Lberals!! Still Happy you got God and ten commandments out of School??


VIP Member
Mar 4, 2013
Lberals!! Are you Still Happy you got God and ten commandments out of Schools??MORE AND MORE KIDDS KILLED IN SCHOOLS ALMOST EVERY WEEK. KIDDS KILLING KIDDS IN SCHOOL WAS ALMOST UNHEARD OF WHEN GOD AND THE 10 COMMANDMENTS WERE STILL THERE. Now school children pay the price and you bear the SHAME AND GUILT!!
[ame=]A Perfect Circle - Judith - YouTube[/ame]
Lberals!! Are you Still Happy you got God and ten commandments out of Schools??MORE AND MORE KIDDS KILLED IN SCHOOLS ALMOST EVERY WEEK. KIDDS KILLING KIDDS IN SCHOOL WAS ALMOST UNHEARD OF WHEN GOD AND THE 10 COMMANDMENTS WERE STILL THERE. Now school children pay the price and you bear the SHAME AND GUILT!!

Not having prayer in school lead to the invention of the cell phone too! How many cell phones were around when prayer was in school? Exactly :doubt:
What do you care? You've been arguing that the 10 commandments no longer need to be followed in the religion forum. So why should anyone care about them or put them in schools?
Lberals!! Are you Still Happy you got God and ten commandments out of Schools??MORE AND MORE KIDDS KILLED IN SCHOOLS ALMOST EVERY WEEK. KIDDS KILLING KIDDS IN SCHOOL WAS ALMOST UNHEARD OF WHEN GOD AND THE 10 COMMANDMENTS WERE STILL THERE. Now school children pay the price and you bear the SHAME AND GUILT!!


Maybe you shouldn't have left school so soon?
Texas erected a Ten Commandments display in 1961.


In 1966, Charles Whitman killed 16 people at the University of Texas.

If god is all powerful, why does he allow kids to be shot at school?
Lberals!! Are you Still Happy you got God and ten commandments out of Schools??MORE AND MORE KIDDS KILLED IN SCHOOLS ALMOST EVERY WEEK. KIDDS KILLING KIDDS IN SCHOOL WAS ALMOST UNHEARD OF WHEN GOD AND THE 10 COMMANDMENTS WERE STILL THERE. Now school children pay the price and you bear the SHAME AND GUILT!!

That's not the public school's responsibility. It's up to the parents to raise their kids in the religion of their choice. If they want a religious education, they need to shell out for a private/parochial school. That's what my parents did. You can't expect others to pay for an education that's plainly unconstitutional. That's just as much a case of freeloading as spending one's whole life on welfare.
Lberals!! Are you Still Happy you got God and ten commandments out of Schools??MORE AND MORE KIDDS KILLED IN SCHOOLS ALMOST EVERY WEEK. KIDDS KILLING KIDDS IN SCHOOL WAS ALMOST UNHEARD OF WHEN GOD AND THE 10 COMMANDMENTS WERE STILL THERE. Now school children pay the price and you bear the SHAME AND GUILT!!

That's not the public school's responsibility. It's up to the parents to raise their kids in the religion of their choice. If they want a religious education, they need to shell out for a private/parochial school. That's what my parents did. You can't expect others to pay for an education that's plainly unconstitutional. That's just as much a case of freeloading as spending one's whole life on welfare.

FOR OVER 200 YEARS THE SCHOOL DAY STARTED WITH PRAYER AND THE TEN COMMANDMENTS WERE POSTED ON SCHOOL ROOM WALLS!!! But now!!! and many kids brought guns to school so they could go hunting when school let out for the day, they did not shoot each other!!!
Lberals!! Are you Still Happy you got God and ten commandments out of Schools??MORE AND MORE KIDDS KILLED IN SCHOOLS ALMOST EVERY WEEK. KIDDS KILLING KIDDS IN SCHOOL WAS ALMOST UNHEARD OF WHEN GOD AND THE 10 COMMANDMENTS WERE STILL THERE. Now school children pay the price and you bear the SHAME AND GUILT!!

You don't need god to know not to kill. Like religious people, these shooters are CRAZY. I really wish they would do a detailed report of who all these shooters are/were and what their obsessions were. I bet they were right wingers. Rush Limbaugh listeners. Like when Bill O'Reilly called Dr. Tiller the Baby Killer then he got killed. Bill should be in jail.

Anyways, ask every parent of a shooter and I bet they tell you they believe in god. BET!
Lberals!! Are you Still Happy you got God and ten commandments out of Schools??MORE AND MORE KIDDS KILLED IN SCHOOLS ALMOST EVERY WEEK. KIDDS KILLING KIDDS IN SCHOOL WAS ALMOST UNHEARD OF WHEN GOD AND THE 10 COMMANDMENTS WERE STILL THERE. Now school children pay the price and you bear the SHAME AND GUILT!!

GISMYS what we need to teach in Schools are Constitutional principles, ethics and conflict resolution.

So if anyone can't follow the rules, we screen out behavioral issues and abuses early.

That way, all people can get HELP to correct whatever is causing those problems,
and we don't have unchecked issues that lead to violence, bullying, crime or shootings.

This is similar to teaching the 10 Commandments.
But we would teach the 10 Articles in the Bill of Rights (plus 14th Amendment)
and the 10 Articles in the Code of Ethics for Govt Service (
Lberals!! Are you Still Happy you got God and ten commandments out of Schools??MORE AND MORE KIDDS KILLED IN SCHOOLS ALMOST EVERY WEEK. KIDDS KILLING KIDDS IN SCHOOL WAS ALMOST UNHEARD OF WHEN GOD AND THE 10 COMMANDMENTS WERE STILL THERE. Now school children pay the price and you bear the SHAME AND GUILT!!

That's not the public school's responsibility. It's up to the parents to raise their kids in the religion of their choice. If they want a religious education, they need to shell out for a private/parochial school. That's what my parents did. You can't expect others to pay for an education that's plainly unconstitutional. That's just as much a case of freeloading as spending one's whole life on welfare.

FOR OVER 200 YEARS THE SCHOOL DAY STARTED WITH PRAYER AND THE TEN COMMANDMENTS WERE POSTED ON SCHOOL ROOM WALLS!!! But now!!! and many kids brought guns to school so they could go hunting when school let out for the day, they did not shoot each other!!!

The earliest known United States shooting to happen on school property was the Pontiac's Rebellion school massacre on July 26, 1764, where four Lenape American Indians entered the schoolhouse near present-day Greencastle, Pennsylvania, shot and killed schoolmaster Enoch Brown, and killed nine or ten children (reports vary). Only three children survived.[
September 28, 1850: West Chester, Pennsylvania, At the Rocky Hill schoolhouse, students found their young teacher (about 18), Rachael Sharpless shot dead in the doorway of the school. George Pharoah, 19 years old, shot her while hiding behind a tree as she was unlocking the door. He used a copy of the Saturday Evening Post in a wad to muffle the sound, where parts of the magazine were found at the scene and in his pockets
lberals!! Are you still happy you got god and ten commandments out of schools??more and more kidds killed in schools almost every week. Kidds killing kidds in school was almost unheard of when god and the 10 commandments were still there. Now school children pay the price and you bear the shame and guilt!!

you don't need god to know not to kill. Like religious people, these shooters are crazy. I really wish they would do a detailed report of who all these shooters are/were and what their obsessions were. I bet they were right wingers. Rush limbaugh listeners. Like when bill o'reilly called dr. Tiller the baby killer then he got killed. Bill should be in jail.

Anyways, ask every parent of a shooter and i bet they tell you they believe in god. Bet!

wonder where all the "crazy" kids were the first 200 years of usa school history when the school day was opened with prayer,the bible was a school text book and the ten commandments were piosted on school walls???
November 2, 1853: Louisville, Kentucky, The student Matthew Ward bought a pistol in the morning, went to school and killed the schoolmaster Mr. Butler, as revenge for what Ward thought was excessive punishment of his brother the day before. Ward was acquitted.[3]
lberals!! Are you still happy you got god and ten commandments out of schools??more and more kidds killed in schools almost every week. Kidds killing kidds in school was almost unheard of when god and the 10 commandments were still there. Now school children pay the price and you bear the shame and guilt!!

you don't need god to know not to kill. Like religious people, these shooters are crazy. I really wish they would do a detailed report of who all these shooters are/were and what their obsessions were. I bet they were right wingers. Rush limbaugh listeners. Like when bill o'reilly called dr. Tiller the baby killer then he got killed. Bill should be in jail.

Anyways, ask every parent of a shooter and i bet they tell you they believe in god. Bet!

wonder where all the "crazy" kids were the first 200 years of usa school history when the school day was opened with prayer,the bible was a school text book and the ten commandments were piosted on school walls???

July 6, 1858: Baltimore, Maryland, the 15yr old son of Col. John T. Farlow (Baltimore's Marshal of Police 1867-70), was shot to death during a Sabbath School gathering. The perpetrator escaped, but several arrests were made
Lberals!! Are you Still Happy you got God and ten commandments out of Schools??MORE AND MORE KIDDS KILLED IN SCHOOLS ALMOST EVERY WEEK. KIDDS KILLING KIDDS IN SCHOOL WAS ALMOST UNHEARD OF WHEN GOD AND THE 10 COMMANDMENTS WERE STILL THERE. Now school children pay the price and you bear the SHAME AND GUILT!!

Which version would you like to use: Different Versions of the Ten Commandments: Introduction to the Ten Commandments

And my favorite: “You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. 5 You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, 6 but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.

Daddy hates God? Well you might as well ignore everything else, you ain't going to heaven. That'll show those little monsters where they stand.
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lberals!! Are you still happy you got god and ten commandments out of schools??more and more kidds killed in schools almost every week. Kidds killing kidds in school was almost unheard of when god and the 10 commandments were still there. Now school children pay the price and you bear the shame and guilt!!

you don't need god to know not to kill. Like religious people, these shooters are crazy. I really wish they would do a detailed report of who all these shooters are/were and what their obsessions were. I bet they were right wingers. Rush limbaugh listeners. Like when bill o'reilly called dr. Tiller the baby killer then he got killed. Bill should be in jail.

Anyways, ask every parent of a shooter and i bet they tell you they believe in god. Bet!

wonder where all the "crazy" kids were the first 200 years of usa school history when the school day was opened with prayer,the bible was a school text book and the ten commandments were piosted on school walls???

January 21, 1860: Todd County, Kentucky, A son of Col. Elijah Sebree was shot dead by another student. Young Sebree was threatening the other boy and intended to kill him. Whereupon he armed himself and walked deliberately up to Sebree, in the schoolhouse, and shot him dead.

Should I continue?
november 2, 1853: Louisville, kentucky, the student matthew ward bought a pistol in the morning, went to school and killed the schoolmaster mr. Butler, as revenge for what ward thought was excessive punishment of his brother the day before. Ward was acquitted.[3]

lol!!! And the next reported school was what?? 100 years later???? Lol!! We got a shooting now most every week!!================== try again!!!

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