Obama is a liar. He intends to violate the law with his nomination

wouldn't Expect nothing else from the obama anymore.

the law and truth doesn't apply to him and his cult followers.
There is no doubt Obama is a liar, and the 20 percenters who support him are pretty defensive hypocrites at this point. It is pitiful watching the 20 percenters throw all of their energy at defending being wrong 24/7.
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How in the hell can you people think there is something wrong with him picking someone who agrees with the laws on the books?
Abortion is one of the most disgraceful periods in this nation's history. 25 million black babies, gone, massive genocide against them. Sickening to listen to anyone support this tragedy.
Obama is going to violate the law when he REQUIRES his nominee to support specific policies and opinions. He wants someone that is Pro Choice.

Obama seeks court nominee who backs women's rights - Yahoo! News

Ohh he plays the lip game about not judging them on a single issue, but states he wants someone that supports abortion in the same breath.

When conservatives are able to elect a President with their political leanings they can nominate a justice who conforms to their views.

Easy isn't it?

Just some advice.......Just because someone doesn't have that same political views as you doesn't mean they are breaking the law or are in violation of the Constitution
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Obama is going to violate the law when he REQUIRES his nominee to support specific policies and opinions. He wants someone that is Pro Choice.

Obama seeks court nominee who backs women's rights - Yahoo! News

Ohh he plays the lip game about not judging them on a single issue, but states he wants someone that supports abortion in the same breath.

obama couldn't care less about the law, or the constitution for that matter Sgt. He hates them both, almost as much as he hates America.
The good news is that the Leftists on the Court are so far Left that you'd had to crossbreed Mao, Stalin and Hitler and have the kid raised by William Ayers and Frank Marshall Davis raise to get him any further Left.
Abortion is one of the most disgraceful periods in this nation's history. 25 million black babies, gone, massive genocide against them. Sickening to listen to anyone support this tragedy.

What, white women don't have abortions?
Abortion is one of the most disgraceful periods in this nation's history. 25 million black babies, gone, massive genocide against them. Sickening to listen to anyone support this tragedy.

No one forced black women to have abortions.:cuckoo:
Abortion is one of the most disgraceful periods in this nation's history. 25 million black babies, gone, massive genocide against them. Sickening to listen to anyone support this tragedy.

Black women choosing abortion is a genocide? You're accusing black America of genocide of black Americans?

That, in a darkly humorous way, is fucking hilarious.

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