Obama Gets Booed

Boos and yea's were heard. Something like the elections....some voted for Obama...some did not. More did!
Obama got booed - and he throws like a kid in the Special Olympics...

(joke borrowed from Obama's Tonight Show appearance)

Bush throws like a ball player and thinks like a kid in the Special Olympics...
Obama was booed.

Obama looked pudgy.

Obama throws like he's in the Special Olympics.

Obama is special...
I've never heard of Americans booing a prez at a baseball game before.

And I'll bet Obama heard those boos.

YouTube - Bush Booed!

Took Bush almost 8 years to get those boos.

Took Obama six months...

And President Bush had the state run media hysterically screaming about everything he did, while Obama gets cheers even when he throws like a girl
And check out the guy driving the cart - I don't think he is an Obama supporter.

The guy driving the golf cart was most likely a Secret Service agent.

They are trained NOT to look at the President.

Each agent has a field of view that they are to keep focused on and continually scan.

Apparently the man driving the cart was supposed to be honored that night as a baseball legend himself...can't remember the name. He looked ANGRY though.
Listen to the boos raining down on the Prez!

And check out the guy driving the cart - I don't think he is an Obama supporter!


YouTube - Obama Booed at All-Star Game In St. Louis

Call me racist, but it is so cool to see this young black guy who looks like he should be on one of the teams, being introduced as the president of the United States! Still blows my mind. :) :)

From Rush:

The president throws like a girl! He golfs like a girl, admittedly. He throws like a girl. George W. Bush is a man. George W. Bush fired a strike first pitch Yankees Stadium after 9/11. They made fun of Bush. Gerald Ford was an All-American college football player; they called him Mr. Potato Head. Obama is a big athletic klutz, and the Drive-Bys are trying to portray him as the Second Coming of Michael Jordan.

BREWER: I don't even care that he throws like a girl. The mom jeans do bother me a little. Come on.

Obama Throws Like a Girl, Day 2
Stan Musial was the man's name

...not one player on either team came out of the dugout to stand up, try to shake his hand as he was driven by. There was no acknowledgment on the part of the baseball people there of Stan Musial. And then when it came time for the first pitch, Obama overshadows everything, including Musial, and they make the point in the piece that Musial was just left there on the golf cart in all the pregame like a dud. It was a whole dud, and they were expecting so much attention to be focused on Musial -- which, they're right, it should have been. He is one of baseball's all-time greats and certainly one of the Cardinals all-time greats.

I heard more cheers than boos in the Obama video...but at least Bush made it to the glove without the catcher having to scoop...:lol: What's funny, is that George Bush is a righty, and Obama is a lefty...coincidental? I Think not
The baseball message boards are ripping on Obama!

Utter humiliation!!

I agree with the columnist - baseball has not been our national pastime for a couple decades.

Football rules.

Word is Obama is slated to be the main event in next year's Super Bowl halftime show.

Him and Janet Jackson, and a well timed wardrobe malfunction.

She's gonna rip his tie off....


Football rules

Even a blind squirrel gets an accorn now and then. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Check this out.

Obama humiliated! His catcher had to move up over home plate! Good Lord...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NSKsrOX4AJo]YouTube - Bush vs Obama - Obama Throws Like a Girl[/ame]

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