Obama narrative about Bergdahl deal torched by ...MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell

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Ohhh myyy, after a spanking like that she needs to head to the bar, for a post-coital drink and a pack of cigs while she bathes in the afterglow. Yep, I'll bet it stung, all the way to elevator. Smack my ass and call me Judy...
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Yall say this shit at least 4 times a day. Either MSNBC is reporting the news which republicans say they arent reporting the news and is really Obamas network or MSNBC really hates Obama.

You cant dismiss the entire network then post vids from them everyday claiming to be "shocked"

Look up the word "subtle" and let us know what it says.

Yall say this shit at least 4 times a day. Either MSNBC is reporting the news which republicans say they arent reporting the news and is really Obamas network or MSNBC really hates Obama.

You cant dismiss the entire network then post vids from them everyday claiming to be "shocked"

I missed the part where she said she was shocked.

Thanks both of you for not sticking your neck out with a point or rebuttal. Its better for you that way
The Obama administration is replete with liars, cover-up artists, spinners and incompetent rubes. This blonde bimbo is no different from the rest of them.
Look what the lying bitch said to Andrea. Holy toledo! This administration is just full to the brim with pathalogical liars.

If lying was a criminal offense this crew of Obama's would all be wearing orange.

Mitchell absolutely obliterated the official line about the President notifying Congress of the Bergdahl prisoner swap. She also torched the administration claim that Congress hadn’t been briefed about the Bin Laden raid, and she roasted the concept that notifying the legislature would have endangered Bergdahl's life. It got so bad that Harf actually accused Mitchell of rewriting history.

“Well," Harf said, "We can recreate history on Bin Laden, but when it comes to Bergdahl, which is, I think, what’s most important today, the architecture of this entire swap had been briefed and quite frankly was discussed publicly.

Politics: Obama narrative about Bergdahl deal torched by ...MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell? | Best of Cain
Marie should have just came out and said " We believe Congress would have leaked the information to try and scuttle the deal."

Yall say this shit at least 4 times a day. Either MSNBC is reporting the news which republicans say they arent reporting the news and is really Obamas network or MSNBC really hates Obama.

You cant dismiss the entire network then post vids from them everyday claiming to be "shocked"
First I don't believe anyone post videos from them everyday second how this any different from what you guys on the left do when you see a story on FOX that fits your agenda? And don't pretend we have not gotten more than a few even FOX isn't buying the Republican this or that or FOX has turned on Cruz threads.
Marie should have just came out and said " We believe Congress would have leaked the information to try and scuttle the deal."

The latest word is 80-90 people in the Obama Administration had been briefed on the deal. Why not a few leading Congresscritters?
Boehner ended his latest drinking binge, I mean respectful silence, to say "....we will pay".
Marie should have just came out and said " We believe Congress would have leaked the information to try and scuttle the deal."

The latest word is 80-90 people in the Obama Administration had been briefed on the deal. Why not a few leading Congresscritters?

Sure, why not? I mean, the law requires it and stuff, so in hind sight, it would have been a good idea.

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