working for years to rig the market to the disadvantage of most of the population. Why can't we rig it in the other direction?

So the reality is that the "other 99 percent" have been sharing an ever smaller piece of our economic output. Was this shift an accident? Did the wealthy get smarter or start working harder? Was it an act of God?

Not according to Dean Baker. The economist has been trying for some time to get people to understand that conservatives who claim to have a profound love of free markets have no use for them; professing fealty to the markets is only a rhetorical strategy. They favor policies that distort the market in such a way that income and wealth flows to those at the top, but given that most people who cast votes in our elections are not among that rarified few, they have no desire to defend those policies on their merits. So conservatives claim that this is simply the way the "hidden hand" works, an organic process uninfluenced by policy-makers.

Much More: Dean Baker on How We Can Make the 'Free Market' Work for the 99% | Books | AlterNet
Dean Baker on How We Can Make the 'Free Market' Work for the 99%

By Joshua Holland

The right has been working for years to rig the market to the disadvantage of most of the population. Why can't we rig it in the other direction?

So the reality is that the "other 99 percent" have been sharing an ever smaller piece of our economic output. Was this shift an accident? Did the wealthy get smarter or start working harder? Was it an act of God?

Not according to Dean Baker. The economist has been trying for some time to get people to understand that conservatives who claim to have a profound love of free markets have no use for them; professing fealty to the markets is only a rhetorical strategy. They favor policies that distort the market in such a way that income and wealth flows to those at the top, but given that most people who cast votes in our elections are not among that rarified few, they have no desire to defend those policies on their merits. So conservatives claim that this is simply the way the "hidden hand" works, an organic process uninfluenced by policy-makers.

Much More: Dean Baker on How We Can Make the 'Free Market' Work for the 99% | Books | AlterNet
So, rather than advocate for a truly free the marketplace, the socialist loon who wrote that propaganda suggests doing a "better" job of rigging the game.

Little wonder a dusthead like you would approve.
But this is what's happening:

The scapegoat strategy - The Washington Post

"What do you do if you can’t run on your record — on 9 percent unemployment, stagnant growth and ruinous deficits as far as the eye can see? How to run when you are asked whether Americans are better off than they were four years ago and you are compelled to answer no?

Play the outsider. Declare yourself the underdog. Denounce Washington as if the electorate hasn’t noticed that you’ve been in charge of it for nearly three years.

But above all: Find villains.

President Obama first tried finding excuses, blaming America’s dismal condition on Japanese supply-chain interruptions, the Arab Spring, European debt and various acts of God.

Didn’t work. Sounds plaintive, defensive. Lacks fight, which is what Obama’s base lusts for above all."
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When the Shitters throw one of those burning malacalaohalatacki cocktails into Mel's Diner, then the place burns down, let's see how O'Bozo comes up with a way to Blame Romney. Im sure Gay-Thighs Matthews and 350 pounds of Fat Ed Schultz will blame Romney and Sarah Palin!

Obama plans to turn anti-Wall Street anger on Mitt Romney, Republicans

By Peter Wallsten

President Obama and his team have decided to turn public anger at Wall Street into a central tenet of their reelection strategy.

The move comes as the Occupy Wall Street protests gain momentum across the country and as polls show deep public distrust of the nation’s major financial institutions.

More: Obama plans to turn anti-Wall Street anger on Mitt Romney, Republicans - The Washington Post

I know you are hoping this is true. but, I am going to educate you a bit here.

Obama will never go near them if he remains true to his roots as a community organizer as he learned the ropes, if they stay in their present sate.

if he sends his folks out ala the unions to try and change them, this will tip his hand, so though we would love to harness the energy, hes stuck.


Because his own mentor by proxy, Alinsky, says so.

the danger he faces if they stay as is, is the one that destroyed Humprey. Alinsky saw that and advised any and all such organizations to get haircuts, clean clothes and a veneer of respectability, almost in those exact words. The very things despite what the msm's best efforts, it wishes to push as truth.

When mr and Msr America turned on the TV and saw the 68 fiasco, the silent majority was born, Alinsky knew the danger of that type of protestation and hyperbole. He advised very strongly against it.
It's a HUGE gamble for obama. The republicans intend to tie the OWS crowd with the Nazi and Communist contingent around the necks of the democrats. So far, the ones who object to OWS the most are those who live or work in smelling distance. If they start burning and breaking, it will be really hard for the democrats to escape their albatross.
heres a blurb you won't see on the msm.....

occupy wall street oregon style fuck the usa

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZKzGbgSe8lg&feature=player_embedded]Occupy Portland Protesters Sing "F*ck the USA" - YouTube[/ame]

if that had been say the TP singing fuc obama, you'd know the names of the band.....;)
The public distrusts Wall Street only slightly less than they trust our politicians. With good reason. He might think Americans are stupid... but that's because he hangs out with Progressives.

Risky strategy... treating Americans as stupid. But, hey, go for it. See how successful that is. LOL
Did you pay attention during the election? The Marxist obama wants to bring down the American economy and destroy capitalism. You aren't telling us a damn thing that's new.
The public distrusts Wall Street only slightly less than they trust our politicians. With good reason. He might think Americans are stupid... but that's because he hangs out with Progressives.

Risky strategy... treating Americans as stupid. But, hey, go for it. See how successful that is. LOL

the ones standing with him are definitely stupid.
obama is ONE riot away from total destruction. ONE Nazi/Communist alliance in an attack on Americans in America.
Obama plans to turn anti-Wall Street anger on Mitt Romney, Republicans

The OWS movement is populated by the hardcore democratic left wing. They are avowed socialists who oppose the "moderate" democrats!!!!!!!!!

The New Republic Slams Occupy Wall Street as "anti-capitalist"

Matt Welch | October 14, 2011

The editors of liberalism's flagging flagship ask the important question: "How should liberals feel about Occupy Wall Street?" Their answer, in part:

One of the core differences between liberals and radicals is that liberals are capitalists. They believe in a capitalism that is democratically regulated[ie, fascism]—that seeks to level an unfair economic playing field so that all citizens have the freedom to make what they want of their lives. But these are not the principles we are hearing from the protesters. Instead, we are hearing calls for the upending of capitalism entirely. [socialism]

Embracing the 99%ers can't hurt...especially when so many people support the movement. (Something like 56% in a recent poll)
Yes, please stand with loutish, ignorant, Marxist know-nothings, who have zero respect for private property...It suits him well.


How's that negative campaign against the OWS movement going?


This thread isn't about the TEA party, fool.

But y'all go ahead and keep buying into your own propaganda....It is, after all, part and parcel to your sheer ignorance.

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