Obama faces most vile insults ever- has nothing to do with race?

The lies about him, though, are endless and come from the top (Pubs, pundits) down to brainwashed ignoramuses....because they have to be distracted from Pub stands on the issues which just pander to the rich and giant corporations. see sig.

But no president in our nation's history has ever been castigated, condemned, mocked, insulted, derided and degraded on a scale even close to the constantly ugly attacks on Obama. From the day he assumed office — indeed, even before he assumed office — he was subjected to unprecedented insults in often the most hateful terms.

Obama and respect for America

He has been accused of being a "secret Muslim" and born in Kenya, of being complicit with the Muslim Brotherhood, of wearing a ring bearing a secret verse from the Quran, of having once been a Black Panther, of refusing to recite the Pledge of Allegiance, of seeking to confiscate all guns, of lying about just about everything he has ever said, ranging from Benghazi to the Affordable Care Act to immigration, of faking Osama bin Laden's death and of funding his campaigns with drug money.

It goes on and on and on. Even the president's family is treated by his political enemies with disrespect and disdain.

  • Doc McGee The author has to look no further than these comments to prove his premise. It is not possible to have discussions on race with white Americans when so few of you know just how racist you really are.
    AT 10:07 AM DECEMBER 12, 2014


If one browses even respectable websites, one can readily find bumper stickers, coffee cups and T-shirts for sale with such messages as: "Dump This Turd" (with an image of Obama); "Coward! You Left Them To Die in Benghazi" (with an image of Obama); "Somewhere in Kenya A Village Is Missing Its Idiot" (with an image of Obama); "Islam's Trojan Horse" (with an image of Obama); "Pure Evil" (with an image of Obama); "I'm Not A Racist: I Hate His White Half Too" (with an image of Obama); "He Lies!" (with an image of Obama); and on and on and on.

Now don't get me wrong. Every one of these messages is protected by the First Amendment, and people have a right to express their views, even in harsh, offensive, cruel and moronic ways. We the People do not need to trust or admire our leaders, and we should not treat them with respect if we don't feel they deserve our respect. But the sheer vituperation directed at this president goes beyond any rational opposition and is, quite frankly, mind-boggling.

In part, of course, this might just be a product of our times. Perhaps the quality of our public discourse has sunk so low that any public official must now expect such treatment. Perhaps any president elected in 2008 would have been greeted with similar scorn and disdain. But, to be honest, that seems unlikely.

Of course, there are those who say that this phenomenon is due in part, perhaps in large part, to the fact that Obama is African-American. But surely racism is dead in America today, right?

One fact that might lend some credence to the theory that racism has something to do with the tenor of the attacks on Obama is that only one other president in our history has been the target of similar (though more subdued) personal attacks.

In his day, this president was castigated by the press and his political opponents as a "liar," a "despot," a "usurper," a "thief," a "monster," a "perjurer," an "ignoramus," a "swindler," a "tyrant," a "fiend," a "coward," a "buffoon," a "butcher," a "pirate," a "devil" and a "king." He was charged with being "cunning," "thickheaded," "heartless," "filthy" and "fanatical." He was accused of behaving "like a thief in the night," of being "the miserable tool of traitors and rebels," and of being "adrift on a current of racial fanaticism."

He was labeled by his enemies "Abraham Africanus the First."

But, of course, race had nothing to do with it then either.

Tribune Content Agency

Geoffrey R. Stone is a law professor at the University of Chicago.

Copyright © 2014, Chicago Tribune
Unfortunately, liable and slander against the president and his family has become acceptable. With each president, it increases. It helps keep the country divided.

It always escalates whenever a Republican is president.
If the media treats Obama the way they did Bush. He would already be impeached.
Wow! I didn't realize Bush had been impeached and I certainly didn't realize the media had the power to impeach a sitting President. This is indeed a fresh perspective! It changes everything.
The media made up stories against Bush, trying to make him look bad. Obama lies constantly. The irs scandal is enough to impeach. We also have bengazi, fast and furious, just the other day Gruber was being questioned about Obama care. The media on it all nothing to see here. Hell Obama finds out about major world events on the evening news. Total incompetent president we have ever had. The media covers for him.
The lies about him, though, are endless and come from the top (Pubs, pundits) down to brainwashed ignoramuses....because they have to be distracted from Pub stands on the issues which just pander to the rich and giant corporations. see sig.

But no president in our nation's history has ever been castigated, condemned, mocked, insulted, derided and degraded on a scale even close to the constantly ugly attacks on Obama. From the day he assumed office — indeed, even before he assumed office — he was subjected to unprecedented insults in often the most hateful terms.

Obama and respect for America

He has been accused of being a "secret Muslim" and born in Kenya, of being complicit with the Muslim Brotherhood, of wearing a ring bearing a secret verse from the Quran, of having once been a Black Panther, of refusing to recite the Pledge of Allegiance, of seeking to confiscate all guns, of lying about just about everything he has ever said, ranging from Benghazi to the Affordable Care Act to immigration, of faking Osama bin Laden's death and of funding his campaigns with drug money.

It goes on and on and on. Even the president's family is treated by his political enemies with disrespect and disdain.

  • Doc McGee The author has to look no further than these comments to prove his premise. It is not possible to have discussions on race with white Americans when so few of you know just how racist you really are.
    AT 10:07 AM DECEMBER 12, 2014


If one browses even respectable websites, one can readily find bumper stickers, coffee cups and T-shirts for sale with such messages as: "Dump This Turd" (with an image of Obama); "Coward! You Left Them To Die in Benghazi" (with an image of Obama); "Somewhere in Kenya A Village Is Missing Its Idiot" (with an image of Obama); "Islam's Trojan Horse" (with an image of Obama); "Pure Evil" (with an image of Obama); "I'm Not A Racist: I Hate His White Half Too" (with an image of Obama); "He Lies!" (with an image of Obama); and on and on and on.

Now don't get me wrong. Every one of these messages is protected by the First Amendment, and people have a right to express their views, even in harsh, offensive, cruel and moronic ways. We the People do not need to trust or admire our leaders, and we should not treat them with respect if we don't feel they deserve our respect. But the sheer vituperation directed at this president goes beyond any rational opposition and is, quite frankly, mind-boggling.

In part, of course, this might just be a product of our times. Perhaps the quality of our public discourse has sunk so low that any public official must now expect such treatment. Perhaps any president elected in 2008 would have been greeted with similar scorn and disdain. But, to be honest, that seems unlikely.

Of course, there are those who say that this phenomenon is due in part, perhaps in large part, to the fact that Obama is African-American. But surely racism is dead in America today, right?

One fact that might lend some credence to the theory that racism has something to do with the tenor of the attacks on Obama is that only one other president in our history has been the target of similar (though more subdued) personal attacks.

In his day, this president was castigated by the press and his political opponents as a "liar," a "despot," a "usurper," a "thief," a "monster," a "perjurer," an "ignoramus," a "swindler," a "tyrant," a "fiend," a "coward," a "buffoon," a "butcher," a "pirate," a "devil" and a "king." He was charged with being "cunning," "thickheaded," "heartless," "filthy" and "fanatical." He was accused of behaving "like a thief in the night," of being "the miserable tool of traitors and rebels," and of being "adrift on a current of racial fanaticism."

He was labeled by his enemies "Abraham Africanus the First."

But, of course, race had nothing to do with it then either.

Tribune Content Agency

Geoffrey R. Stone is a law professor at the University of Chicago.

Copyright © 2014, Chicago Tribune

When they make a movie in which Obama's the victim in an assassination, come back and post again. As of now, the ONLY President who has suffered such a disrespectful portrayal is George W. Bush.
LOL, libtards forget how Bush was treated. obama gets softballs compared to that.

Bush had a 90% approval rating after America was attack on 9-11. Democrats, Republican it didn't matter, we were all Americans. It wasn't until he morphed America's anger after those attacks into the invasion and occupation of Iraq and the American people finally found out that the war was based on a false premise that they began to turn on him. When Americans were attacked on Obama's watch, the GOP couldn't try and morph that into political capital fast enough, they never once tried to come together.
Which attack are you talking about? The work place violence, or the demonstration over a video against muslims. The American people won't stand behind a liar, and we were lied to both times.

BS. You guy stand behind Faux News and they lie to you all the time. Especially about Benghazi. The GOP candidate turn it into a campaign issue before the attack was over.
After what the left and MSM did to president Bush and the colossal double standard they have gifted to Obama they have some nerve pointing any fingers.

Bhahahahahaha, The media was falling all over itself to curry favor with Bush White house. They faithfully parroted every talking point in the run up to the invasion, as if it were from the Baby Jesus himself. It was many months into the Iraq civil war before they began to see more profit in anti-Bush rhetoric.
The lies about him, though, are endless and come from the top (Pubs, pundits) down to brainwashed ignoramuses....because they have to be distracted from Pub stands on the issues which just pander to the rich and giant corporations. see sig.

But no president in our nation's history has ever been castigated, condemned, mocked, insulted, derided and degraded on a scale even close to the constantly ugly attacks on Obama. From the day he assumed office — indeed, even before he assumed office — he was subjected to unprecedented insults in often the most hateful terms.

Obama and respect for America

He has been accused of being a "secret Muslim" and born in Kenya, of being complicit with the Muslim Brotherhood, of wearing a ring bearing a secret verse from the Quran, of having once been a Black Panther, of refusing to recite the Pledge of Allegiance, of seeking to confiscate all guns, of lying about just about everything he has ever said, ranging from Benghazi to the Affordable Care Act to immigration, of faking Osama bin Laden's death and of funding his campaigns with drug money.

It goes on and on and on. Even the president's family is treated by his political enemies with disrespect and disdain.

  • Doc McGee The author has to look no further than these comments to prove his premise. It is not possible to have discussions on race with white Americans when so few of you know just how racist you really are.
    AT 10:07 AM DECEMBER 12, 2014


If one browses even respectable websites, one can readily find bumper stickers, coffee cups and T-shirts for sale with such messages as: "Dump This Turd" (with an image of Obama); "Coward! You Left Them To Die in Benghazi" (with an image of Obama); "Somewhere in Kenya A Village Is Missing Its Idiot" (with an image of Obama); "Islam's Trojan Horse" (with an image of Obama); "Pure Evil" (with an image of Obama); "I'm Not A Racist: I Hate His White Half Too" (with an image of Obama); "He Lies!" (with an image of Obama); and on and on and on.

Now don't get me wrong. Every one of these messages is protected by the First Amendment, and people have a right to express their views, even in harsh, offensive, cruel and moronic ways. We the People do not need to trust or admire our leaders, and we should not treat them with respect if we don't feel they deserve our respect. But the sheer vituperation directed at this president goes beyond any rational opposition and is, quite frankly, mind-boggling.

In part, of course, this might just be a product of our times. Perhaps the quality of our public discourse has sunk so low that any public official must now expect such treatment. Perhaps any president elected in 2008 would have been greeted with similar scorn and disdain. But, to be honest, that seems unlikely.

Of course, there are those who say that this phenomenon is due in part, perhaps in large part, to the fact that Obama is African-American. But surely racism is dead in America today, right?

One fact that might lend some credence to the theory that racism has something to do with the tenor of the attacks on Obama is that only one other president in our history has been the target of similar (though more subdued) personal attacks.

In his day, this president was castigated by the press and his political opponents as a "liar," a "despot," a "usurper," a "thief," a "monster," a "perjurer," an "ignoramus," a "swindler," a "tyrant," a "fiend," a "coward," a "buffoon," a "butcher," a "pirate," a "devil" and a "king." He was charged with being "cunning," "thickheaded," "heartless," "filthy" and "fanatical." He was accused of behaving "like a thief in the night," of being "the miserable tool of traitors and rebels," and of being "adrift on a current of racial fanaticism."

He was labeled by his enemies "Abraham Africanus the First."

But, of course, race had nothing to do with it then either.

Tribune Content Agency

Geoffrey R. Stone is a law professor at the University of Chicago.

Copyright © 2014, Chicago Tribune

When they make a movie in which Obama's the victim in an assassination, come back and post again. As of now, the ONLY President who has suffered such a disrespectful portrayal is George W. Bush.

Which American media company did that?
The lies about him, though, are endless and come from the top (Pubs, pundits) down to brainwashed ignoramuses....because they have to be distracted from Pub stands on the issues which just pander to the rich and giant corporations. see sig.

But no president in our nation's history has ever been castigated, condemned, mocked, insulted, derided and degraded on a scale even close to the constantly ugly attacks on Obama. From the day he assumed office — indeed, even before he assumed office — he was subjected to unprecedented insults in often the most hateful terms.

Obama and respect for America

He has been accused of being a "secret Muslim" and born in Kenya, of being complicit with the Muslim Brotherhood, of wearing a ring bearing a secret verse from the Quran, of having once been a Black Panther, of refusing to recite the Pledge of Allegiance, of seeking to confiscate all guns, of lying about just about everything he has ever said, ranging from Benghazi to the Affordable Care Act to immigration, of faking Osama bin Laden's death and of funding his campaigns with drug money.

It goes on and on and on. Even the president's family is treated by his political enemies with disrespect and disdain.

  • Doc McGee The author has to look no further than these comments to prove his premise. It is not possible to have discussions on race with white Americans when so few of you know just how racist you really are.
    AT 10:07 AM DECEMBER 12, 2014


If one browses even respectable websites, one can readily find bumper stickers, coffee cups and T-shirts for sale with such messages as: "Dump This Turd" (with an image of Obama); "Coward! You Left Them To Die in Benghazi" (with an image of Obama); "Somewhere in Kenya A Village Is Missing Its Idiot" (with an image of Obama); "Islam's Trojan Horse" (with an image of Obama); "Pure Evil" (with an image of Obama); "I'm Not A Racist: I Hate His White Half Too" (with an image of Obama); "He Lies!" (with an image of Obama); and on and on and on.

Now don't get me wrong. Every one of these messages is protected by the First Amendment, and people have a right to express their views, even in harsh, offensive, cruel and moronic ways. We the People do not need to trust or admire our leaders, and we should not treat them with respect if we don't feel they deserve our respect. But the sheer vituperation directed at this president goes beyond any rational opposition and is, quite frankly, mind-boggling.

In part, of course, this might just be a product of our times. Perhaps the quality of our public discourse has sunk so low that any public official must now expect such treatment. Perhaps any president elected in 2008 would have been greeted with similar scorn and disdain. But, to be honest, that seems unlikely.

Of course, there are those who say that this phenomenon is due in part, perhaps in large part, to the fact that Obama is African-American. But surely racism is dead in America today, right?

One fact that might lend some credence to the theory that racism has something to do with the tenor of the attacks on Obama is that only one other president in our history has been the target of similar (though more subdued) personal attacks.

In his day, this president was castigated by the press and his political opponents as a "liar," a "despot," a "usurper," a "thief," a "monster," a "perjurer," an "ignoramus," a "swindler," a "tyrant," a "fiend," a "coward," a "buffoon," a "butcher," a "pirate," a "devil" and a "king." He was charged with being "cunning," "thickheaded," "heartless," "filthy" and "fanatical." He was accused of behaving "like a thief in the night," of being "the miserable tool of traitors and rebels," and of being "adrift on a current of racial fanaticism."

He was labeled by his enemies "Abraham Africanus the First."

But, of course, race had nothing to do with it then either.

Tribune Content Agency

Geoffrey R. Stone is a law professor at the University of Chicago.

Copyright © 2014, Chicago Tribune

When they make a movie in which Obama's the victim in an assassination, come back and post again. As of now, the ONLY President who has suffered such a disrespectful portrayal is George W. Bush.

Which American media company did that?

So, because it was an international effort to be disrespectful, that's ok?
The lies about him, though, are endless and come from the top (Pubs, pundits) down to brainwashed ignoramuses....because they have to be distracted from Pub stands on the issues which just pander to the rich and giant corporations. see sig.

But no president in our nation's history has ever been castigated, condemned, mocked, insulted, derided and degraded on a scale even close to the constantly ugly attacks on Obama. From the day he assumed office — indeed, even before he assumed office — he was subjected to unprecedented insults in often the most hateful terms.

Obama and respect for America

He has been accused of being a "secret Muslim" and born in Kenya, of being complicit with the Muslim Brotherhood, of wearing a ring bearing a secret verse from the Quran, of having once been a Black Panther, of refusing to recite the Pledge of Allegiance, of seeking to confiscate all guns, of lying about just about everything he has ever said, ranging from Benghazi to the Affordable Care Act to immigration, of faking Osama bin Laden's death and of funding his campaigns with drug money.

It goes on and on and on. Even the president's family is treated by his political enemies with disrespect and disdain.

  • Doc McGee The author has to look no further than these comments to prove his premise. It is not possible to have discussions on race with white Americans when so few of you know just how racist you really are.
    AT 10:07 AM DECEMBER 12, 2014


If one browses even respectable websites, one can readily find bumper stickers, coffee cups and T-shirts for sale with such messages as: "Dump This Turd" (with an image of Obama); "Coward! You Left Them To Die in Benghazi" (with an image of Obama); "Somewhere in Kenya A Village Is Missing Its Idiot" (with an image of Obama); "Islam's Trojan Horse" (with an image of Obama); "Pure Evil" (with an image of Obama); "I'm Not A Racist: I Hate His White Half Too" (with an image of Obama); "He Lies!" (with an image of Obama); and on and on and on.

Now don't get me wrong. Every one of these messages is protected by the First Amendment, and people have a right to express their views, even in harsh, offensive, cruel and moronic ways. We the People do not need to trust or admire our leaders, and we should not treat them with respect if we don't feel they deserve our respect. But the sheer vituperation directed at this president goes beyond any rational opposition and is, quite frankly, mind-boggling.

In part, of course, this might just be a product of our times. Perhaps the quality of our public discourse has sunk so low that any public official must now expect such treatment. Perhaps any president elected in 2008 would have been greeted with similar scorn and disdain. But, to be honest, that seems unlikely.

Of course, there are those who say that this phenomenon is due in part, perhaps in large part, to the fact that Obama is African-American. But surely racism is dead in America today, right?

One fact that might lend some credence to the theory that racism has something to do with the tenor of the attacks on Obama is that only one other president in our history has been the target of similar (though more subdued) personal attacks.

In his day, this president was castigated by the press and his political opponents as a "liar," a "despot," a "usurper," a "thief," a "monster," a "perjurer," an "ignoramus," a "swindler," a "tyrant," a "fiend," a "coward," a "buffoon," a "butcher," a "pirate," a "devil" and a "king." He was charged with being "cunning," "thickheaded," "heartless," "filthy" and "fanatical." He was accused of behaving "like a thief in the night," of being "the miserable tool of traitors and rebels," and of being "adrift on a current of racial fanaticism."

He was labeled by his enemies "Abraham Africanus the First."

But, of course, race had nothing to do with it then either.

Tribune Content Agency

Geoffrey R. Stone is a law professor at the University of Chicago.

Copyright © 2014, Chicago Tribune

When they make a movie in which Obama's the victim in an assassination, come back and post again. As of now, the ONLY President who has suffered such a disrespectful portrayal is George W. Bush.

Which American media company did that?

So, because it was an international effort to be disrespectful, that's ok?

It was actually a movie about what a Dick Cheney presidency would have been like, which opened with the assassination scene. I guess they could have had President Bush choke to death on a pretzel instead of getting shot, now that would have been disrespectful!
Franco is an idiot. He gets his ass handed to him every time he posts a thread. Being an idiot, it never stops him from doing it over and over.
Only in bizarro Pubworld lol...

No, pretty much everywhere franco.

Now,Tell me franco, do think the 2012 election results were good ?
Dems and indies didn't turn out, disgusted with politics. 2016 will be different- and 22 Pub senators up...
The lies about him, though, are endless and come from the top (Pubs, pundits) down to brainwashed ignoramuses....because they have to be distracted from Pub stands on the issues which just pander to the rich and giant corporations. see sig.

But no president in our nation's history has ever been castigated, condemned, mocked, insulted, derided and degraded on a scale even close to the constantly ugly attacks on Obama. From the day he assumed office — indeed, even before he assumed office — he was subjected to unprecedented insults in often the most hateful terms.

Obama and respect for America

He has been accused of being a "secret Muslim" and born in Kenya, of being complicit with the Muslim Brotherhood, of wearing a ring bearing a secret verse from the Quran, of having once been a Black Panther, of refusing to recite the Pledge of Allegiance, of seeking to confiscate all guns, of lying about just about everything he has ever said, ranging from Benghazi to the Affordable Care Act to immigration, of faking Osama bin Laden's death and of funding his campaigns with drug money.

It goes on and on and on. Even the president's family is treated by his political enemies with disrespect and disdain.

  • Doc McGee The author has to look no further than these comments to prove his premise. It is not possible to have discussions on race with white Americans when so few of you know just how racist you really are.
    AT 10:07 AM DECEMBER 12, 2014


If one browses even respectable websites, one can readily find bumper stickers, coffee cups and T-shirts for sale with such messages as: "Dump This Turd" (with an image of Obama); "Coward! You Left Them To Die in Benghazi" (with an image of Obama); "Somewhere in Kenya A Village Is Missing Its Idiot" (with an image of Obama); "Islam's Trojan Horse" (with an image of Obama); "Pure Evil" (with an image of Obama); "I'm Not A Racist: I Hate His White Half Too" (with an image of Obama); "He Lies!" (with an image of Obama); and on and on and on.

Now don't get me wrong. Every one of these messages is protected by the First Amendment, and people have a right to express their views, even in harsh, offensive, cruel and moronic ways. We the People do not need to trust or admire our leaders, and we should not treat them with respect if we don't feel they deserve our respect. But the sheer vituperation directed at this president goes beyond any rational opposition and is, quite frankly, mind-boggling.

In part, of course, this might just be a product of our times. Perhaps the quality of our public discourse has sunk so low that any public official must now expect such treatment. Perhaps any president elected in 2008 would have been greeted with similar scorn and disdain. But, to be honest, that seems unlikely.

Of course, there are those who say that this phenomenon is due in part, perhaps in large part, to the fact that Obama is African-American. But surely racism is dead in America today, right?

One fact that might lend some credence to the theory that racism has something to do with the tenor of the attacks on Obama is that only one other president in our history has been the target of similar (though more subdued) personal attacks.

In his day, this president was castigated by the press and his political opponents as a "liar," a "despot," a "usurper," a "thief," a "monster," a "perjurer," an "ignoramus," a "swindler," a "tyrant," a "fiend," a "coward," a "buffoon," a "butcher," a "pirate," a "devil" and a "king." He was charged with being "cunning," "thickheaded," "heartless," "filthy" and "fanatical." He was accused of behaving "like a thief in the night," of being "the miserable tool of traitors and rebels," and of being "adrift on a current of racial fanaticism."

He was labeled by his enemies "Abraham Africanus the First."

But, of course, race had nothing to do with it then either.

Tribune Content Agency

Geoffrey R. Stone is a law professor at the University of Chicago.

Copyright © 2014, Chicago Tribune

Sure fucktard;

No on ever saw that stupidity until Pub propagandists found it somewhere and publicized it. Now tell about those famous Dem pundits who bellowed that Bush was- well I can't imagine vile lies for him, only vile facts like lying about Saddam's nukes and Al Qaeda connections, letting cronies wreck the economy and the environment, ignoring his terrorism Czar about muslims learning to fly, running up huge deficits in "good" times, torture, letting Osama get away- so many disasters it's not funny. Obama never got a honeymoon, just total obstruction and hate, from the top and the giant Pub propaganda machine down to the 50%+ racist hater dupes...

We got eight more years of George Bush.

Suck on it.
WTF? lol
Franco is an idiot. He gets his ass handed to him every time he posts a thread. Being an idiot, it never stops him from doing it over and over.
Only in bizarro Pubworld lol...
You are, without a doubt, the dumbest, least respected member here and have been since you were "Hello From Warsaw" and rather than requesting a password recovery, you registered a new account. No one has taken you seriously since.
Only in hater dupe bizarro world. Changed computers...how petty CAN Pub dupes get lol?
LOL, libtards forget how Bush was treated. obama gets softballs compared to that.

Bush had a 90% approval rating after America was attack on 9-11. Democrats, Republican it didn't matter, we were all Americans. It wasn't until he morphed America's anger after those attacks into the invasion and occupation of Iraq and the American people finally found out that the war was based on a false premise that they began to turn on him. When Americans were attacked on Obama's watch, the GOP couldn't try and morph that into political capital fast enough, they never once tried to come together.
Which attack are you talking about? The work place violence, or the demonstration over a video against muslims. The American people won't stand behind a liar, and we were lied to both times.

BS. You guy stand behind Faux News and they lie to you all the time. Especially about Benghazi. The GOP candidate turn it into a campaign issue before the attack was over.
After what the left and MSM did to president Bush and the colossal double standard they have gifted to Obama they have some nerve pointing any fingers.

Bhahahahahaha, The media was falling all over itself to curry favor with Bush White house. They faithfully parroted every talking point in the run up to the invasion, as if it were from the Baby Jesus himself. It was many months into the Iraq civil war before they began to see more profit in anti-Bush rhetoric.
Don't have cable, try again.
LOL, libtards forget how Bush was treated. obama gets softballs compared to that.
They were nowhere near as omnipresent, were based on facts that were reaction to his incredible incompetence and catastrophe in all respects- you believe cherry picked examples were typical, misinformed chumps of the greedy idiot rich. Obama has been successful despite never ending, mindless Pub obstruction and bs fear mongering, after they wrecked the country and the world. A disgrace. You too, hater dupes- a world laughingstock and horror..
Perhaps you should go back and read what Lincoln was called?
Conservative southern a-holes as always...
LOL, libtards forget how Bush was treated. obama gets softballs compared to that.
They were nowhere near as omnipresent, were based on facts that were reaction to his incredible incompetence and catastrophe in all respects- you believe cherry picked examples were typical, misinformed chumps of the greedy idiot rich. Obama has been successful despite never ending, mindless Pub obstruction and bs fear mongering, after they wrecked the country and the world. A disgrace. You too, hater dupes- a world laughingstock and horror..
You are an even bigger idiot than I'd previously thought.
Impossible, or you haven't been paying attention to him for the last 3 years.

I don't know man but it seems that every time I think that this is the dumbest thing Franco can say, he lowers the bar.
I admire and respect your dumb ass, misinformed "opinion" lol.
LOL, libtards forget how Bush was treated. obama gets softballs compared to that.

Bush had a 90% approval rating after America was attack on 9-11. Democrats, Republican it didn't matter, we were all Americans. It wasn't until he morphed America's anger after those attacks into the invasion and occupation of Iraq and the American people finally found out that the war was based on a false premise that they began to turn on him. When Americans were attacked on Obama's watch, the GOP couldn't try and morph that into political capital fast enough, they never once tried to come together.
Which attack are you talking about? The work place violence, or the demonstration over a video against muslims. The American people won't stand behind a liar, and we were lied to both times.

BS. You guy stand behind Faux News and they lie to you all the time. Especially about Benghazi. The GOP candidate turn it into a campaign issue before the attack was over.
After what the left and MSM did to president Bush and the colossal double standard they have gifted to Obama they have some nerve pointing any fingers.

Bhahahahahaha, The media was falling all over itself to curry favor with Bush White house. They faithfully parroted every talking point in the run up to the invasion, as if it were from the Baby Jesus himself. It was many months into the Iraq civil war before they began to see more profit in anti-Bush rhetoric.

You are over the legal limit.
More idiocy cherry picked by the Pub propaganda machine that hater dupes think was typical. So where where the Dem pols and pundits saying this kind of hatespeak like Rush, Beck, Savage, Levin, West, Cruz, Palin, Bachman etc etc etc. do every day?

Every party has a few angry extremists, but Pubs are run by them and include a majority of brainwashed blind hate functional morons...like you dupes. Ain't it great the way greedy idiot billionaires supply you with all this incredibly divisive bs hate A-V propaganda, dunce?
The lies about him, though, are endless and come from the top (Pubs, pundits) down to brainwashed ignoramuses....because they have to be distracted from Pub stands on the issues which just pander to the rich and giant corporations. see sig.

But no president in our nation's history has ever been castigated, condemned, mocked, insulted, derided and degraded on a scale even close to the constantly ugly attacks on Obama. From the day he assumed office — indeed, even before he assumed office — he was subjected to unprecedented insults in often the most hateful terms.

Obama and respect for America

He has been accused of being a "secret Muslim" and born in Kenya, of being complicit with the Muslim Brotherhood, of wearing a ring bearing a secret verse from the Quran, of having once been a Black Panther, of refusing to recite the Pledge of Allegiance, of seeking to confiscate all guns, of lying about just about everything he has ever said, ranging from Benghazi to the Affordable Care Act to immigration, of faking Osama bin Laden's death and of funding his campaigns with drug money.

It goes on and on and on. Even the president's family is treated by his political enemies with disrespect and disdain.

  • Doc McGee The author has to look no further than these comments to prove his premise. It is not possible to have discussions on race with white Americans when so few of you know just how racist you really are.
    AT 10:07 AM DECEMBER 12, 2014


If one browses even respectable websites, one can readily find bumper stickers, coffee cups and T-shirts for sale with such messages as: "Dump This Turd" (with an image of Obama); "Coward! You Left Them To Die in Benghazi" (with an image of Obama); "Somewhere in Kenya A Village Is Missing Its Idiot" (with an image of Obama); "Islam's Trojan Horse" (with an image of Obama); "Pure Evil" (with an image of Obama); "I'm Not A Racist: I Hate His White Half Too" (with an image of Obama); "He Lies!" (with an image of Obama); and on and on and on.

Now don't get me wrong. Every one of these messages is protected by the First Amendment, and people have a right to express their views, even in harsh, offensive, cruel and moronic ways. We the People do not need to trust or admire our leaders, and we should not treat them with respect if we don't feel they deserve our respect. But the sheer vituperation directed at this president goes beyond any rational opposition and is, quite frankly, mind-boggling.

In part, of course, this might just be a product of our times. Perhaps the quality of our public discourse has sunk so low that any public official must now expect such treatment. Perhaps any president elected in 2008 would have been greeted with similar scorn and disdain. But, to be honest, that seems unlikely.

Of course, there are those who say that this phenomenon is due in part, perhaps in large part, to the fact that Obama is African-American. But surely racism is dead in America today, right?

One fact that might lend some credence to the theory that racism has something to do with the tenor of the attacks on Obama is that only one other president in our history has been the target of similar (though more subdued) personal attacks.

In his day, this president was castigated by the press and his political opponents as a "liar," a "despot," a "usurper," a "thief," a "monster," a "perjurer," an "ignoramus," a "swindler," a "tyrant," a "fiend," a "coward," a "buffoon," a "butcher," a "pirate," a "devil" and a "king." He was charged with being "cunning," "thickheaded," "heartless," "filthy" and "fanatical." He was accused of behaving "like a thief in the night," of being "the miserable tool of traitors and rebels," and of being "adrift on a current of racial fanaticism."

He was labeled by his enemies "Abraham Africanus the First."

But, of course, race had nothing to do with it then either.

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Geoffrey R. Stone is a law professor at the University of Chicago.

Copyright © 2014, Chicago Tribune
Unfortunately, liable and slander against the president and his family has become acceptable. With each president, it increases. It helps keep the country divided.

It always escalates whenever a Republican is president.
According to Pub propaganda...of course, when one is so incompetent and corrupt he allows 9/11, lies to have the longest stupidest wars ever, and causes a world depression, you might just have some angry people lol. Based on facts, not bs. Plus Obama has been a success in the minds of everyone but brainwashed chumps The new bs/hate GOP is a disgrace, and so are you fools. DUH.

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