Obsession with Hillary Clinton


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
Attorney General Jeff Sessions has told President Trump, his administration and his many supporters there is not enough evidence to warrant investigating Hillary Clinton. Despite Sessions, Rosenstein and other Conservative lawmakers telling the Trump folks the same thing, Fox News and most Trump supporters still clamor for another investigation of Hillary Clinton. What is wrong with these people? They have their own partisan lawmakers telling them it's a waste of time, and these semi literate goofballs think they know better than people with law degrees. If Trump and Fox News told these mental midgets the sky is orange and the grass is pink, they'd be clutching their evangelical crosses, and little pop guns and telling us that too! What a bunch of loons.

Jeff Sessions admits there is not enough evidence to investigate Hillary Clinton over anything

Jeff Sessions threw cold water on calls for a 2nd special counsel to investigate Clinton
Because if they keep squeaking about what Hillary did, they can ignore all the crap that Trump is actually doing to ruin this country.
Obama's own pet FBI director stated Ms. Clinton committed crimes on national TV but declined to prosecute. The entire Obama administration was quite obvious highly corrupt but were given a pass. Pres. Trump seems to be doing a fine job saving the country. No comparison. Dems. can't even decide what they think might have been illegal with the Russian flap.
Has the crazy Clinton Cult ever wondered why Hillary would delete 30,000 emails about her yoga, or destroy her hard-drives, or destroy her cellphones?
Honestly, I think all these obsessive anti-Hillary posters are subconsciously disappointed that Hillary is not POTUS.

You see, a Hillary presidency would have given their lives meaning. Someone they could hate and ridicule. without any reason really, but it made them feel good about themselves for reasons that are beyond my expertise and comprehension to explain.

It is not the same now that Hillary has lost and is no longer around or relevant. And let's face the truth, backing Trump, a fat lard ass unhinged, crude buffoon, is just unfulfilling and just not the same.

So they have dig up Hillary to find fulfillment. Sad really.

I would recommend taking up golf, but not at a Trump owned club. He would not admit them anyway.
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Attorney General Jeff Sessions has told President Trump, his administration and his many supporters there is not enough evidence to warrant investigating Hillary Clinton. Despite Sessions, Rosenstein and other Conservative lawmakers telling the Trump folks the same thing, Fox News and most Trump supporters still clamor for another investigation of Hillary Clinton. What is wrong with these people? They have their own partisan lawmakers telling them it's a waste of time, and these semi literate goofballs think they know better than people with law degrees. If Trump and Fox News told these mental midgets the sky is orange and the grass is pink, they'd be clutching their evangelical crosses, and little pop guns and telling us that too! What a bunch of loons.

Jeff Sessions admits there is not enough evidence to investigate Hillary Clinton over anything

Jeff Sessions threw cold water on calls for a 2nd special counsel to investigate Clinton

I suspect they dredge it up to try and take the attention off what has been without a doubt, the biggest embarrassment
of a presidency this nation has ever seen. And I'm glossing over some really bad ones. As soon as Trump does something
stupid (almost on a daily basis), they scream...but, but what about Hillary?..or some other non-existent Clinton/Obama fake
scandal that their tin foil hats trap between their ears and won't let out.

In my lifetime whether it was a Republican or Democrat, the presidents elected had a way of carrying themselves that made
them fit for the office. They understood diplomacy and policy. We can argue all day about their policies and decisions. They all
did things that the other side hated and some of them made huge domestic and foreign policy mistakes.

Trump is like the loudest drunk at a townie bar. Watching Fox on the TV and then loudly telling everybody who'll listen what's wrong
with the country and who's to blame for it being that way. On top of that, this is just a reality show to him. He has no interest in
being the President. Him calling for the justice department to investigate his rivals smacks of a dictator. But what am I expecting
from Putin's hand puppet?
Attorney General Jeff Sessions has told President Trump, his administration and his many supporters there is not enough evidence to warrant investigating Hillary Clinton. Despite Sessions, Rosenstein and other Conservative lawmakers telling the Trump folks the same thing, Fox News and most Trump supporters still clamor for another investigation of Hillary Clinton. What is wrong with these people? They have their own partisan lawmakers telling them it's a waste of time, and these semi literate goofballs think they know better than people with law degrees. If Trump and Fox News told these mental midgets the sky is orange and the grass is pink, they'd be clutching their evangelical crosses, and little pop guns and telling us that too! What a bunch of loons.

Jeff Sessions admits there is not enough evidence to investigate Hillary Clinton over anything

Jeff Sessions threw cold water on calls for a 2nd special counsel to investigate Clinton

Yep, time for a second special councel. Let the investigation determine the outcome, unlike Comey who wrote a letter clearing her before ever speaking with her

Because if they keep squeaking about what Hillary did, they can ignore all the crap that Trump is actually doing to ruin this country.

Last I checked, our country is doing just fine. Ever wonder why the thugs quit marching and burning down their hood? A lot of rif raf has been silent since Trump took office

Attorney General Jeff Sessions has told President Trump, his administration and his many supporters there is not enough evidence to warrant investigating Hillary Clinton. Despite Sessions, Rosenstein and other Conservative lawmakers telling the Trump folks the same thing, Fox News and most Trump supporters still clamor for another investigation of Hillary Clinton. What is wrong with these people? They have their own partisan lawmakers telling them it's a waste of time, and these semi literate goofballs think they know better than people with law degrees. If Trump and Fox News told these mental midgets the sky is orange and the grass is pink, they'd be clutching their evangelical crosses, and little pop guns and telling us that too! What a bunch of loons.

Jeff Sessions admits there is not enough evidence to investigate Hillary Clinton over anything

Jeff Sessions threw cold water on calls for a 2nd special counsel to investigate Clinton

Yep, time for a second special councel. Let the investigation determine the outcome, unlike Comey who wrote a letter clearing her before ever speaking with her

When's that Special Counsel going to be named? Any day now?
Attorney General Jeff Sessions has told President Trump, his administration and his many supporters there is not enough evidence to warrant investigating Hillary Clinton. Despite Sessions, Rosenstein and other Conservative lawmakers telling the Trump folks the same thing, Fox News and most Trump supporters still clamor for another investigation of Hillary Clinton. What is wrong with these people? They have their own partisan lawmakers telling them it's a waste of time, and these semi literate goofballs think they know better than people with law degrees. If Trump and Fox News told these mental midgets the sky is orange and the grass is pink, they'd be clutching their evangelical crosses, and little pop guns and telling us that too! What a bunch of loons.

Jeff Sessions admits there is not enough evidence to investigate Hillary Clinton over anything

Jeff Sessions threw cold water on calls for a 2nd special counsel to investigate Clinton

Yep, time for a second special councel. Let the investigation determine the outcome, unlike Comey who wrote a letter clearing her before ever speaking with her

When's that Special Counsel going to be named? Any day now?

Deep state won't allow it........... for now.....


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