Obama’s Cap N Trade Lie | Newsflavor
The Democrat Cap n Trade legislation puts forth a goal of capping global carbon to 450 parts per million by 2050. Now for the average American, such a number by itself has very little meaning to them. The Democrats will simply smile and nod, and present the figure as proof of how they wish to save the world from dirty and abusive humankind. The evil Republicans of course care not for the planet, and will oppose this Cap n Trade legislation out of pure avarice - the earth be damned. And yet, where does the real evil of this legislation actually reside? Could it be in the asinine projections of lowered carbon emissions - projections based on pure folly meant only to justify yet another dangerous expansion of government upon private enterprise?
Obama’s Cap N Trade Lie | Newsflavor
The Democrat Cap n Trade legislation puts forth a goal of capping global carbon to 450 parts per million by 2050. Now for the average American, such a number by itself has very little meaning to them. The Democrats will simply smile and nod, and present the figure as proof of how they wish to save the world from dirty and abusive humankind. The evil Republicans of course care not for the planet, and will oppose this Cap n Trade legislation out of pure avarice - the earth be damned. And yet, where does the real evil of this legislation actually reside? Could it be in the asinine projections of lowered carbon emissions - projections based on pure folly meant only to justify yet another dangerous expansion of government upon private enterprise?
Obama’s Cap N Trade Lie | Newsflavor