Another racist assault the libera media will dismiss


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Disturbing video of a group of black people looting a Kruger store in Memphis, TN and then proceeding to beat some white people. No one tried to help, but a woman did videotape the violent attack and temporarily put it on Facebook. Sounds like she was quite entertained after they got a white dude and beat him unconscious.

Time for the libs to come in and say 'so what' and claim it's not racist. Hey, maybe innocent people deserve to get the crap beat out of them anyway. Can't blame these people for wanting to steal some shit and kick some white butt. The Ferguson shooting, which may well be justified, is going to serve as an excuse for more of this senseless violence against whites. Never mind that it's a pisspoor excuse and the liberal media don't want to report on these incidents, which seem to be increasing.

The assault on the elderly White man happens soon afterwards to the left in the lot. Another White customer can be seen on the ground unconscious at 0:19 before the woman filming excitedly shouts "Hold on…they got a White dude!" and whoops it up as the main assault begins.

This woman who posted the video on Facebook, before later taking it down, is truly a sociopath – enjoying the festivities and only later says "someone should call someone" while she holds a phone capable of dialing 911 right in her hands.
Also, what I find disturbing is that it's not just one crazy person committing these crimes. Seems there are usually groups and that means that a lot of people are adopting a dangerous and irrational mindset.
Another racist assault the libera media will dismiss

This fails as a straw man fallacy, you misrepresent the 'liberal' position, along with seeking to propagate the myth of a 'liberal media.'

This also fails a hasty generalization fallacy, you incorrectly perceive the African-American suspects as representative of all African-Americans.

Last, this fails as a post hoc fallacy, as there's no evidence to suggest that Ferguson will be used as 'justification' by African-Americans to engage in further violence – and it's racist on your part to suggest they would.

Another racist assault the libera media will dismiss

This fails as a straw man fallacy, you misrepresent the 'liberal' position, along with seeking to propagate the myth of a 'liberal media.'

This also fails a hasty generalization fallacy, you incorrectly perceive the African-American suspects as representative of all African-Americans.

Last, this fails as a post hoc fallacy, as there's no evidence to suggest that Ferguson will be used as 'justification' by African-Americans to engage in further violence – and it's racist on your part to suggest they would.
So let me get this right...... a White Cop defending himself shoots a black man and that means it was a racist white cop AND further is proof that most white cops want to shoot blacks.

A large group of black people rob assault and beat white people but that is not racist or an indication of anything at all.

That is after all your argument.
Another racist assault the libera media will dismiss

This fails as a straw man fallacy, you misrepresent the 'liberal' position, along with seeking to propagate the myth of a 'liberal media.'

This also fails a hasty generalization fallacy, you incorrectly perceive the African-American suspects as representative of all African-Americans.

Last, this fails as a post hoc fallacy, as there's no evidence to suggest that Ferguson will be used as 'justification' by African-Americans to engage in further violence – and it's racist on your part to suggest they would.
So let me get this right...... a White Cop defending himself shoots a black man and that means it was a racist white cop AND further is proof that most white cops want to shoot blacks.

A large group of black people rob assault and beat white people but that is not racist or an indication of anything at all.

That is after all your argument.

After reading that , one must conclude that Clayton is either one of the biggest liars to ever post on a message boar OR a complete moron. I really see no viable third option.

Clayton if you're retarded I apologize son.
Another racist assault the libera media will dismiss

This fails as a straw man fallacy, you misrepresent the 'liberal' position, along with seeking to propagate the myth of a 'liberal media.'

This also fails a hasty generalization fallacy, you incorrectly perceive the African-American suspects as representative of all African-Americans.

Last, this fails as a post hoc fallacy, as there's no evidence to suggest that Ferguson will be used as 'justification' by African-Americans to engage in further violence – and it's racist on your part to suggest they would.

I don't see these attacks given much, if any, coverage by the average liberal reporters. These days, it is not difficult to tell which side of the political fence some reporters are on.

Secondly, I did not suggest that these groups are representative of all blacks and you know that. There are too many incidents lately and the attacks are being carried out by groups in different cities and states. It should always be a concern when a mob mentality is present because this problem is likely to grow.

I don't think it's a coincidence that we saw an increase in black on white attacks after the Zimmerman case or after the Ferguson case. Or do you believe it's common and happens all the time? Are mobs beating up crackers just another typical day in America?

Considering the attackers made comments about the victims being white, it's fair to assume anger or hatred towards whites. There were a lot of calls for violence toward whites after the Zimmerman and Ferguson cases. I think it's reasonable to assume a connection due to increased anger (incited by the likes of Sharpton). Or do you think that a lot of black groups or gangs just plain hate whites and will attack on sight just because that's how they roll?

Did you hear the comments and see the tweets calling for more violence towards whites? If that isn't the reason, then perhaps you could enlighten us.

Holder is investigating the Ferguson police dept over a single cop who likely was justified in shooting. The feds are also investigating schools in Iowa over a single complaint of discrimination even though local authorities found no evidence of that. Somehow, the left thinks it's fine to paint all police officers and whites as racist, but no matter what minorities do, no one dares accuse them of racism or ignorance.

I am not racist. I love my family and I am proud of my color. You are a complete idiot.
Another racist assault the libera media will dismiss

This fails as a straw man fallacy, you misrepresent the 'liberal' position, along with seeking to propagate the myth of a 'liberal media.'

This also fails a hasty generalization fallacy, you incorrectly perceive the African-American suspects as representative of all African-Americans.

Last, this fails as a post hoc fallacy, as there's no evidence to suggest that Ferguson will be used as 'justification' by African-Americans to engage in further violence – and it's racist on your part to suggest they would.

I don't see these attacks given much, if any, coverage by the average liberal reporters. These days, it is not difficult to tell which side of the political fence some reporters are on.

Secondly, I did not suggest that these groups are representative of all blacks and you know that. There are too many incidents lately and the attacks are being carried out by groups in different cities and states. It should always be a concern when a mob mentality is present because this problem is likely to grow.

I don't think it's a coincidence that we saw an increase in black on white attacks after the Zimmerman case or after the Ferguson case. Or do you believe it's common and happens all the time? Are mobs beating up crackers just another typical day in America?

Considering the attackers made comments about the victims being white, it's fair to assume anger or hatred towards whites. There were a lot of calls for violence toward whites after the Zimmerman and Ferguson cases. I think it's reasonable to assume a connection due to increased anger (incited by the likes of Sharpton). Or do you think that a lot of black groups or gangs just plain hate whites and will attack on sight just because that's how they roll?

Did you hear the comments and see the tweets calling for more violence towards whites? If that isn't the reason, then perhaps you could enlighten us.

You would love this thread :thup:

Black cops murder unarmed white guy for dating daughter US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

It's right up your alley :)
Never fear folks. I'm sure that Obama and Holder have already viewed the video in question and will soon release a statement that this was not a hate crime and everyone go back to business as usual
Another racist assault the libera media will dismiss

This fails as a straw man fallacy, you misrepresent the 'liberal' position, along with seeking to propagate the myth of a 'liberal media.'

This also fails a hasty generalization fallacy, you incorrectly perceive the African-American suspects as representative of all African-Americans.

Last, this fails as a post hoc fallacy, as there's no evidence to suggest that Ferguson will be used as 'justification' by African-Americans to engage in further violence – and it's racist on your part to suggest they would.

I don't see these attacks given much, if any, coverage by the average liberal reporters. These days, it is not difficult to tell which side of the political fence some reporters are on.

Secondly, I did not suggest that these groups are representative of all blacks and you know that. There are too many incidents lately and the attacks are being carried out by groups in different cities and states. It should always be a concern when a mob mentality is present because this problem is likely to grow.

I don't think it's a coincidence that we saw an increase in black on white attacks after the Zimmerman case or after the Ferguson case. Or do you believe it's common and happens all the time? Are mobs beating up crackers just another typical day in America?

Considering the attackers made comments about the victims being white, it's fair to assume anger or hatred towards whites. There were a lot of calls for violence toward whites after the Zimmerman and Ferguson cases. I think it's reasonable to assume a connection due to increased anger (incited by the likes of Sharpton). Or do you think that a lot of black groups or gangs just plain hate whites and will attack on sight just because that's how they roll?

Did you hear the comments and see the tweets calling for more violence towards whites? If that isn't the reason, then perhaps you could enlighten us.

You would love this thread :thup:

Black cops murder unarmed white guy for dating daughter US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

It's right up your alley :)

You continue to display your ignorance. If any cops murder someone for dating their daughter, they should go to jail. Only reason to shoot is self defense. Why do some people have such a difficult time comprehending the simplest of things?

Instead of responding to anything posted, you go off course and try to bait. That is a sure sign a person has no intelligent argument. You think people love threads that talk about injustices? Seriously, you are warped. And you have trouble admitting when you're wrong. You can't admit that Holder and some other liberals jumped to the wrong conclusions in the Ferguson case. Instead of discussing things honestly, you try to derail the subject by bringing up a completely different issue. Understand that unjustified shooting and attacking is the complete opposite of self defense. And race doesn't mean shit except when it's the sole reason for the attack or murder. You seem to be terribly confused on that.

The cop in the Ferguson case didn't yell out racist slurs before shooting. Many on the left formed an opinion before any facts were in and they still won't budge even though they are basing their opinions on assumptions. The recent attacks have had racial slurs uttered. It's on video and you can watch for yourself.

Cop shoots guy and says it was in self defense and liberals outraged. Cops shoot because guy for dating daughter and liberal thinks it's amusing. Those are the facts. It's not hard to see what may be justified and what is just criminal. Don't need to know races to see that. Liberals judge by color, not actions and that is why the different responses to these incidents. Admit it and then try to change.
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Another racist assault the libera media will dismiss

This fails as a straw man fallacy, you misrepresent the 'liberal' position, along with seeking to propagate the myth of a 'liberal media.'

This also fails a hasty generalization fallacy, you incorrectly perceive the African-American suspects as representative of all African-Americans.

Last, this fails as a post hoc fallacy, as there's no evidence to suggest that Ferguson will be used as 'justification' by African-Americans to engage in further violence – and it's racist on your part to suggest they would.

I don't see these attacks given much, if any, coverage by the average liberal reporters. These days, it is not difficult to tell which side of the political fence some reporters are on.

Secondly, I did not suggest that these groups are representative of all blacks and you know that. There are too many incidents lately and the attacks are being carried out by groups in different cities and states. It should always be a concern when a mob mentality is present because this problem is likely to grow.

I don't think it's a coincidence that we saw an increase in black on white attacks after the Zimmerman case or after the Ferguson case. Or do you believe it's common and happens all the time? Are mobs beating up crackers just another typical day in America?

Considering the attackers made comments about the victims being white, it's fair to assume anger or hatred towards whites. There were a lot of calls for violence toward whites after the Zimmerman and Ferguson cases. I think it's reasonable to assume a connection due to increased anger (incited by the likes of Sharpton). Or do you think that a lot of black groups or gangs just plain hate whites and will attack on sight just because that's how they roll?

Did you hear the comments and see the tweets calling for more violence towards whites? If that isn't the reason, then perhaps you could enlighten us.

You would love this thread :thup:

Black cops murder unarmed white guy for dating daughter US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

It's right up your alley :)

You continue to display your ignorance. If any cops murder someone for dating their daughter, they should go to jail. Only reason to shoot is self defense. Why do some people have such a difficult time comprehending the simplest of things?

Why do some people think skin color makes you evil?

We may never know :dunno:
Another racist assault the libera media will dismiss

This fails as a straw man fallacy, you misrepresent the 'liberal' position, along with seeking to propagate the myth of a 'liberal media.'

This also fails a hasty generalization fallacy, you incorrectly perceive the African-American suspects as representative of all African-Americans.

Last, this fails as a post hoc fallacy, as there's no evidence to suggest that Ferguson will be used as 'justification' by African-Americans to engage in further violence – and it's racist on your part to suggest they would.

I don't see these attacks given much, if any, coverage by the average liberal reporters. These days, it is not difficult to tell which side of the political fence some reporters are on.

Secondly, I did not suggest that these groups are representative of all blacks and you know that. There are too many incidents lately and the attacks are being carried out by groups in different cities and states. It should always be a concern when a mob mentality is present because this problem is likely to grow.

I don't think it's a coincidence that we saw an increase in black on white attacks after the Zimmerman case or after the Ferguson case. Or do you believe it's common and happens all the time? Are mobs beating up crackers just another typical day in America?

Considering the attackers made comments about the victims being white, it's fair to assume anger or hatred towards whites. There were a lot of calls for violence toward whites after the Zimmerman and Ferguson cases. I think it's reasonable to assume a connection due to increased anger (incited by the likes of Sharpton). Or do you think that a lot of black groups or gangs just plain hate whites and will attack on sight just because that's how they roll?

Did you hear the comments and see the tweets calling for more violence towards whites? If that isn't the reason, then perhaps you could enlighten us.

You would love this thread :thup:

Black cops murder unarmed white guy for dating daughter US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

It's right up your alley :)

You continue to display your ignorance. If any cops murder someone for dating their daughter, they should go to jail. Only reason to shoot is self defense. Why do some people have such a difficult time comprehending the simplest of things?

Why do some people think skin color makes you evil?

We may never know :dunno:

It's not the skin color, but stats don't lie there is absolutely SOMETHING that makes blacks more likely to be criminals than any other "color"

You can't dispute the facts, so let's discuss what it is, obviously an elevated level of melatonin doesn't cause criminal activity, so what is it?
Another racist assault the libera media will dismiss

This fails as a straw man fallacy, you misrepresent the 'liberal' position, along with seeking to propagate the myth of a 'liberal media.'

This also fails a hasty generalization fallacy, you incorrectly perceive the African-American suspects as representative of all African-Americans.

Last, this fails as a post hoc fallacy, as there's no evidence to suggest that Ferguson will be used as 'justification' by African-Americans to engage in further violence – and it's racist on your part to suggest they would.

I don't see these attacks given much, if any, coverage by the average liberal reporters. These days, it is not difficult to tell which side of the political fence some reporters are on.

Secondly, I did not suggest that these groups are representative of all blacks and you know that. There are too many incidents lately and the attacks are being carried out by groups in different cities and states. It should always be a concern when a mob mentality is present because this problem is likely to grow.

I don't think it's a coincidence that we saw an increase in black on white attacks after the Zimmerman case or after the Ferguson case. Or do you believe it's common and happens all the time? Are mobs beating up crackers just another typical day in America?

Considering the attackers made comments about the victims being white, it's fair to assume anger or hatred towards whites. There were a lot of calls for violence toward whites after the Zimmerman and Ferguson cases. I think it's reasonable to assume a connection due to increased anger (incited by the likes of Sharpton). Or do you think that a lot of black groups or gangs just plain hate whites and will attack on sight just because that's how they roll?

Did you hear the comments and see the tweets calling for more violence towards whites? If that isn't the reason, then perhaps you could enlighten us.

You would love this thread :thup:

Black cops murder unarmed white guy for dating daughter US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

It's right up your alley :)

You continue to display your ignorance. If any cops murder someone for dating their daughter, they should go to jail. Only reason to shoot is self defense. Why do some people have such a difficult time comprehending the simplest of things?

Why do some people think skin color makes you evil?

We may never know :dunno:

I will never understand why liberals are so obsessed with skin color. I hope you all become enlightened someday.
Another racist assault the libera media will dismiss

This fails as a straw man fallacy, you misrepresent the 'liberal' position, along with seeking to propagate the myth of a 'liberal media.'

This also fails a hasty generalization fallacy, you incorrectly perceive the African-American suspects as representative of all African-Americans.

Last, this fails as a post hoc fallacy, as there's no evidence to suggest that Ferguson will be used as 'justification' by African-Americans to engage in further violence – and it's racist on your part to suggest they would.

I don't see these attacks given much, if any, coverage by the average liberal reporters. These days, it is not difficult to tell which side of the political fence some reporters are on.

Secondly, I did not suggest that these groups are representative of all blacks and you know that. There are too many incidents lately and the attacks are being carried out by groups in different cities and states. It should always be a concern when a mob mentality is present because this problem is likely to grow.

I don't think it's a coincidence that we saw an increase in black on white attacks after the Zimmerman case or after the Ferguson case. Or do you believe it's common and happens all the time? Are mobs beating up crackers just another typical day in America?

Considering the attackers made comments about the victims being white, it's fair to assume anger or hatred towards whites. There were a lot of calls for violence toward whites after the Zimmerman and Ferguson cases. I think it's reasonable to assume a connection due to increased anger (incited by the likes of Sharpton). Or do you think that a lot of black groups or gangs just plain hate whites and will attack on sight just because that's how they roll?

Did you hear the comments and see the tweets calling for more violence towards whites? If that isn't the reason, then perhaps you could enlighten us.

You would love this thread :thup:

Black cops murder unarmed white guy for dating daughter US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

It's right up your alley :)

You continue to display your ignorance. If any cops murder someone for dating their daughter, they should go to jail. Only reason to shoot is self defense. Why do some people have such a difficult time comprehending the simplest of things?

Why do some people think skin color makes you evil?

We may never know :dunno:

It's not the skin color, but stats don't lie there is absolutely SOMETHING that makes blacks more likely to be criminals than any other "color"

You can't dispute the facts, so let's discuss what it is, obviously an elevated level of melatonin doesn't cause criminal activity, so what is it?

Socio-economic status. IMO Black people will be fine in 1 or 2 more generations. They were completely fucked by America up until 1 generation ago.

Don't forget that there was a time when Irish people, Italians, Germans, etc. were all hated by everyone and occupied the ghetto's.

Hell even British people were pretty damn uppity in the 1770's :cool:
Another racist assault the libera media will dismiss

This fails as a straw man fallacy, you misrepresent the 'liberal' position, along with seeking to propagate the myth of a 'liberal media.'

This also fails a hasty generalization fallacy, you incorrectly perceive the African-American suspects as representative of all African-Americans.

Last, this fails as a post hoc fallacy, as there's no evidence to suggest that Ferguson will be used as 'justification' by African-Americans to engage in further violence – and it's racist on your part to suggest they would.

I don't see these attacks given much, if any, coverage by the average liberal reporters. These days, it is not difficult to tell which side of the political fence some reporters are on.

Secondly, I did not suggest that these groups are representative of all blacks and you know that. There are too many incidents lately and the attacks are being carried out by groups in different cities and states. It should always be a concern when a mob mentality is present because this problem is likely to grow.

I don't think it's a coincidence that we saw an increase in black on white attacks after the Zimmerman case or after the Ferguson case. Or do you believe it's common and happens all the time? Are mobs beating up crackers just another typical day in America?

Considering the attackers made comments about the victims being white, it's fair to assume anger or hatred towards whites. There were a lot of calls for violence toward whites after the Zimmerman and Ferguson cases. I think it's reasonable to assume a connection due to increased anger (incited by the likes of Sharpton). Or do you think that a lot of black groups or gangs just plain hate whites and will attack on sight just because that's how they roll?

Did you hear the comments and see the tweets calling for more violence towards whites? If that isn't the reason, then perhaps you could enlighten us.

You would love this thread :thup:

Black cops murder unarmed white guy for dating daughter US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

It's right up your alley :)

You continue to display your ignorance. If any cops murder someone for dating their daughter, they should go to jail. Only reason to shoot is self defense. Why do some people have such a difficult time comprehending the simplest of things?

Why do some people think skin color makes you evil?

We may never know :dunno:

It's not the skin color, but stats don't lie there is absolutely SOMETHING that makes blacks more likely to be criminals than any other "color"

You can't dispute the facts, so let's discuss what it is, obviously an elevated level of melatonin doesn't cause criminal activity, so what is it?

Socio-economic status. IMO Black people will be fine in 1 or 2 more generations. They were completely fucked by America up until 1 generation ago.

Don't forget that there was a time when Irish people, Italians, Germans, etc. were all hated by everyone and occupied the ghetto's.

Hell even British people were pretty damn uppity in the 1770's :cool:

I have ZERO doubts that in two generations some blacks will still be blaming slavery for their own problems.
Another racist assault the libera media will dismiss

This fails as a straw man fallacy, you misrepresent the 'liberal' position, along with seeking to propagate the myth of a 'liberal media.'

This also fails a hasty generalization fallacy, you incorrectly perceive the African-American suspects as representative of all African-Americans.

Last, this fails as a post hoc fallacy, as there's no evidence to suggest that Ferguson will be used as 'justification' by African-Americans to engage in further violence – and it's racist on your part to suggest they would.

I don't see these attacks given much, if any, coverage by the average liberal reporters. These days, it is not difficult to tell which side of the political fence some reporters are on.

Secondly, I did not suggest that these groups are representative of all blacks and you know that. There are too many incidents lately and the attacks are being carried out by groups in different cities and states. It should always be a concern when a mob mentality is present because this problem is likely to grow.

I don't think it's a coincidence that we saw an increase in black on white attacks after the Zimmerman case or after the Ferguson case. Or do you believe it's common and happens all the time? Are mobs beating up crackers just another typical day in America?

Considering the attackers made comments about the victims being white, it's fair to assume anger or hatred towards whites. There were a lot of calls for violence toward whites after the Zimmerman and Ferguson cases. I think it's reasonable to assume a connection due to increased anger (incited by the likes of Sharpton). Or do you think that a lot of black groups or gangs just plain hate whites and will attack on sight just because that's how they roll?

Did you hear the comments and see the tweets calling for more violence towards whites? If that isn't the reason, then perhaps you could enlighten us.

You would love this thread :thup:

Black cops murder unarmed white guy for dating daughter US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

It's right up your alley :)

You continue to display your ignorance. If any cops murder someone for dating their daughter, they should go to jail. Only reason to shoot is self defense. Why do some people have such a difficult time comprehending the simplest of things?

Why do some people think skin color makes you evil?

We may never know :dunno:

It's not the skin color, but stats don't lie there is absolutely SOMETHING that makes blacks more likely to be criminals than any other "color"

You can't dispute the facts, so let's discuss what it is, obviously an elevated level of melatonin doesn't cause criminal activity, so what is it?

Socio-economic status. IMO Black people will be fine in 1 or 2 more generations. They were completely fucked by America up until 1 generation ago.

Don't forget that there was a time when Irish people, Italians, Germans, etc. were all hated by everyone and occupied the ghetto's.

Hell even British people were pretty damn uppity in the 1770's :cool:

I have ZERO doubts that in two generations some blacks will still be blaming slavery for their own problems.

Good for you. Thank goodness your type of opinion is on the way THE HELL out.

The future will laugh at people like you they way they do today at George Wallace.

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