Obesity = more profits for food and hospital companies


VIP Member
Oct 5, 2016
The rich depend on the rest of us being sick. That means more profits for the big ag companies, the hospitals, the health insurers, etc.

If everybody was healthy, their profits would go down.
Never get between a Rightie and their junk food.
Granny says, "Dat's right - eat yer nuts so's ya won't get fat...

Eating hazelnuts, walnuts daily can stave off obesity risk
Wednesday 27th September, 2017: People who regularly eat nuts - peanuts, almonds, hazelnuts and walnuts - are less likely to be overweight or obese, said a study.
According to researchers, those who consume the healthy snack were found to have a five percent lower risk of carrying extra pounds, compared to those who did not. The findings indicated that participants, in their study, gained an average of almost five pounds by the end of five years, but those who eat nuts routinely gained less weight. The study's senior investigator Dr Joan Sabate from Loma Linda University's school of public health in California suggested that nuts should replace animal fats. The authors suggested that putting them at the centre of your plate to replace animal products may be more satiating.

Researchers from the university and the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) examined the diets and weight of 3,73,000 adults aged between 25 and 70 from 10 European countries. A serving of mixed nuts typically contains just 1.5 grams of saturated fat. Sabate stated that they also provide a healthy dose of protein, vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals that can help boost energy. Nuts have also been linked to producing healthy aging benefits in seniors in a previous study by Dr Sabate.

Nuts that were included in this study were peanuts, almonds, hazelnuts, pistachios, and walnuts. Experts say that vegan diets can be perfectly healthy - but they can cause serious health risks if they are not varied and balanced enough to ensure you're getting all the right nutrients. Furthermore, French scientists revealed last month that consuming processed meat can even worsen symptoms of asthma. The research appears in the European Journal of Nutrition.

Eating hazelnuts walnuts daily can stave off obesity risk
The rich depend on the rest of us being sick. That means more profits for the big ag companies, the hospitals, the health insurers, etc.

If everybody was healthy, their profits would go down.
The rich? No.

It is Big Pharma and Big Hospital. They are the ones who love a sick population. Since the BIGGEST INDUSTRY in America today is healthcare, the profits are ENORMOUS. Those profits buy protection from big government and big media.
The rich depend on the rest of us being sick. That means more profits for the big ag companies, the hospitals, the health insurers, etc.

If everybody was healthy, their profits would go down.
The rich? No.

It is Big Pharma and Big Hospital. They are the ones who love a sick population. Since the BIGGEST INDUSTRY in America today is healthcare, the profits are ENORMOUS. Those profits buy protection from big government and big media.

Interesting how quickly people program themselves for it.
I'm disgusted with all the fat people I see. And, extra-disgusted by the extra-fat people I see.

Eat better and you'll lose weight. Stop being an eyesore and stop being a drain on others for medical care.

The icing on the stupid cake is when fat people start coming up with stupid excuses for being fat, like "I can't afford to eat less", "I don't have time to eat less," and "I have a magic thyroid that makes calories even when I don't eat." And, trust me fat people, you don't like cheesecake more than I do.
I'm disgusted with all the fat people I see. And, extra-disgusted by the extra-fat people I see.

Eat better and you'll lose weight. Stop being an eyesore and stop being a drain on others for medical care.

The icing on the stupid cake is when fat people start coming up with stupid excuses for being fat, like "I can't afford to eat less", "I don't have time to eat less," and "I have a magic thyroid that makes calories even when I don't eat." And, trust me fat people, you don't like cheesecake more than I do.

I heard the psychology of it is that they sooth their minds with mindless eating. You can see their empty looks whilst scuffing and gobbling down all those super size portions.
You make it sound like obesity is something other than a choice.

You're wrong. People who are fat slobs know they are fat slobs and they know why they are fat slobs
Just like homelessness, most obesity is preventable, and, inflicted on ones self by choice
The rich depend on the rest of us being sick. That means more profits for the big ag companies, the hospitals, the health insurers, etc.

If everybody was healthy, their profits would go down.
The rich? No.

It is Big Pharma and Big Hospital. They are the ones who love a sick population. Since the BIGGEST INDUSTRY in America today is healthcare, the profits are ENORMOUS. Those profits buy protection from big government and big media.

Interesting how quickly people program themselves for it.
Dispute it then.
The rich depend on the rest of us being sick. That means more profits for the big ag companies, the hospitals, the health insurers, etc.

If everybody was healthy, their profits would go down.

Just remember, YOU WANT TO BE FAT, it's a choice, we give you the choice of sugary foods from a company getting massive tax cuts every year, or that horrible health shit from companies who pay full whack on their taxes.....
Just like homelessness, most obesity is preventable, and, inflicted on ones self by choice
In some cases this is true, but in most it is not. Americans are told so many lies about diet and food, is it any wonder many are obese? I bet a high percentage think pizza is a health food.

The government, media, and big HC promote fiction about diet and proper nutrition. Many STILL think eating whole grains is healthy, when clearly this is bull shit and will cause weight gain along with many other harmful affects. Our food supply is contaminated with toxins and synthetic chemicals....our water is toxic from chlorine, fluoride, and other toxins like pharmaceutical drugs.

Sugar and wheat are everywhere, yet they cause all sorts of health problems and to some, are as addictive as heroin.
It would be super awesome if schools would have a mandatory nutrition class, where they teach facts
It would be super awesome if schools would have a mandatory nutrition class, where they teach facts
It would nice, but will never happen. The money from sick care is just too enormous. The American people must be unhealthy so that a very small elite group can gain tremendous wealth.
It would be super awesome if schools would have a mandatory nutrition class, where they teach facts

But when large corporations control the country, and not the people, then this won't happen, will it? Those politicians depend on the large corporations to keep them rich, the voters don't matter, they don't have anywhere else to go and vote.
And people wonder why other people listen to the Bible....

"love of money is the root of all evil" - it's the entire reason things are falling apart in this country. It may not be bad now, but the stage is set

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