Obama Tells US Troops No Terrorist Attack Perpetrated on US Soil During His Presidency


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
“We should take great pride in the progress we’ve made over the last eight years. No foreign terrorist organization has successfully planned and executed an attack on our homeland.”


Obama made the eyebrow-raising declaration during his last national security speech as president and received tepid applause from troops in Tampa, Florida to whom he was speaking.

'They just need to remember there are only 45 more days until a new commander-in-chief is sworn in.'


Liberals will immediately race to his defense by pointing out his EXACT words were 'no foreign terrorist organization', but this is still false.

The Boston Marathon terrorist attack was committed by domestic terrorists who flew to and were trained for the attack by Al Qaeida. Russian Intelligence / Vladimir Putin warned the United States that Tsarnaev had traveled to a terrorist training camp run by Al Qaeida and was taught how to perpetrate the terrorist attack.
- The FBI failed to stop the attack. Afterwards, in an attempt to cover his ass, Obama had the media run pictures of the brothers on TV asking the American people to help identify them WHEN THEY ALREADY KNEW WHO THEY WERE, THAT THEY WERE RADICALIZED TERRORISTS WHO HAD RECEIVED TRAINING FROM AL QAEIDA AND WAS WARNED OF THEIR BEING A THREAT!

The Fort Hood Terrorist Attack was committed by Major Niddal Hassan, a radicalized domestic terrorist who was in contact with the leader of Al Qaeida, who frequented terrorist sites, who called himself the 'Soldier of Allah', who threatened to behead his fellow officers if they refused to convert to Islam...and Barry had the BALLS (not brains) to try to excuse the TERRORIST ATTACK as a simple case of 'Workplace Violence'.

Yes, most of the TERRORIST attacks in this country are / have been caused by 'self'- radicalized domestic terrorists, many claiming to have carried out the attacks in the name of ISIS...and ISIS has been claiming credit for this. When these people are reading all of this terrorist-generated hate / propaganda and 'self-radicalizing' themselves they are being indoctrinated by one of the largest terrorist organization in the world who is supplying them with all this crap, who is CHARGING THEM WITH COMMITTING TERRORIST ATACKS. So claiming that no foreign terrorist organization has a hand in any of these attacks perpetrated on US soil is NOT actually true.
-- How DOES one 'self-radicalize' without having access to any propaganda, information, hate-spewing information put out by the foreign terrorist organizations? This is called psychological warfare perpetrated by armies / organizations. It is obviously working as evidence by the number of domestic terrorist attacks perpetrated by Americans who have been indoctrinated.

Obama can claim all day if he wants that no major terrorist organization has been involved in the planning and execution of terrorist attacks on US soil during his presidency but that is just him lying, bending the hell out of the truth, and attempting to write his own legacy.

He thinks that carefully crafting a false narrative excuses away lying about the Ft. Hood terrorist attack being a case of 'workplace violence', for MOCKING American citizens while abroad for their concern for their and the nation's security - laughing and claiming Americans have nothing to fear from 'refugees' except 'orphans and widows - only a short time later to have one of his own 'refugees' his administration failed to thoroughly vette before giving them a visa and welcoming into the US murder 12 Americans in California in a terrorist attack?! That excuses his sending out his Attorney General to threaten Americans for exercising their Constitutional Right to Free Speech should they talk negatively about the TERRORIST attack or about ISLAMIC EXTREMISTS?!

Barry knows he and Liberals gave Bush SH!T about 9/11/01 and why he did nothing to prevent it - even though the planning for the attack happened on Clinton's watch. Barry knows Bush did not have all the pieces of the event that would allow him to act, knows that he couldn't stop the plan because he didn't know about it, knows that at the time the airline policy in a hijack was to do whatever the hijackers said because no one expected airplanes to be used as weapons. He knows all of this and is desperately trying to make himself look better than Bush.

Barry claims Bush SHOULD have known about 9/11/01 in advance and SHOULD have done something to stop it....Yeah, like how Barry was warned by Russian Intelligence about how Tsarnaev had been trained by Al Qaeida in an Al Qaeida training camp to perpetrate his up-coming Boston marathon bombing - gave him the names and all the info - and how Barry stopped that attack?!

After the 9/11/01 attack under Bush there were NO MORE TERRORIST ATTACKS ON US SOIL, something Barry CAN NOT claim. So he has, once again, the balls - not the brains - to go before US troops in his last security speech and cherry pick his words meant to write his own legacy and declares there have been no terrorist attacks planned for executed on US soil by foreign terrorist ORGANIZATIONS, which again is partially FALSE...and the troops aren't stupid, mindless liberal drones who swallow every word the 'dear leader' spews out of mouth.....and react accordingly:

"As mild applause broke out, the cameras cut to the audience.

Of the roughly 20 service members shown at MacDill Air Force Base, only three were clapping. Most sat with their hands folded or motionless. One man rubbed his eyes.

Most didn’t applaud likely because they remembered attacks being carried out in San Bernardino, California, and Orlando, Florida by jihadis vowing allegiance to ISIS. And they likely remembered, too, ISIS claiming credit for the attack on Ohio State University by a Somali “refugee.”

VIDEO: Few troops clap for Obama during final national security speech - The American Mirror
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I can tell you one thing, the vast majority of the troops hate that son of a bitch!
The fact that there are people who believed him somehow alive in spite of natural selection is unnerving.
“We should take great pride in the progress we’ve made over the last eight years. No foreign terrorist organization has successfully planned and executed an attack on our homeland.”


Obama made the eyebrow-raising declaration during his last national security speech as president and received tepid applause from troops in Tampa, Florida to whom he was speaking.

'They just need to remember there are only 45 more days until a new commander-in-chief is sworn in.'


Liberals will immediately race to his defense by pointing out his EXACT words were 'no foreign terrorist organization', but this is still false.

The Boston Marathon terrorist attack was committed by domestic terrorists who flew to and were trained for the attack by Al Qaeida. Russian Intelligence / Vladimir Putin warned the United States that Tsarnaev had traveled to a terrorist training camp run by Al Qaeida and was taught how to perpetrate the terrorist attack.
- The FBI failed to stop the attack. Afterwards, in an attempt to cover his ass, Obama had the media run pictures of the brothers on TV asking the American people to help identify them WHEN THEY ALREADY KNEW WHO THEY WERE, THAT THEY WERE RADICALIZED TERRORISTS WHO HAD RECEIVED TRAINING FROM AL QAEIDA AND WAS WARNED OF THEIR BEING A THREAT!

The Fort Hood Terrorist Attack was committed by Major Niddal Hassan, a radicalized domestic terrorist who was in contact with the leader of Al Qaeida, who frequented terrorist sites, who called himself the 'Soldier of Allah', who threatened to behead his fellow officers if they refused to convert to Islam...and Barry had the BALLS (not brains) to try to excuse the TERRORIST ATTACK as a simple case of 'Workplace Violence'.

Yes, most of the TERRORIST attacks in this country are / have been caused by 'self'- radicalized domestic terrorists, many claiming to have carried out the attacks in the name of ISIS...and ISIS has been claiming credit for this. When these people are reading all of this terrorist-generated hate / propaganda and 'self-radicalizing' themselves they are being indoctrinated by one of the largest terrorist organization in the world who is supplying them with all this crap, who is CHARGING THEM WITH COMMITTING TERRORIST ATACKS. So claiming that no foreign terrorist organization has a hand in any of these attacks perpetrated on US soil is NOT actually true.

Obama can claim all day if he wants that no major terrorist organization has been involved in the planning and execution of terrorist attacks on US soil during his presidency but that is just him lying, bending the hell out of the truth, and attempting to write his own legacy.

He thinks that carefully crafting a false narrative excuses away lying about the Ft. Hood terrorist attack being a case of 'workplace violence', for MOCKING American citizens while abroad for their concern for their and the nation's security - laughing and claiming Americans have nothing to fear from 'refugees' except 'orphans and widows - only a short time later to have one of his own 'refugees' his administration failed to thoroughly vette before giving them a visa and welcoming into the US murder 12 Americans in California in a terrorist attack?! That excuses his sending out his Attorney General to threaten Americans for exercising their Constitutional Right to Free Speech should they talk negatively about the TERRORIST attack or about ISLAMIC EXTREMISTS?!

Barry knows he and Liberals gave Bush SH!T about 9/11/01 and why he did nothing to prevent it - even though the planning for the attack happened on Clinton's watch. Barry knows Bush did not have all the pieces of the event that would allow him to act, knows that he couldn't stop the plan because he didn't know about it, knows that at the time the airline policy in a hijack was to do whatever the hijackers said because no one expected airplanes to be used as weapons. He knows all of this and is desperately trying to make himself look better than Bush.

Barry claims Bush SHOULD have known about 9/11/01 in advance and SHOULD have done something to stop it....Yeah, like how Barry was warned by Russian Intelligence about how Tsarnaev had been trained by Al Qaeida in an Al Qaeida training camp to perpetrate his up-coming Boston marathon bombing - gave him the names and all the info - and how Barry stopped that attack?!

After the 9/11/01 attack under Bush there were NO MORE TERRORIST ATTACKS ON US SOIL, something Barry CAN NOT claim. So he has, once again, the balls - not the brains - to go before US troops in his last security speech and cherry pick his words meant to write his own legacy and declares there have been no terrorist attacks planned for executed on US soil by foreign terrorist ORGANIZATIONS, which again is partially FALSE...and the troops aren't stupid, mindless liberal drones who swallow every word the 'dear leader' spews out of mouth.....and react accordingly:

"As mild applause broke out, the cameras cut to the audience.

Of the roughly 20 service members shown at MacDill Air Force Base, only three were clapping. Most sat with their hands folded or motionless. One man rubbed his eyes.

Most didn’t applaud likely because they remembered attacks being carried out in San Bernardino, California, and Orlando, Florida by jihadis vowing allegiance to ISIS. And they likely remembered, too, ISIS claiming credit for the attack on Ohio State University by a Somali “refugee.”

VIDEO: Few troops clap for Obama during final national security speech - The American Mirror
Bbbbbut Bush......no more need be said. Bush killed them...Obama held services.
Granny says, "Oh yeah...

... what about San Bernadino...

... and the Boston bombing?"
Oh c'mon now! We all know that was work place violets. Roses are red violets are blue, Obama's a liar and so is the news.
He is one sick donkey. I can count at least 20 attacks, and believe it to be closer to 35-40.
His admin thinks that by calling many of them work place violence, mental illness, etc.fools people. It doesn't fool those with active brain cells between their ears.

I would imagine those military were ready to spit when they heard him say that, remembering the recruitment offices hit, their US bases here hit by these radical Islamists.

The guy is truly living in lala land.
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Poor Republicans. Don't understand the difference between radicalized and disillusioned Americans and a planned attack from a foreign organization.

Church shooting suspect Dylann Roof captured amid hate crime investigation

You might as well say Dylann Roof's attack in a church that shot 10 people, 9 of which died, was planned by the Alt Right. After all, it was a terrorist crime. Someone had to be behind it. We know he's racist. He told us. So who else could it be besides the Alt Right? They radicalized him.

The truth is, Dylann Roof was radicalized by the horrific and racist right wing and just carried out his attack according to the logical conclusion of their hatred.
Poor Republicans. Don't understand the difference between radicalized and disillusioned Americans and a planned attack from a foreign organization.

Church shooting suspect Dylann Roof captured amid hate crime investigation

You might as well say Dylann Roof's attack in a church that shot 10 people, 9 of which died, was planned by the Alt Right. After all, it was a terrorist crime. Someone had to be behind it. We know he's racist. He told us. So who else could it be besides the Alt Right? They radicalized him.

The truth is, Dylann Roof was radicalized by the horrific and racist right wing and just carried out his attack according to the logical conclusion of their hatred.
You're a delusional American....thankfully you'll only "go off" on your boyfriend.
Waiting for taken out of context, work place violence, but BOOOSH, and a hundred other excuses the libs will try and use as a defense mechanism.
Obama has grown desperate. He put his 'legacy' on the line during the election and got clobbered. Under his leadership the Democratic party has been decimated in historic losses. The American people have rejected is one big win Obamacare. The guy is grasping and lying now trying to save face.

The first black president ladies and gentlemen, a failure.

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