"Obamacare is not working"!!! ?

Wry Catcher

Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2009
San Francisco Bay Area
Yep. That's The Phrase we will all be hearing today and for the next few months. The American's for Prosperity (The Brother's Koch) have put in another 18 Million Dollars to try and pack the Senate with Tea Party darlings by besmirching the effort to provide protections to patients and affordable care.

Guess what. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act isn't working, it hasn't yet commenced. Of course truth and honesty has never been the forte in political discourse and why would we expect this from Messrs. Koch?

But don't be fooled, American's for Prosperity is the group whose purpose is to make the rich richer at the expense of the Middle Class, the Working Poor, the aged, infirm and those children not born with a silver spoon in their mouth and private schools in their future.

Watch, soon the Echo Chamber will pick up the call, and threads will pollute the airways claiming something yet to begin is a failure.
So, you're saying the ACA hasn't begun yet? Is that why people are losing their insurance plans?
The length you sycophants will go to try and cover up for th efailures of ideas you championed is something. All the way to blaming a group with all kinds of hyperbole and intellectual bankruptcy.

Not that anything different was expected.
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So, you're saying the ACA hasn't begun yet? Is that why people are losing their insurance plans?
The length you sycophants will go to try and cover up for th efailures of ideas you championed is something. All the way to blaming a group with all kinds of hyperbole and intellectual bankruptcy.

Not that anything different was expected.

Your saying it has commenced, because the insurance industry has begun to cancel policies. Isn't that magical thinking?

Your second paragraph I could have predicted. Rather than defend American's for Prosperity and the Brothers Koch, you choose to attack me. To your credit you spelled "sycophants" correctly even if used wickedly as a pejorative in an ad hominem.

I posted a fact, I'm not blaming the siblings or the organization they front - I simply pointed out how dishonest is the propaganda they purvey, and the Echo Chamber parrots.
So, you're saying the ACA hasn't begun yet? Is that why people are losing their insurance plans?
The length you sycophants will go to try and cover up for th efailures of ideas you championed is something. All the way to blaming a group with all kinds of hyperbole and intellectual bankruptcy.

Not that anything different was expected.

Your saying it has commenced, because the insurance industry has begun to cancel policies. Isn't that magical thinking?

Your second paragraph I could have predicted. Rather than defend American's for Prosperity and the Brothers Koch, you choose to attack me. To your credit you spelled "sycophants" correctly even if used wickedly as a pejorative in an ad hominem.

I posted a fact, I'm not blaming the siblings or the organization they front - I simply pointed out how dishonest is the propaganda they purvey, and the Echo Chamber parrots.

You're saying that policies that are now renewing and will be in effect after obamacare does go into effect next year, as you have one year terms, don't have to comply when it does at that time? Seriously, lame, lame, lame obfuscation.
Your saying it has commenced, because the insurance industry has begun to cancel policies. Isn't that magical thinking?

Tell me. Why have insurance companies begun cancelling policies?
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So, you're saying the ACA hasn't begun yet? Is that why people are losing their insurance plans?
The length you sycophants will go to try and cover up for th efailures of ideas you championed is something. All the way to blaming a group with all kinds of hyperbole and intellectual bankruptcy.

Not that anything different was expected.

Your saying it has commenced, because the insurance industry has begun to cancel policies. Isn't that magical thinking?

Your second paragraph I could have predicted. Rather than defend American's for Prosperity and the Brothers Koch, you choose to attack me. To your credit you spelled "sycophants" correctly even if used wickedly as a pejorative in an ad hominem.

I posted a fact, I'm not blaming the siblings or the organization they front - I simply pointed out how dishonest is the propaganda they purvey, and the Echo Chamber parrots.

You're saying that policies that are now renewing and will be in effect after obamacare does go into effect next year, as you have one year terms, don't have to comply when it does at that time? Seriously, lame, lame, lame obfuscation.

Work on syntax, it appears emotion clouds your judgment and the clarity of your writing. I said nothing of the kind about how the PPACA will impact current insurance policies in the future. We will see how competition on the exchanges, and the rules in place in a year or so, impact benefits and costs. Of course those States who choose not to play for political purposes - and to the detriment of their citizens - will be the grist for you and others.

The PPACA is flawed, as are most laws passed by the Congress. It will need some clean up, that doesn't make it or its intent a failure - though you hope it does. I wonder who or what makes callous conservatives, greed may explain it but I suspect there is something more. What appears to be hate for those who will benefit from the PPACA seems right below the surface in comments posted on this message board.
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Your saying it has commenced, because the insurance industry has begun to cancel policies. Isn't that magical thinking?

Tell me. Why have insurance companies begun cancelling policies?

I don't know, nor do you. I suspect - and it is a possibility - it is collusion among the health insurance cartel, an effort to derail the law which holds them accountable for benefits they do not want to offer.
Your saying it has commenced, because the insurance industry has begun to cancel policies. Isn't that magical thinking?

Your second paragraph I could have predicted. Rather than defend American's for Prosperity and the Brothers Koch, you choose to attack me. To your credit you spelled "sycophants" correctly even if used wickedly as a pejorative in an ad hominem.

I posted a fact, I'm not blaming the siblings or the organization they front - I simply pointed out how dishonest is the propaganda they purvey, and the Echo Chamber parrots.

You're saying that policies that are now renewing and will be in effect after obamacare does go into effect next year, as you have one year terms, don't have to comply when it does at that time? Seriously, lame, lame, lame obfuscation.

Work on syntax, it appears emotion clouds your judgment and the clarity of your writing. I said nothing of the kind about how the PPACA will impact current insurance policies or in the future. We will see how competition on the exchanges, and the rules in place in a year or so, impact benefits and costs. Of course those States who choose not to play for political purposes - and to the detriment of their citizens - will be the grist for you and others.

The PPACA is flawed, as are most laws passed by the Congress. It will need some clean up, that doesn't make it or its intent a failure - though you hope it does. I wonder who or what makes callous conservatives, greed may explain it but I suspect there is something more. What appears to be hate for those who will benefit from the PPACA seems right below the surface in comments posted on this message board.

See, this is where you are wrong. Policies that today are renewed will be under Obamacare during their policy term, just as I stated before. They must comply at that time.

It is a faliure. Period. It was a bloated bureaucratic scheme that enriches insurance companies, takes away all their risk, and takes away choice from those that already had insurance and had no need for any 'help' in the form in which they have given us.

Those employers that offered the very best policies no longer can have them or they will be penalized much worse (40%) than those that didn't have any insurance by choice and still won't because they choose to not be bullied into taking a policy out and will simply pay the fine. Why, when they are demanding that people have better policies, they are penalizing those employers that already saw fit to provide even better policies to their employees? Tell me that isn't bizarre and simply goes against all that this debacle was presented as a cure for?

There were problems which, yes, needed to be corrected. But this was not the answer.
Your saying it has commenced, because the insurance industry has begun to cancel policies. Isn't that magical thinking?

Tell me. Why have insurance companies begun cancelling policies?

I don't know, nor do you. I suspect - and it is a possibility - it is collusion among the health insurance cartel, an effort to derail the law which holds them accountable for benefits they do not want to offer.

Really? So it couldn't possibly have anything to do with the reasons that have been stated? You know, the fact that policies need to be compliant with the law. The ACA, or Obamacare law. You're saying it's a conspiracy amongst insurance companies to undermine president Obama and the democrats? Is that the story you're going with?
ObamaCare is working only if the definition of Working includes:

- duped people into supporting Obama's re-election
- expands government power over the most personal aspects of people's lives
- funnels billions and billions of taxpayer dollars to government cronies
- destroys the last vestiges of a free market in health care

The PPACA is flawed, as are most laws passed by the Congress.
The congress? You mean the democrats, right? Because the way i remember it, ACA was written off a HR 3590 bill for housing appropriations that was stripped and rewritten by senate democrats. No republicans voted for this bill. None.

I wonder who or what makes callous conservatives, greed may explain it but I suspect there is something more. What appears to be hate for those who will benefit from the PPACA seems right below the surface in comments posted on this message board.
Oh, sure. Is that why democrats are essentially telling people they told could keep their plan and doctor now, "tough shit" that they are effected? That's its a"small group" who will be effected by the ACA and thats just well, tough?
Only WC would heap unyielding praise upon a website that doesn't work and a law that raises premiums and deductibles to glorifying success. Lol. Unreal.

it's really too early to know whether it will work in terms of delivering more coverage more affordably overall.

But the problem was it was premised on not just the lie about keeping your insurance, but also a typically left wing leaning ideology that it's good for govt to tell people what to do, e.g. it's right and proper to tell young, healthy, single people they need something more than catastrophic coverage. The folks who actually wrote the law (the staffers) really thought young people would go for that. Ain't gonna happen, and never was.

However, why not use tax money to let people keep those really low benefit, but realitively cheap, family policies and still offer more benefits with the tax money? I think something like that would both be good for the country and polictically popular with the working folks a party aiming to be the maj has to get.
Your saying it has commenced, because the insurance industry has begun to cancel policies. Isn't that magical thinking?

Tell me. Why have insurance companies begun cancelling policies?

I don't know, nor do you. I suspect - and it is a possibility - it is collusion among the health insurance cartel, an effort to derail the law which holds them accountable for benefits they do not want to offer.

That's stupid. Even for you.
If what you said were true insurance companies would have cancelled them long ago. But let's agree they write policies to make money. Why would they cancel those same policiies?
No, of course it is Obamacare. Same reason other policies are going up huge amounts, way beyond normal, due to Obamacare terms.
Blaming the Koch Brothers for Obamacare's screw ups? I mean, that's desperate.
Wry is saying it is a conspiracy by the insurance companies to undermine president Obama and democrats who staunchly supported the bill.

Can we get this moved to the conspiracy forum now?
Only WC would heap unyielding praise upon a website that doesn't work and a law that raises premiums and deductibles to glorifying success. Lol. Unreal.

And he has to blame the obvious failure on someone. In this case the convenient Koch Brothers. I guess Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid had nothign to do with it all.
It's working exactly as planned. It causing maximum disruption to the US economy, driving people into destitution.
Your saying it has commenced, because the insurance industry has begun to cancel policies. Isn't that magical thinking?

Tell me. Why have insurance companies begun cancelling policies?

I don't know, nor do you. I suspect - and it is a possibility - it is collusion among the health insurance cartel, an effort to derail the law which holds them accountable for benefits they do not want to offer.

What a crock! :cuckoo:

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