Obama vs Clinton..Best Liar

If you put Hillary & Bill together they win but individually Obama wins and is by far the greatest threat to America.

Yes, he is, because he hates capitalism and what it represents....a thriving economy where everyone has food on the table in one way or another and that is because most of them were working at something we used to have plenty of and that was called...jobs.

If I was starting out today I do not know how I would survive with all this government control. Some of it was necessary regarding the banking industry, nevertheless, too much control thwarts the market, stifles individuality and leads to a dependency that cripples the workforce.

There were times i went without a paycheck in order to pay my employees and there were times I closed my offices and took my people to a baseball game in NYC. The bottom line I felt like I had control over my destiny. That is something which appears lacking today.

The hardcore liberal agenda wants you to feel powerless and out-of-control. That gives the Government more power. The positive attributes you mentioned are systematically being destroyed in America. Things like self-reliance, integrity, and personal responsibility. Liberals are desperately trying to cleanse those traditional attributes from the American consciousness.

Here is how it is: Need a hug? Feeling Sad? Just need a friend? Don't rely on yourself or those close to you. Just ask the Government. The Government is always there...and it cares. :)

President Bush(43) beats them all, combined. Although his father and Raygun we're pretty damn good liars too.
If you put Hillary & Bill together they win but individually Obama wins and is by far the greatest threat to America.
Get back to me when Obama starts talking about a country having WMD and about New York going up in a mushroom cloud.
Nothing compares to the "weapons of mass destruction" whopper.


You need to pay more attention, and try not to lie yourself.
http://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t493/LuvzLuv73/Private/3cc6ad07-efb0-4391-88fe-7477b2a628e4_zpsecea3f88.jpgFinally, someone on the right admits Obama inherited mess. Now I don't see Obama throwing gas on the fire as much as I see a group of neighbors doing everything possible to obstruct the firemen.
Democrat quotes on Iraq.

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including al Qaeda members ... It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons."
-- Sen. Hillary Clinton (D, NY), Oct 10, 2002

"There is unmistakable evidence that Saddam Hussein is working aggressively to develop nuclear weapons and will likely have nuclear weapons within the next five years ... We also should remember we have always underestimated the progress Saddam has made in development of weapons of mass destruction."
-- Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D, WV), Oct 10, 2002

"He has systematically violated, over the course of the past 11 years, every significant UN resolution that has demanded that he disarm and destroy his chemical and biological weapons, and any nuclear capacity. This he has refused to do"
-- Rep. Henry Waxman (D, CA), Oct. 10, 2002

Democrat Quotes on WMD
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Nothing compares to the "weapons of mass destruction" whopper.


You need to pay more attention, and try not to lie yourself.
http://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t493/LuvzLuv73/Private/3cc6ad07-efb0-4391-88fe-7477b2a628e4_zpsecea3f88.jpgFinally, someone on the right admits Obama inherited mess. Now I don't see Obama throwing gas on the fire as much as I see a group of neighbors doing everything possible to obstruct the firemen.

Then you're an idiot.

~ 85% of Americans will lose their HC ins b/c it doesn't meet the aca mandates.

gas came down to double what it was when obama took over

UE is still over 7%

$17 Trillion in debt

NSA spying on us and our allies

But somehow, this doesn't matter to people like you
ANY Pub is a bigger liar than any Dem- your whole party is based on the lie that you give a damn about anything but money, the greedy idiot rich, and power...Pub dupes...

Bush and Cheney were GREAT at giving impressions that were total lies without being caught. IN 2003, 70-80 per cent of Americans believed Saddam was involved in 9/11 and was close to having nukes. Most hater dupes STILL DO lol...the ones on USMB are the ''informed'' ones LOL.. In the bs, jingoistic, revenge atmosphere of the time, it was political suicide to vote against Iraq war powers...then Bush's bs was revealed to most LOL..

85 per cent are getting cancelled, you MORON LOL. This is all about the 5 per cent who need to go on the exchanges, FOOL.

google- Obama's "You Can Keep Your Plan" Failed To Anticipate How Much Americans Love Cheap Crappy Plans That Cover Nothing

THESE INSURERS could have just fixed their BS plans, ya know, the greedy a-holes- good riddance...NO LIE.
ANY Pub is a bigger liar than any Dem- your whole party is based on the lie that you give a damn about anything but money, the greedy idiot rich, and power...Pub dupes...

Bush and Cheney were GREAT at giving impressions that were total lies without being caught. IN 2003, 70-80 per cent of Americans believed Saddam was involved in 9/11 and was close to having nukes. Most hater dupes STILL DO lol...the ones on USMB are the ''informed'' ones LOL.. In the bs, jingoistic, revenge atmosphere of the time, it was political suicide to vote against Iraq war powers...then Bush's bs was revealed to most LOL..

85 per cent are getting cancelled, you MORON LOL. This is all about the 5 per cent who need to go on the exchanges, FOOL.

google- Obama's "You Can Keep Your Plan" Failed To Anticipate How Much Americans Love Cheap Crappy Plans That Cover Nothing

THESE INSURERS could have just fixed their BS plans, ya know, the greedy a-holes- good riddance...NO LIE.

I see you got your talking points..

5% of 314,000,000 is what, almost 18 million..(What about the children) ... the Obama/Democrats lies are becoming quite obvious and trusting government (especially liberal democrats) to force feed what's best for you is completely crazy talk and wholly UN-American.

This is just the tip of the iceberg, there's still plenty of Obama/Democrat lies to be exposed and excuses you'll be informed to use...:lol:
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You need to pay more attention, and try not to lie yourself.
http://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t493/LuvzLuv73/Private/3cc6ad07-efb0-4391-88fe-7477b2a628e4_zpsecea3f88.jpgFinally, someone on the right admits Obama inherited mess. Now I don't see Obama throwing gas on the fire as much as I see a group of neighbors doing everything possible to obstruct the firemen.

Then you're an idiot.

~ 85% of Americans will lose their HC ins b/c it doesn't meet the aca mandates.

gas came down to double what it was when obama took over

UE is still over 7%

$17 Trillion in debt

NSA spying on us and our allies

But somehow, this doesn't matter to people like you

Gas Prices........hmmm, what was happening between Oct 2008 and Dec 2008?

07/19/2008 13.381 58.86 4.3990
08/03/2008 12.541 51.41 4.0990
08/19/2008 10.893 41.82 3.8390
08/20/2008 9.285 36.20 3.8990
08/26/2008 5.426 21.16 3.8990
08/27/2008 11.790 44.79 3.7990
08/29/2008 2.132 7.97 3.7390
09/10/2008 8.681 32.46 3.7390
09/29/2008 12.504 48.75 3.8990
10/19/2008 13.434 47.01 3.4990
11/04/2008 13.872 31.06 2.2390
11/24/2008 13.954 26.22 1.8790
12/16/2008 13.593 23.77 1.7490
12/19/2008 10.630 21.25 1.9990
12/24/2008 4.336 7.58 1.7490
12/29/2008 13.380 21.26 1.5890
01/22/2009 13.809 25.39 1.8390
02/11/2009 13.731 27.31 1.9890
03/01/2009 13.540 26.93 1.9890
03/16/2009 13.542 26.94 1.9890
03/24/2009 9.901 20.68 2.0890
04/05/2009 13.485 29.52 2.1890
04/07/2009 2.532 5.54 2.1890
04/13/2009 13.605 32.64 2.3990
04/16/2009 13.954 30.55 2.1890
05/04/2009 13.270 29.05 2.1890
05/18/2009 13.542 32.49 2.3990
05/30/2009 13.529 34.89 2.5790
06/14/2009 13.623 36.36 2.6690
06/21/2009 10.523 28.40 2.6990


I don't know if you're an idiot but your talking points are sure stuck on stupid.
Gas was 4.00 before the economy melted down, MORON.

Bush had the NSA on secrecy steroids- Obama just added judicial and congressional oversight, DINGBAT.

Gas was $1.84 when Bush left office..

The NSA and what they've done over the past 5 years is still Bush's responsibility..:lol:
They'll get good health insurance for the first time, most of them- what a horror lol...the rest had health care that was TOO GOOD...EITHER WAY, THE INSURERS GOOD HAVE JUST FIXED THE POLICIES INSTEAD OF CANCELLING THEM...NO LIE.
They'll get good health insurance for the first time, most of them- what a horror lol...the rest had health care that was TOO GOOD...EITHER WAY, THE INSURERS GOOD HAVE JUST FIXED THE POLICIES INSTEAD OF CANCELLING THEM...NO LIE.

If it's not minimally profitable, why would they?

I shouldn't have to pay extra for your sex change operation, your pregnancy, your hysterectomy, your venereal diseases, your drug rehabilitation as part of my medical insurance payment..
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