Obama lies through his teeth !


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
You're full of shit Barack, Islam is NOT, nor has EVER been woven into the fabric of this country ! Goddamn liar !
I fucking swear to god, this man does nothing but pander constantly to this fucking religion !

WHAT HISTORY BOOK DID HE READ: Obama, ‘Islam Woven Into Fabric of America Since Its Founding’

Please, do tell, Mr.President. How many of the men who signed the Declaration of Independence regularly attended a Mosque?

(CNSNews.com) – We hear a lot about the United States’ Judeo-Christian heritage, but according to President Obama, “Islam has been woven into the fabric of our country since its founding.”

That’s what the president told a White House conference on “countering violent extremism” on Wednesday.

Obama has said similar things in the past:

I also know that Islam has always been a part of America’s story,” Obama said in a June 2009 speech in Cairo, Egypt. “Islam has always been part of America,” he said in a 2010 statement marking the start of Ramadan. And in a 2014 statement marking Eid, Obama said the holiday “also reminds us of the many achievements and contributions of Muslim Americans to building the very fabric of our nation and strengthening the core of our democracy.”

WHAT HISTORY BOOK DID HE READ Obama Islam Woven Into Fabric of America Since Its Founding Doug Giles ClashDaily
Islam has been in America since early in the 18th century. Do you when the first mosque was established?
I just love to hate Obama.

The semi-Negro non-vetted sealed transcript non-existent birth certificate Kenyan Muslim Communist homosexual married to a transvestite anti-American flag-hating....

Brotch. :slap:
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Mr. H's scalp must feel like a staple is tacked to it.

What a goof.
Le's move this to the rubber room.

Any birfer thread is simply la la land stuff.
Le's move this to the rubber room.

Any birfer thread is simply la la land stuff.

Why ? Obama knows Islam has played an insignificant role throughout the history of this nation.
This is a legitimate topic, and Obama deserves to be hammered for his words !
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JakeStarkey , how is my non-Negroness working for you?

"I am not now, nor have I ever been a member of the Negro race"

So help me God.

Let's all get our non-Negro on... I ain't no Negro, and you may not either be.

The non-Negro is as the non-Negro does.

Dyslexic non-Negros untie!
Checked a few sites. Seems most Muslims in America spend their time pushing their own causes more than assimilating, reaching out or doing things for the communities.

I found no charities to help the public. Few medical contributions. Some are scientists, but no info on what they actually contributed. Many are activists and there are mentions of CAIR or other Muslim groups. They seem to focus more on themselves and what is good for them. Building mosques and forming activist groups to push for their agenda is good for them, but doesn't help others.

Nothing on helping build the country. A lot of rappers are Muslims and there is a list of athletes. A few run big businesses and corporations but, according to the left, that is self-serving. Sorry, I don't see any famous Muslims who stand out for their contributions to America. They seem to stick to themselves and their own interests.


If the above anti-Muslim folks are the general extent of their ilk's opposition to American ideals, then no one they dislike have any reason to fear from the nativists and racialists.
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If the above anti-Muslim folks are the general extent of their ilk's opposition to American ideals, then no one the dislike have any reason to fear from the nativists and racialists.
Jake... what do you mean.."then no one the dislike" lost something there.
If the above anti-Muslim folks are the general extent of their ilk's opposition to American ideals, then no one they dislike have any reason to fear from the nativists and racialists.

take a walk down a street in Dearborn Michigan with a cross around your neck and a Bible in your hand and you will learn about muslim assimilation into american culture.

you will think you are walking through Tehran.

you don't know what you are talking about, as usual.

and for the record, muslim and arab are NOT races, moron.
If the above anti-Muslim folks are the general extent of their ilk's opposition to American ideals, then no one they dislike have any reason to fear from the nativists and racialists.
Jake... what do you mean.."then no one the dislike" lost something there.
Jake, you have nothing, just quit grabbing for straws.

he is a tool of the far left, don't take him seriously. he is nothing.
If the above anti-Muslim folks are the general extent of their ilk's opposition to American ideals, then no one they dislike have any reason to fear from the nativists and racialists.

So typical left wing rightwinger. No one is being anti-Islam because they call the lie that Obama told a lie. YOU are more on the side of being disingenuous, you, Obama and the whole of your democrat party.
You're full of shit Barack, Islam is NOT, nor has EVER been woven into the fabric of this country ! Goddamn liar !
I fucking swear to god, this man does nothing but pander constantly to this fucking religion !

WHAT HISTORY BOOK DID HE READ: Obama, ‘Islam Woven Into Fabric of America Since Its Founding’

Please, do tell, Mr.President. How many of the men who signed the Declaration of Independence regularly attended a Mosque?

(CNSNews.com) – We hear a lot about the United States’ Judeo-Christian heritage, but according to President Obama, “Islam has been woven into the fabric of our country since its founding.”

That’s what the president told a White House conference on “countering violent extremism” on Wednesday.

Obama has said similar things in the past:

I also know that Islam has always been a part of America’s story,” Obama said in a June 2009 speech in Cairo, Egypt. “Islam has always been part of America,” he said in a 2010 statement marking the start of Ramadan. And in a 2014 statement marking Eid, Obama said the holiday “also reminds us of the many achievements and contributions of Muslim Americans to building the very fabric of our nation and strengthening the core of our democracy.”

WHAT HISTORY BOOK DID HE READ Obama Islam Woven Into Fabric of America Since Its Founding Doug Giles ClashDaily

Islam was woven into the fabric of this country when the Founders wrote and passed the 1st Amendment,

as were all religions.

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