I found a couple funny memes. Sometimes I don't like being serious. Here are a couple.


Since we are talking a lot about Anti-Semitism in The Democrat Party, I thought I'd post this. This is just off the top of my head, but I will provide links to articles that go in to a lot more detail at the bottom.

The reason Obama actually abruptly pulled out of the Syria & Iraq region against the advice of his generals was because he worked up a dirty deal with terrorists, AGAIN to launch a Military COUP against SYRIA. ISIS was an A Barak Hussein Obama creation.
Obama actually provided financial support to certain factions of ISIS to attack Syria which is unthinkable for a civilized human being to do, let alone a US President.

Obama gave the worst terrorist state in the world, Iran $150 Billion. They used this money to buy Russian Uranium which actually came from the US through Canada via another dirty deal Obama orchestrated, The Uranium One Deal. The used that $150 Billion to build up their military, hire Russian Scientists, and weapons developers to help build Iran, Drones, Missile Defense Systems and Nuclear ICMBS now with the Range to Obliterate Israel. Iran is an enemy of Israel and The United States just like ISIS is.

Obama also sponsored a COUP in Turkey that failed. He wanted a leadership there that was more hostile towards Israel.

Obama launched illegal and unconstitutional military operations in Syria to help depose Assad because Assad is not as hostile towards Israel as Obama wanted him to be. I don't like Assad at all. But the world is actually better off with him running Syria than ISIS would have been.

Obama & Clinton paid and armed The Muslim Brotherhood terrorist organization to launch a COUP in Egypt. They are enemies of Israel.

Obama & Clinton paid and armed Al Queda in Libya to assassinate Qaddafi and start a COUP in Libya. They are enemies of Israel.

Side Note: Obama & Clinton against International Law, used The Benghazi Post as a weapons depot to arm The Terrorists that assassinated Qaddafi. Al Qaeda found out about it by hacking in to Sid Blumenthal's Yahoo account that Hillary Clinton emailed him at from her secret server. She was sharing classified information with him about weapons purchases and other actions by our government for the sole purpose of Insider Trading Profiteering. This by the way is just one of the reasons Obama lied about the existence of Hillary's Server and why he lied about him and his staff emailing her through it using aliases. All the emails on that server despite being bleach bitted were classified by Obama as "Crucial to National Security" so despite finding copies of all of them on Anthony Weiner's laptop, The Public will never be allowed to see them. But back to the crux of this side note, I didn't like Qaddafi, but Libya was better under him than it is under Al Qeada.

Obama has given weapons and money to Al Nusra. They are enemies of Israel.

Obama has given weapons and money to HAMAS and THE PLO. They are enemies of Israel.

Obama as he was leaving office stabbed Israel in the back by sponsoring an Anti-Israel UN Resolution as his last official act as president.

Obama poured millions of dollars in to INTEFERING with Israel's elections to try to remove Benjamin Netanyahoo, because Benji is extremely set against giving up land for peace.

Side Note: Trans-Jordan was always designated as the other half of so called Palestine when the UN divided that area to create a two state system for Jews and Arabs living in that area. The Arabs in that area refused to occupy or were prevented by Jordan from occupying the area designated for them by The UN, so The Fake Palestinians have no claim on any land they are squatting on. Go to Trans-Jordan.

Obama & Clinton are both Anti-Semite racists, Hell bent on eliminating Israel from The Middle East and surrounded Israel with numerous more hostile enemies.

Managing Obama's War Against Israel | RealClearPolitics

Why it’s correct to label the Obama administration ‘anti-Israel’

America’s Most Biblically-Hostile U. S. President - WallBuilders

Obama’s Israel legacy: A hostile Democratic Party

Netanyahu says Obama ‘ambushed’ Israel at UN, likens him to ‘deeply hostile’ Carter

ACLJ Demands Answers on Obama Administration’s Diplomatic War Against Israel | American Center for Law and Justice

Ted Cruz: Has President Obama Launched a Political Campaign Against Prime Minister Netanyahu?

Obama isn't President. It doesn't matter what he did since Trump is now mismanaging foreign policy in ways that make Obama look like the greatest stateman ever.

The Damage Obama did in The Middle East will last decades. The Damage he did in The United States will equally last that long if not longer if it is not reversed.

Obama was a traitor, a Muslim Manchurian Candidate. Every action he took was an action to weaken America, and he did it willingly and knowingly.
I'm sure these problems have nothing to do with Ronald Reagan and his pal Saddam, George W bush and the most incompetent Administration in our history allowing 911 through sheer incompetence and attacking Iraq although it had nothing to do with 9/11, wasting an incredibly easy victory in Afghanistan. Everyone agreed with Obama getting out of there until everyone was surprised by the power of isis. You are incredibly fos....

George who????

Trumpubicans all got zapped by that Neuralizer thing.
"We believe in freedom of religion insofar as a religion teaches peace and love and the brotherhood of man. When someone uses the concept of religion to dominate other religions through force and coercion or to take over a nation, they you have to say, "My friend, that's not a religion."
Michael Savage

Then Jesus said, "If you share The Gospel with a sinner, and he does not convert, You must torture him, and if he does not convert, you must torture his family, and if he does not convert, you should behead him."

No....Jesus did not say that, but Moohamad did.
on the other hand, there are all kinds of silly things you can be killed for in the Bible. Islam is no different from Christianity or any other major religion in having bad things happened in the past.... Thanks to the church organization, not the religion itself.

I think you are talking about Old Testament Law.
That has been extinct for 2,000 years and we are under The Law of Grace.

Christ is the Fulfillment of The Old Testament Promises of Redemption and Salvation and the promise to end the punishment of The Law.
Christ is wonderful, 90% of the popes not so much... Islam has definitely had great periods, and at the moment they are the last great religion to enter the modern world, they are learning very fast, as opposed to their fundamentalist assholes, who by the way are not much worse than Christian fundamentalist assholes...
Jesus spoke out against Organized Religion. He spoke for Faith, and Faith alone as the way to redemption. He also said there is no mediator between God and Man, but Himself. So asking a priest to forgive your sins for instance, is a man made mechanism and is a violation of The Law of Grace.

The Religion of Men cannot save one's soul. Only Faith in God can.
And by the way, your political spectrum is garbage GOP propaganda, only been around since that stupid garbage book, liberal fascism. Nazis are right-wing nationalist racist fascists. Sort of like right wing Israeli assholes and right wing American assholes... They are never far away from being ready for martial law... To protect us from communists and foreigners of course...
Then Jesus said, "If you share The Gospel with a sinner, and he does not convert, You must torture him, and if he does not convert, you must torture his family, and if he does not convert, you should behead him."

No....Jesus did not say that, but Moohamad did.
on the other hand, there are all kinds of silly things you can be killed for in the Bible. Islam is no different from Christianity or any other major religion in having bad things happened in the past.... Thanks to the church organization, not the religion itself.

I think you are talking about Old Testament Law.
That has been extinct for 2,000 years and we are under The Law of Grace.

Christ is the Fulfillment of The Old Testament Promises of Redemption and Salvation and the promise to end the punishment of The Law.
Christ is wonderful, 90% of the popes not so much... Islam has definitely had great periods, and at the moment they are the last great religion to enter the modern world, they are learning very fast, as opposed to their fundamentalist assholes, who by the way are not much worse than Christian fundamentalist assholes...
Jesus spoke out against Organized Religion. He spoke for Faith, and Faith alone as the way to redemption. He also said there is no mediator between God and Man, but Himself. So asking a priest to forgive your sins for instance, is a man made mechanism and is a violation of The Law of Grace.

The Religion of Men cannot save one's soul. Only Faith in God can.
And Islam has the same God and Many of the same Prophets... And Muslims are learning not to pay attention to a lot of the silly stuff in the Koran, just as we learned ditto about the Bible...

It can be proven that the god of Islam is not even remotely associated with The God of The Bible.

Muhammad himself never passed the tests God gave His people to be declared a true prophet. He is a false prophet.

God cannot Lie. One of God's Name is Truth. One of His others is Logos or The Word. God keeps His Word, always, and His Word is True. He does not trick or deceive people.

Yet in Islam, it is said, "Who can deceive like allah can deceive?" He is also called The Great Trickster.

allah is a different god entirely. I could go through The Koran and show that to you. Also in regards to The Old Testament Prophets, The Koran does make mention of them, but it is only for the purpose of trying to look legitimate.

All mentions of them in the Koran, and all the stories retold in The Koran contradict both Old and New Testaments, The Old and New Testament and Congruent and in agreement with each other. The Koran stands in opposition to both of them.

The Koran also denies The Death, Resurrection of Jesus, and Salvation. The Koran even states that Jesus will come back to Earth to forcibly establish Islam Worldwide, and "Break The Cross" which is to say destroy Christianity and Judaism, and any Jew or Christian that does not convert to Islam, Jesus will destroy.

Jesus is a prophet in Islam 2nd in rank to Muhammad. After Jesus kills all The Christians and Jews in The End Times and makes Islam The World Religion, Islam tells us that Jesus goes with Mahdi to Mecca to pray to allah.

This is in complete contradiction to both The Old and New Testaments writings about The Messiah and The End Times to come before The Judgment Day and The Reign of Christ, where The Earth is restored as a Garden of Eden and Peace Reigns World Wide.
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I'm sure these problems have nothing to do with Ronald Reagan and his pal Saddam, George W bush and the most incompetent Administration in our history allowing 911 through sheer incompetence and attacking Iraq although it had nothing to do with 9/11, wasting an incredibly easy victory in Afghanistan. Everyone agreed with Obama getting out of there until everyone was surprised by the power of isis. You are incredibly fos....
I am sure the reason Thomas Jefferson had to build a Navy and Create The Marines was not because The Cult of Death, Hatred and Intolerance, Islam did not repeatedly attack US Merchant Ships in The Mediteranean, loot all the ships of all the Cargo, rape women and children they took captive;Took Hostages and Slaves and repeatedly Demanded Ransom, simply because we are not Mooslim, and They Were, doing The Devil's Work, i.e. allah's work.

Or have you never heard of Tripoli and The Barbary Pirates?

Islam is Evil because Islam Exists. That is it's function to spread it's Evil across the planet.
Yes I know all about it, the Philadelphia and lieutenant Decatur. Is there any chance you can keep a connection to reality for a few moments?
History is Reality. And The Reality is that Islam is a Cult of Hate, and is not a Religion. It is a Political Paradigm, slathered in Pseudo Religiosity, just like Nazism is.

The Koran is a book best used for toilet paper. It is full of lies, printed on some very good paper that feels good on my ass when I wipe it.

"We believe in freedom of religion insofar as a religion teaches peace and love and the brotherhood of man. When someone uses the concept of religion to dominate other religions through force and coercion or to take over a nation, they you have to say, "My friend, that's not a religion."
Michael Savage
So there are no religions now? LOL. Let's say there are plenty of religions, but the organizations known as the church or whatever are garbage as far as I'm concerned...

At least you're smart enough to turn to me for remedial education.

OK.....noblesse oblige...I'll provided it....but in small doses, since you've never had an education, and a large dose might result in an aneurysm.

Religion is Judeo-Christianity.

It is the two testaments.

In the Bible it is written, incidentally, in Leviticus, "Love your neighbor as yourself, I am God." I, God, tell you to be decent to other people.

This is the basis of western civilization.

All of this was reversed by the French Revolution, which replaced morality and religion with science and reason: a huge mistake, ultimately costing many millions of lives.
The mistake resulted in Communism, Nazism, Socialism, Fascism, Liberalism and Progressivism.

Now....study this, and we'll continue from here next time.
on the other hand, there are all kinds of silly things you can be killed for in the Bible. Islam is no different from Christianity or any other major religion in having bad things happened in the past.... Thanks to the church organization, not the religion itself.

I think you are talking about Old Testament Law.
That has been extinct for 2,000 years and we are under The Law of Grace.

Christ is the Fulfillment of The Old Testament Promises of Redemption and Salvation and the promise to end the punishment of The Law.
Christ is wonderful, 90% of the popes not so much... Islam has definitely had great periods, and at the moment they are the last great religion to enter the modern world, they are learning very fast, as opposed to their fundamentalist assholes, who by the way are not much worse than Christian fundamentalist assholes...
Jesus spoke out against Organized Religion. He spoke for Faith, and Faith alone as the way to redemption. He also said there is no mediator between God and Man, but Himself. So asking a priest to forgive your sins for instance, is a man made mechanism and is a violation of The Law of Grace.

The Religion of Men cannot save one's soul. Only Faith in God can.
And Islam has the same God and Many of the same Prophets... And Muslims are learning not to pay attention to a lot of the silly stuff in the Koran, just as we learned ditto about the Bible...

It can be proven that the god of Islam is not even remotely associated with The God of The Bible.

Muhammad himself never passed the tests God gave His people to declared a true prophet.

God cannot Lie.

Yet in Islam, it is said, "Who can deceive like allah can deceive?" He is also called The Great Trickster.

allah is a different god entirely. I could go through The Koran and show that to you. Also in regards to The Old Testament Prophets, The Koran does make mention of them, but it is only for the purpose of trying to look legitimate.

All mentions of them in the Koran, and all the stories retold in The Koran contradict both Old and New Testaments, The Old and New Testament and Congruent and in agreement with each other. The Koran stands in opposition to both of them.

The Koran also denies The Death, Resurrection of Jesus, and Salvation. The Koran even states that Jesus will come back to Earth to forcibly establish Islam Worldwide, and "Break The Cross" which is to say destroy Christianity and Judaism, and any Jew or Christian that does not convert to Islam, Jesus will destroy.

Jesus is a prophet in Islam 2nd in rank to Muhammad. After Jesus kills all The Christians and Jews in The End Times and makes Islam The World Religion, Islam tells us that Jesus goes with Mahdi to Mecca to pray to allah.

This is in complete contradiction to both The Old and New Testaments writings about The Messiah and The End Times to come before The Judgment Day and The Reign of Christ, where The Earth is restored as a Garden of Eden and Peace Reigns World Wide.

One of the tell-tale clues about our previous president is here:

“Muslim Brotherhood – Jeremiah Wright Declares that Yahweh is Allah

Jeremiah Wright declares that the God he worships is the same as Allah, the God of the Muslims.” Muslim Brotherhood – Jeremiah Wright Declares that Yahweh is Allah

I think you are talking about Old Testament Law.
That has been extinct for 2,000 years and we are under The Law of Grace.

Christ is the Fulfillment of The Old Testament Promises of Redemption and Salvation and the promise to end the punishment of The Law.
Christ is wonderful, 90% of the popes not so much... Islam has definitely had great periods, and at the moment they are the last great religion to enter the modern world, they are learning very fast, as opposed to their fundamentalist assholes, who by the way are not much worse than Christian fundamentalist assholes...
Jesus spoke out against Organized Religion. He spoke for Faith, and Faith alone as the way to redemption. He also said there is no mediator between God and Man, but Himself. So asking a priest to forgive your sins for instance, is a man made mechanism and is a violation of The Law of Grace.

The Religion of Men cannot save one's soul. Only Faith in God can.
And Islam has the same God and Many of the same Prophets... And Muslims are learning not to pay attention to a lot of the silly stuff in the Koran, just as we learned ditto about the Bible...

It can be proven that the god of Islam is not even remotely associated with The God of The Bible.

Muhammad himself never passed the tests God gave His people to declared a true prophet.

God cannot Lie.

Yet in Islam, it is said, "Who can deceive like allah can deceive?" He is also called The Great Trickster.

allah is a different god entirely. I could go through The Koran and show that to you. Also in regards to The Old Testament Prophets, The Koran does make mention of them, but it is only for the purpose of trying to look legitimate.

All mentions of them in the Koran, and all the stories retold in The Koran contradict both Old and New Testaments, The Old and New Testament and Congruent and in agreement with each other. The Koran stands in opposition to both of them.

The Koran also denies The Death, Resurrection of Jesus, and Salvation. The Koran even states that Jesus will come back to Earth to forcibly establish Islam Worldwide, and "Break The Cross" which is to say destroy Christianity and Judaism, and any Jew or Christian that does not convert to Islam, Jesus will destroy.

Jesus is a prophet in Islam 2nd in rank to Muhammad. After Jesus kills all The Christians and Jews in The End Times and makes Islam The World Religion, Islam tells us that Jesus goes with Mahdi to Mecca to pray to allah.

This is in complete contradiction to both The Old and New Testaments writings about The Messiah and The End Times to come before The Judgment Day and The Reign of Christ, where The Earth is restored as a Garden of Eden and Peace Reigns World Wide.

One of the tell-tale clues about our previous president is here:

“Muslim Brotherhood – Jeremiah Wright Declares that Yahweh is Allah

Jeremiah Wright declares that the God he worships is the same as Allah, the God of the Muslims.” Muslim Brotherhood – Jeremiah Wright Declares that Yahweh is Allah

For your entertainment, an original composition by me.

Breaking News:

War in Heaven!

Lucifer declares himself God, then is repelled by God and His Angels from Heaven. Falling to Earth as The Morning Star, upon his arrival, Lucifer declares that he will be avenged.

Our Reporter, The Original Tree Caught up with Lucifer for this remarkable interview.

Tree: Lucifer, do you have anything to say about your recent fall from grace, and your falling out with The Creator?

Lucifer: I was with God for a long time. Played my music for Him. Worshiped Him, did anything He asked of me. I think I was probably even more Popular than Him. Certainly I was more popular than The Beatles.

All I wanted to do is sit on His Throne for a little while. That's not too much to ask of God for a talented, handsome, groovy guy like me, right? I just wanted to have a turn at running the Big Ole Universe. Totally Harmless....Just a little fun...so The Big Guy could take a vacation now and then, and leave me in charge.

Then He created The Earth, so I asked Him if I could sit on that Throne and just run that place for a while. He said no, and that He had plans for a new kind of being called Man to do it, which He was going to place above The Angels. Can you believe that Guy? I felt betrayed, replaced by Man...It was kinda insulting. What's Man got over me? I am The Greatest, but He wouldn't let me sit in that throne either.

So I tried to start a "resistance movement" and got a few followers, some angel buddies of mine. We tried to take The Throne by Force. I really thought I could Take God, but his Son and The Holy Spirit and Michael, Gabriel and about 2/3rds of Heaven ganged up on us and we were outnumbered. So here I am with me an my third.

Tell yah what though, I got to sit on Adam's throne anyways. Tricked the naive dummy out of his crown and throne in The Garden of Eden. Ruined his woman's reputation too.
No Man is ever going to Lord over me if I have anything to say about it. No woman either.

Now they are lower than The Angels, which means I run things around here on Earth. Stupid Humans. Vile lowly creatures they are. God's children? Yah, right. I am not worried about rumors of God's Son, restoring Man back to his throne here on Earth. In fact, I have a plan to be avenged.

I will be like the Most High. I will sit upon The Throne of God, and upon The Mount of The Congregation. I will take back Heaven and all will worship me.

Tree: You know that didn't end well last time, right?

Lucifer: That may be true, but last time, I only had one third of Heaven with me. This time I have that, and I'll have The Whole World Calling ME GOD, and FIGHTING WITH ME, when I make War on Heaven.

Tree: But What About Jesus?

Lucifer: Oh that guy? Anyone I can nail on a cross doesn't scare me.

Tree: Yah, but He didn't stay there. He was resurrected and now has the keys of Hell.
And Not only that, He has The Holy Spirit, & The Saints with Him.

Lucifer: Well, yah but, I am better looking than Him. I mean He's got holes in his hands and feet. You can see right through them, Crazy, right? Who gonna follow an ugly suckah like that with holes in his hands and a crown of thorns on his head?

He look like a damn fool. I should have no problems at all with that chump.

Tree: Ok, so how are you gonna kill a guy that can't die, and is actually God in The Flesh, since you couldn't kill Him last time?

Lucifer: I'm Lucifer Bitch!

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Religion is Judeo-Christianity.

It is the two testaments.

In the Bible it is written, incidentally, in Leviticus, "Love your neighbor as yourself, I am God." I, God, tell you to be decent to other people.

That's it? That's "religion"

actually the entire area was fine until


No, it wasn't there was tenuous balance of power that
Ops, wait a sec. The UN didn't create Israel. They declared their own country. They've had the military strength to do it.
Sure, afterwards.

They don't have power to create a country. That was done with weapons by men on the ground. The UN did finally recognize their State on their third application I think.
After the UN resolution establishing Israel and Palestine a mass migration of Jewish people occurred and they defended their new country. Fine by me, as long as we continue pulling out of the Middle East.

I believe those immigrants would have arrived in the newly established country regardless of the UN's recognition of Israel. Maybe it's just semantics, but the UN does not have an army or anything to enforce Jack. The UN's Mandate was still in effect when the General Assembly voted on the Partition Plan in 1947. It was after that non-binding vote, the shit hit the fan. Maybe that vote caused it. Long before they were able to declare the State, the defense force was consolidating territory to make sure as much of Palestine was under Jewish control when the British quit the Mandate.
Oh gotcha so there was a force already there taking the land in preparation to recieve the European migrants. That changes everything.

Well it was the same force that was protecting them from Arab riots, naturally.
"We believe in freedom of religion insofar as a religion teaches peace and love and the brotherhood of man. When someone uses the concept of religion to dominate other religions through force and coercion or to take over a nation, they you have to say, "My friend, that's not a religion."
Michael Savage

Quoting Michael fucking SAVAGE on religion?

Why not just quote Rush Limpdik?
actually the entire area was fine until


No, it wasn't there was tenuous balance of power that
Sure, afterwards.

They don't have power to create a country. That was done with weapons by men on the ground. The UN did finally recognize their State on their third application I think.
After the UN resolution establishing Israel and Palestine a mass migration of Jewish people occurred and they defended their new country. Fine by me, as long as we continue pulling out of the Middle East.

I believe those immigrants would have arrived in the newly established country regardless of the UN's recognition of Israel. Maybe it's just semantics, but the UN does not have an army or anything to enforce Jack. The UN's Mandate was still in effect when the General Assembly voted on the Partition Plan in 1947. It was after that non-binding vote, the shit hit the fan. Maybe that vote caused it. Long before they were able to declare the State, the defense force was consolidating territory to make sure as much of Palestine was under Jewish control when the British quit the Mandate.
Oh gotcha so there was a force already there taking the land in preparation to recieve the European migrants. That changes everything.

Well it was the same force that was protecting them from Arab riots, naturally.
Well they certainly shouldn’t have expected a peaceful surrender
Christ is wonderful, 90% of the popes not so much... Islam has definitely had great periods, and at the moment they are the last great religion to enter the modern world, they are learning very fast, as opposed to their fundamentalist assholes, who by the way are not much worse than Christian fundamentalist assholes...
Jesus spoke out against Organized Religion. He spoke for Faith, and Faith alone as the way to redemption. He also said there is no mediator between God and Man, but Himself. So asking a priest to forgive your sins for instance, is a man made mechanism and is a violation of The Law of Grace.

The Religion of Men cannot save one's soul. Only Faith in God can.
And Islam has the same God and Many of the same Prophets... And Muslims are learning not to pay attention to a lot of the silly stuff in the Koran, just as we learned ditto about the Bible...

It can be proven that the god of Islam is not even remotely associated with The God of The Bible.

Muhammad himself never passed the tests God gave His people to declared a true prophet.

God cannot Lie.

Yet in Islam, it is said, "Who can deceive like allah can deceive?" He is also called The Great Trickster.

allah is a different god entirely. I could go through The Koran and show that to you. Also in regards to The Old Testament Prophets, The Koran does make mention of them, but it is only for the purpose of trying to look legitimate.

All mentions of them in the Koran, and all the stories retold in The Koran contradict both Old and New Testaments, The Old and New Testament and Congruent and in agreement with each other. The Koran stands in opposition to both of them.

The Koran also denies The Death, Resurrection of Jesus, and Salvation. The Koran even states that Jesus will come back to Earth to forcibly establish Islam Worldwide, and "Break The Cross" which is to say destroy Christianity and Judaism, and any Jew or Christian that does not convert to Islam, Jesus will destroy.

Jesus is a prophet in Islam 2nd in rank to Muhammad. After Jesus kills all The Christians and Jews in The End Times and makes Islam The World Religion, Islam tells us that Jesus goes with Mahdi to Mecca to pray to allah.

This is in complete contradiction to both The Old and New Testaments writings about The Messiah and The End Times to come before The Judgment Day and The Reign of Christ, where The Earth is restored as a Garden of Eden and Peace Reigns World Wide.

One of the tell-tale clues about our previous president is here:

“Muslim Brotherhood – Jeremiah Wright Declares that Yahweh is Allah

Jeremiah Wright declares that the God he worships is the same as Allah, the God of the Muslims.” Muslim Brotherhood – Jeremiah Wright Declares that Yahweh is Allah

For your entertainment, an original composition by me.

Breaking News:

War in Heaven.

Lucifer declares himself God, then is repelled by God and His Angels from Heaven. Falling to Earth as The Morning Star, upon his arrival, Lucifer declares that he will be avenged.

Our Reporter, The Original Tree Caught up with Lucifer for this remakble interview.

Tree: Lucifer, do you have anything to say about your recent fall from grace, and your falling out with The Creator?

Lucifer: I was with God for a long time. Played my music for Him. Worshiped Him, did anything He asked of me. I think I was probably even more Popular than Him. Certainly I was more popular than The Beatles.

All I wanted to do is sit on his Throne for a little while. That's not too much to ask of God for a talented handsome guy like me, right? I just wanted to have a turn at running the Big Ole Universe. Totally Harmless....Just a little fun...so The Big Guy could take a vacation now and then, and leave me in charge.

Then He created The Earth, so I asked Him if I could sit on that Throne and just run that place for a while. He said no, and that He had plans for a new kind of being called Man to do it, which He was going to place above The Angels. Can you believe that Guy? I felt betrayed, replaced by Man...It was kinda insulting. What's Man got over me? I am The Greatest, but He wouldn't let me sit in that throne either.

So I tried to start a "resistance movement" and got a few followers, some angel buddies of mine. We tried to take The Throne by Force. I really thought I could Take God, but his Son and The Holy Spirit and Michael Gabriel and about 2/3rds of Heaven ganged up on us and we were outnumbered. So here I am with me an my third. Tell yah what though, I got to sit on Adam's throne anyways. Tricked the naieve dummy out of his crown and throne in The Garden of Eden. Ruined his woman's reputation too.

Now they are lower than The Angels, which means I run things around here on Earth. I am not worried about rumors of God's Son, restoring Man back to his throne here on Earth. In fact, I have a plan to be avenged.

I will be like the Most High. I will sit upon The Throne of God, and upon The Mount of The Congregation. I wlll take back Heaven and all will worship me.

Tree: You know that didn't end well last time, right?

Lucifer: That may be true, but last time, I only had one third of Heaven with me. This time I have that, and I'll have The Whole World Calling ME GOD, and FIGHTING WITH ME, when I make War on Heaven.

That was fun!

Can we remind all how this leaks into the political?

Not only was Obama trained in Marxist ideologue Saul Alinsky’s community communist organizer tactics, Obama also trained Chicago youth in those tactics as well as taught Alinsky as a professor lecturer at Chicago University’s School of Law. Now we learn that Obama steered funds to an Alinsky Academy Communist Cadre School.

Lastly, don’t ever forget that Alinsky had dedicated his book, Rules for Radicals, to Lucifer, aka Satan:

“Lest we forget at least an over the shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology and history (and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins - or which is which), the very first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom - Lucifer.”
Wow...just wow...Talk about indoctrinated..

Are you home schooled...by the Aryan Brotherhood?
Jesus spoke out against Organized Religion. He spoke for Faith, and Faith alone as the way to redemption. He also said there is no mediator between God and Man, but Himself. So asking a priest to forgive your sins for instance, is a man made mechanism and is a violation of The Law of Grace.

The Religion of Men cannot save one's soul. Only Faith in God can.
And Islam has the same God and Many of the same Prophets... And Muslims are learning not to pay attention to a lot of the silly stuff in the Koran, just as we learned ditto about the Bible...

It can be proven that the god of Islam is not even remotely associated with The God of The Bible.

Muhammad himself never passed the tests God gave His people to declared a true prophet.

God cannot Lie.

Yet in Islam, it is said, "Who can deceive like allah can deceive?" He is also called The Great Trickster.

allah is a different god entirely. I could go through The Koran and show that to you. Also in regards to The Old Testament Prophets, The Koran does make mention of them, but it is only for the purpose of trying to look legitimate.

All mentions of them in the Koran, and all the stories retold in The Koran contradict both Old and New Testaments, The Old and New Testament and Congruent and in agreement with each other. The Koran stands in opposition to both of them.

The Koran also denies The Death, Resurrection of Jesus, and Salvation. The Koran even states that Jesus will come back to Earth to forcibly establish Islam Worldwide, and "Break The Cross" which is to say destroy Christianity and Judaism, and any Jew or Christian that does not convert to Islam, Jesus will destroy.

Jesus is a prophet in Islam 2nd in rank to Muhammad. After Jesus kills all The Christians and Jews in The End Times and makes Islam The World Religion, Islam tells us that Jesus goes with Mahdi to Mecca to pray to allah.

This is in complete contradiction to both The Old and New Testaments writings about The Messiah and The End Times to come before The Judgment Day and The Reign of Christ, where The Earth is restored as a Garden of Eden and Peace Reigns World Wide.

One of the tell-tale clues about our previous president is here:

“Muslim Brotherhood – Jeremiah Wright Declares that Yahweh is Allah

Jeremiah Wright declares that the God he worships is the same as Allah, the God of the Muslims.” Muslim Brotherhood – Jeremiah Wright Declares that Yahweh is Allah

For your entertainment, an original composition by me.

Breaking News:

War in Heaven.

Lucifer declares himself God, then is repelled by God and His Angels from Heaven. Falling to Earth as The Morning Star, upon his arrival, Lucifer declares that he will be avenged.

Our Reporter, The Original Tree Caught up with Lucifer for this remakble interview.

Tree: Lucifer, do you have anything to say about your recent fall from grace, and your falling out with The Creator?

Lucifer: I was with God for a long time. Played my music for Him. Worshiped Him, did anything He asked of me. I think I was probably even more Popular than Him. Certainly I was more popular than The Beatles.

All I wanted to do is sit on his Throne for a little while. That's not too much to ask of God for a talented handsome guy like me, right? I just wanted to have a turn at running the Big Ole Universe. Totally Harmless....Just a little fun...so The Big Guy could take a vacation now and then, and leave me in charge.

Then He created The Earth, so I asked Him if I could sit on that Throne and just run that place for a while. He said no, and that He had plans for a new kind of being called Man to do it, which He was going to place above The Angels. Can you believe that Guy? I felt betrayed, replaced by Man...It was kinda insulting. What's Man got over me? I am The Greatest, but He wouldn't let me sit in that throne either.

So I tried to start a "resistance movement" and got a few followers, some angel buddies of mine. We tried to take The Throne by Force. I really thought I could Take God, but his Son and The Holy Spirit and Michael Gabriel and about 2/3rds of Heaven ganged up on us and we were outnumbered. So here I am with me an my third. Tell yah what though, I got to sit on Adam's throne anyways. Tricked the naieve dummy out of his crown and throne in The Garden of Eden. Ruined his woman's reputation too.

Now they are lower than The Angels, which means I run things around here on Earth. I am not worried about rumors of God's Son, restoring Man back to his throne here on Earth. In fact, I have a plan to be avenged.

I will be like the Most High. I will sit upon The Throne of God, and upon The Mount of The Congregation. I wlll take back Heaven and all will worship me.

Tree: You know that didn't end well last time, right?

Lucifer: That may be true, but last time, I only had one third of Heaven with me. This time I have that, and I'll have The Whole World Calling ME GOD, and FIGHTING WITH ME, when I make War on Heaven.

That was fun!

Can we remind all how this leaks into the political?

Not only was Obama trained in Marxist ideologue Saul Alinsky’s community communist organizer tactics, Obama also trained Chicago youth in those tactics as well as taught Alinsky as a professor lecturer at Chicago University’s School of Law. Now we learn that Obama steered funds to an Alinsky Academy Communist Cadre School.

Lastly, don’t ever forget that Alinsky had dedicated his book, Rules for Radicals, to Lucifer, aka Satan:

“Lest we forget at least an over the shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology and history (and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins - or which is which), the very first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom - Lucifer.”

I actually wasn't finished with it. Had to take a break. It was embellished a little. It's much better imo. Especially The Ending, when I get slapped in the face.
It might be time to talk about US policy towards the STATE of Israel.

They have abandoned the "two state solution" and have several million people living on land that they want to take from them.

No, this is NOT anti-semitic. It has nothing to do with Jews as people or the religion of Judaism.

I am talking about the GOVERNMENT of Israel

Unfortunately just bringing up the subject is forbidden. That's what Congressman Omar is dealing with. Unfortunately she did it in a glib and somewhat frivolous manner...never attacking Jews ...but rather the policies I am talking about.This is a landmine and she stepped on several.

Meanwhile both Kevin McCarthy and Jim Jordan actually ATTACKED Jews directly and got a pass. Odd that huh?

Now lets see if I get attacked or if policy gets discussed.
well I expected to be attacked for actually discussing this in a reasonable way and surprise I wasn't.

So there's that.

The THREAD however went off the rails with religious lunacy and bigotry that has nothing to do with the subject.

I guess if you can't respectfully discuss something...scream about something else as loud as possible huh?
I look at Lucifer a lot like I look at Mike Tyson. I would not want to fight Mike Tyson personally.

But did you know Mike Tyson once tried to pay a zoo to allow him to fight a Gorilla?

The Creator is That Gorilla, and Lucifer is Mike Tyson, so full of himself that he thinks he can take on God and win.
It might be time to talk about US policy towards the STATE of Israel.

They have abandoned the "two state solution" and have several million people living on land that they want to take from them.

No, this is NOT anti-semitic. It has nothing to do with Jews as people or the religion of Judaism.

I am talking about the GOVERNMENT of Israel

Unfortunately just bringing up the subject is forbidden. That's what Congressman Omar is dealing with. Unfortunately she did it in a glib and somewhat frivolous manner...never attacking Jews ...but rather the policies I am talking about.This is a landmine and she stepped on several.

Meanwhile both Kevin McCarthy and Jim Jordan actually ATTACKED Jews directly and got a pass. Odd that huh?

Now lets see if I get attacked or if policy gets discussed.
well I expected to be attacked for actually discussing this in a reasonable way and surprise I wasn't.

So there's that.

The THREAD however went off the rails with religious lunacy and bigotry that has nothing to do with the subject.

I guess if you can't respectfully discuss something...scream about something else as loud as possible huh?

The so called Palestinian Homeland is East of the Jordan, in Transjordan, and has been since The Balfour Declaration of 1917.

It is The So Called Palestinians that are squatting on Israeli Territory.
Well regardless of whatever bigoted nonsense you are spewing...they are there now...millions of them..and have been longer than Israelis
actually the entire area was fine until


No, it wasn't there was tenuous balance of power that
They don't have power to create a country. That was done with weapons by men on the ground. The UN did finally recognize their State on their third application I think.
After the UN resolution establishing Israel and Palestine a mass migration of Jewish people occurred and they defended their new country. Fine by me, as long as we continue pulling out of the Middle East.

I believe those immigrants would have arrived in the newly established country regardless of the UN's recognition of Israel. Maybe it's just semantics, but the UN does not have an army or anything to enforce Jack. The UN's Mandate was still in effect when the General Assembly voted on the Partition Plan in 1947. It was after that non-binding vote, the shit hit the fan. Maybe that vote caused it. Long before they were able to declare the State, the defense force was consolidating territory to make sure as much of Palestine was under Jewish control when the British quit the Mandate.
Oh gotcha so there was a force already there taking the land in preparation to recieve the European migrants. That changes everything.

Well it was the same force that was protecting them from Arab riots, naturally.
Well they certainly shouldn’t have expected a peaceful surrender

They had no defense force in 1920 when the violence against them, even though they were legal immigrants at the time, began in earnest.

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