Obama going pro pot?

Actually it's not nearly as dangerous as alcohol -- which probably is the most dangerous drug of all.

Alcohol kills hundreds of thousands of Americans every year and makes hundreds of thousands more seriously sick. Alcohol is responsible for most domestic violence and incites thousands of violent crimes as well as thousands of DUI deaths and property loss.

But there is no record anywhere in the annals of medical science that shows marijuana being responsible for one death or illness. Not one. Marijuana is absolutely benign. And those who disagree with that either choose to remain ignorant or are brainwashed, because the truth is readily available to all who are willing to look for it.

One excellent source of information is this book: Marijuana, The Forbidden Medicine, by Dr. Lester Grinspoon, MD, PhD, Professor of Psychiatric Medicine, Harvard University.

The strokes, heart attacks and traffic collisions don't count. All the people pothead Jared Loughner killed don't count either. The dead children who died because parents were too potted to take care of them don't count. Ignore the pothead that left the baby on top of the car then drove off sending the kid flying into the street.

Yeah someone is brainwashed.

Are you claiming that if Loughner hadn't smoked pot he wouldn't have murdered those people?
That kind of indoctrinated idiocy is why I have that nitwit, Katzndogs, on Ignore. He's not responsible and he's beyond redemption. So don't waste your time.
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I agree that Marijuana will eventually be legal everywhere. Once the Governments of neighboring states realize how much CA$H Colorado and Washington are raking in- they'll will want a slice of the pie. California will be the next one - they need to fund those bloated public sector pensions!!! What better way than weed???

I live in LA- marijuana is basically already legal here. You have to get a "recommendation" from a Doctor. For $35.00-$50.00 anyone over the age of 18 with a "migraine headache" can walk into a "Bud Doctor's" office and walk out with one that is good for a year.

Then you go to any of thousands of "dispensaries", fill out a quick form and buy whatever you need. Some of the dealers tout that they "test" their weed. Some give special kicks for first time customers....it's a thriving business. You cannot go by a corner strip center without seeing the "Green Cross" they use. They are paying good rent for those places....The "State" is going to want a bigger cut. Gotta replace that "tobacco" revenue...

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I have mixed thoughts about this. One state is considering letting welfare cards (EBT?)get money from the dispensaries. Those that can least afford it will buy it as they have and we in the end are paying for it. I have an issue with it being a gateway drug, yes, it is a gateway drug, I know first hand. In Wa. the DUI's are up 50% since it passed.
Yes, alcohol is legal, but doubling down on it with pot isn't an answer.
I wish I had every dime back that I spent on it, I would have had a fortune.
So by your logic peanuts are more dangerous than weed. Got it.
Since you've mentioned it, the fact is peanuts are indeed more dangerous than marijuana. Peanuts are dangerously allergenic to some people and many have died from the effects of that allergy. If you don't believe that, Google it.

Do people actually think this country needs more people doing pot and other drugs? Because that's exactly what will happen if we legalize pot. This country is already screwed up enough as it is without more degenerates.
So are you going to run right out and buy a pound if marijuana is legalized? Or do you expect that kind of behavior only from others, none of whom are not as wise and proper as you?

what do you think will happen if weed is legalized? It's common sense there will be more users, and since is well documented that weed is in fact a gateway drug, we'll have more people using harder drugs.

i knew dozens of people over the years who would not smoke any weed even though it was being passed around right in front of them.....are you saying they would start if it was now legal?..
I agree that Marijuana will eventually be legal everywhere. Once the Governments of neighboring states realize how much CA$H Colorado and Washington are raking in- they'll will want a slice of the pie. California will be the next one - they need to fund those bloated public sector pensions!!! What better way than weed???

I live in LA- marijuana is basically already legal here. You have to get a "recommendation" from a Doctor. For $35.00-$50.00 anyone over the age of 18 with a "migraine headache" can walk into a "Bud Doctor's" office and walk out with one that is good for a year.

Then you go to any of thousands of "dispensaries", fill out a quick form and buy whatever you need. Some of the dealers tout that they "test" their weed. Some give special kicks for first time customers....it's a thriving business. You cannot go by a corner strip center without seeing the "Green Cross" they use. They are paying good rent for those places....The "State" is going to want a bigger cut. Gotta replace that "tobacco" revenue...

There aren't as many dispensaries here in Southern California as there used to be. Many have been closed in LA and the OC(not necessarily a bad thing). Me and a couple of my friends have discussed opening up a delivery service here in LA and getting in on the ground floor by providing medical Marijuana before California fully legalizes Marijuana. A delivery service has lower costs than having to open a dispensary and along with that portability. A win win. Right now there there is a gap between supply and demand that has yet to be filled.
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what do you think will happen if weed is legalized? It's common sense there will be more users, and since is well documented that weed is in fact a gateway drug, we'll have more people using harder drugs.

Except that was debunked decades ago. Most drug addicts started using tobacco first, next it was alcohol.

Why don't you tell me how it the Kids we want to protect. It's just gonna make it easer for them to get it, right????????

Debunked??? By who???

You make it more accessible, more people will use it. Does that not make sense?
Do you think more pot smokers is a good thing for our society?

they are already out there.....you are probably standing besides them going about your everyday life and dont even know it....
I agree that Marijuana will eventually be legal everywhere. Once the Governments of neighboring states realize how much CA$H Colorado and Washington are raking in- they'll will want a slice of the pie. California will be the next one - they need to fund those bloated public sector pensions!!! What better way than weed???

I live in LA- marijuana is basically already legal here. You have to get a "recommendation" from a Doctor. For $35.00-$50.00 anyone over the age of 18 with a "migraine headache" can walk into a "Bud Doctor's" office and walk out with one that is good for a year.

Then you go to any of thousands of "dispensaries", fill out a quick form and buy whatever you need. Some of the dealers tout that they "test" their weed. Some give special kicks for first time customers....it's a thriving business. You cannot go by a corner strip center without seeing the "Green Cross" they use. They are paying good rent for those places....The "State" is going to want a bigger cut. Gotta replace that "tobacco" revenue...

There aren't as many dispensaries here in Southern California as there used to be. Many have been closed in LA and the OC(not necessarily a bad thing). Me and a couple of my friends have discussed opening up a delivery service here in LA and getting in on the ground floor by providing medical Marijuana before California fully legalizes Marijuana. RA delivery service has lower costs than having to open a dispensary and along with that portability. A win win. Right now there there is a gap between supply and demand that has yet to be filled.

Do it.

The market is huge. Payment is all CASH. What's not to like?

But I'd hire a "bud" attorney first...it's still a grey area of the law. I would set up a corporation or LLC for the business- don't go sole proprietor or (gasp) partnership. Keep your personal assets separate and keep good records.

what do you think will happen if weed is legalized? It's common sense there will be more users, and since is well documented that weed is in fact a gateway drug, we'll have more people using harder drugs.
America legalized marijuana in 1942. Have you ever read about America descending into some huge Communist zombie stoner druggie dystopia? What happened when "Marihuana" was legalized? Did everyone immediately start shooting heroin? No, so why should today be any different?

From 1942 - 1945, the US rebounded out of the Great Depression, fought and won a two-front World War, and became the number one superpower on the planet.

Thanks to the legalization of "Marihuana". Without hemp, the US Navy would have sat out the war and the world would be very different today. What we accomplished during World War II is little compared to what we can accomplish with the advances in agriculture that we've experienced since then.

Also, marijuana is not a gateway drug. I use Cannabis for seizures and it's never made me want to shoot heroin, rob a liquor store, or rape and kill anyone. The only reason that pot smokers are exposed to other drugs is because marijuana is illegal. No one would have ever gone to a drug dealer if they could grow their own.

Legal prescription drugs sold at Wal-Mart kill more people every day than marijuana has in the entire history of Earth.

I use Cannabis for seizures

my wife is Epileptic.....pot calmed her Hand tremors better than anything given by the Neurologist and she did not feel like a Zombie after like most of the heavy duty shit they were giving her.... her Neurologist told her if it works go for it ....he said she wasnt the only Epileptic who has claimed that...
I agree that Marijuana will eventually be legal everywhere. Once the Governments of neighboring states realize how much CA$H Colorado and Washington are raking in- they'll will want a slice of the pie. California will be the next one - they need to fund those bloated public sector pensions!!! What better way than weed???

I live in LA- marijuana is basically already legal here. You have to get a "recommendation" from a Doctor. For $35.00-$50.00 anyone over the age of 18 with a "migraine headache" can walk into a "Bud Doctor's" office and walk out with one that is good for a year.

Then you go to any of thousands of "dispensaries", fill out a quick form and buy whatever you need. Some of the dealers tout that they "test" their weed. Some give special kicks for first time customers....it's a thriving business. You cannot go by a corner strip center without seeing the "Green Cross" they use. They are paying good rent for those places....The "State" is going to want a bigger cut. Gotta replace that "tobacco" revenue...

There aren't as many dispensaries here in Southern California as there used to be. Many have been closed in LA and the OC(not necessarily a bad thing). Me and a couple of my friends have discussed opening up a delivery service here in LA and getting in on the ground floor by providing medical Marijuana before California fully legalizes Marijuana. RA delivery service has lower costs than having to open a dispensary and along with that portability. A win win. Right now there there is a gap between supply and demand that has yet to be filled.

Do it.

The market is huge. Payment is all CASH. What's not to like?

But I'd hire a "bud" attorney first...it's still a grey area of the law. I would set up a corporation or LLC for the business- don't go sole proprietor or (gasp) partnership. Keep your personal assets separate and keep good records.


We actually know one of the top medical marijuana lawyers in California. He helped author the current medical marijuana law for California. The issue for us right now is capital. But we have a lawyer and a licensed grower, we have all the connections in place to get this going. We just need more money at the moment.
In a new interview President Obama has made statements that could put him in the middle of the controversy over legalizing marijuana.

As more states have legalized the drug, President Obama in a lengthy interview in the New Yorker magazine said he believed marijuana was not more dangerous than alcohol.

"As has been well documented, I smoked pot as a kid, and I view it as a bad habit and a vice, not very different from the cigarettes that I smoked as a young person up through a big chunk of my adult life. I don't think it is more dangerous than alcohol," Obama told the New Yorker.

When asked if he believes marijuana is less dangerous than alcohol, the president is quoted as saying he thinks it was less dangerous "in terms of its impact on the individual consumer." However, he said he's told his daughters he thinks "it's a bad idea."

Excerpt: David Remnick's New Yorker Piece on President Obama

The president also voiced concern for the lengthy incarcerations associated with minor offenses related to marijuana possession.

In particular Obama talked about how minorities were more likely to be arrested and serve long sentences.

"We should not be locking up kids or individual users for long stretches of jail time when some of the folks who are writing those laws have probably done the same thing," he said.

With more states legalizing the drug either for medical reasons or for recreational use, such as in Washington and Colorado, Obama said it's important that states continue to work through the complicated issue.

"It's important for it to go forward because it's important for society not to have a situation in which a large portion of people have at one time or another broken the law and only a select few get punished," said Obama.

Obama has admitted to using marijuana as a teen and young adult and wrote about some of his experiences in his autobiography "Dreams of My Father."

In August of last year, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder proposed new sentencing guidelines for minor drug offenders that sought to minimize prison time for non-violent offenders.

Marijuana is still in the schedule 1 class for the federal Drug Enforcement Agency, putting it in the same category as heroin, LSD and ecstasy.
Obama Says Pot No More Dangerous Than Alcohol - ABC News
Obama is going "pro everything and anything" that he believes will bring in more democrat voters.
All of Obama's campaigning has but one goal. To save the democrat party by shoring up the base.
so many of you idiots. Pot is dangerous and deadly. it just doesn't end your life quickly and yet still many of you fools think it is good for you because it doesn't kill you quick.

i smoked it through the 70's and 80's and never seen pot kill or hurt someone who just smoked pot,and there was dozens of them....but i have seen the deadly effects of Cigarettes,Alcohol,cocaine,meth,barbiturates especially when they were mixed.....and of course if the person also smoked some Pot with all this other shit.....people like you and Katz....point out the Pot they were smoking....
The Netherlands decriminalized marijuana use in 1976. The only increase they've noted is by tourists. Use has not increased in the adult population, and use by adolescents has actually decreased, probably because the lure of the illicit factor has been eliminated. It's legal now and the kids aren't so fascinated by it anymore. So why should we expect a different result?

I lived in New York City during the sixties and seventies when marijuana was decriminalized and readily available. There were "head-shops" everywhere and people were openly growing it in their back yards. But there were absolutely no indications of increased usage, either by adults or by adolescents.

Also, if there is any harm associated with marijuana use it is because of its illegality, which makes crops contaminated with toxic and carcinogenic pesticides and growth hormones available. Legalization not only will eliminate this problem but will make a wide variety of edible marijuana products available, which over time will significantly reduce smoking as the most common means of enjoying cannabis. The only reason these edibles are not available now is prohibition.

And no, weed is not a "gateway" drug. If you doubt that, Google these keywords: Gateway Drug Nonsense and educate yourself.

As someone who smokes bud i can tell you from experience that it is a gateway drug. I don't need research studies to tell me what i have already seen.

The more you smoke the more likely it is that you will be put in a position where someone will offer you harder drugs. To me that's a gateway drug.

Now will smoking weed made it more likely that you get addicted to coke or heroine? I doubt it.

But anyone who smokes on regular bases knows that buying bud leads to offers of buying harder drugs.

Really? I've been smoking and buying grass off and on for more than thirty years and not once have I ever been offered "harder drugs."

Never have I sought "harder drugs."

Cigarettes are more of a "gateway drug" than weed...

i have....and even tried them....but did not keep doing them....did not like getting drunk and i did not like the effects of coke.....stuck with Pot as did 90% of the people i hung with.....
scientific facts say it is bad for you retard. It is 7 times more carcinogen then a cigarette .

Yeah but THC reduces the effects of the Carcinogenic substances (which is why THC concentrates are used to combat cancer) while nicotine enhances it's effects.

Thats why people who smoke weed don't get lung cancer, but tabacco smokers do.

And every time a bell rings a angle gets its wings.

prove the guy wrong....
Pot no more dangerous than alcohol.

That's the first true thing Obama has said since he was elected.
Actually it's not nearly as dangerous as alcohol -- which probably is the most dangerous drug of all.

Alcohol kills hundreds of thousands of Americans every year and makes hundreds of thousands more seriously sick. Alcohol is responsible for most domestic violence and incites thousands of violent crimes as well as thousands of DUI deaths and property loss.

But there is no record anywhere in the annals of medical science that shows marijuana being responsible for one death or illness. Not one. Marijuana is absolutely benign. And those who disagree with that either choose to remain ignorant or are brainwashed, because the truth is readily available to all who are willing to look for it.

One excellent source of information is this book: Marijuana, The Forbidden Medicine, by Dr. Lester Grinspoon, MD, PhD, Professor of Psychiatric Medicine, Harvard University.

The strokes, heart attacks and traffic collisions don't count. All the people pothead Jared Loughner killed don't count either. The dead children who died because parents were too potted to take care of them don't count. Ignore the pothead that left the baby on top of the car then drove off sending the kid flying into the street.

Yeah someone is brainwashed.

yea you........ you take all the extreme cases and then act like this happens frequently..... i told you....Reefer Madness was extremely exaggerated.....for people like you....
The true effects of Mary J have not really been studied like alcohol and other so called drugs.

It should be legalized, but there is no full proof detector to detect if someone is high on Mary J.
The true effects of Mary J have not really been studied like alcohol and other so called drugs.
Actually the effects have been extensively studied over the years by simply observing users. The most important observations have revealed that marijuana has never caused death or illness, nor does it incite violent or anti-social behavior. If used in moderation marijuana is absolutely benign.

It should be legalized, but there is no full proof detector to detect if someone is high on Mary J.
A videotaped Field Sobriety Test is sufficient to prove that someone is impaired. If someone is able to pass the test, he/she is not impaired.
I agree, if he said that. However, one high usually leads to a stronger high, then on, and on, and on. So both are equally bad in that aspect.

Let's see how dangerous "pot" is when these slackers have been toking up everyday - 7 days a week - for the next 20 years.

Bet you a wooden nickel that, just like cigarettes, we find out that there is just as much as a correlation between pot and lung cancer as there is between cigarettes and lung cancer.

Want to take that bet?

So then, who do we blame? The states that "legalized" it? The growers that were allowed to market it? Total BS.

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