Obama defeats Putin

More reason for putin to be aggressive.

Obama destroys the economy and you guys act like it's a mighty victory.
The trouble at the top of most people’s minds in Moscow was not the one beamed in from Chechnya by the television news. It was the one afflicting the savings accounts and travel plans of millions of regular Russians. The national currency, the ruble, has lost about 40% of its value against the dollar since Putin’s annexation of Crimea.

President Vladimir Putin s State of the Union Address Fails to Impress

Putin has kept the Russian economy in the toilet and Obama keeps ours in the toilet. How is that a win for Obama exactly?
We have made a more robust recovery than any of the industrialized countries. Doubled the stock market, rising GDPS,Unemployment cut 4.4%.
Meanwhile, republican idol Putin is watching his economy crumble

Sure, once again you carry the water for the rich guys while the man on the street just toppled the Democratic machine because they aren't feeling any recovery. Is this your trickle down theory again? Guess what, big guy. It isn't trickling. I guess that's why you are a Republican, you worship the wealthy and as long as they are taken care of, you're happy.
Complaining about trickle down now?
At the same time you oppose a raise in the minimum wage and low cost healthcare for workers
Of all the stupid moves obumble has made (which is why he's called obumble) his sanctions against Russia have go to rank with the worst. President Putin's goal is to reconstruct the old Soviet Union out of willing states. He knows that to do this there is a price to be paid temporarily. obumble doesn't understand this.
Just like Republicans whined about Obama forcing BP to clean up their own mess in the Gulf. Do you guys ever tire of protecting the bad guys?

RWs don't care that small, family owned companies went broke.

Poor victims, bp lost money for the 1% because our gulf got in their way.

Now the RWs want American families to lose their land so Keystone can give even more money to the 1% and create 35 jobs.

But they hate Obama for producing US oil equivalent to an entire Iraq - that Bush couldn't deliver even after killing and maiming hundreds of thousands and putting our country in the $$ dumper.

Name an issue - the RWs are always on the wrong side. ALWAYS on the side against the US.

How do you say that Obama is responsible for increasing US oil production when his policies fought against US oil production every step of the way? US oil and natural gas production is up on lands that Barry didn't have control of. On the lands that he DID have control...production is down!
The trouble at the top of most people’s minds in Moscow was not the one beamed in from Chechnya by the television news. It was the one afflicting the savings accounts and travel plans of millions of regular Russians. The national currency, the ruble, has lost about 40% of its value against the dollar since Putin’s annexation of Crimea.

President Vladimir Putin s State of the Union Address Fails to Impress

Putin has kept the Russian economy in the toilet and Obama keeps ours in the toilet. How is that a win for Obama exactly?
We have made a more robust recovery than any of the industrialized countries. Doubled the stock market, rising GDPS,Unemployment cut 4.4%.
Meanwhile, republican idol Putin is watching his economy crumble

Sure, once again you carry the water for the rich guys while the man on the street just toppled the Democratic machine because they aren't feeling any recovery. Is this your trickle down theory again? Guess what, big guy. It isn't trickling. I guess that's why you are a Republican, you worship the wealthy and as long as they are taken care of, you're happy.
Complaining about trickle down now?
At the same time you oppose a raise in the minimum wage and low cost healthcare for workers

You're the Republican crowing about how the rich are making more money in the stock market while everyone else has been left behind in the recovery. Talk about being in no position talk.
The trouble at the top of most people’s minds in Moscow was not the one beamed in from Chechnya by the television news. It was the one afflicting the savings accounts and travel plans of millions of regular Russians. The national currency, the ruble, has lost about 40% of its value against the dollar since Putin’s annexation of Crimea.

President Vladimir Putin s State of the Union Address Fails to Impress

Putin has kept the Russian economy in the toilet and Obama keeps ours in the toilet. How is that a win for Obama exactly?
We have made a more robust recovery than any of the industrialized countries. Doubled the stock market, rising GDPS,Unemployment cut 4.4%.
Meanwhile, republican idol Putin is watching his economy crumble

Sure, once again you carry the water for the rich guys while the man on the street just toppled the Democratic machine because they aren't feeling any recovery. Is this your trickle down theory again? Guess what, big guy. It isn't trickling. I guess that's why you are a Republican, you worship the wealthy and as long as they are taken care of, you're happy.
Complaining about trickle down now?
At the same time you oppose a raise in the minimum wage and low cost healthcare for workers

You're the Republican crowing about how the rich are making more money in the stock market while everyone else has been left behind in the recovery. Talk about being in no position talk.
I'm willing to do something about it....are you?
The trouble at the top of most people’s minds in Moscow was not the one beamed in from Chechnya by the television news. It was the one afflicting the savings accounts and travel plans of millions of regular Russians. The national currency, the ruble, has lost about 40% of its value against the dollar since Putin’s annexation of Crimea.

President Vladimir Putin s State of the Union Address Fails to Impress

Putin has kept the Russian economy in the toilet and Obama keeps ours in the toilet. How is that a win for Obama exactly?
We have made a more robust recovery than any of the industrialized countries. Doubled the stock market, rising GDPS,Unemployment cut 4.4%.
Meanwhile, republican idol Putin is watching his economy crumble
With all do respect, liberals has been crying for six years that those mean republicans blocked everything Obama tried to accomplish. So in reality, thank the republicans for anything good that has happened.
The trouble at the top of most people’s minds in Moscow was not the one beamed in from Chechnya by the television news. It was the one afflicting the savings accounts and travel plans of millions of regular Russians. The national currency, the ruble, has lost about 40% of its value against the dollar since Putin’s annexation of Crimea.

President Vladimir Putin s State of the Union Address Fails to Impress

Putin has kept the Russian economy in the toilet and Obama keeps ours in the toilet. How is that a win for Obama exactly?
We have made a more robust recovery than any of the industrialized countries. Doubled the stock market, rising GDPS,Unemployment cut 4.4%.
Meanwhile, republican idol Putin is watching his economy crumble
With all do respect, liberals has been crying for six years that those mean republicans blocked everything Obama tried to accomplish. So in reality, thank the republicans for anything good that has happened.

Well, it is different. Remember how Democrats gave W everything he wanted? Not like the meanie pants Republicans are now.

Hmmm...neither do I...
The trouble at the top of most people’s minds in Moscow was not the one beamed in from Chechnya by the television news. It was the one afflicting the savings accounts and travel plans of millions of regular Russians. The national currency, the ruble, has lost about 40% of its value against the dollar since Putin’s annexation of Crimea.

President Vladimir Putin s State of the Union Address Fails to Impress

Obama had nothing to do with it. Thank the Private Sector Oil Frackers for pushing the Saudis to lower oil prices.
I want to give Tesla some credit for lowering oil demand. Can't really. But I would like the day we are all driving electric cars are waving our second fingers at the Iranians and the russians. If they can get the price down to 30k.... 20K would be better $40k wont do much. But I really would like that.

In other news that will give Putin hangovers, the Israelis have a huge gas find, which they are cooperating with the Italians on shipping to Europe. cheaper gas without russian at the spigot.
I want to give Tesla some credit for lowering oil demand. Can't really. But I would like the day we are all driving electric cars are waving our second fingers at the Iranians and the russians. If they can get the price down to 30k.... 20K would be better $40k wont do much. But I really would like that.

In other news that will give Putin hangovers, the Israelis have a huge gas find, which they are cooperating with the Italians on shipping to Europe. cheaper gas without russian at the spigot.

How are you planning to charge the electric cars?
More reason for putin to be aggressive.

Obama destroys the economy and you guys act like it's a mighty victory.
Well, the catch 22 is that there are jobs being created, but they are low income. Also millions have been without a job and have been homeless for such a long time, that they have been permanently lost to the workforce and are unemployable.

Then there is the economic growth numbers, as while they might be 3-4% that is not substantial enough to fix poverty and inequality issues.

In a country as big as the US most of the economic growth could be down to investment banks, retail, real estate, as well as multi-national corporations that base themselves here but employ very few Americans.
that he fought against the policies that are lowering the price of gas is irrelevant. That the price is coming down is a plus for him. That is the way the world works.
I want to give Tesla some credit for lowering oil demand. Can't really. But I would like the day we are all driving electric cars are waving our second fingers at the Iranians and the russians. If they can get the price down to 30k.... 20K would be better $40k wont do much. But I really would like that.

In other news that will give Putin hangovers, the Israelis have a huge gas find, which they are cooperating with the Italians on shipping to Europe. cheaper gas without russian at the spigot.

How are you planning to charge the electric cars?
Russia's economy is going into the shitter. America's economy is getting better.

Putin-loving conservatives are perplexed.
We're both playing for second. China's economy has no surpassed ours.

China surpasses U.S. to become largest world economy

China surpasses U.S. to become largest world economy Fox News

For the first time in decades, the U.S. is no longer the largest economy in the world, and China has become number one, the International Monetary Fund says.

The IMF recently released the latest numbers for the world economy, stating that China will produce $17.6 trillion in terms of goods and services-- compared with $17.4 trillion for the U.S.

Just 14 years ago, the U.S. produced nearly three times as much as the Chinese, Dow Jones’ MarketWatch reported.

But each country reports its data in its own currency, according to the IMF website. In order to compare data, each country's statistics must be converted into a common currency. But there are several ways to manage that conversion and each can result in very different answers.

Another measure of an economy’s strength is its “purchasing power parity” or PPP—the rate at which the currency of one country would have to be converted into that of another country to buy the same amount of goods and services in each country.

China now accounts for 16.5% of the global economy when measured in real PPP terms, compared with 16.3% for the U.S.

Prices aren't the same in each country, Business Insider suggests. The same shirt will cost you less in Shanghai than in San Francisco, so comparing countries without taking these factors into account is not always reliable.

Though the average Chinese citizen earns a lot less than the average American, simply converting a Chinese salary into dollars underestimates how much purchasing power that person, and therefore that country, might have.

So the IMF measures both GDP in market-exchange terms, and PPP terms. On the purchasing-power basis, China is overtaking the U.S. right now and becoming the world's biggest economy.

MarketWatch columnist Brett Arends suggests that if you just look at international exchange rates, the U.S economy is still larger than China’s allegedly by almost 70 percent. But, Arends adds, although these measures are commonly cited, they can also be unreliable.

Experts have predicted China’s economy would surpass America’s for years and recent conventional wisdom anticipated the change this year.

China’s economy may now be the world’s largest, but it’s still not the richest. GDP per head is still less than a quarter of U.S. levels, the Financial Times reported.

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