
Name one thing he's done that has not divided this country.

Name one thing he's done that has not exacerbated racial tension in this country.

Name one thing he's done that has not alienated our allies, and encouraged our enemies.

Name one thing he's done that has not placed the United States in greater danger.

Here's the floor. Knock yourselves out.

When you do the right thing and it angers your enemies, it's still the right thing.
What's wrong with being divisive?

lol, name ANYONE of consequence on the Right who isn't proudly and happily divisive.

They want to divide Muslims from First Amendment protections.

They want to divide gays from bakeries.

They want to divide negroes from food stamps.
Well, I do think PA laws and not so gay bakers are divisive .... but beyond changing his mind on gay marriage, I don't think Obama has really weighed in on that one. Obama most likely got some preferential college admission based on race, and personally I don't like that practice, but it's not like he personally kicked some white kid to the gutter, and stepped on his back while walking into Columbia or Harvard.
Unmitigated nonsense. Had Obama been white, Hillary would have been the candidate.

Still can't come to terms of a black man being your president? I see your anger problem. Too bad you can't take 'em out back and shoot them any more, right?

Black makes no difference to me. It's the searing malevolence to all things American he expresses that irks me, and his intentional undermining of the constitutional foundations of the nation.
Face it you bigot, you hate Obama because he is black.

Bigot? Sorry, but I am not now, nor have I ever been a Democrat.

I don't hate anyone, but I do hate all that he and his Party currently stand for.

EIGHT posts, and STILL you cannot name one thing.

The only reason you hate Obama is because he is black. You have provided zero evidence that it is not the case.

I bet you hate when people make baseless allegations....

Unless you're the one making them....right Klanny?

I don't hate anyone, not even people as thick as you.

NINE posts, and STILL you cannot name one thing.
Still can't come to terms of a black man being your president? I see your anger problem. Too bad you can't take 'em out back and shoot them any more, right?

Black makes no difference to me. It's the searing malevolence to all things American he expresses that irks me, and his intentional undermining of the constitutional foundations of the nation.
Face it you bigot, you hate Obama because he is black.

Bigot? Sorry, but I am not now, nor have I ever been a Democrat.

I don't hate anyone, but I do hate all that he and his Party currently stand for.

EIGHT posts, and STILL you cannot name one thing.

The only reason you hate Obama is because he is black. You have provided zero evidence that it is not the case.

I bet you hate when people make baseless allegations....

Unless you're the one making them....right Klanny?

I don't hate anyone, not even people as thick as you.

NINE posts, and STILL you cannot name one thing.
Billy, seriously, what has this guy done to inflame racism ..... beyond noting America is still divided on race?
Black makes no difference to me. It's the searing malevolence to all things American he expresses that irks me, and his intentional undermining of the constitutional foundations of the nation.
Face it you bigot, you hate Obama because he is black.

Bigot? Sorry, but I am not now, nor have I ever been a Democrat.

I don't hate anyone, but I do hate all that he and his Party currently stand for.

EIGHT posts, and STILL you cannot name one thing.

The only reason you hate Obama is because he is black. You have provided zero evidence that it is not the case.

I bet you hate when people make baseless allegations....

Unless you're the one making them....right Klanny?

I don't hate anyone, not even people as thick as you.

NINE posts, and STILL you cannot name one thing.
Billy, seriously, what has this guy done to inflame racism ..... beyond noting America is still divided on race?

Taking sides in Ferguson from the git-go before any evidence had been presented is one. Using Al Sharpton as his key advisor and mouthpiece on racial issues is another. Claiming every boneheaded thug who met his maker because he chose the wrong victim as a surrogate son is another. Claiming income inequality as a racial issue is another.

Just a few pulled off the pile. Shall we continue?
Ferguson's police were racist. But charges against the cop weren't brought. Treyvone whatever was killed because he was black at night. And even the Harvard professor was treated differently than a white guy would have been. America is still a racist society. You're blaming a black guy from point out the truth.

Now Sharpton .... personally I'd like to see him in jail for embezzlement or something, but ...
Black makes no difference to me. It's the searing malevolence to all things American he expresses that irks me, and his intentional undermining of the constitutional foundations of the nation.
Face it you bigot, you hate Obama because he is black.

Bigot? Sorry, but I am not now, nor have I ever been a Democrat.

I don't hate anyone, but I do hate all that he and his Party currently stand for.

EIGHT posts, and STILL you cannot name one thing.

The only reason you hate Obama is because he is black. You have provided zero evidence that it is not the case.

I bet you hate when people make baseless allegations....

Unless you're the one making them....right Klanny?

I don't hate anyone, not even people as thick as you.

NINE posts, and STILL you cannot name one thing.
Billy, seriously, what has this guy done to inflame racism ..... beyond noting America is still divided on race?

How about the fact that in a public interview, he used the "N" word? Although it wasn't public, the last president to do that was LBJ.

In his book From Dreams of My Father, he wrote "I ceased to advertise my mother's race at the age of 12 or 13, when I began to suspect that by doing so I was ingratiating myself to whites." He also wrote the following in that same book:

"I found a solace in nursing a pervasive sense of grievance and animosity against my mother's race."

"There was something about her that made me wary, a little too sure of herself, maybe and white"

"It remained necessary to prove which side you were on, to show your loyalty to the black masses, to strike out and name names."

"I never emulate white men and brown men whose fates didn't speak to my own. It was into my father's image, the black man, son of Africa , that I'd packed all the attributes I sought in myself: the attributes of Martin and Malcolm, DuBois and Mandela."

And if that wasn't enough, he wrote this in his book "Audacity of Hope" - "I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction."

I could come up with another 20 or 30 statements Obama made which should have set off some red flags in you people who bought into his scam without questioning his motives.
Ferguson's police were racist. But charges against the cop weren't brought. Treyvone whatever was killed because he was black at night. And even the Harvard professor was treated differently than a white guy would have been. America is still a racist society. You're blaming a black guy from point out the truth.

Now Sharpton .... personally I'd like to see him in jail for embezzlement or something, but ...

Actually, Trayvon Martin was killed because he attacked a guy who was carrying a concealed weapon, and was smashing his head against the pavement. Zimmerman wasn't a Caucasian, so you can't blame that on your own race.
Ferguson's police were racist. But charges against the cop weren't brought. Treyvone whatever was killed because he was black at night. And even the Harvard professor was treated differently than a white guy would have been. America is still a racist society.

How silly. Cops react to behavior. The Brown shooting was justified. Martin pursued what's-his-name after what's-his-name had broken off his own pursuit, ergo the conflict became his responsibility. Gates was arrested for disorderly conduct following a burglary call from a neighbor, and then giving the officers shit.

As to the latter, Obama is doing his best to resurrect the idea.
Where are all the compromises proposed by conservatives?

Most of them got blocked when Reid held the Senate. Now that the Republicans hold both Houses, you're getting everything you want. So quit yer bitchin.

Gee then it should be easy for you to cite a long list of them. And prove they were genuine compromises with plenty of bi-partisan support.
Ferguson's police were racist. But charges against the cop weren't brought. Treyvone whatever was killed because he was black at night. And even the Harvard professor was treated differently than a white guy would have been. America is still a racist society.

How silly. Cops react to behavior. The Brown shooting was justified. Martin pursued what's-his-name after what's-his-name had broken off his own pursuit, ergo the conflict became his responsibility. Gates was arrested for disorderly conduct following a burglary call from a neighbor, and then giving the officers shit.

As to the latter, Obama is doing his best to resurrect the idea.
The ferguson cops are notoriously racist, and the fact that Brown's death was not chargeable doesn't change that. And the Harvard prof was treated differently than a white would have been. Even your post is funny, "his neighbor' reported a break in. Guess the neighbor didn't know a black lived there or thought they all look alike.

Billy, your basic tenant is to deny we're a racist society. We are. And you're pissed that the first black potus noticed this. That says more of you than him, and by saying that I'm not implying that you or Obama are racists. John "not" Galt is a mterfcking racist azzhole, however.
Name one thing he's done that has not divided this country.

Name one thing he's done that has not exacerbated racial tension in this country.

Name one thing he's done that has not alienated our allies, and encouraged our enemies.

Name one thing he's done that has not placed the United States in greater danger.

Here's the floor. Knock yourselves out.
Lol he can't even figure out how to dunk a cookie. Break it in half dumbass.
Lol over your head
Billy, your basic tenant is to deny we're a racist society. We are.


And you're pissed that the first black potus noticed this.

Nope. Just pissed that the first black president is a Democrat totalitarianist.
So Billy, you admit the US is still a racist society?

And you're still whacked out if you label Obama a totatatarianist, which he is no more, or less, than the gopers calling for a third Reagan term.
compared to when? In fact, while faith in the United States, and in Obama personally, has declined modestly since 2009, it is still dramatically higher than when Cheney and Rove roamed the West Wing.

For more than a decade, the Pew Research Center has been asking people around the world about their opinion of the United States. The upshot: In every region of the globe except the Middle East (where the United States was wildly unpopular under George W. Bush and remains so), America’s favorability is way up since Obama took office. In Spain, approval of the United States is 29 percentage points higher than when Bush left office. In Italy, it’s up 23 points. In Germany and France, it’s 22. With the exception of China, where the numbers have remained flat, the trend is the same in Asia. The U.S. is 19 points more popular in Japan, 24 points more popular in Indonesia, and 28 points more popular in Malaysia

Is the World Really Losing Faith in Obama - The Atlantic

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