"Obamacare is not working"!!! ?

I don't know, nor do you. I suspect - and it is a possibility - it is collusion among the health insurance cartel, an effort to derail the law which holds them accountable for benefits they do not want to offer.

I see you are running scared frighten out of your head at why so many people all of a sudden started losing their healthcare coverage. Can't explain it so the logical answer is I DON'T KNOW.
Well would this many people be losing their coverage if obamacare had not become law of the land?
I doubt it.

That maybe true, but then 40 Million (?) people without access to health insurance would continue to be shutout as would those with a preexisting conditions including all adult children who time out.

A country with the resources of our nation ought to make health care for all citizens a priority. There are reasons beyond the obvious - that being it is the right thing to do - including the cost to treat the uninsured by public hospitals (paid for by taxpayers, BTW), the costs to business and industry do to lost productivity from illness spread by those without sick leave and without health insurance, and the suffering - both physical and emotional - of the poor, the young and the aged.
I disagree it's irrelevant how much money and resources we have it's not for me to take care of the fat bitch that eats a dozen eggs and two pounds of bacon a day, and for luch they eat five big macs and a pound of fries, go home sit on their ass eat a carton of ice cream. This is America the land of the free.
I see you are running scared frighten out of your head at why so many people all of a sudden started losing their healthcare coverage. Can't explain it so the logical answer is I DON'T KNOW.
Well would this many people be losing their coverage if obamacare had not become law of the land?
I doubt it.

That maybe true, but then 40 Million (?) people without access to health insurance would continue to be shutout as would those with a preexisting conditions including all adult children who time out.

A country with the resources of our nation ought to make health care for all citizens a priority. There are reasons beyond the obvious - that being it is the right thing to do - including the cost to treat the uninsured by public hospitals (paid for by taxpayers, BTW), the costs to business and industry do to lost productivity from illness spread by those without sick leave and without health insurance, and the suffering - both physical and emotional - of the poor, the young and the aged.
I disagree it's irrelevant how much money and resources we have it's not for me to take care of the fat bitch that eats a dozen eggs and two pounds of bacon a day, and for luch they eat five big macs and a pound of fries, go home sit on their ass eat a carton of ice cream. This is America the land of the free.

One is not free here in our country or anywhere in the world when they are too poor to eat nutritious meals, lack fresh clean water, adequate medical care and deadly diseases are allowed to infect large populations.

Did the Government do the wrong thing in giving every child an adult the Salk Vaccine during the Eisenhower Administration?

Such a governmental action is not a power given the Federal Government by our Constitution, is it?

So, what say you? Give the medicine, are let the parents of infected children by their own Iron Lung?
One is not free here in our country or anywhere in the world when they are too poor to eat nutritious meals, lack fresh clean water, adequate medical care and deadly diseases are allowed to infect large populations.

Did the Government do the wrong thing in giving every child an adult the Salk Vaccine during the Eisenhower Administration?

Such a governmental action is not a power given the Federal Government by our Constitution, is it?

So, what say you? Give the medicine, are let the parents of infected children by their own Iron Lung?

Wry, I remember a time when vaccinations were given in schools.
When each school was staffed by a nurse.

What happened to those days?
Your saying it has commenced, because the insurance industry has begun to cancel policies. Isn't that magical thinking?

Tell me. Why have insurance companies begun cancelling policies?

I don't know, nor do you. I suspect - and it is a possibility - it is collusion among the health insurance cartel, an effort to derail the law which holds them accountable for benefits they do not want to offer.

You don't know? Seriously? The insurance companies are cancelling policies because those policies don't meet the minimum standards established by the ACA and they are required to do so by law.
Tell me. Why have insurance companies begun cancelling policies?

I don't know, nor do you. I suspect - and it is a possibility - it is collusion among the health insurance cartel, an effort to derail the law which holds them accountable for benefits they do not want to offer.

That's stupid. Even for you.
If what you said were true insurance companies would have cancelled them long ago. But let's agree they write policies to make money. Why would they cancel those same policiies?
No, of course it is Obamacare. Same reason other policies are going up huge amounts, way beyond normal, due to Obamacare terms.
Blaming the Koch Brothers for Obamacare's screw ups? I mean, that's desperate.

Then why have 50+ Providers converged upon NY?
I know, their CEOs have suddenly gone from Wall Street, Private Firm Geniuses to idiots.
One is not free here in our country or anywhere in the world when they are too poor to eat nutritious meals, lack fresh clean water, adequate medical care and deadly diseases are allowed to infect large populations.

Did the Government do the wrong thing in giving every child an adult the Salk Vaccine during the Eisenhower Administration?

Such a governmental action is not a power given the Federal Government by our Constitution, is it?

So, what say you? Give the medicine, are let the parents of infected children by their own Iron Lung?

Wry, I remember a time when vaccinations were given in schools.
When each school was staffed by a nurse.

What happened to those days?

I remember those days too, as well as when the grass and trees in front of the schools were watered and not dead, so kids and adults treated the schools and school staff with respect, chewing gum was a serious rule violation and art, music, physical education and science experiments were part of the general curriculum. What happened? Prop. 13 in California infected the nation and soon school staff was cut, school custodians and nurses were cut and class size grew and grew.
Tell me. Why have insurance companies begun cancelling policies?

I don't know, nor do you. I suspect - and it is a possibility - it is collusion among the health insurance cartel, an effort to derail the law which holds them accountable for benefits they do not want to offer.

You don't know? Seriously? The insurance companies are cancelling policies because those policies don't meet the minimum standards established by the ACA and they are required to do so by law.

The law was passed in 2010, there was plenty of time for the 'crap' policies to be updated to comply with the new standards. Insurance customers have gotten used to higher costs, that has been an annual event, usually accompanied with fewer benefits and more costly co-pays. A proactive insurance company not colluding with others might have marketed new policies with greater benefits at a higher cost. Of course if a cartel is what the industry has become, we would not expect such a reasoned response which would have created actual competition.
I don't know, nor do you. I suspect - and it is a possibility - it is collusion among the health insurance cartel, an effort to derail the law which holds them accountable for benefits they do not want to offer.

You don't know? Seriously? The insurance companies are cancelling policies because those policies don't meet the minimum standards established by the ACA and they are required to do so by law.

The law was passed in 2010, there was plenty of time for the 'crap' policies to be updated to comply with the new standards. Insurance customers have gotten used to higher costs, that has been an annual event, usually accompanied with fewer benefits and more costly co-pays. A proactive insurance company not colluding with others might have marketed new policies with greater benefits at a higher cost. Of course if a cartel is what the industry has become, we would not expect such a reasoned response which would have created actual competition.

...and people aren't signing up for the better and cheaper Obamacare policies because....
I don't know, nor do you. I suspect - and it is a possibility - it is collusion among the health insurance cartel, an effort to derail the law which holds them accountable for benefits they do not want to offer.

That's stupid. Even for you.
If what you said were true insurance companies would have cancelled them long ago. But let's agree they write policies to make money. Why would they cancel those same policiies?
No, of course it is Obamacare. Same reason other policies are going up huge amounts, way beyond normal, due to Obamacare terms.
Blaming the Koch Brothers for Obamacare's screw ups? I mean, that's desperate.

Then why have 50+ Providers converged upon NY?
I know, their CEOs have suddenly gone from Wall Street, Private Firm Geniuses to idiots.

I have no fucking idea. Why not post something relevant for a change?
You don't know? Seriously? The insurance companies are cancelling policies because those policies don't meet the minimum standards established by the ACA and they are required to do so by law.

The law was passed in 2010, there was plenty of time for the 'crap' policies to be updated to comply with the new standards. Insurance customers have gotten used to higher costs, that has been an annual event, usually accompanied with fewer benefits and more costly co-pays. A proactive insurance company not colluding with others might have marketed new policies with greater benefits at a higher cost. Of course if a cartel is what the industry has become, we would not expect such a reasoned response which would have created actual competition.

...and people aren't signing up for the better and cheaper Obamacare policies because....

because they're stupid, live in a state which has road blocked their ability to see what is available or are waiting to the last minute cause they are cheap.
That's stupid. Even for you.
If what you said were true insurance companies would have cancelled them long ago. But let's agree they write policies to make money. Why would they cancel those same policiies?
No, of course it is Obamacare. Same reason other policies are going up huge amounts, way beyond normal, due to Obamacare terms.
Blaming the Koch Brothers for Obamacare's screw ups? I mean, that's desperate.

Then why have 50+ Providers converged upon NY?
I know, their CEOs have suddenly gone from Wall Street, Private Firm Geniuses to idiots.

I have no fucking idea. Why not post something relevant for a change?

I'm not surprised. I doubt you've ever had a "fucking idea', a none fucking idea or an idea of any kind.
The law was passed in 2010, there was plenty of time for the 'crap' policies to be updated to comply with the new standards. Insurance customers have gotten used to higher costs, that has been an annual event, usually accompanied with fewer benefits and more costly co-pays. A proactive insurance company not colluding with others might have marketed new policies with greater benefits at a higher cost. Of course if a cartel is what the industry has become, we would not expect such a reasoned response which would have created actual competition.

...and people aren't signing up for the better and cheaper Obamacare policies because....

because they're stupid, live in a state which has road blocked their ability to see what is available or are waiting to the last minute cause they are cheap.

But they can't keep their plan. Period

The Obama Lie is the Original Sin
Yep. That's The Phrase we will all be hearing today and for the next few months. The American's for Prosperity (The Brother's Koch) have put in another 18 Million Dollars to try and pack the Senate with Tea Party darlings by besmirching the effort to provide protections to patients and affordable care.

Guess what. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act isn't working, it hasn't yet commenced. Of course truth and honesty has never been the forte in political discourse and why would we expect this from Messrs. Koch?

But don't be fooled, American's for Prosperity is the group whose purpose is to make the rich richer at the expense of the Middle Class, the Working Poor, the aged, infirm and those children not born with a silver spoon in their mouth and private schools in their future.

Watch, soon the Echo Chamber will pick up the call, and threads will pollute the airways claiming something yet to begin is a failure.

what many of the blind sheep dont get is that both parties are corrupt,that its really a ONE PARTY SYSTEM designed to look like two parties so the sheople think they have a choice in who gets elected.all these fools think romney would have been any different than Obama when he was one of the first ones to sign it.:cuckoo:
Yep. That's The Phrase we will all be hearing today and for the next few months. The American's for Prosperity (The Brother's Koch) have put in another 18 Million Dollars to try and pack the Senate with Tea Party darlings by besmirching the effort to provide protections to patients and affordable care.

Guess what. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act isn't working, it hasn't yet commenced. Of course truth and honesty has never been the forte in political discourse and why would we expect this from Messrs. Koch?

But don't be fooled, American's for Prosperity is the group whose purpose is to make the rich richer at the expense of the Middle Class, the Working Poor, the aged, infirm and those children not born with a silver spoon in their mouth and private schools in their future.

Watch, soon the Echo Chamber will pick up the call, and threads will pollute the airways claiming something yet to begin is a failure.

what many of the blind sheep dont get is that both parties are corrupt,that its really a ONE PARTY SYSTEM designed to look like two parties so the sheople think they have a choice in who gets elected.all these fools think romney would have been any different than Obama when he was one of the first ones to sign it.:cuckoo:

...and that has what to do with ObamaCare exactly?
But it is working! It is working to fulfill Obama's plan to destroy the United States.

LOL.....the policies are being cancelled because they chose to become compliant.

It is just that simple.....no "conspiracy" just obeying the law....but that is beyond you.

Other than your opinion, do you have any proof? You somehow know (a Posteriori?); please explain how and provide some evidence.

Tell me.....did the ACA mandate more coverage?
Yes it did. It mandated coverage of preexisting conditions. Making it unnecessary to buy coverage until you are expensively ill. And you wonder why the insurance companies are cancelling millions of policies.

Other than your opinion, do you have any proof? You somehow know (a Posteriori?); please explain how and provide some evidence.

Tell me.....did the ACA mandate more coverage?

Tell me, what prevented the insurance company from upgrading the policy to meet the new standard?

If you knew what an ad hominem was you would not have used it as you did. Thus, you're a liar too. Now, I have no chip on my shoulder, I simply call an asshole an asshole and a liar a liar. If you don't like it, put me on ignore (a refuge for the willfully ignorant) or go to another forum; better to stop the nonsense and post substantive comments.

My posts and threads are an intentional counterpoint to those posted by the set of callous conservatives, the set of members of the Echo Chamber and the set where these two intersect. I relish receiving neg. reps. from these sets 'cause they engage in personal attacks and rarely are able to offer arguments to counter my opinions or arguments.

I look forward to intelligent, substantive comments. I know I don't know everything and I understand the biases I have. I've learned from others on the otherside of the aisle, even some I consider stupid (and still do). Give enough monkeys enoughttypewriters ..., hence I never put anyone on ignore (I did once, briefly but my curiosity got the better of me).
Ad hominen is interjecting personal insults and invective into the conversation, which you have done and I have not. It also consists of labeling others with whom you disagree as "assholes", "callous" and being "members of the Echo Chamber".

If you expect intelligent substance from others, it is incumbent upon you to start from that point.

Oh, and the immense chip on your shoulder doesn't add to the substance either.

Are you Daveman or CrusaderFrank in drag, Helen? You maybe that dumb. Let me help:

an ad hominem attack is to attack the person and not their argument. It's really that simple. I called you an asshole, but you never proffered a rebuttal in the form of an argument., rather you attacked me. If you had done the right thing, I would have attacked your argument; since you didn't I concluded you are an asshole.

Your welcome.
What a stupid fucking argument..."I called you and asshole..you never rebutted!" JFC, man! Have you no sense at all? (That is a rhetorical question.)

you started up with the "asshole" stuff, you bitter old man.

I merely returned fire in kind.

Now, go get a carpentry crew to work on that chip on your shoulder.

thanks for sharing
Another admission of inadequacy. You cannot deal with an intelligent opponent.

As to the original posit...Obamacare is definitely succeeding in its role as a tool of Obama in the quest to fundamentally transform the USA into a socialist state, run by elite assholes from Chicago.
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