Obama Has Gone Back Into Iraq and Far Left Remains Silent

Obama's bad guys are really bad because, because, because, they're racists!!

Actually they are "bad guys" because they are threatening to attack the US.

Things sorta changed after the last fruitcake that promised that, actually followed through.

Thankfully he was deep sixed in the deep blue sea.

yeah and whatever plans he was working on went with him. That was clever on Obama's part. Why get any information from bin Laden, right?

Maybe Obama will start attending the National Security briefings?
Obama's bad guys are really bad because, because, because, they're racists!!

Actually they are "bad guys" because they are threatening to attack the US.

Things sorta changed after the last fruitcake that promised that, actually followed through.

Thankfully he was deep sixed in the deep blue sea.

yeah and whatever plans he was working on went with him. That was clever on Obama's part. Why get any information from bin Laden, right?

Maybe Obama will start attending the National Security briefings?

What information would you have like from Ol' Bin Laden?

The best porno for crazed killers?
How to hide in plain sight of George W. Bush?

Not really sure what we needed from the guy that we didn't already know.
The far Left isn't being silent. They're the biggest Warmongers in the country now. They love they Obomba bombing the shite out of everyone. They're euphoric. Obamabots are doin the Robot in the streets. They're very dishonest hypocritical people.
If you jackass's hadn't prevented the bombing of Assad after he used chemicals weapons on the FSA, ISSI would never have developed into what it has developed into. But you have no idea about what the Shura Council or Suqour al Sham was during that time frame and names like Aha al Sham and Afad al Rasoul are meaningless to you. The complex, complicated inner workings of Syrian and Islamic militia's, tribes and clans are way to confusing for you so you just group them altogether and promote retarded concepts about Obama supplying "the rebels" and hence, ISIS. Meantime the groups who are our friends and holding the Holy warrior jihadist at bay are getting gassed because they are putting Assad on the ropes. Instead of them continuing the pressure on Assad they are forced to fight rear guard battles and a duel front campaign as ISIS coordinates it's attacks on FSA and it's affiliates with Assad's movements, allowing it to weaken the FSA and grow in numbers and strength.
There is one thing everyone on this board had BETTER come to terms with - and soon. There is a storm approaching the United States. A horrific storm that will bring fighting to our shores. Congressmen and Senators (as well as the idiot in the White House) had better come to terms that bad things are months (not years) away in this country. It is time to understand the animals that we are facing; and they are just that - animals. They MUST be put down with as much extreme prejudice as this country (as well as the rest of the western world) can muster. If that means putting boots on the ground in Syria - then do it. However, DO NOT constrain our forces. Give them one order - and ONLY one order - wipe this vermin out. Do whatever it takes.

Either we do this now or we will be forced to do it here in our cities within the coming year. Mark my words. Bad things are coming. I'm telling you. There is going to be a reckoning.

Randall for President! As most of us military or ex mil types know, THIS is what the answer is.

So your advocating for Nuclear War?

That's a little radical, no?

I don't know, a few tactical nukes could go a long way.

There is one thing everyone on this board had BETTER come to terms with - and soon. There is a storm approaching the United States. A horrific storm that will bring fighting to our shores. Congressmen and Senators (as well as the idiot in the White House) had better come to terms that bad things are months (not years) away in this country. It is time to understand the animals that we are facing; and they are just that - animals. They MUST be put down with as much extreme prejudice as this country (as well as the rest of the western world) can muster. If that means putting boots on the ground in Syria - then do it. However, DO NOT constrain our forces. Give them one order - and ONLY one order - wipe this vermin out. Do whatever it takes.

Either we do this now or we will be forced to do it here in our cities within the coming year. Mark my words. Bad things are coming. I'm telling you. There is going to be a reckoning.

Randall for President! As most of us military or ex mil types know, THIS is what the answer is.

So your advocating for Nuclear War?

That's a little radical, no?

I don't know, a few tactical nukes could go a long way.


Tactical or not.

That would be the end of all life on the planet.

There's no way the other nuclear powers, namely China and Russia, would put up with it.

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