Obama Takes Swipe At Trump In Secret Speech — ‘We Didn’t Have A Scandal That Embarrassed Us’


Gold Member
Aug 5, 2016
Obama Takes Swipe At Trump In Secret Speech — ‘We Didn’t Have A Scandal That Embarrassed Us’

1. Fast & Furious
2. Benghazi
3. IRS
4. VA
5. Obamacare
6. Syria - red line
7, 8, 9. Russia - more flexibility, Uranium One, scolding Romney
10, 11, 12. Iran - allowed Hezbollah free reign to sell drugs, gave them 1.6 billion, ridiculous nuclear treaty
13. CFPB - slush fund for liberal organizations
14. EPA - slush fund for liberal organizations
15. Arab Spring failure - sided with Muslim Brotherhood
16. Ukraine - allowed Russia (see a theme?) to annex the Crimea, refused to ship Ukraine arms
17. Police murders in Dallas and his support of BLM
18. Spying on the Trump campaign
19. Clinton email scandal - some of those emails went to him from her server
20. His official painting, filled with seamen from a racist "artist" who used photoshop for the background and has a proclivity for painting black women beheading white women.

that's just off the top of my head. of course, they aren't all scandals from his time in office because the media covered for him throughout and we're only learning of this now that he's on the speech circuit talking smack about the current administration. that said, between this speech and #20, he sure is keeping pace.
Obama is just fucking mental, there's no other explanation. Moreover, he called on Google and Facebook to silence political opponents. Progressives have such poor arguments they instantly resort to Fascism
Obama Takes Swipe At Trump In Secret Speech — ‘We Didn’t Have A Scandal That Embarrassed Us’

1. Fast & Furious
2. Benghazi
3. IRS
4. VA
5. Obamacare
6. Syria - red line
7, 8, 9. Russia - more flexibility, Uranium One, scolding Romney
10, 11, 12. Iran - allowed Hezbollah free reign to sell drugs, gave them 1.6 billion, ridiculous nuclear treaty
13. CFPB - slush fund for liberal organizations
14. EPA - slush fund for liberal organizations
15. Arab Spring failure - sided with Muslim Brotherhood
16. Ukraine - allowed Russia (see a theme?) to annex the Crimea, refused to ship Ukraine arms
17. Police murders in Dallas and his support of BLM
18. Spying on the Trump campaign
19. Clinton email scandal - some of those emails went to him from her server
20. His official painting, filled with seamen from a racist "artist" who used photoshop for the background and has a proclivity for painting black women beheading white women.

that's just off the top of my head. of course, they aren't all scandals from his time in office because the media covered for him throughout and we're only learning of this now that he's on the speech circuit talking smack about the current administration. that said, between this speech and #20, he sure is keeping pace.
Witch hunts all!
Obama Takes Swipe At Trump In Secret Speech — ‘We Didn’t Have A Scandal That Embarrassed Us’

1. Fast & Furious
2. Benghazi
3. IRS
4. VA
5. Obamacare
6. Syria - red line
7, 8, 9. Russia - more flexibility, Uranium One, scolding Romney
10, 11, 12. Iran - allowed Hezbollah free reign to sell drugs, gave them 1.6 billion, ridiculous nuclear treaty
13. CFPB - slush fund for liberal organizations
14. EPA - slush fund for liberal organizations
15. Arab Spring failure - sided with Muslim Brotherhood
16. Ukraine - allowed Russia (see a theme?) to annex the Crimea, refused to ship Ukraine arms
17. Police murders in Dallas and his support of BLM
18. Spying on the Trump campaign
19. Clinton email scandal - some of those emails went to him from her server
20. His official painting, filled with seamen from a racist "artist" who used photoshop for the background and has a proclivity for painting black women beheading white women.

that's just off the top of my head. of course, they aren't all scandals from his time in office because the media covered for him throughout and we're only learning of this now that he's on the speech circuit talking smack about the current administration. that said, between this speech and #20, he sure is keeping pace.
Why would Obama have a secret speech?
Obama Takes Swipe At Trump In Secret Speech — ‘We Didn’t Have A Scandal That Embarrassed Us’

1. Fast & Furious
2. Benghazi
3. IRS
4. VA
5. Obamacare
6. Syria - red line
7, 8, 9. Russia - more flexibility, Uranium One, scolding Romney
10, 11, 12. Iran - allowed Hezbollah free reign to sell drugs, gave them 1.6 billion, ridiculous nuclear treaty
13. CFPB - slush fund for liberal organizations
14. EPA - slush fund for liberal organizations
15. Arab Spring failure - sided with Muslim Brotherhood
16. Ukraine - allowed Russia (see a theme?) to annex the Crimea, refused to ship Ukraine arms
17. Police murders in Dallas and his support of BLM
18. Spying on the Trump campaign
19. Clinton email scandal - some of those emails went to him from her server
20. His official painting, filled with seamen from a racist "artist" who used photoshop for the background and has a proclivity for painting black women beheading white women.

that's just off the top of my head. of course, they aren't all scandals from his time in office because the media covered for him throughout and we're only learning of this now that he's on the speech circuit talking smack about the current administration. that said, between this speech and #20, he sure is keeping pace.
Why would Obama have a secret speech?

Maybe it was about an 'insurance policy' against Trump's next victory?
Obama Takes Swipe At Trump In Secret Speech — ‘We Didn’t Have A Scandal That Embarrassed Us’

1. Fast & Furious
2. Benghazi
3. IRS
4. VA
5. Obamacare
6. Syria - red line
7, 8, 9. Russia - more flexibility, Uranium One, scolding Romney
10, 11, 12. Iran - allowed Hezbollah free reign to sell drugs, gave them 1.6 billion, ridiculous nuclear treaty
13. CFPB - slush fund for liberal organizations
14. EPA - slush fund for liberal organizations
15. Arab Spring failure - sided with Muslim Brotherhood
16. Ukraine - allowed Russia (see a theme?) to annex the Crimea, refused to ship Ukraine arms
17. Police murders in Dallas and his support of BLM
18. Spying on the Trump campaign
19. Clinton email scandal - some of those emails went to him from her server
20. His official painting, filled with seamen from a racist "artist" who used photoshop for the background and has a proclivity for painting black women beheading white women.

that's just off the top of my head. of course, they aren't all scandals from his time in office because the media covered for him throughout and we're only learning of this now that he's on the speech circuit talking smack about the current administration. that said, between this speech and #20, he sure is keeping pace.
Why would Obama have a secret speech?

Maybe it was about an 'insurance policy' against Trump's next victory?
It just seems like stupid thing to do given Trumps transparency. Maybe it was Pelosi's idea.
Obama's Secret Speech at MIT

Sure didn't stay secret for very long. How can anyone be so stupid as to think it would remain secret when people were allowed to take their smart phones and other electronics inside? (Perhaps he really didn't want to keep it secret)

1) Obama thinks Google, Facebook, etc., are "a public good as well as a commercial enterprise," and should consider whether they are corroding our democracy.

2) It's okay to argue about how we should address climate change. It's not okay to deny the underlying science.

3) Obama really likes basketball—and he'd like it more if the NBA had a junior league.

4) Diversity isn't about "charity or political correctness, it's just common sense." And it's why his White House was scandal-free, according to the president.

5) Obama thinks the stereotype about lazy government employees is wrong.

From 5 Things Barack Obama Said in His Weirdly Off-the-Record MIT Speech
Obama Takes Swipe At Trump In Secret Speech — ‘We Didn’t Have A Scandal That Embarrassed Us’

1. Fast & Furious
2. Benghazi
3. IRS
4. VA
5. Obamacare
6. Syria - red line
7, 8, 9. Russia - more flexibility, Uranium One, scolding Romney
10, 11, 12. Iran - allowed Hezbollah free reign to sell drugs, gave them 1.6 billion, ridiculous nuclear treaty
13. CFPB - slush fund for liberal organizations
14. EPA - slush fund for liberal organizations
15. Arab Spring failure - sided with Muslim Brotherhood
16. Ukraine - allowed Russia (see a theme?) to annex the Crimea, refused to ship Ukraine arms
17. Police murders in Dallas and his support of BLM
18. Spying on the Trump campaign
19. Clinton email scandal - some of those emails went to him from her server
20. His official painting, filled with seamen from a racist "artist" who used photoshop for the background and has a proclivity for painting black women beheading white women.

that's just off the top of my head. of course, they aren't all scandals from his time in office because the media covered for him throughout and we're only learning of this now that he's on the speech circuit talking smack about the current administration. that said, between this speech and #20, he sure is keeping pace.
This has to be "off the top" of your head being that there`s nothing inside it. Benghazi investigations found no wrongdoing. Do you need 9 more? Russia should ask our permission to annex the Crimea? Why? We don`t ask permission for our frequent invasions of other countries.
Russian collusion is a Liberal made scandal. It's all BS. Obama in the other hand... OP laid it out nicely.
Obama Takes Swipe At Trump In Secret Speech — ‘We Didn’t Have A Scandal That Embarrassed Us’

1. Fast & Furious
2. Benghazi
3. IRS
4. VA
5. Obamacare
6. Syria - red line
7, 8, 9. Russia - more flexibility, Uranium One, scolding Romney
10, 11, 12. Iran - allowed Hezbollah free reign to sell drugs, gave them 1.6 billion, ridiculous nuclear treaty
13. CFPB - slush fund for liberal organizations
14. EPA - slush fund for liberal organizations
15. Arab Spring failure - sided with Muslim Brotherhood
16. Ukraine - allowed Russia (see a theme?) to annex the Crimea, refused to ship Ukraine arms
17. Police murders in Dallas and his support of BLM
18. Spying on the Trump campaign
19. Clinton email scandal - some of those emails went to him from her server
20. His official painting, filled with seamen from a racist "artist" who used photoshop for the background and has a proclivity for painting black women beheading white women.

that's just off the top of my head. of course, they aren't all scandals from his time in office because the media covered for him throughout and we're only learning of this now that he's on the speech circuit talking smack about the current administration. that said, between this speech and #20, he sure is keeping pace.

An excellent job, Moorelloyd

Could you include Hussein's endorsing of racial genocide ...

If any proof of what a low individual Hussein Obama was, one can see a pictorial representation of his racial animus by the 'artist' he chose for his official portrait.

"Obama's portrait artist painted black women with severed heads of white women



I consider this a scandal....
Rick Wilson has a way with words...

Jared Kushner had a very bad terrible no good day. Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy.

It’s even harder when you’re a corrupt, entitled snake who repeatedly lies about your finances to federal investigators and serves as a living, breathing poster child for privileged venality.
It’s even harder when you’ve rather clumsily attempted to use both your familial relationship and proximity to the president of the United States to save your family’s failing real-estate empire

The Deep State Takes Out the White House’s Dark Clown Prince
Obama never had any embarrasing scandals? I guess he didn't consider US sailors on their knees being held hostage and humiliated by Iranians as embarrasing.......

this just for starters, what a clown Barry Soetoro has been, was, and still is

Obama Takes Swipe At Trump In Secret Speech — ‘We Didn’t Have A Scandal That Embarrassed Us’

1. Fast & Furious
2. Benghazi
3. IRS
4. VA
5. Obamacare
6. Syria - red line
7, 8, 9. Russia - more flexibility, Uranium One, scolding Romney
10, 11, 12. Iran - allowed Hezbollah free reign to sell drugs, gave them 1.6 billion, ridiculous nuclear treaty
13. CFPB - slush fund for liberal organizations
14. EPA - slush fund for liberal organizations
15. Arab Spring failure - sided with Muslim Brotherhood
16. Ukraine - allowed Russia (see a theme?) to annex the Crimea, refused to ship Ukraine arms
17. Police murders in Dallas and his support of BLM
18. Spying on the Trump campaign
19. Clinton email scandal - some of those emails went to him from her server
20. His official painting, filled with seamen from a racist "artist" who used photoshop for the background and has a proclivity for painting black women beheading white women.

that's just off the top of my head. of course, they aren't all scandals from his time in office because the media covered for him throughout and we're only learning of this now that he's on the speech circuit talking smack about the current administration. that said, between this speech and #20, he sure is keeping pace.
Lies and conspiracies? That's all you have?

And on how many of those did he have to speak with federal investigators?
How many times did he have to testify in front of Congressional and Senate committees?

But they are more inventive than I usually give Republicans credit for.

I don't know I would bother to go over all of them because of the nonsensical hilarity, but you can start here:

The truth about the Fast and Furious scandal
Trump has his own Benghazi in Africa. But the reason it's not news is because he has so many other scandals that come first. Some are new every day. A scandal a day keeps Trump's Benghazi away.
Obama Takes Swipe At Trump In Secret Speech — ‘We Didn’t Have A Scandal That Embarrassed Us’

1. Fast & Furious
2. Benghazi
3. IRS
4. VA
5. Obamacare
6. Syria - red line
7, 8, 9. Russia - more flexibility, Uranium One, scolding Romney
10, 11, 12. Iran - allowed Hezbollah free reign to sell drugs, gave them 1.6 billion, ridiculous nuclear treaty
13. CFPB - slush fund for liberal organizations
14. EPA - slush fund for liberal organizations
15. Arab Spring failure - sided with Muslim Brotherhood
16. Ukraine - allowed Russia (see a theme?) to annex the Crimea, refused to ship Ukraine arms
17. Police murders in Dallas and his support of BLM
18. Spying on the Trump campaign
19. Clinton email scandal - some of those emails went to him from her server
20. His official painting, filled with seamen from a racist "artist" who used photoshop for the background and has a proclivity for painting black women beheading white women.

that's just off the top of my head. of course, they aren't all scandals from his time in office because the media covered for him throughout and we're only learning of this now that he's on the speech circuit talking smack about the current administration. that said, between this speech and #20, he sure is keeping pace.

An excellent job, Moorelloyd

Could you include Hussein's endorsing of racial genocide ...

If any proof of what a low individual Hussein Obama was, one can see a pictorial representation of his racial animus by the 'artist' he chose for his official portrait.

"Obama's portrait artist painted black women with severed heads of white women



I consider this a scandal....
She could have been painting "strange fruit". I guess you would have no problem with that.
Obama Takes Swipe At Trump In Secret Speech — ‘We Didn’t Have A Scandal That Embarrassed Us’

1. Fast & Furious
2. Benghazi
3. IRS
4. VA
5. Obamacare
6. Syria - red line
7, 8, 9. Russia - more flexibility, Uranium One, scolding Romney
10, 11, 12. Iran - allowed Hezbollah free reign to sell drugs, gave them 1.6 billion, ridiculous nuclear treaty
13. CFPB - slush fund for liberal organizations
14. EPA - slush fund for liberal organizations
15. Arab Spring failure - sided with Muslim Brotherhood
16. Ukraine - allowed Russia (see a theme?) to annex the Crimea, refused to ship Ukraine arms
17. Police murders in Dallas and his support of BLM
18. Spying on the Trump campaign
19. Clinton email scandal - some of those emails went to him from her server
20. His official painting, filled with seamen from a racist "artist" who used photoshop for the background and has a proclivity for painting black women beheading white women.

that's just off the top of my head. of course, they aren't all scandals from his time in office because the media covered for him throughout and we're only learning of this now that he's on the speech circuit talking smack about the current administration. that said, between this speech and #20, he sure is keeping pace.

Having the very first cabinet member in the history of the United States that was held in 'contempt of Congress'.....

....think that might be a 'scandal;????

  1. an action or event regarded as morally or legally wrong and causing general public outrage.

I'd say that that fulfills the requirement.....
LOL..Trump has nearly 20 scandals a month and nearly all you posted for Obama were not even scandals.
And, being the first President of the United States to be the number one funder of the Islamic Revolution in Tehran….to the tune of $100 billion to the Ayatollahs….hence, facilitating the terrorist activities of the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism......

....that's quite a scandal as well.

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