Obama Leak: 'Worse than Watergate'

After which of these repeated body blows does the media finally decide to stop carrying Obama's water and start doing honest reporting?

Since when does Fox running around screaming "Obama leaked it" without a shred of evidence count as a body blow?
It's all about Obama and what HE personally can gain; it has NEVER been about our country.

What a horrible attitude for someone in that office to have. He is not only incompetent, he is dangerous.

Right, because you have evidence that even hints at wrongdoing? No? It's just a bunch of claims cooked up by Fox.
Are you going to cite the "published articles" that McCain is supposedly commenting on?

Or...........are you going to just sit there drool some more?
I want you to show me where John McCain is discussing the articles in question and pointing a finger at President Obama as having leaked something to someone.

If not..........eat shit. Hell to pay my ass.

McCain is fucking grandstanding as usual. No specifics needed............right?
Watergate is a joke. Democraps do worse today spying on Republicans in political races, even digging up credit reports on them. Nixon today would be viewed as a saint compared to Democraps.

...and yes, the Top Secret leaks are treason and are worse than Watergate. People need to be getting their ass banged in Federal prison after Romney takes over and sends the FBI after the liberal goons behind the leaks.
In order to sell the bullshit of the op, you're gonna need your very own Woodward and Bernstein. Good luck with that.

Oh yeah, you have world nut daily that's right.
Let's see........they leaked the UK's missile codes to Russia.......they leaked Israeli plans to bomb Iran from Azerbaijan.

Obama has been trying to show everyone what a bad-ass he is with these stories.

Guess that plan blew up in his face this time.
In order to sell the bullshit of the op, you're gonna need your very own Woodward and Bernstein.

Not at all. There are direct quotes of the highest level security matters from no less than the POTUS in both the New York Times and in the newly published book.

There are only a few people involved, and we just need one to implicate Obama.

Just one.

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