Obama Has Gone Back Into Iraq and Far Left Remains Silent

These followers of Islam the religion of peace want to kill the living fuck out of people that don't believe as they do in horrific ways.We better be prepared to do anything necessary to stop them and wipe them out.
Well, libs have crashed and burned on this thread just like most other serious threads.

Game, Set, Match.

The rest of the thread will be spent on personal attacks or lies or diversions from the title of the thread....and with lefties digging their holes even further. November is gonna be fun!!


You guys are hilarious the way you "imagine" things. Remember, it was you guys who thought we would be greeted as liberators, being so stupid, you didn't even know our young troops were being sent off to participate in a war that has been going on for over a thousand years. Only the most ignorant of the ignorant didn't know that the reason Muslims can't defeat Israel is because the Muslims have been at war WITH EACH OTHER for, uh, shall I say it again? Over a thousand years.

I can't begin to express the depth of GOP ignorance. Thank God we have you guys to show us.
These followers of Islam the religion of peace want to kill the living fuck out of people that don't believe as they do in horrific ways.We better be prepared to do anything necessary to stop them and wipe them out.

Yea, well, they might turn their attention to us after they, uh, well, stop fighting each other. But, then, who will be left over there?
Instead of worrying about what Obama is doing about the latest flareup in Iraq, I'm spending more time these days pondering other anomolies that appear vastly more important than yet another GOP/Cheney opportunity to bash Obama and dems by extension.

That is the number of english-speaking 1st language fighters in the ISIS army, the number of American weapons and the endless funding. When watching the coverage of this on Fox we hear.

1. That ISIS is well-funded, but we never hear from where.

2. That ISIS has a lot of American and British fighters, but we never hear why.

3. That ISIS has a lot of American weapons, but we never hear from who they were funneled.

4. That American journalists are being beheaded but their families stateside seem peculiarly...shall I say.."constructed"? The one on deck to be beheaded has a family in Florida but they want to have their privacy respected. Look for a lot more of that in the future, unless my observations are totally wrong.

If someone like Rachael Maddow wants a Pulitzer, I think there is plenty of fodder afoot... The ISIS crisis, real or manufactured, does serve the purpose though of bashing Obama and the dems and may even turn some votes this Fall. And I must say the timing of it is once again, exquisite for that purpose..
Yeah shitbag.....run some stories claiming the US military and CIA are behind ISIS.....it will really help you in the elections. :alcoholic:

Instead of worrying about what Obama is doing about the latest flareup in Iraq, I'm spending more time these days pondering other anomolies that appear vastly more important than yet another GOP/Cheney opportunity to bash Obama and dems by extension.

That is the number of english-speaking 1st language fighters in the ISIS army, the number of American weapons and the endless funding. When watching the coverage of this on Fox we hear.

1. That ISIS is well-funded, but we never hear from where.

2. That ISIS has a lot of American and British fighters, but we never hear why.

3. That ISIS has a lot of American weapons, but we never hear from who they were funneled.

4. That American journalists are being beheaded but their families stateside seem peculiarly...shall I say.."constructed"? The one on deck to be beheaded has a family in Florida but they want to have their privacy respected. Look for a lot more of that in the future, unless my observations are totally wrong.

If someone like Rachael Maddow wants a Pulitzer, I think there is plenty of fodder afoot... The ISIS crisis, real or manufactured, does serve the purpose though of bashing Obama and the dems and may even turn some votes this Fall. And I must say the timing of it is once again, exquisite for that purpose..

Correct. And what does the sign dead center say?

Yeahhhh, as if you ride a bike to work, to restaurants, to church, to baseball games, to buy food, etc .....that oil shit has nothing to do with your life or livelihood, does it now?
At least you have the honesty to admit it was about oil, not phony WMDs.

Go talk to the wingnuts and the Neo-Cons. You won't get very far. They are big on Exxon stock. ;)
No, it says "No blood for oil".

Which is what invading Iraq was all about: controlling Iraq's oil fields.

Yo, dumb ass, we've NEVER controlled Iraq's oil fields. Where do you morons come up with these lies???
Note the date: June, 2008

Deals With Iraq Are Set to Bring Oil Giants Back

Exxon oil giants prepared to sign no-bid oil deals in Iraq. ThinkProgress

Oil giants to sign contracts with Iraq World news The Guardian


Exxon Shell Sign Final Deal For Iraq 8217 s West Qurna 1 Oil Field 8211 Royal Dutch Shell plc .com

Let me know when I'm being too tough on you, OK?
I've yet to hear one person in the media, on CNN/MSNBC/FOX, or one person in government, Democrat or Republican, talk about those Mideast countries I mentioned taking on ISIS themselves before we get ourselves involved again.

Why is that?
Because the Obama administration is not putting pressure on them. In first Gulf War H Bush put together a coalition of over 20 nations including Jordan and Saudi Arabia.

And this is keeping conservatives from bringing up the subject?

Usually, when Obama is doing something the other side is screaming.

Usually, when Obama is not doing something, the other side is screaming.

But not about this. Why?

And don't come back with more lame shit, half-thought through, okay?
"A: The group initially was established in Iraq in 2004 by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, a Palestinian Islamist extremist born in Jordan, who formerly was one of the estimated 25,000 foreign Muslims who flocked to Afghanistan after 1979 to fight the Soviets. He was a close associate of Osama bin Laden, although he did not formally join al-Qaeda until 2004 when he was recognized as the leader of al-Qaeda in Iraq.

Zarqawi was killed in a U.S. airstrike in 2006 and his organization was decimated by a U.S.-led counterterrorism campaign. But the group made a comeback in Iraq after the withdrawal of U.S. troops in 2011, which took the pressure off it. Also, Iraqi Prime Minister Maliki’s Shia-dominated government alienated Sunni Iraqis, driving many of them to see ISIS as the lesser evil."

Q A What You Need to Know About ISIS in Iraq

I've yet to hear one person in the media, on CNN/MSNBC/FOX, or one person in government, Democrat or Republican, talk about those Mideast countries I mentioned taking on ISIS themselves before we get ourselves involved again.

Why is that?
Because the Obama administration is not putting pressure on them. In first Gulf War H Bush put together a coalition of over 20 nations including Jordan and Saudi Arabia.

Nobody in the Middle East trusts America after what the ignorant bullies that Republicans are - did.
Ignorant bullies...holy fuck...guess you have not heard of ISIS?

Course I heard of them. Isis is what happens when you invade a country, fire their military and leave hundreds of thousands of well trained soldiers who are armed with no jobs, no future and no way to take care of their families. Who on earth would do something so fucking ignorant, besides Republicans I mean?
Saddam Hussein would have prevented all this shit. Thank the Bushes and Nouri al-Maliki.
Obama is trying to clean up the Bush/Maliki clusterfuck.
Saddam did kill Islamic extremist in his country they were a threat to his power. But Bush and Maliki had a working relationship. This mess is an Obama/ Maliki mess.

How did Ahmad Chalabi fit into that relationship?
Yeah nutjob....you will move the goalposts to fit your agenda.

First you claim we stole their oil, then you claim well the Iraqis that now are in charge aren't really in charge.

Eating shit gives you brain damage.

The Iraqis we installed?

You're out of your league, minute-man (is that what the ladies call you?)
Saddam Hussein would have prevented all this shit. Thank the Bushes and Nouri al-Maliki.
Obama is trying to clean up the Bush/Maliki clusterfuck.
Saddam did kill Islamic extremist in his country they were a threat to his power. But Bush and Maliki had a working relationship. This mess is an Obama/ Maliki mess.

What was Obama supposed to do about Maliki?
Yeah shitbag.....run some stories claiming the US military and CIA are behind ISIS.....it will really help you in the elections. :alcoholic:

Instead of worrying about what Obama is doing about the latest flareup in Iraq, I'm spending more time these days pondering other anomolies that appear vastly more important than yet another GOP/Cheney opportunity to bash Obama and dems by extension.

That is the number of english-speaking 1st language fighters in the ISIS army, the number of American weapons and the endless funding. When watching the coverage of this on Fox we hear.

1. That ISIS is well-funded, but we never hear from where.

2. That ISIS has a lot of American and British fighters, but we never hear why.

3. That ISIS has a lot of American weapons, but we never hear from who they were funneled.

4. That American journalists are being beheaded but their families stateside seem peculiarly...shall I say.."constructed"? The one on deck to be beheaded has a family in Florida but they want to have their privacy respected. Look for a lot more of that in the future, unless my observations are totally wrong.

If someone like Rachael Maddow wants a Pulitzer, I think there is plenty of fodder afoot... The ISIS crisis, real or manufactured, does serve the purpose though of bashing Obama and the dems and may even turn some votes this Fall. And I must say the timing of it is once again, exquisite for that purpose..
I did allow as to how it could be real. But even you have to admit the American/English connections are weird...
"A: The group initially was established in Iraq in 2004 by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, a Palestinian Islamist extremist born in Jordan, who formerly was one of the estimated 25,000 foreign Muslims who flocked to Afghanistan after 1979 to fight the Soviets. He was a close associate of Osama bin Laden, although he did not formally join al-Qaeda until 2004 when he was recognized as the leader of al-Qaeda in Iraq.

Zarqawi was killed in a U.S. airstrike in 2006 and his organization was decimated by a U.S.-led counterterrorism campaign. But the group made a comeback in Iraq after the withdrawal of U.S. troops in 2011, which took the pressure off it. Also, Iraqi Prime Minister Maliki’s Shia-dominated government alienated Sunni Iraqis, driving many of them to see ISIS as the lesser evil."

Q A What You Need to Know About ISIS in Iraq

I've yet to hear one person in the media, on CNN/MSNBC/FOX, or one person in government, Democrat or Republican, talk about those Mideast countries I mentioned taking on ISIS themselves before we get ourselves involved again.

Why is that?
Because the Obama administration is not putting pressure on them. In first Gulf War H Bush put together a coalition of over 20 nations including Jordan and Saudi Arabia.

Nobody in the Middle East trusts America after what the ignorant bullies that Republicans are - did.
Ignorant bullies...holy fuck...guess you have not heard of ISIS?

Course I heard of them. Isis is what happens when you invade a country, fire their military and leave hundreds of thousands of well trained soldiers who are armed with no jobs, no future and no way to take care of their families. Who on earth would do something so fucking ignorant, besides Republicans I mean?


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