Obama cranks it up - your thoughts?


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Opposing Authoritarian Ideological Fundamentalism.

Interesting watching Obama using executive authority to put the pedal to the metal on issues he knows the Republicans oppose, and evidently he's not through.

This, in the face of the 2014 elections.

Do you think he's hurting Democrats by essentially ignoring the sweeping Republican victories, or are the results of a sparsely-voted mid-term election not representative of a mandate?

Looks like Obama has made up his mind on that question.

Interesting watching Obama using executive authority to put the pedal to the metal on issues he knows the Republicans oppose, and evidently he's not through.

This, in the face of the 2014 elections.

Do you think he's hurting Democrats by essentially ignoring the sweeping Republican victories, or are the results of a sparsely-voted mid-term election not representative of a mandate?

Looks like Obama has made up his mind on that question.

I think he's concluded that the lowest voter participation rate in 72 years is not a "mandate".

I think he's also concluded that since he'll never be on the ballot again, there's no reason to not do what he wants. It's the same conclusion that Reagan, Clinton and Bush-43 came to when they had sixth year midterms that didn't go their way.
Obama could care less what anyone thinks.......including his own party.......during these last 2 years in office.

He is all about creating his personal legacy.

And normalizing our relationship with Cuba is just the start. ...... :cool:

Interesting watching Obama using executive authority to put the pedal to the metal on issues he knows the Republicans oppose, and evidently he's not through.

This, in the face of the 2014 elections.

Do you think he's hurting Democrats by essentially ignoring the sweeping Republican victories, or are the results of a sparsely-voted mid-term election not representative of a mandate?

Looks like Obama has made up his mind on that question.


Didn't you hear him, he is representing the ones than didn't get off their ass and vote, you know the folks that voted present like he did in the IL and US congresses. Fuck the slimy piece of chicago gutter trash.

I suspect that part of the calculus when deciding on these moves is whether they can be reversed or significantly revised by the next President.

No reason to start something that will be flushed in two years, so it will have to be things that will set somewhat in stone in January 2017.


Interesting watching Obama using executive authority to put the pedal to the metal on issues he knows the Republicans oppose, and evidently he's not through.

This, in the face of the 2014 elections.

Do you think he's hurting Democrats by essentially ignoring the sweeping Republican victories, or are the results of a sparsely-voted mid-term election not representative of a mandate?

Looks like Obama has made up his mind on that question.

He's a seriously rotten asshole. Instead of trying to work with the opposition he's trying to piss them off.

Interesting watching Obama using executive authority to put the pedal to the metal on issues he knows the Republicans oppose, and evidently he's not through.

This, in the face of the 2014 elections.

Do you think he's hurting Democrats by essentially ignoring the sweeping Republican victories, or are the results of a sparsely-voted mid-term election not representative of a mandate?

Looks like Obama has made up his mind on that question.

He's a seriously rotten asshole. Instead of trying to work with the opposition he's trying to piss them off.

I think he really, really, really hates Congressional Republicans. Not conservative or right-leaning moderate civilians per se, just those politicians who have made his life miserable for the last six years. He's gonna take these next two years and shove them straight up the GOP's ass. Kind of a win-win - do things his way and piss off the GOP.

He's taking these actions knowing full well that they can be undone by a subsequent president. He thinks that by the time another president takes office his changes will have suddenly become unchangeable. The effect of his actions is to make democrats very unpopular.

He's wrong because his thinking is wrong. His premise is wrong. He believes that once exposed to socialism any free person will chose socialism.
I suspect that part of the calculus when deciding on these moves is whether they can be reversed or significantly revised by the next President.

No reason to start something that will be flushed in two years, so it will have to be things that will set somewhat in stone in January 2017.

I think he's being a lot more clever than that. He's picking fights where the GOP is internally divided.

Let's take illegal immigration. You have the rank and file bubbas who live in mortal fear their daughters might date a Mexican who are against immigration, vs. the Chamber of Commerce types who want them legalized so they can hurry up and hire them for shit wages. Getting them to fight amongst themselves is quite brilliant.

Same thing with the Cuba thing. You've got the anti-Castro Exile community absolutely shitting its pants that we might recognize the reality of the last 55 years. Vs. All these big multi-national corporations who really run the GOP who frankly want Cuba opened up for trade and profit.
I think he has two years left and is not going out with a whimper like republicans want him to
The supreme court can and did over ride a EO, I am telling you all when that subsidies case comes up in July Obama care is done
Yeah when a Republican President pulls the same crap Obama is doing now the left will be the ones screaming about a lawless President and the right will be the ones looking the other way.
The supreme court can and did over ride a EO, I am telling you all when that subsidies case comes up in July Obama care is done

A minor case that will be easily resolved. The intent of the law is to allow federal subsidies
Feels like he's throwing everything and anything against the wall to see what sticks in hopes of securing some sort of positive legacy the entire country can agree upon...
Yeah when a Republican President pulls the same crap Obama is doing now the left will be the ones screaming about a lawless President and the right will be the ones looking the other way.

Let's get a Republican President and see

I the mean time, Obama will use his executive powers unless Congress shows some balls to pass some legislation

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