Obama not going to compromise

So President Obama isn't doing exactly as the Republicans demand, therefore he's "not compromising".

Same old story.
Sorry, he announced he was not compromising before deliberations started, mamooth. It's not our fault he's the puppet of the Clinton administration. It's their fourth term now, and we're fed up with all of them. It's all a ruse to bring America down.

We're merely not letting them take us with them.

Like all good extreme leftists, they will eventually brainwash you into thinking our team should be incarcerated very cheaply. That's what "redistribution" leftists do. They've already banned the Ten Commandments from Public Buildings so their apparatchiks they are brainwashing do not know that stealing and coveting other people's possessions is wrong. In fact, they're teaching by example their people to feel entitled to what other people earned by the sweat of their brow. They're driven by desire for total power and the total corruption that goes along with them is firmly attached to their bitten butts.
So President Obama isn't doing exactly as the Republicans demand, therefore he's "not compromising".

Same old story.
Sorry, he announced he was not compromising before deliberations started, mamooth. It's not our fault he's the puppet of the Clinton administration. It's their fourth term now, and we're fed up with all of them. It's all a ruse to bring America down.

We're merely not letting them take us with them.

Like all good extreme leftists, they will eventually brainwash you into thinking our team should be incarcerated very cheaply. That's what "redistribution" leftists do. They've already banned the Ten Commandments from Public Buildings so their apparatchiks they are brainwashing do not know that stealing and coveting other people's possessions is wrong. In fact, they're teaching by example their people to feel entitled to what other people earned by the sweat of their brow. They're driven by desire for total power and the total corruption that goes along with them is firmly attached to their bitten butts.

I've never heard Obama forward such a plan but it may have legs!!! Obama is always looking for useful ideas. You should shoot the White House an e-mail about it.
Wait a second, according to Obama and the Supreme Court, this bill is a "TAX" and that's why it was "constitutional" (LMAO!). Well, taxes cannot originate from the Senate. They must be created by the House.

So now, to defend the ignorance of Nancy Pelosi, both YOU and her are proving this bill is unconstitutional! Which is what I said in the first place, and brings us full circle right back to the start! LMAO! Dealing with you just keeps getting better and better. The more you talk, the more you bury yourself and anyone you support... :rofl:

The Senate and the House of Representatives are considered equal when it comes to legislative functions and powers with a few key exceptions. One of the most important exceptions is that, under the Constitution at Article 1, section 7, only the House of Representatives may originate revenue and tax bills:

All bills for raising revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with amendments as on other Bills.

U.S. Constitution - Article 1 Section 7 - The U.S. Constitution Online - USConstitution.net

Too ridiculous to respond to

Sorry...not biting

Translation: I cannot dispute what you have written so I will insert my fingers into my ears and scream "Nyah! Nyah! Nyah!" until you go away!"


You can't fix stupid
So President Obama isn't doing exactly as the Republicans demand, therefore he's "not compromising".

Same old story.
Sorry, he announced he was not compromising before deliberations started, mamooth. It's not our fault he's the puppet of the Clinton administration. It's their fourth term now, and we're fed up with all of them. It's all a ruse to bring America down.

We're merely not letting them take us with them.

Like all good extreme leftists, they will eventually brainwash you into thinking our team should be incarcerated very cheaply. That's what "redistribution" leftists do. They've already banned the Ten Commandments from Public Buildings so their apparatchiks they are brainwashing do not know that stealing and coveting other people's possessions is wrong. In fact, they're teaching by example their people to feel entitled to what other people earned by the sweat of their brow. They're driven by desire for total power and the total corruption that goes along with them is firmly attached to their bitten butts.

I've never heard Obama forward such a plan but it may have legs!!! Obama is always looking for useful ideas. You should shoot the White House an e-mail about it.
As usual, you haven't been paying attention, Huggy. ;)
This is exactly what I expected after the last 4 years. I say let it happen. I say the Republicans need to hold their ground and fight back. Obama plans to not compromise and then when the S#!& hits the fan to blame Republicans for not compromising. It is the last 4 years all over again and the end results will be the same. Republicans also need to not raise the debt ceiling. They should have learned over the past 4 years that Democrats are fine with not passing a budget and allowing the normal hikes in spending to occur. The Republicans should put the message out now and make it clear to the President and the Senate that the debt ceiling will not be raised and a balanced budget needs to be written to prevent disaster.

Obama Prepares to Jump the Cliff | Fox News

compromise doesn't mean he does what you want.

imagine that.

and i'm sure fauxnews is reliable.....


Once again the hysteria of jumping off a cliff. Once you jump off a cliff, there is no going back. The end of the Bush tax cuts and sequestration are not irreversable. Whatever is cut can be put back in at any time.

Obama holds all the cards. Do nothing and the tax increases automatically take affect. Obama has offered to save tax rates for 98% of Americans.....if Republicans hold them hostage to protect the 2%, they will face the wrath

Republicans need to fish or cut bait
This is exactly what I expected after the last 4 years. I say let it happen. I say the Republicans need to hold their ground and fight back. Obama plans to not compromise and then when the S#!& hits the fan to blame Republicans for not compromising. It is the last 4 years all over again and the end results will be the same. Republicans also need to not raise the debt ceiling. They should have learned over the past 4 years that Democrats are fine with not passing a budget and allowing the normal hikes in spending to occur. The Republicans should put the message out now and make it clear to the President and the Senate that the debt ceiling will not be raised and a balanced budget needs to be written to prevent disaster.

Obama Prepares to Jump the Cliff | Fox News

compromise doesn't mean he does what you want.

imagine that.

and i'm sure fauxnews is reliable.....


Once again the hysteria of jumping off a cliff. Once you jump off a cliff, there is no going back. The end of the Bush tax cuts and sequestration are not irreversable. Whatever is cut can be put back in at any time.

Obama holds all the cards. Do nothing and the tax increases automatically take affect. Obama has offered to save tax rates for 98% of Americans.....if Republicans hold them hostage to protect the 2%, they will face the wrath

Republicans need to fish or cut bait
You betcha. Cons will cave after a lot of posturing.
The Republicans have two choices:

1. Give the President everything he wants now.

2. Go over the fiscal cliff, then give the President everything he wants now, plus a whole lot more.

The Republicans made a huge mistake by assuming that the president would not be re-elected. If they had known, they never would have made the 'fiscal cliff' deal. They are screwed and they know it (at least the ones that have an ounce of brains do).

Once we 'go over the cliff':

1. The Bush tax cuts are history. Any tax cuts will have to be renegotiated from scratch.

2. There will be massive cuts in military spending - the Republicans will have to barter to reinstate each and every program.

3. The Republicans have a huge number of entitlement programs they DO NOT want eliminated (despite their posturing). These will be up for barter and the Republicans are going to have to fight publicly for each one.

4. The Republicans have supported closing tax loop holes to balance the budget - now the President can hold their feet to the fire and make them close the loopholes for the wealthy.

5. The Republicans have to worry about re-election, the President does not. Any continued fiscal crisis will cause them a lot of pain at the polling booth.

The republicans do have a responsibility to their constituents, Obama only has responsibility to his leftwing ideology

His "leftwing ideology" isn't what voted him 4 more years.
This is exactly what I expected after the last 4 years. I say let it happen. I say the Republicans need to hold their ground and fight back. Obama plans to not compromise and then when the S#!& hits the fan to blame Republicans for not compromising. It is the last 4 years all over again and the end results will be the same. Republicans also need to not raise the debt ceiling. They should have learned over the past 4 years that Democrats are fine with not passing a budget and allowing the normal hikes in spending to occur. The Republicans should put the message out now and make it clear to the President and the Senate that the debt ceiling will not be raised and a balanced budget needs to be written to prevent disaster.

Obama Prepares to Jump the Cliff | Fox News

Why would anyone think he would? I mean besides him saying he would? All he has to do is not compromise and he gets taxes raised on everyone which he wants, and massive cuts to our Military which he wants, all with out any of the Blame. In fact the polls already have declared it will be the GOP's Fault.

Obama has nothing to lose, so why would we expect him to be willing to compromise now, when he never has been before.
This is exactly what I expected after the last 4 years. I say let it happen. I say the Republicans need to hold their ground and fight back. Obama plans to not compromise and then when the S#!& hits the fan to blame Republicans for not compromising. It is the last 4 years all over again and the end results will be the same. Republicans also need to not raise the debt ceiling. They should have learned over the past 4 years that Democrats are fine with not passing a budget and allowing the normal hikes in spending to occur. The Republicans should put the message out now and make it clear to the President and the Senate that the debt ceiling will not be raised and a balanced budget needs to be written to prevent disaster.

Obama Prepares to Jump the Cliff | Fox News

compromise doesn't mean he does what you want.

imagine that.

and i'm sure fauxnews is reliable.....


Once again the hysteria of jumping off a cliff. Once you jump off a cliff, there is no going back. The end of the Bush tax cuts and sequestration are not irreversable. Whatever is cut can be put back in at any time.

Obama holds all the cards. Do nothing and the tax increases automatically take affect. Obama has offered to save tax rates for 98% of Americans.....if Republicans hold them hostage to protect the 2%, they will face the wrath

Republicans need to fish or cut bait

The Economic Consequences of going over the Cliff, will not be so easily Reversed.
He don't have to compromise because he has nothing to lose the next four years. He compromised in 2010 by extending tax cuts but we are going to see a much different the next four years than the last four.
Obama ran on "A clear and distinct choice for America's future". He did not run on compromise. Most of America does not want Obama to compromise with the nasty republican losers. Imagine THAT! Get used to the idea that you lost. You RWers must wrap your minds around THAT as painfull as it must be...because Obama won and his will be done.

Great, no compromise. Let the Fiscal Cliff proceed!

It's time Americans learned what the Democrat party is all about.
Once again the hysteria of jumping off a cliff. Once you jump off a cliff, there is no going back. The end of the Bush tax cuts and sequestration are not irreversable. Whatever is cut can be put back in at any time.

Obama holds all the cards. Do nothing and the tax increases automatically take affect. Obama has offered to save tax rates for 98% of Americans.....if Republicans hold them hostage to protect the 2%, they will face the wrath

Republicans need to fish or cut bait

Any Republican who votes for Obama's tax increase with nothing in exchange to show for it will be slitting his own throat.

Republicans have nothing to gain by voting for Obama's soak-the-rich tax bill
Obama ran on "A clear and distinct choice for America's future". He did not run on compromise. Most of America does not want Obama to compromise with the nasty republican losers. Imagine THAT! Get used to the idea that you lost. You RWers must wrap your minds around THAT as painfull as it must be...because Obama won and his will be done.

Great, no compromise. Let the Fiscal Cliff proceed!

It's time Americans learned what the Democrat party is all about.

Democrats won't get blamed.

Obama ran on "A clear and distinct choice for America's future". He did not run on compromise. Most of America does not want Obama to compromise with the nasty republican losers. Imagine THAT! Get used to the idea that you lost. You RWers must wrap your minds around THAT as painfull as it must be...because Obama won and his will be done.

Great, no compromise. Let the Fiscal Cliff proceed!

It's time Americans learned what the Democrat party is all about.

Oh, you poor delusional wingnut.... :lol:
Obama ran on "A clear and distinct choice for America's future". He did not run on compromise. Most of America does not want Obama to compromise with the nasty republican losers. Imagine THAT! Get used to the idea that you lost. You RWers must wrap your minds around THAT as painfull as it must be...because Obama won and his will be done.

Great, no compromise. Let the Fiscal Cliff proceed!

It's time Americans learned what the Democrat party is all about.

Democrats won't get blamed.


If the economy goes into the tank, higher taxes will get the blame, and that's the Democrat's stock in trade. What kind of economic program are they going to peddle at the next election, tax cuts and deregulation?
Obama ran on "A clear and distinct choice for America's future". He did not run on compromise. Most of America does not want Obama to compromise with the nasty republican losers. Imagine THAT! Get used to the idea that you lost. You RWers must wrap your minds around THAT as painfull as it must be...because Obama won and his will be done.

Great, no compromise. Let the Fiscal Cliff proceed!

It's time Americans learned what the Democrat party is all about.

Democrats won't get blamed.

It is their fault, any intelligent person knows it. Obviously the idiot left doesn't because they are retarded.

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