Obama is the Worst President Since World War II, Poll Says

Has Iraq attacked Kuwait or Iran lately? Has it gassed Kurds?

Who was it that helped supply Saddam with spare parts for his Soviet made military after the Soviets cut them off when they attacked Iran? Who gave them 4 billion dollars in aid as well as approve sales of Western technology and weapons, including from our Western allies. Including the ability to make chemical and biological weapons. Can't forget the high tech, duel use technology that were used in their clandestine nuclear bomb program. Iran had accused Iraq of using chemical weapons many times before that incident. After the attack we blamed Iran.

On Kuwait. Wasn't there a crisis building between the two countries. As negotiation were failing, didn't Saddam meet with our Embassador and didn't he express the possibility that hostilities were close? Didn't he ask what our position was? Did we respond with something like "Don't touch Kuwait. We'll defend the Kingdom as if we had a mutual defense pact with them!" Bush knew Iraq was going to invade but the next day claimed it was a surprise.....

Iraqi civil war between Shias, Sunnis and Kurds

How many Shias died when ISIS (Sunnis) retook the western part of Iraq?

since Trump broke up the Obama founded ISIS

Only a racist would think someone of another race should know their place only a racist would even make such a suggestion.

I agree there. That's why the attitude I personally witnessed from some during Obama's presidency (such as my friend's) leads me to lay at their feet the division you brought up.
Only a racist would think someone of another race should know their place only a racist would even make such a suggestion.

I agree there. That's why the attitude I personally witnessed from some during Obama's presidency (such as my friend's) leads me to lay at their feet the division you brought up.
So now you want to change what you said earlier how interesting. At first, you said
"Based on some I've talked with, their attitude struck me as if to say things were fine back when those people knew their place"
But now you say you personally witness it?
so which is it liar?
I've noticed that too. Based on some I've talked with, their attitude struck me as if to say things were fine back when those people knew their place. I recall one conversation with a friend soon after Obama took office and he took Obama's use of Air Force One as some sort of personal affront.

Getting back to the survey cited in OP, the one result I agreed with was...
And 45% of Americans think the U.S. would be better off if Mitt Romney had been elected President in 2012
So now you want to change what you said earlier how interesting. At first, you said
"Based on some I've talked with, their attitude struck me as if to say things were fine back when those people knew their place"
But now you say you personally witness it?
so which is it liar?

I take it your point is that I could not possibly witness my friend's statement in our conversation. We were talking face-to-face and I assure you when he spoke his lips were moving.

Based on some I've talked with, their attitude struck me as if to say things were fine back when those people knew their place. I recall one conversation with a friend soon after Obama took office and he took Obama's use of Air Force One as some sort of personal affront.

That's why the attitude I personally witnessed from some during Obama's presidency (such as my friend's) leads me to lay at their feet the division you brought up.

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