Obama will do anything to win (cries for civility were fake all along)

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
Obama plans to DESTROY Mitt Romney on a personal level. Maybe even KILL him.

Now lets remember when Sarah Palin had maps with crosshairs on districts targeting democrats to beat in the elections she bore the brunt of the blame for Gabby being shot. The left decried all the rhetoric and demanded civility in our political discourse.

Now here we are...........

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IyXgykhsCqk]Civility? - YouTube[/ame]

Nice job showing your true colors Obama
:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
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here he is on tape admitting if he cant get it turned around in 3 years he doesn't deserve a second term

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-0ecuS8tWs&NR=1]He's right - YouTube[/ame]
Sure, when he says something, you might have a case. Right now it's just dittohead BS rumor..

3 years? He never imagined what lockstep nazis pubs would be, ready to sacrifice the country to get him out..
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Sure, when he says something, you might have a case. Right now it's just dittohead BS rumor..

3 years? He never imagined what lockstep nazis pubs would be, ready to sacrifice the country to get him out..

Rumor? Its documented and admitted to by his campaign mgrs. Watch the first ad again and tell me its rumor............:cuckoo:
Pure BS, and shows who's putting out the lies, fear mongering, and character assassination. Fox/Pubs/Rush, obviously. Always and forever. Bring back the fairness doctrine and responsibilty for this crappe- liars ARE prospering with the BS brainwashing Pub Propaganda Machine. Turn off the BS- Hoping for your recovery..
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Pure BS, and shows who's putting out the lies, fear mongering, and character assassination. Fox/Pubs/Rush, obviously. Always and forever. Bring back the fairness doctrine and responsibilty for this crappe- liars ARE prospering with the BS brainwashing Pub Propaganda Machine. Turn off the BS- Hoping for your recovery..

WOW, your off the charts stupid. Back under your bridge you go......
Pure BS, and shows who's putting out the lies, fear mongering, and character assassination. Fox/Pubs/Rush, obviously. Always and forever. Bring back the fairness doctrine and responsibilty for this crappe- liars ARE prospering with the BS brainwashing Pub Propaganda Machine. Turn off the BS- Hoping for your recovery..

We know we are winning when all the libs have left is censorship, censorship, and more censorship!

It's not censorship, dittoheads, it's having two sides of the story, that Rush and Savage wouldn't survive for ten seconds, nor un-American dittoheads like you. "Obama might have Romney killed" (#1)- what ridiculous morons they've made of you...The world is aghast.
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Pure BS, and shows who's putting out the lies, fear mongering, and character assassination. Fox/Pubs/Rush, obviously. Always and forever. Bring back the fairness doctrine and responsibilty for this crappe- liars ARE prospering with the BS brainwashing Pub Propaganda Machine. Turn off the BS- Hoping for your recovery..

We know we are winning when all the libs have left is censorship, censorship, and more censorship!


Yep, even when it comes straight from O himself. Someone forced him to say it or he didnt understand that the gop would be there too...lol that was a classic. But they claim he was experienced enough. Just not enough to understand how our govt worked apparently.
It's not censorship, dittoheads, it's having two sides of the story, that Rush and Savage wouldn't survive for ten seconds, nor un-American dittoheads like you. "Obama might have Romney killed" (#1)- what ridiculous morons they've made of you...The world is aghast.

You guys had your sides radio station. Problem was Americans didnt want to hear your bullshit so it went belly up.

Air America (defunct)
BSNBC (low ratings)
NPR (just lol)
CNN (too an extent)
Print press

People dont wanna hear your side obviously and shoving it down their throat isnt the answer. Moderate you message and maybe you can compete with our 2 outlets

Fox and AM radio

You have all those outlets yet you cant compete lol
Good points, say talk radio and i cant think of one lib thats over the air here.

I do hear a bunch of conservatives making tons of money with huge ratings.

What will the liberals learn from this?

In the leftwing, liberal, Obama vernacular, 'civility' means you do not complain, condemn, or criticize or point out anything negative re anything Obama or the Democrats in Congress, or any leftwing organization or spokesperson say, suggest, do or don't do.

However, that does not seem to apply to any form of vulgar, violent, or hateful language or euphemism used in caricature or criticism of:

George W. Bush
Sarah Palin
Michelle Bachmann
Fox News
Conservative Talk Radio
*et al
Ann Coulter
Michelle Malkin
Heritage Foundation
Koch Brothers
Anybody running against a Democrat anywhere in the upcoming 2012 elections.
Conservative bloggers, message boarders, or man on the street interviews
. . . .and the list goes on and on. . . .
Good points, say talk radio and i cant think of one lib thats over the air here.

I do hear a bunch of conservatives making tons of money with huge ratings.

What will the liberals learn from this?


They wont "learn" anything. They are too busy trying to impose their thoughts to think about what someone else thinks.
Stick to where you can get your BS bigotted ignorant reinforcement, dittoheads. Fox,Rush/Savage.Murdoch/Rev. Moon---we've got the rest of media, even if most are chickenshytte.And of course what you know about leftie radio is BS- we're suing corporate radio. Here we've got it. Where you are, you NEED it. Hoping for your recovery, hater dittoheads. Later!:eusa_angel:
Stick to where you can get your BS bigotted ignorant reinforcement, dittoheads. Fox,Rush/Savage.Murdoch/Rev. Moon---we've got the rest of media, even if most are chickenshytte.And of course what you know about leftie radio is BS- we're suing corporate radio. Here we've got it. Where you are, you NEED it. Hoping for your recovery, hater dittoheads. Later!:eusa_angel:

I dont know why Im bothering with you, maybe its just fun. I dunno, your kinda like a car crash and I cant look away.

Anyhow I just thought I would let you know I dont really ever listen to Rush. He can be entertaining though. Thing is your side tries so hard to be serious then in the same 10 minutes they spew out hate on a grand scale. Maybe if you didnt take yourselves so serious you could make some headways into being liked by the general public. I mean didnt you ever stop to think about WHY the right gets such high ratings on TV and radio yet your side barely gets by with the leftovers?
Maybe Grampa dicksucker here should remind us again about all those weapons of mass destruction in Iraq before he starts crying about to what length someone will go to win the Presidency.
Maybe Grampa dicksucker here should remind us again about all those weapons of mass destruction in Iraq before he starts crying about to what length someone will go to win the Presidency.

Are these the WMD's that you refer too?

"If Saddam rejects peace and we have to use force, our purpose is clear. We want to seriously diminish the threat posed by Iraq's weapons of mass destruction program."
--President Bill Clinton, Feb. 17, 1998

"Iraq is a long way from [here], but what happens there matters a great deal here. For the risks that the leaders of a rogue state will use nuclear, chemical or biological weapons against us or our allies is the greatest security threat we face."
--Madeline Albright, Feb 18, 1998

"He will use those weapons of mass destruction again, as he has ten times since 1983."
--Sandy Berger, Clinton National Security Adviser, Feb, 18, 1998

"Saddam Hussein has been engaged in the development of weapons of mass destruction technology which is a threat to countries in the region and he has made a mockery of the weapons inspection process."
-Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D, CA), Dec. 16, 1998
No, THESE weapons of mass destruction.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f_A77N5WKWM]Bush admits that Iraq Had Nothing To Do With 9/11 - YouTube[/ame]

"I mean didnt you ever stop to think about WHY the right gets such high ratings on TV and radio yet your side barely gets by with the leftovers?"

I know why. The 20% dittoheads have nowhere else to go, More people listen to MSNBC/CNN etc than
Fox,and many times more listen to network nightly news. The people addicted to Rush/Beck/Savage etc are out of their tiny little minds...

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