The Fact The Democratic Party Can't Pass a Bill Condemning Anti-Semitism' Shows They Support It!


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The FACT That The Democratic Party Can Not Even Pass A Simple Bill CONDEMNING ANTI-SIMITISM Shows Just How Far The Extremists Have Hijacked And Taken The Party To The Left!



Despite having gone along with Speaker of the House's public condemnation of D-Rep Omar for her anti-Semitic remarks, there is a revolt against Omar's latest, continuing anti-Semitic comments.

"Nancy Pelosi represents the 'Old Guard' Democrats / Democratic Party, and despite brow-beating enough House Democrats to take back her old Speaker of the House position, it is OBVIOUS she is no longer firmly in control! Her leadership is being challenged by the new far Leftist Socialist Democrats.

House Speaker
Nancy Pelosi is "taken aback" by the growing dissent and anger among rank-and-file Democrats over a possible resolution to formally condemn anti-Semitism, a Democratic source told Fox News on Wednesday -- highlighting Pelosi's tenuous grip on control over the House and underscoring the growing power of the party's nascent far-left progressive wing.

Pelosi even
reportedly walked out of a meeting Wednesday with Democrat House members, setting down her microphone and telling attendees, “Well if you're not going to listen to me, I’m done talking."

When you no longer control the respect of those you are trying to lead, when those you lead no longer listen to you, you are no longer the 'leader', except perhaps in title only. Nancy Pelosi having to walk out on her own Democrats due to the fact that they refuse to listen and are turning on her is a sign her numbers as not only Speaker of the House but also as a Party are NUMBERED. That's Nancy Pelosi's problem, though.

The bigger problem for not only the Democratic Party but for America is that there is a growing number of bigots / anti-Semites representing the United States. That is NOT who we are...or who we are supposed to be. The words on the Status of Liberty state, "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door" ... NOT "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free...except the Jews. NOT the JEWS!"

In 2016 hacked DNC e-mails were released to the public, exposing racist, sexist, homophobic, and anti-Semitic content, exposing the Democratic Party was actually filled with racists, sexists, homophobes, and anti-Semites...despite what the Democratic Party tried to claim in denial. Their game plan on dealing with this revelation was to say nothing about the content of their exposed e-mails and to focus the media on the narrative of how they were victims because their systems / e-mails were hacked.

Failing to address the problem - the omen of things to come, it seems - did not take care of the problem the Democrats had beneath the surface.

Now here we are in 2019, and the Democrats can not pass a simple 'Political Theatrical' Bill condemning anti-Semitism in an attempt to show the world the Democratic Party does not support anti-Semitism ... because, as it turns out, the NEW Socialist Democratic Party DOES openly support and defend Anti-Semitism, as Pelosi has suddenly discovered from the growing rebellion against her and the simple resolution that has been proposed.

The fact that they can not pass this simple bill condemning anti-Semitism ... and a growing number of new-blood Socialist Democrats like Omar, Tlaib, and AOC are openly supporting and defending it ... shows exactly what the Democratic Party is today and where they are headed.

Rank-and-file Dems revolt against Pelosi over resolution to condemn anti-Semitism

The Republicans are afraid of media. Therefore, they don't act.

The Democrats are afraid of the party nutcases, and so agree with them to avoid a break that would cost them power.
there’s a faction of Republicans that don’t like Jews. A majority of democrats don’t like them
Women’s March co-chair Linda Sarsour blasted House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for pushing an anti-Semitism resolution, calling her a “typical white feminist upholding the patriarchy.”

“Nancy is a typical white feminist upholding the patriarchy doing the dirty work of powerful white men,” said Ms. Sarsour Tuesday on Facebook.”God forbid the men are upset — no worries, Nancy to the rescue to stroke their egos.”

Add Sarsour to the anti semites.

What happened to Trump having to denounce David Duke endorsing him?

Dimms DEMANDED Trump publicly denounce Duke for what he said about Trump....yet these same POS Dimms won’t denounce straight up anti Semitic remarks.

They have created this monster, and now it’s eating them alive.

Good job, Dimms.
It's pretty obvious what the Democrat are doing: They're denying their own antisemitism by trying to push the blame off on everyone else.

Classic case of projection, denial, and blame-shifting, with a little socialist "share the misery" thrown in.
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there’s a faction of Republicans that don’t like Jews. A majority of democrats don’t like them

Seems so.

"One Third of Democrats Blame the Financial Crisis on the Jews
You wouldn’t think that theories like that would receive wide-spread acceptance in the United States. Unfortunately it has. Over 18% of all non Jewish Republicans blame the Jews for the financial crisis and almost one-third of Democrats blame the Jews:

Anti-Semitism and the economic crisis Neil Malhotra and Yotam Margalit

The media coverage of the Bernard Madoff scandal made extensive reference to Madoff’s ethnic and religious background and his prominent role in the Jewish community. Because the scandal broke at a time of great public outcry against financial institutions, some, including Brad Greenberg in The Christian Science Monitor and Mark Seal in Vanity Fair, have reported on its potential to generate a wave of anti-Semitism."

One Third of Democrats Blame the Financial Crisis on the Jews - The Lid


Boston Review — State of the Nation
The Republicans are afraid of media. Therefore, they don't act.

The Democrats are afraid of the party nutcases, and so agree with them to avoid a break that would cost them power.
The Republicans are sitting back, staying out of the way, while the Democratic Party destroys itself.
The FACT That The Democratic Party Can Not Even Pass A Simple Bill CONDEMNING ANTI-SIMITISM Shows Just How Far The Extremists Have Hijacked And Taken The Party To The Left!



Despite having gone along with Speaker of the House's public condemnation of D-Rep Omar for her anti-Semitic remarks, there is a revolt against Omar's latest, continuing anti-Semitic comments.

"Nancy Pelosi represents the 'Old Guard' Democrats / Democratic Party, and despite brow-beating enough House Democrats to take back her old Speaker of the House position, it is OBVIOUS she is no longer firmly in control! Her leadership is being challenged by the new far Leftist Socialist Democrats.

House Speaker
Nancy Pelosi is "taken aback" by the growing dissent and anger among rank-and-file Democrats over a possible resolution to formally condemn anti-Semitism, a Democratic source told Fox News on Wednesday -- highlighting Pelosi's tenuous grip on control over the House and underscoring the growing power of the party's nascent far-left progressive wing.

Pelosi even
reportedly walked out of a meeting Wednesday with Democrat House members, setting down her microphone and telling attendees, “Well if you're not going to listen to me, I’m done talking."

When you no longer control the respect of those you are trying to lead, when those you lead no longer listen to you, you are no longer the 'leader', except perhaps in title only. Nancy Pelosi having to walk out on her own Democrats due to the fact that they refuse to listen and are turning on her is a sign her numbers as not only Speaker of the House but also as a Party are NUMBERED. That's Nancy Pelosi's problem, though.

The bigger problem for not only the Democratic Party but for America is that there is a growing number of bigots / anti-Semites representing the United States. That is NOT who we are...or who we are supposed to be. The words on the Status of Liberty state, "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door" ... NOT "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free...except the Jews. NOT the JEWS!"

In 2016 hacked DNC e-mails were released to the public, exposing racist, sexist, homophobic, and anti-Semitic content, exposing the Democratic Party was actually filled with racists, sexists, homophobes, and anti-Semites...despite what the Democratic Party tried to claim in denial. Their game plan on dealing with this revelation was to say nothing about the content of their exposed e-mails and to focus the media on the narrative of how they were victims because their systems / e-mails were hacked.

Failing to address the problem - the omen of things to come, it seems - did not take care of the problem the Democrats had beneath the surface.

Now here we are in 2019, and the Democrats can not pass a simple 'Political Theatrical' Bill condemning anti-Semitism in an attempt to show the world the Democratic Party does not support anti-Semitism ... because, as it turns out, the NEW Socialist Democratic Party DOES openly support and defend Anti-Semitism, as Pelosi has suddenly discovered from the growing rebellion against her and the simple resolution that has been proposed.

The fact that they can not pass this simple bill condemning anti-Semitism ... and a growing number of new-blood Socialist Democrats like Omar, Tlaib, and AOC are openly supporting and defending it ... shows exactly what the Democratic Party is today and where they are headed.

Rank-and-file Dems revolt against Pelosi over resolution to condemn anti-Semitism


Memory lapse?????

Trump Defends White-Nationalist Protesters: 'Some Very Fine People ...

Trump Goes Back to Defending His 'Both Sides' Charlottesville Comment
This would be like if there was a bill condemning white nationalism and then people called the Republicans that ignored it racist.

More theatrics for simple people.
The Republicans are afraid of media. Therefore, they don't act.

The Democrats are afraid of the party nutcases, and so agree with them to avoid a break that would cost them power.
The Republicans are sitting back, staying out of the way, while the Democratic Party destroys itself.

Never interrupt your enemy when he's gnawing off his own foot, unless it's to offer him some steak sauce.
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I am reminded of the political definition of a "gaffe," to wit, it is a statement that is TRUE, but better not said.

This vile Somali c*nt has drawn much attention for truthfully pointing out the amazing and sometimes self-destructive political power of pro-Zionist American political donors, whose influence dwarfs their numbers in the population, and even the amount of their political donations. The perpetual groveling of American politicians in front of these influence-buyers, by politicians of both parties, is often embarrassing.

Ironically, Rep. Omar's recent statements have spawned a new wave of such groveling, to the point of actually introducing legislation to punish her for re-telling these truths in the future! It is truly unbelievable.

Having said that, it is also true that criticism of Israel is USUALLY nothing more than veiled anti-Semitism, and there can be little doubt that Rep. Omar is a raving anti-Semite. Otherwise, there are many other countries much more deserving of criticism for their human rights violations (including Somalia, her ancestral home), and focusing one's faux outrage on Israel's treatment of "Palestinians" is - as said above - nothing more than anti-Jewish bigotry.

1. Pulling a card from the Snowflake Playbook: So you had to answer with a 'What About....' because you could not stay on topic regarding the Democrats obvious growing Anti-Semitism problem?

2. Snowflakes lost their minds when Trump ACCURATELY / APPROPRIATELY pointed out that there were two sides engaged in violence, that the blame was not all the White Supremacists, and pointed out the FACT that while the white supremacists had a permit to peacefully assemble and march the leader of the Antifa group admitted on TV that they had come with the full intention of STARTING the violence...and did.

Trump-haters like yourself tried to claim Trump was a white Supremacist / white Supremacist supporter simply for pointing out that the violence that exploded in Charlottesville occurred because Antifa, who was exposed as having taken money from the Russians to spread racial division and violence, showed up just to instigate that violence.

...and you are STILL trying to push that BS fake narrative!
Admit it Dimms, this shit is beginning to backfire big time.

No Trump collusion with Russia.
The border is a mess.
New Dimms are calling old Dimms out as racist.
Jussie Smollett

Intersectional identity politics and the victim culture are losers!
Who knows -- perhaps this will provide the message to Jewish voters that the Democratic party has abandoned them.

Muslims are a fast growing demographic and will outnumber Jews in America soon. Since the democratic party has devolved to nothing more than whorring for votes based on identity, the writing is on the wall for Jewish people.
The FACT That The Democratic Party Can Not Even Pass A Simple Bill CONDEMNING ANTI-SIMITISM Shows Just How Far The Extremists Have Hijacked And Taken The Party To The Left!



Despite having gone along with Speaker of the House's public condemnation of D-Rep Omar for her anti-Semitic remarks, there is a revolt against Omar's latest, continuing anti-Semitic comments.

"Nancy Pelosi represents the 'Old Guard' Democrats / Democratic Party, and despite brow-beating enough House Democrats to take back her old Speaker of the House position, it is OBVIOUS she is no longer firmly in control! Her leadership is being challenged by the new far Leftist Socialist Democrats.

House Speaker
Nancy Pelosi is "taken aback" by the growing dissent and anger among rank-and-file Democrats over a possible resolution to formally condemn anti-Semitism, a Democratic source told Fox News on Wednesday -- highlighting Pelosi's tenuous grip on control over the House and underscoring the growing power of the party's nascent far-left progressive wing.

Pelosi even
reportedly walked out of a meeting Wednesday with Democrat House members, setting down her microphone and telling attendees, “Well if you're not going to listen to me, I’m done talking."

When you no longer control the respect of those you are trying to lead, when those you lead no longer listen to you, you are no longer the 'leader', except perhaps in title only. Nancy Pelosi having to walk out on her own Democrats due to the fact that they refuse to listen and are turning on her is a sign her numbers as not only Speaker of the House but also as a Party are NUMBERED. That's Nancy Pelosi's problem, though.

The bigger problem for not only the Democratic Party but for America is that there is a growing number of bigots / anti-Semites representing the United States. That is NOT who we are...or who we are supposed to be. The words on the Status of Liberty state, "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door" ... NOT "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free...except the Jews. NOT the JEWS!"

In 2016 hacked DNC e-mails were released to the public, exposing racist, sexist, homophobic, and anti-Semitic content, exposing the Democratic Party was actually filled with racists, sexists, homophobes, and anti-Semites...despite what the Democratic Party tried to claim in denial. Their game plan on dealing with this revelation was to say nothing about the content of their exposed e-mails and to focus the media on the narrative of how they were victims because their systems / e-mails were hacked.

Failing to address the problem - the omen of things to come, it seems - did not take care of the problem the Democrats had beneath the surface.

Now here we are in 2019, and the Democrats can not pass a simple 'Political Theatrical' Bill condemning anti-Semitism in an attempt to show the world the Democratic Party does not support anti-Semitism ... because, as it turns out, the NEW Socialist Democratic Party DOES openly support and defend Anti-Semitism, as Pelosi has suddenly discovered from the growing rebellion against her and the simple resolution that has been proposed.

The fact that they can not pass this simple bill condemning anti-Semitism ... and a growing number of new-blood Socialist Democrats like Omar, Tlaib, and AOC are openly supporting and defending it ... shows exactly what the Democratic Party is today and where they are headed.

Rank-and-file Dems revolt against Pelosi over resolution to condemn anti-Semitism


That's very strange.

They just unanimously passed an anti semitism legislation last month.

You do know what unanimously means don't you?

Why do they need to pass another one less than a month later?

House Unanimously Passes Motion Condemning Anti-Semitism

House Sends Message To Ilhan Omar, Unanimously Passes Language Condemning Anti-Semitism

In the Wake of Ilhan Omar's Controversy, House Passes Unanimous Resolution to Condemn Anti-Semitism

House Passes Resolution Condemning Anti-Semitism
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The FACT That The Democratic Party Can Not Even Pass A Simple Bill CONDEMNING ANTI-SIMITISM Shows Just How Far The Extremists Have Hijacked And Taken The Party To The Left!



Despite having gone along with Speaker of the House's public condemnation of D-Rep Omar for her anti-Semitic remarks, there is a revolt against Omar's latest, continuing anti-Semitic comments.

"Nancy Pelosi represents the 'Old Guard' Democrats / Democratic Party, and despite brow-beating enough House Democrats to take back her old Speaker of the House position, it is OBVIOUS she is no longer firmly in control! Her leadership is being challenged by the new far Leftist Socialist Democrats.

House Speaker
Nancy Pelosi is "taken aback" by the growing dissent and anger among rank-and-file Democrats over a possible resolution to formally condemn anti-Semitism, a Democratic source told Fox News on Wednesday -- highlighting Pelosi's tenuous grip on control over the House and underscoring the growing power of the party's nascent far-left progressive wing.

Pelosi even
reportedly walked out of a meeting Wednesday with Democrat House members, setting down her microphone and telling attendees, “Well if you're not going to listen to me, I’m done talking."

When you no longer control the respect of those you are trying to lead, when those you lead no longer listen to you, you are no longer the 'leader', except perhaps in title only. Nancy Pelosi having to walk out on her own Democrats due to the fact that they refuse to listen and are turning on her is a sign her numbers as not only Speaker of the House but also as a Party are NUMBERED. That's Nancy Pelosi's problem, though.

The bigger problem for not only the Democratic Party but for America is that there is a growing number of bigots / anti-Semites representing the United States. That is NOT who we are...or who we are supposed to be. The words on the Status of Liberty state, "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door" ... NOT "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free...except the Jews. NOT the JEWS!"

In 2016 hacked DNC e-mails were released to the public, exposing racist, sexist, homophobic, and anti-Semitic content, exposing the Democratic Party was actually filled with racists, sexists, homophobes, and anti-Semites...despite what the Democratic Party tried to claim in denial. Their game plan on dealing with this revelation was to say nothing about the content of their exposed e-mails and to focus the media on the narrative of how they were victims because their systems / e-mails were hacked.

Failing to address the problem - the omen of things to come, it seems - did not take care of the problem the Democrats had beneath the surface.

Now here we are in 2019, and the Democrats can not pass a simple 'Political Theatrical' Bill condemning anti-Semitism in an attempt to show the world the Democratic Party does not support anti-Semitism ... because, as it turns out, the NEW Socialist Democratic Party DOES openly support and defend Anti-Semitism, as Pelosi has suddenly discovered from the growing rebellion against her and the simple resolution that has been proposed.

The fact that they can not pass this simple bill condemning anti-Semitism ... and a growing number of new-blood Socialist Democrats like Omar, Tlaib, and AOC are openly supporting and defending it ... shows exactly what the Democratic Party is today and where they are headed.

Rank-and-file Dems revolt against Pelosi over resolution to condemn anti-Semitism


That's very strange.

They just unanimously passed an anti semitism bill last month.

You do know what unanimously means don't you?

Why do they need to pass another one less than a month later?

House Unanimously Passes Motion Condemning Anti-Semitism

House Sends Message To Ilhan Omar, Unanimously Passes Language Condemning Anti-Semitism

In the Wake of Ilhan Omar's Controversy, House Passes Unanimous Resolution to Condemn Anti-Semitism

House Passes Resolution Condemning Anti-Semitism

So what are you saying, they just choose to ignore the bills they pass?
The Republicans are afraid of media. Therefore, they don't act.

The Democrats are afraid of the party nutcases, and so agree with them to avoid a break that would cost them power.
The Republicans are sitting back, staying out of the way, while the Democratic Party destroys itself.

All of the old school Dems thought they could control these Radical Socialists bent on Power . We'll support there agenda and get them elected and we'll have strong allies for our agenda. They didn't realize that these are not friends but rads bent on taking over their Power positions. UH OH . They're trying to chew their legs off to get out of the trap, but the face of the party has been exposed. Say good bye to 2020 hopes.
The FACT That The Democratic Party Can Not Even Pass A Simple Bill CONDEMNING ANTI-SIMITISM Shows Just How Far The Extremists Have Hijacked And Taken The Party To The Left!



Despite having gone along with Speaker of the House's public condemnation of D-Rep Omar for her anti-Semitic remarks, there is a revolt against Omar's latest, continuing anti-Semitic comments.

"Nancy Pelosi represents the 'Old Guard' Democrats / Democratic Party, and despite brow-beating enough House Democrats to take back her old Speaker of the House position, it is OBVIOUS she is no longer firmly in control! Her leadership is being challenged by the new far Leftist Socialist Democrats.

House Speaker
Nancy Pelosi is "taken aback" by the growing dissent and anger among rank-and-file Democrats over a possible resolution to formally condemn anti-Semitism, a Democratic source told Fox News on Wednesday -- highlighting Pelosi's tenuous grip on control over the House and underscoring the growing power of the party's nascent far-left progressive wing.

Pelosi even
reportedly walked out of a meeting Wednesday with Democrat House members, setting down her microphone and telling attendees, “Well if you're not going to listen to me, I’m done talking."

When you no longer control the respect of those you are trying to lead, when those you lead no longer listen to you, you are no longer the 'leader', except perhaps in title only. Nancy Pelosi having to walk out on her own Democrats due to the fact that they refuse to listen and are turning on her is a sign her numbers as not only Speaker of the House but also as a Party are NUMBERED. That's Nancy Pelosi's problem, though.

The bigger problem for not only the Democratic Party but for America is that there is a growing number of bigots / anti-Semites representing the United States. That is NOT who we are...or who we are supposed to be. The words on the Status of Liberty state, "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door" ... NOT "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free...except the Jews. NOT the JEWS!"

In 2016 hacked DNC e-mails were released to the public, exposing racist, sexist, homophobic, and anti-Semitic content, exposing the Democratic Party was actually filled with racists, sexists, homophobes, and anti-Semites...despite what the Democratic Party tried to claim in denial. Their game plan on dealing with this revelation was to say nothing about the content of their exposed e-mails and to focus the media on the narrative of how they were victims because their systems / e-mails were hacked.

Failing to address the problem - the omen of things to come, it seems - did not take care of the problem the Democrats had beneath the surface.

Now here we are in 2019, and the Democrats can not pass a simple 'Political Theatrical' Bill condemning anti-Semitism in an attempt to show the world the Democratic Party does not support anti-Semitism ... because, as it turns out, the NEW Socialist Democratic Party DOES openly support and defend Anti-Semitism, as Pelosi has suddenly discovered from the growing rebellion against her and the simple resolution that has been proposed.

The fact that they can not pass this simple bill condemning anti-Semitism ... and a growing number of new-blood Socialist Democrats like Omar, Tlaib, and AOC are openly supporting and defending it ... shows exactly what the Democratic Party is today and where they are headed.

Rank-and-file Dems revolt against Pelosi over resolution to condemn anti-Semitism


Their objections are well founded. We should also discuss the anti-Muslim attitudes of Republicans as shown by the display in West Virginia. It was unconscionable. You don't seem to object to that.

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