obama Pentagon Turns Tail And Runs


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
Like that's supposed to be a shocker? :dunno:

Pentagon Scrubs Major Attack On ISIS

What have they been doing for last eight months in preparation, baking cookies?

Via Daily Beast:

Just days ago, the generals were trumpeting plans to knock ISIS out of its most important stronghold in Iraq. Now, those plans are on indefinite hold.

The U.S. military’s goal to retake Iraq’s second largest city from the self-proclaimed Islamic State has been pushed back several months at least, defense officials told The Daily Beast. That’s a major shift for the Pentagon, which recently announced that the first major ground offensive in the war against ISIS could come in the next few weeks.

Defense officials once hoped that Iraqi troops could move into Mosul by the Spring and reclaim the city from ISIS. Now, those officials say, Fall is more realistic. And even that date was tenuous.

“It is an Iraqi decision but we don’t want to do anything until they are ready and can win decisively,” a military official explained to the Daily Beast. “They cannot now.”

It’s another sign that the U.S.-led campaign against ISIS isn’t going nearly as smoothly as the American government had hoped. At the Pentagon Friday, Defense Department spokesman Rear Adm. John Kirby shied away from any kind of timeline, saying: “I can’t put a date certain…nor say April is out.”

Keep reading…


I guess our resident Social Justice warriors kinda don't have the stomach for a fight.

Who woulda guessed that from dims?

Pathetic. That's all I can say..... Pathetic
“It is an Iraqi decision but we don’t want to do anything until they are ready and can win decisively,” a military official explained to the Daily Beast. “They cannot now.”

Well by all means, let's pay no attention to those people, just because it's their country.
So defense officials hoped that Iraqi troops could move into Mosul by the Spring and Fall is more realistic. And even that date was tenuous.

“It is an Iraqi decision but we don’t want to do anything until they are ready and can win decisively,” a military official explained.

Which way do you want it?.....I thought you guys were pissed at Obama for not letting the commanders on the ground make the decisions?

They made a decision......

So why are you whining?
It was a presiduncial decision. Just like all the rest. Now he wants to blame the Iraqis.
dimocrap filth are going to get down on their knees and start making their usual slurping noises while defending their massa, obama, we know that.

But none of it will matter.

The Pentagon, under orders from the Lying Cocksucker in Chief, went out of its way to announce they were going to kick ass and chew bubble gum (and they're all out of bubble gum)....

Then, the dimocrap scum turn tail and run like the cowards they are.

It's too late, dimocraps. You can't un-ring a bell.

The whole world sees you for what I've always know you to be -- The scum of the earth

dimocrap filth are going to get down on their knees and start making their usual slurping noises while defending their massa, obama, we know that.

But none of it will matter.

The Pentagon, under orders from the Lying Cocksucker in Chief, went out of its way to announce they were going to kick ass and chew bubble gum (and they're all out of bubble gum)....

Then, the dimocrap scum turn tail and run like the cowards they are.

It's too late, dimocraps. You can't un-ring a bell.

The whole world sees you for what I've always know you to be -- The scum of the earth


Do you always sound off like a lunatic in the night?
dimocrap filth are going to get down on their knees and start making their usual slurping noises while defending their massa, obama, we know that.

But none of it will matter.

The Pentagon, under orders from the Lying Cocksucker in Chief, went out of its way to announce they were going to kick ass and chew bubble gum (and they're all out of bubble gum)....

Then, the dimocrap scum turn tail and run like the cowards they are.

It's too late, dimocraps. You can't un-ring a bell.

The whole world sees you for what I've always know you to be -- The scum of the earth


Do you always sound off like a lunatic in the night?

From Lunatic.com

"Please note, we officially renounce any and all associations with the person known as Edgetho. In no way, shape, or form does he represent us and we would appreciate your cooperation in removing all references to Lunatics and Edgetho, since even we have no fucking clue what's actually wrong with him. Thank you."
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What would we all do without brave keyboard warriors like Edge?

Edge, can you describe in detail the personal sacrifices you've made to fight ISIS? I'm sure they must be substantial, given how you're declaring everyone else is a coward.
Who is funding ISIS?

Who I giving them military hardware?

Someone is and in my opinion that is the way to attack them. Freeze their funding, take their oil (yes I said take) and decimate their sponsors and their leadership.

Send letter to the good people of Mosul and tell them they need to take a short vacation that may turn out to be a long one, then go Biblical on Mosul. If that is where the enemy is that is where we need to be sending bombs.

One problem, I wish we could trust the CIA or this administration.
Why are all you chickenhawk war mongers so interested in getting more American boys and girls killed?

Going Real Politick for a moment:

We now have a $60-70/bbl cap on energy prices due to fracking so why do we care about the ME?

The Iraqi army is busy doing the Shia version of ISIS in Anbar.

The mishandling of the Franco-German EU/NATO march east into the FSU has over-stretched our military.

Obamacare is eating up the money needed to maintain the Empire.

Taking on ISIS even with proxies is not even possible.

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