Obama racks up another loss

Yep..hanging on to power and winning elections at all costs (including lying and hyperbole) is the plan.

The country and the world be damned..in the eyes of the power hungry conservatives.
The left is power hungry and corrupt, too, Sallow. The center is what serves America best.
The BBC has a collection of headlines and articles from around the world condeming Obama and his policies.

It's unbelievable.

Here's just one tidbit.

In Germany, an article headlined "Merkel puts the brakes on Obama" in the Frankfurter Rundschau daily reported that the country had joined other export-heavy economies like China and Japan in blocking a US proposal to put a cap on trade deficits.

Die Welt praised Merkel for "fighting valiantly against protectionism". While acknowledging that Obama had "good reasons" to criticize Germany's trade surplus with the US, the daily said the German leader was showing "far-sightedness" in viewing the US proposals as the a slippery slope towards protectionism.

BBC News - G20 summit disappoints world media

The anti Obama sentiment is in all the articles I have been reading today. President Obama appears oblivious to his failures.
The BBC has a collection of headlines and articles from around the world condeming Obama and his policies.

It's unbelievable.

Here's just one tidbit.

In Germany, an article headlined "Merkel puts the brakes on Obama" in the Frankfurter Rundschau daily reported that the country had joined other export-heavy economies like China and Japan in blocking a US proposal to put a cap on trade deficits.

Die Welt praised Merkel for "fighting valiantly against protectionism". While acknowledging that Obama had "good reasons" to criticize Germany's trade surplus with the US, the daily said the German leader was showing "far-sightedness" in viewing the US proposals as the a slippery slope towards protectionism.

BBC News - G20 summit disappoints world media

The anti Obama sentiment is in all the articles I have been reading today. President Obama appears oblivious to his failures.
I'm just wondering if the Nobel Prize Comittee is beginning to realize that they severely F'd up.
The BBC has a collection of headlines and articles from around the world condeming Obama and his policies.

It's unbelievable.

Here's just one tidbit.

In Germany, an article headlined "Merkel puts the brakes on Obama" in the Frankfurter Rundschau daily reported that the country had joined other export-heavy economies like China and Japan in blocking a US proposal to put a cap on trade deficits.

Die Welt praised Merkel for "fighting valiantly against protectionism". While acknowledging that Obama had "good reasons" to criticize Germany's trade surplus with the US, the daily said the German leader was showing "far-sightedness" in viewing the US proposals as the a slippery slope towards protectionism.

BBC News - G20 summit disappoints world media

The anti Obama sentiment is in all the articles I have been reading today. President Obama appears oblivious to his failures.
I'm just wondering if the Nobel Prize Comittee is beginning to realize that they severely F'd up.

They know, let's just hope the people of America learn it before 2012.
The BBC has a collection of headlines and articles from around the world condeming Obama and his policies.

It's unbelievable.

Here's just one tidbit.

In Germany, an article headlined "Merkel puts the brakes on Obama" in the Frankfurter Rundschau daily reported that the country had joined other export-heavy economies like China and Japan in blocking a US proposal to put a cap on trade deficits.

Die Welt praised Merkel for "fighting valiantly against protectionism". While acknowledging that Obama had "good reasons" to criticize Germany's trade surplus with the US, the daily said the German leader was showing "far-sightedness" in viewing the US proposals as the a slippery slope towards protectionism.

BBC News - G20 summit disappoints world media

The anti Obama sentiment is in all the articles I have been reading today. President Obama appears oblivious to his failures.
I'm just wondering if the Nobel Prize Comittee is beginning to realize that they severely F'd up.

They know, let's just hope the people of America learn it before 2012.
Well Sarge, I think we saw last tuesday that many people in this GREAT country are beginning to come out of their Obama induced, leg tingling comas.
I think China sent him a strong enough message when they were able to get a sub that close to California and launch a dud missile into the air. Funny how quick that story got killed. China isn't playing around. Obama is. Thats the problem.

I think maybe President Obama should take some of that 200 million dollars a day he is spending and try and bribe the Chinese into not attacking us until the GOP gets back in office.:cuckoo:

Those Chinese are sooooooo scary........:cuckoo:
Bush ran around the world telling them to "fuck off". How'd that work out?

Actually he didnt.
How did it work out?
Saddam deposed, democracy in Iraq.
Libyan nuclear arms program dismantled.
Strong alliance with Britain.
Strong alliance with eastern Europe.
Increased influence in Africa.

IOW, your post is a giant FAIL.

His my way or the Highway additude was a failure.

The invasion and occuaption of Iraq could be the greatest military blunders of all times. Iran now has more influence in Iraq and the ME as a whole. He never did capture or kill Osama did he? But, we all know he really didn't think that much about it now did he?

He does deserve credit for keeping the pressure on Libya, just like all presiedent since Raygun do.

I think the alliance with Great Britian has been strained by the Iraq debacle

If Democrats are the party of "Fuck You" then

the Republicans are the party of "Fuck You and Die"!
Good! No Free Trade deal with South Korea.
After NAFTA and CAFTA which kill hundreds of thousands of jobs, this is great news.
Fair Trade, yes!
Free Trade, no!

Yeah, we all know that more markets and free exchange of goods cause poverty. Right?


Calling me names? Exactly how old are you?
Now to the topic.
It's a fact that NAFTA and CAFTA left hundreds of thousands without jobs, particularly in the manufacturing jobs sector in the Rust Belt and in the Textile Mills in the Southeastern US. The exodus of American companies to other countries dosn't bother you? "Made in America" doesn't do much for you either?
Secondly, NAFTA and CAFTA drove up America's trade deficits, in other words taking wealth from the country you are a citizen of. And that works for you too?
And all that's good?
Those who benefitted, global corporations and I know you worship that sector.
I just love people who wave the flag claiming to love their country as their fellow citizens get screwed over.
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Good! No Free Trade deal with South Korea.
After NAFTA and CAFTA which kill hundreds of thousands of jobs, this is great news.
Fair Trade, yes!
Free Trade, no!

Yeah, we all know that more markets and free exchange of goods cause poverty. Right?


Calling me names? Exactly how old are you?
Now to the topic.
It's a fact that NAFTA and CAFTA left hundreds of thousands without jobs, particularly in the manufacturing jobs sector in the Rust Belt and in the Textile Mills in the Southeastern US. The exodus of American companies to other countries dosn't bother you? "Made in America" doesn't do much for you either?
Secondly, NAFTA and CAFTA drove up America's trade deficits, in other words taking wealth from the country you are a citizen of. And that works for you too?
And all that's good?
Those who benefitted, global corporations and I know you worship that sector.
I just love people who wave the flag claiming to love their country as their fellow citizens get screwed over.
Actually OSHA and workman's comp costs had as much to do with job loss. In any case, there were many jobs created--a net gain in fact--from those treaties.
And if the effects were so terrible with hundreds of thousands of jobs lost (is that a firm number?) why was the unemployment rate during most of Bush's tenure 5% and under?
Yeah, we all know that more markets and free exchange of goods cause poverty. Right?


Calling me names? Exactly how old are you?
Now to the topic.
It's a fact that NAFTA and CAFTA left hundreds of thousands without jobs, particularly in the manufacturing jobs sector in the Rust Belt and in the Textile Mills in the Southeastern US. The exodus of American companies to other countries dosn't bother you? "Made in America" doesn't do much for you either?
Secondly, NAFTA and CAFTA drove up America's trade deficits, in other words taking wealth from the country you are a citizen of. And that works for you too?
And all that's good?
Those who benefitted, global corporations and I know you worship that sector.
I just love people who wave the flag claiming to love their country as their fellow citizens get screwed over.
Actually OSHA and workman's comp costs had as much to do with job loss. In any case, there were many jobs created--a net gain in fact--from those treaties.
And if the effects were so terrible with hundreds of thousands of jobs lost (is that a firm number?) why was the unemployment rate during most of Bush's tenure 5% and under?

Yes, I know the new jobs were created. But there is a downside too as noted in this article.
The acronyms NAFTA, CAFTA, and the WTO are a weird blend of alphabet soup that provides nourishment for almost all participants – except the United States.
The people who lost their jobs when 354 textile plants closed, just since 1997, are not nourished by this alphabet soup – the people in Asian sweat shops are.
The farmers in Iowa, and across the country, whose exports are declining, are not nourished by this alphabet soup – non-American farmers are.
As our trade deficit worsens, our trading partners get healthier, while Americans suffer.
These trade agreements were sold to Congress, and to the American people, as "Free Trade" agreements. Nothing could be further from the truth. These agreements are actually mountains of regulations, developed and enforced by unelected bureaucrats. They are, in fact, agreements by participating nations, to allow unelected bureaucrats to manage trade among the participants.
These trade agreements have extraordinary legal power. The decisions of an appointed international tribunal have the power to force participating nations to conform their laws to comply with the tribunal's decisions – or face economic penalties.
Since these trade agreements are international in nature, and have the force of law, they are actually treaties, which require a super-majority in the Senate for ratification. By calling them "trade agreements," instead of the treaties they are, only a simple majority is needed for passage.
After 10 years of watching plant closings and swelling trade deficits, the administration, and many in Congress, have now pushed through another Central American Free Trade Agreement – CAFTA. But the reasons we should not be in this entanglement go far beyond the adverse economic impacts.
This agreement will create a trade-governing mechanism in the Western hemisphere similar to the European Common Market, and its subsequent European Union. The sales pitch in the United States claimed the agreement will open new markets for U.S. products. In reality, it opens new opportunities for American industry to move to countries where labor costs are a fraction of U.S. labor costs, and where environmental and regulatory compliance costs are almost non-existent.
These agreements open U.S. markets to products produced without the safety and environmental standards – and the attendant costs – that U.S. products must include. That's why an America flag made in America costs twice as much as a flag made in Mexico, or China. That's why the Florida tomato industry evaporated when NAFTA went into force. That's why the American economy is losing its capacity to produce the products Americans need. Each new agreement makes the United States more and more dependent upon other nations for the products it requires.
Once the capacity to produce is lost, the possibility of rebuilding that capacity is remote. Consider what it would take to rebuild the steel industry to the level that it could supply American demand. Not only is the cost prohibitive, but the regulatory climate is also prohibitive. It is the regulatory climate that has prevented the energy industry from keeping up with demand. That's why our dependence on foreign sources of energy has continued to rise, from decade to decade.
Congress, and the American people, should realize that the ultimate goal of these trade agreements has nothing to do with what is best for the United States, or its people. It has everything to do with benefiting everyone else. Congress, and the American people, should realize that the prosperity this nation has built is the result of self-reliance, which we should not allow to be traded away.
Finally, there is the matter of national sovereignty. Proponents of these trade agreements praise the dispute resolution process that forces compliance by all participants. They claim this provides a degree of predictability on which business can depend. It also forces Americans to submit to a force of law that was not enacted by elected representatives. This grinds underfoot the whole concept of "... government empowered by the consent of the governed."
When Americans are forced to comply with a ruling of an appointed international tribunal, the idea of national sovereignty goes out the window. This, of course, is prerequisite to the emergence of global governance. NAFTA, CAFTA, and the WTO are more than nourishment for the one-worlders. They are vitamin-packed, steroid-enriched injections of global governance.
About everything I have read agrees with the above article, which was featured on WorldNetDaily.com.
With each passing day, things become more and more clear, except to the hopelessly duped.......who thankfully dont come in enough numbers to get him over the goal line in two years. Indeed......that'd be independents who are less and less impressed with each passing day......as clearly displayed on this laughable graphic..........

For someone touted as brilliant he sure is racking up the foreign policy losses here. His performance in Copenhagen was less than stellar and now he craps out negotiating a deal with South Korea.
In Asia, Obama's runs into the limits of his power - Yahoo! News

Yes and what is really sad is that the outgoing Bush Admin handed him a ready made agreement two years ago that he then chose to fiddle with, probably involved a special deal for his union friends...God knows! Now the EU has an agreement and we don't. His treatment of Israel has allowed the Palestinians to reinforce their recalcitrance and his pushing the peace process (and that effort's failure) might just have set back any meaningful chance of a two state solution years. He also has made the classic linkage order mistake by seeking an Israeli/Palestinian peace before dealing with Iran's nuclear ambitions. Iran must be dealt with first.

Calling me names? Exactly how old are you?
Now to the topic.
It's a fact that NAFTA and CAFTA left hundreds of thousands without jobs, particularly in the manufacturing jobs sector in the Rust Belt and in the Textile Mills in the Southeastern US. The exodus of American companies to other countries dosn't bother you? "Made in America" doesn't do much for you either?
Secondly, NAFTA and CAFTA drove up America's trade deficits, in other words taking wealth from the country you are a citizen of. And that works for you too?
And all that's good?
Those who benefitted, global corporations and I know you worship that sector.
I just love people who wave the flag claiming to love their country as their fellow citizens get screwed over.
Actually OSHA and workman's comp costs had as much to do with job loss. In any case, there were many jobs created--a net gain in fact--from those treaties.
And if the effects were so terrible with hundreds of thousands of jobs lost (is that a firm number?) why was the unemployment rate during most of Bush's tenure 5% and under?

Yes, I know the new jobs were created. But there is a downside too as noted in this article.
The acronyms NAFTA, CAFTA, and the WTO are a weird blend of alphabet soup that provides nourishment for almost all participants – except the United States.
The people who lost their jobs when 354 textile plants closed, just since 1997, are not nourished by this alphabet soup – the people in Asian sweat shops are.
The farmers in Iowa, and across the country, whose exports are declining, are not nourished by this alphabet soup – non-American farmers are.
As our trade deficit worsens, our trading partners get healthier, while Americans suffer.
These trade agreements were sold to Congress, and to the American people, as "Free Trade" agreements. Nothing could be further from the truth. These agreements are actually mountains of regulations, developed and enforced by unelected bureaucrats. They are, in fact, agreements by participating nations, to allow unelected bureaucrats to manage trade among the participants.
These trade agreements have extraordinary legal power. The decisions of an appointed international tribunal have the power to force participating nations to conform their laws to comply with the tribunal's decisions – or face economic penalties.
Since these trade agreements are international in nature, and have the force of law, they are actually treaties, which require a super-majority in the Senate for ratification. By calling them "trade agreements," instead of the treaties they are, only a simple majority is needed for passage.
After 10 years of watching plant closings and swelling trade deficits, the administration, and many in Congress, have now pushed through another Central American Free Trade Agreement – CAFTA. But the reasons we should not be in this entanglement go far beyond the adverse economic impacts.
This agreement will create a trade-governing mechanism in the Western hemisphere similar to the European Common Market, and its subsequent European Union. The sales pitch in the United States claimed the agreement will open new markets for U.S. products. In reality, it opens new opportunities for American industry to move to countries where labor costs are a fraction of U.S. labor costs, and where environmental and regulatory compliance costs are almost non-existent.
These agreements open U.S. markets to products produced without the safety and environmental standards – and the attendant costs – that U.S. products must include. That's why an America flag made in America costs twice as much as a flag made in Mexico, or China. That's why the Florida tomato industry evaporated when NAFTA went into force. That's why the American economy is losing its capacity to produce the products Americans need. Each new agreement makes the United States more and more dependent upon other nations for the products it requires.
Once the capacity to produce is lost, the possibility of rebuilding that capacity is remote. Consider what it would take to rebuild the steel industry to the level that it could supply American demand. Not only is the cost prohibitive, but the regulatory climate is also prohibitive. It is the regulatory climate that has prevented the energy industry from keeping up with demand. That's why our dependence on foreign sources of energy has continued to rise, from decade to decade.
Congress, and the American people, should realize that the ultimate goal of these trade agreements has nothing to do with what is best for the United States, or its people. It has everything to do with benefiting everyone else. Congress, and the American people, should realize that the prosperity this nation has built is the result of self-reliance, which we should not allow to be traded away.
Finally, there is the matter of national sovereignty. Proponents of these trade agreements praise the dispute resolution process that forces compliance by all participants. They claim this provides a degree of predictability on which business can depend. It also forces Americans to submit to a force of law that was not enacted by elected representatives. This grinds underfoot the whole concept of "... government empowered by the consent of the governed."
When Americans are forced to comply with a ruling of an appointed international tribunal, the idea of national sovereignty goes out the window. This, of course, is prerequisite to the emergence of global governance. NAFTA, CAFTA, and the WTO are more than nourishment for the one-worlders. They are vitamin-packed, steroid-enriched injections of global governance.
About everything I have read agrees with the above article, which was featured on WorldNetDaily.com.

WorldNutDaily? Seriously???
Rasmussen even makes conservatives giggle at its transparent propagandism.
I think China sent him a strong enough message when they were able to get a sub that close to California and launch a dud missile into the air. Funny how quick that story got killed. China isn't playing around. Obama is. Thats the problem.

We have no choice but to Bow to their asses now. We made sure of that by repeatedly selling them our debt. We are Dependent on a hostile nation now.

Way to go, Both parties.

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