Obama/Reagan On Jobs, Growth & Investing

oh good grief, that Obama, he is so much better than anyone else that's why he has a 70% disapproval rating from the people in the country

Obama might DREAM of being like Reagan. but there is no way in hell... Reagan won with 49 of the 50 states something the dear one Obama dream of doing. and Reagan was very popular and admired .Obama people don't care for thugs.

whoever wrote that article in forbes must be high on acid or something. You can't build up Obama into someone he is not. He'll never be like Reagan. ever
Thank God,,,,
oh good grief, that Obama, he is so much better than anyone else that's why he has a 70% disapproval rating from the people in the country

Obama might DREAM of being like Reagan. but there is no way in hell... Reagan won with 49 of the 50 states something the dear one Obama dream of doing. and Reagan was very popular and admired .Obama people don't care for thugs.

whoever wrote that article in forbes must be high on acid or something. You can't build up Obama into someone he is not. He'll never be like Reagan. ever

Thank God!
oh good grief, that Obama, he is so much better than anyone else that's why he has a 70% disapproval rating from the people in the country

Obama might DREAM of being like Reagan. but there is no way in hell... Reagan won with 49 of the 50 states something the dear one Obama dream of doing. and Reagan was very popular and admired .Obama people don't care for thugs.

whoever wrote that article in forbes must be high on acid or something. You can't build up Obama into someone he is not. He'll never be like Reagan. ever

Of course, that is a lie, one I already disproved on another thread.

Dear Lord, Stephanie, do get a grip on yourself. You might break something.

Now, as to the actual information in the OP, here is a chart that was provided at the link. That chart pretty much says it all:


So, not only do we see that the downward slope of unemployment as measured between the two presidents is very, very similar is scope, and above all else, in LENGTH, indeed, at this corresponding time in history, the Obama administration now has lower unemployment in the same corresponding month, well, actually, ever since the 61th month.

Of course, the Reagan unemployment peaked LATER in his administration, which in and of istelf is pretty much an indictment of his trickle-down policies. Whereas Obama was handed a crumbling economy by George. W. Bush, who then turned tail and ran for the hills, Reagan started with slightly LOWER unemployment than Obama did, and it skyrocketed 24 months into his administration, in 1982. It was at that time the Reagan actually began to sign one of 6 tax increases into law - all part of the congressional record.

Now, some crazy-assed Righties will probably come along and claim that the BLS is cooking to books, that unemploment really is 800 gazillion percent, but we all just don't know it, because, well, well, well, BENGHAZI!

What they are talking about is the Labor Participation Rate, which they think was magically newly invented, but has been in use as a tracking statistic now for 114 years. You can read about it at the link.

Also, this text:

President Obama has achieved a 6.1% unemployment rate in his 6th year, fully one year faster than President Reagan did. At this point in his presidency, President Reagan was still struggling with 7.1% unemployment, and he did not reach into the mid-low 6% range for another full year. So, despite today’s number, the Obama administration has still done considerably better at job creating and reducing unemployment than did the Reagan administration.

We forecast unemployment will fall to around 5.4% by summer, 2015. A rate President Reagan was unable to achieve during his two terms.”

Also, this quote:

When President Obama took office America was gripped in an offshoring boom, started years earlier, pushing jobs to the developing world. Manufacturing was declining in America, and plants were closing across the nation.

This week the Institute for Supply Management (ISM) released its manufacturing report, and it surprised nearly everyone. The latest Purchasing Managers Index (PMI)scored 59, 2 points higher than July and about that much higher than prognosticators expected. This represents 63 straight months of economic expansion, and 25 consecutive months of manufacturing expansion.

New orders were up 3.3 points to 66.7, with 15 consecutive months of improvement and reaching the highest level since April, 2004 – 5 years prior to Obama becoming President. Not surprisingly, this economic growth provided for 14 consecutive months of improvement in the employment index. Meaning that the “grass roots” economy made its turn for the better just as the DJIA was reaching those highs back in 2013 – demonstrating that index is still the leading indicator for jobs that it has famously always been.

I suppose that when unemployment hits 5%, the Righties will still be bitching and moaning, because, well, well, well, as I already said, BENGHAZI!
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The chart tells the tale. The Far Right just can't handle the truth from a Conservative source.
The chart tells the tale. The Far Right just can't handle the truth from a Conservative source.

Reagan was solely responsible for ending the Soviet Union. Obama donates to Syrian rebels and Hamas. He pulls troops out of Iraq and is solely responsible for the barbarity occurring in Iraq and Syria. Christians are being slaughtered and he plays golf. Reagan's foreign policy far surpassed Obama's. Reagan toppled an entire country without firing a shot, Obama can't even topple a radical Islamist terror cell consisting of roughly 100,000 fighters. So spam your charts and take your victory lap, Reagan was far better than Obama will ever be. He had the courage Obama lacks.
The chart tells the tale. The Far Right just can't handle the truth from a Conservative source.

Reagan was solely responsible for ending the Soviet Union. Obama donates to Syrian rebels and Hamas. He pulls troops out of Iraq and is solely responsible for the barbarity occurring in Iraq and Syria. Christians are being slaughtered and he plays golf. Reagan's foreign policy far surpassed Obama's. Reagan toppled an entire country without firing a shot, Obama can't even topple a radical Islamist terror cell consisting of roughly 100,000 fighters. So spam your charts and take your victory lap, Reagan was far better than Obama will ever be. He had the courage Obama lacks.

And that is somehow related to Reagan's unemployment peak in 1982? Really?

Righties love to slop out this gruel as if normal people buy it.

Reagan golfed as well. In fact, he went golfing after 253 US marines were killed in Beirut. What a fucking terrible president he must have been in your eyes.

And Reagan did not topple the USSR all on his own. In fact, the USSR crumbled 2 years after he left office.

You can scream like a banshee all you want, but the BLS numbers are there for the whole world to see.
ran across this on another site:

They haven't skewed Labor Force participation yet. It puts the lie to the spin.
Labor Force Statistics from the Current Population Survey
Series Id: LNS11300000
Seasonally Adjusted
Series title: (Seas) Labor Force Participation Rate
Labor force status: Civilian labor force participation rate
Type of data: Percent or rate
Age: 16 years and over


Many of Reagan's jobs were solid, middle-class jobs representative of a true economic expansion. Most of O's jobs are low paying, under full time jobs for the working poor -a servitude class. The jobs indicate economic repression and decline.

Obama Outperforms Reagan on Jobs Growth and Investing
oh good grief, that Obama, he is so much better than anyone else that's why he has a 70% disapproval rating from the people in the country....

Fascinating, one wonders if people ever look at themselves for the reason? When all you can find is negative could it be you? Tell us why these stats are so low, not hard but I wonder if you really know. Doubtful.

Requirements for posting whining and otherwise engaging in criticism... US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

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Are you an OBAMAPHOBE US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

ran across this on another site:

They haven't skewed Labor Force participation yet. It puts the lie to the spin.
Labor Force Statistics from the Current Population Survey
Series Id: LNS11300000
Seasonally Adjusted
Series title: (Seas) Labor Force Participation Rate
Labor force status: Civilian labor force participation rate
Type of data: Percent or rate
Age: 16 years and over


Many of Reagan's jobs were solid, middle-class jobs representative of a true economic expansion. Most of O's jobs are low paying, under full time jobs for the working poor -a servitude class. The jobs indicate economic repression and decline.

Obama Outperforms Reagan on Jobs Growth and Investing
Indeed, America is in a downward spiral and Obama's name will be ever tied to the crumbling of a giant.
oh good grief, that Obama, he is so much better than anyone else that's why he has a 70% disapproval rating from the people in the country

Obama might DREAM of being like Reagan. but there is no way in hell... Reagan won with 49 of the 50 states something the dear one Obama dream of doing. and Reagan was very popular and admired .Obama people don't care for thugs.

whoever wrote that article in forbes must be high on acid or something. You can't build up Obama into someone he is not. He'll never be like Reagan. ever

I have to agree with Stephanie that Obama will never be "like Reagan" or even anywhere near as "popular".

Reagan was by the best acting president this nation has ever had.

Obama fits into the best thinking president category which is much smaller than most and nowhere near as "popular".
oh good grief, that Obama, he is so much better than anyone else that's why he has a 70% disapproval rating from the people in the country

Obama might DREAM of being like Reagan. but there is no way in hell... Reagan won with 49 of the 50 states something the dear one Obama dream of doing. and Reagan was very popular and admired .Obama people don't care for thugs.

whoever wrote that article in forbes must be high on acid or something. You can't build up Obama into someone he is not. He'll never be like Reagan. ever

I have to agree with Stephanie that Obama will never be "like Reagan" or even anywhere near as "popular".

Reagan was by the best acting president this nation has ever had.

Obama fits into the best thinking president category which is much smaller than most and nowhere near as "popular".
Still clinging to that, eh? Whatever gets you through the night I guess.
A conservative writer at Forbes Magazine, Adam Hartung, proves Obama is the best modern president economically.

Better than reagan.

Before all you right wingers claim Mr. Hartung is a liberal, he made two small donations in the 2012 election. Both of them for romney.

Obama Outperforms Reagan on Jobs, Growth and Investing

Adam Hartung - $500 in Political Contributions for 2012

Reagan's economy was terrible.

In his 6th year UE was up past 7.0% and he had to go to congress, hat in hand, to ask the big bad gubmint to spend like crazy to make his numbers look better.

That, and it required multiple bailouts of the financial and banking industries.
oh good grief, that Obama, he is so much better than anyone else that's why he has a 70% disapproval rating from the people in the country

Obama might DREAM of being like Reagan. but there is no way in hell... Reagan won with 49 of the 50 states something the dear one Obama dream of doing. and Reagan was very popular and admired .Obama people don't care for thugs.

whoever wrote that article in forbes must be high on acid or something. You can't build up Obama into someone he is not. He'll never be like Reagan. ever

I have to agree with Stephanie that Obama will never be "like Reagan" or even anywhere near as "popular".

Reagan was by the best acting president this nation has ever had.

Obama fits into the best thinking president category which is much smaller than most and nowhere near as "popular".

Actually, I think he will.

Conservatives dragged Clinton's name through the mud and he still came up smelling like a rose.

President Obama's numbers are better than Clinton's.
ran across this on another site:

They haven't skewed Labor Force participation yet. It puts the lie to the spin.
Labor Force Statistics from the Current Population Survey
Series Id: LNS11300000
Seasonally Adjusted
Series title: (Seas) Labor Force Participation Rate
Labor force status: Civilian labor force participation rate
Type of data: Percent or rate
Age: 16 years and over


Many of Reagan's jobs were solid, middle-class jobs representative of a true economic expansion. Most of O's jobs are low paying, under full time jobs for the working poor -a servitude class. The jobs indicate economic repression and decline.

Obama Outperforms Reagan on Jobs Growth and Investing

Most of Reagan's jobs were public sector (like cops, firemen, mailmen) or in the defense industry.
And a corrupt S+L boom and BUST. Gorby wrecked the USSR- how are Raygun's pals Saddam and Osama doing? A demented horror, for dupes only.- we're lucky Raygun's bluster didn't bring back Soviet hardliners...
The chart tells the tale. The Far Right just can't handle the truth from a Conservative source.

Reagan was solely responsible for ending the Soviet Union. Obama donates to Syrian rebels and Hamas. He pulls troops out of Iraq and is solely responsible for the barbarity occurring in Iraq and Syria. Christians are being slaughtered and he plays golf. Reagan's foreign policy far surpassed Obama's. Reagan toppled an entire country without firing a shot, Obama can't even topple a radical Islamist terror cell consisting of roughly 100,000 fighters. So spam your charts and take your victory lap, Reagan was far better than Obama will ever be. He had the courage Obama lacks.

Reagan was not the sole reason for the fall of the USSR which did not occur until 1991...
Thank God,,,,
oh good grief, that Obama, he is so much better than anyone else that's why he has a 70% disapproval rating from the people in the country

Obama might DREAM of being like Reagan. but there is no way in hell... Reagan won with 49 of the 50 states something the dear one Obama dream of doing. and Reagan was very popular and admired .Obama people don't care for thugs.

whoever wrote that article in forbes must be high on acid or something. You can't build up Obama into someone he is not. He'll never be like Reagan. ever

Thank God!

Let's roll on this before its too late!!
ran across this on another site:

They haven't skewed Labor Force participation yet. It puts the lie to the spin.
Labor Force Statistics from the Current Population Survey
Series Id: LNS11300000
Seasonally Adjusted
Series title: (Seas) Labor Force Participation Rate
Labor force status: Civilian labor force participation rate
Type of data: Percent or rate
Age: 16 years and over


Many of Reagan's jobs were solid, middle-class jobs representative of a true economic expansion. Most of O's jobs are low paying, under full time jobs for the working poor -a servitude class. The jobs indicate economic repression and decline.

Obama Outperforms Reagan on Jobs Growth and Investing
Indeed, America is in a downward spiral and Obama's name will be ever tied to the crumbling of a giant.

And yet, the reality is that Obama has done more for the country than Reagan ever did. More jobs, economic growth, more on social issues and on and on.

Just goes to show you, if you say it often enough, people will believe its fact.

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