Biden Judicial Nominee Thinks a Brady Motion - a Key Issue in J6 Prosecutions - Has to Do With 'Second Amendment'


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Biden Judicial Nominee Thinks a Brady Motion - a Key Issue in J6 Prosecutions - Has to Do With 'Second Amendment'​

22 Mar 2023 ~~ By Jennifer Van Laar

Judge Kato Crews, nominee for US District Court for the District of Colorado, appeared on Capitol Hill Wednesday as part of his confirmation hearings and became the latest nominee who was unable to answer a basic legal question by Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA).
Crews, who currently serves as a federal magistrate in Colorado, was unable to describe what the landmark US Supreme Court case Brady v. Maryland was about. Brady, decided in 1963, “held that withholding exculpatory evidence violates due process ‘where the evidence is material either to guilt or to punishment.'” Seems like a pretty important case (and principle) to be crystal clear about.

While the case is Criminal Law 101 and a known quantity for court observers (and therefore should have been an easy question for Crews to answer), it’s also been in the news recently regarding January 6 defendants and the revelation that hours of video footage from the Capitol that day hadn’t been seen by anyone except some Democrat staffers on the J6 committee. In case it’s not obvious why Brady would be relevant there, the snippets of video that have recently been released tell a very different story than the January 6 Committee and the Department of Justice have been telling, and could very well exonerate J6 defendants and be key in appealing convictions that have already occurred.
As Justice William O. Douglas, who penned the Brady decision, wrote, “We now hold that the suppression by the prosecution of evidence favorable to an accused upon request violates due process where the evidence is material either to guilt or to punishment… Society wins not only when the guilty are convicted, but when criminal trials are fair.” Crews’ ignorance of what the decision holds and his linking the name “Brady” with gun control shows where his priorities are and that he cannot be allowed near a federal court bench.

Most informed legal and political watchers, even those who do not work in the field, know about Brady and its effects on prosecutions. How could someone who went through three years in law school and spent four years on the bench not at least know the basics of the law? That’s almost too incredulous to believe! And he wants to be confirmed to a higher court as well? Who vetted him for this nomination? Given the number of times the issues on Brady have been in the news over the past few weeks, you would think they would have made sure he had a passing knowledge of the court opinion.
Crews as portrayed himself as a typical affirmative action graduate. Dumb as a door knob.
Crickets from the Maoist Democrats that condone appointments of these appointed incompetent legislative judges.
He is dumb.

But all Democrats are this is no shock...

However, despite being dumb, they are also powerful and brilliant enough to steal entire elections, force Republicans to investigate themselves -- everything -- and no one has stopped them yet....

Hopefully this guy not knowing what a Brady motion is will be what it takes to finally put a stop to the Dem's evil plans...

Another Biden judicial nominee exposed as a doofus.

Move over, Kato Kaelin. Meet America's newest goofus in the legal system, Kato Crews.
23 Mar 2023 ~~ By Monica Showalter

Move over, Kato Kaelin. Meet America's newest goofus in the legal system, Kato Crews.
Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) backed another one of President Joe Biden's judicial picks into a legal corner after the nominee admitted to not knowing a criminal law doctrine known as a Brady motion.​
Colorado Magistrate Judge Kato Crews was before the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing Wednesday, where lawmakers from both sides ask questions to inquire about the qualifications of the president's nominees.​
The 1963 Brady motion is one of the most basic laws of fairness in the judicial system — mandating that prosecutors, who have a mountain of evidence to work with, cannot withhold exculpatory evidence from a defendant if they possess it and indeed have to hand it over.
Crews didn't know that?
What kind of judge would Kato-the-Unready be without this utterly basic judicial knowledge? Does this explain the kinds of lunatic legal decisions we see coming from leftist judges who reflexively side with Joe Biden no matter how wrong he is?
Kennedy has knocked one unready candidate after another out of judicial confirmation in the past by stumping them on basic law. This includes Biden nominees, but also Trump ones.
The left had a grand old time when, back in 2017, Kennedy exposed the absence of legal knowledge of even President Trump's bench nominee, Matthew Spencer Petersen, before the Senate, leading to the man's uncomfortable withdrawal from consideration.
Unlike the hapless Petersen, Crews hasn't offered to withdraw his name from consideration. That's the difference between Trump nominees and Biden nominees — the Trump nominees made honorable withdrawals. The Biden ones cling on, regardless of how the facts roll out. That's the political effect at work, the incredible shamelessness of those in pursuit of power.
Sen. Kennedy should be lauded for ratting out the poseurs and politically connected hacks of no merit in their field, with only political loyalty to speak for them. Based on what Kennedy unearthed, Kato Crews is easily in that category and should not be approved as a federal judge.

I watched the video of his hearing a couple of days ago. His responses were pathetic. I couldn’t believe a law school graduate, much less a judge on the bench, could be so ignorant as to basic laws. Brady v Maryland is first year law student stuff. Or at least it used to be. Apparently, that’s no longer the case.
Today's Maoist Democrat political atmosphere is right out of Orwell's novels. is idea of newspeak his identical to what we see in equity, which is no equal bay any means.
"Basic laws of fairness in the judicial system"
Ha! That no longer exists in our wholly corrupt so-called judicial system. Fairness is just an annoying impediment for leftist to get their way, so it is ignored just like they ignore the Constitution, Bill of Rights, Due process, Assumption of Innocence., Right to Face Accusers etc....
wow…between not knowing what a woman is and this…it’s shocking how xiden and the demafasict are trying to destroy our judicial branch with these picks
It's unreal that he could not answer that question. Non lawyers who have a casual knowledge of criminal law could have answered that. This guy is a fucking joke.

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