Obama could end the Birther Movement by

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Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
producing a long-form, original Birth Certificate.

Reason he doesn't - can't.

Got and is getting kid-gloves treatment from the liberal media on very important issue.

BTW - mandadtory health insurance is UNCONSTITUTIONAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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He has a BC long form.

if not someone would have dug something up by now.

The reason he doesn't show it? imo, it's to drive the batshitcrazy people out of the caves and get them to keep posting non-sense about where he was born so that they make all people on the right look like chumps for tolerating your ignorance.

The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence.
Well if the certificate should say he was white and or muslim
this might have hurt him in the election. I dunno just a thought.
I don't care where he was born. He clearly wants a United States that is less significant in the world. For that he needs to be run out of office.

Based on our actions for a few decades it is what all Americans want.
Especially corporate America.
it is the inevitable result of globalization.
Does Congress have the power to force the president to comply with the Constitutional requirement for the job and produce the BC for scrutiny by federal document examiners? I think so.

Do you think that the government and your federal document examiners looked at all documents/evidence and determined Obama met all Constitutional requirements before he became a presidential candidate? I think so.
I don't care where he was born. He clearly wants a United States that is less significant in the world. For that he needs to be run out of office.

Based on our actions for a few decades it is what all Americans want.
Especially corporate America.
it is the inevitable result of globalization.

Globalization did not cause the Fed to crash the currency by printing trillions and run up $3T in new debt.

That's all on Obama's watch, chump.
Does Congress have the power to force the president to comply with the Constitutional requirement for the job and produce the BC for scrutiny by federal document examiners? I think so.

Do you think that the government and your federal document examiners looked at all documents/evidence and determined Obama met all Constitutional requirements before he became a presidential candidate? I think so.

Who really knows? Was it run by the same people in government who projected the number of "shovel ready jobs" that were out there?
producing a long-form, original Birth Certificate.

Reason he doesn't - can't.

Got and is getting kid-gloves treatment from the liberal media on very important issue.

BTW - mandadtory health insurance is UNCONSTITUTIONAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LOL! We will get rid of the birther movement when McCain is illegally elected... LMAO! :clap2:
producing a long-form, original Birth Certificate.

Reason he doesn't - can't.

Got and is getting kid-gloves treatment from the liberal media on very important issue.

BTW - mandadtory health insurance is UNCONSTITUTIONAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All the liberal, jackass, obama ass lickers can spew all the bull shit they want about the other half of America that believes their messiah wasn't born in this country. But they're just flapping their liberal, jackass, obama ass licking lips. Nothing they say has ever proven anything other than they're willing to simply look the other way instead of wondering why their messiah DOESN'T show this fabled birth certificate. In fact, their messiah has spent MILLIONS on KEEPING this fabled BC HIDDEN, along with the MAJORITY OF HIS PAST. Gee... I guess wondering why is simply beyond the comprehension of the liberal, jackass, obama ass lickers. Their pea brain just can't do it. They MUST just KEEP LICKING THAT ASS of their MESSIAH.

Fucking morons... all of you defending this obama hiding his birth certificate shit. You do it ONLY because HE'S YOUR IDOL! Bunch of fucking morons.

Heeeerrrrrreeeees your picture...

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Unfortunately, you'll never bring him down this way. He's hiding something however. I know he had CIA ties for example that he has tried to cover.
producing a long-form, original Birth Certificate.

Reason he doesn't - can't.

Got and is getting kid-gloves treatment from the liberal media on very important issue.

BTW - mandadtory health insurance is UNCONSTITUTIONAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why should he produce his birth certificate when the REPUBLICAN Governor of Hawaii has already confirmed its existence? America isn't confused about his place of birth, morons are .. and who cares what morons think?

Why should he do anything to end the birther "movement" when they make such entertaining fodder for late-night talk shows.

Anytime he wants to demonstrate how completely insane the right-wing is, all he has to do is point to this hapless group of morons.

You want to take that away?

Not a chance.
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producing a long-form, original Birth Certificate.

Reason he doesn't - can't.

Got and is getting kid-gloves treatment from the liberal media on very important issue.

BTW - mandadtory health insurance is UNCONSTITUTIONAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why should he produce his birth certificate when the REPUBLICAN Governor of Hawaii has already confirmed its existence? America isn't confused about his place of birth, morons are .. and who cares what morons think?

Why should he do anything to end the birther "movement" when they make such entertaining fodder for late-night talk shows.

Anytime he wants to demonstrate how completely insane the right-wing is, all he has to do is point to this hapless group of morons.

You want to take that away?

Not a chance.
The gov. claims there is a birth certificate but hid it from the public. It is like the other prepresidential papers and the millions of campaign finance funds kept sealed. If he does not have anything to hide, unseal them. He is hiding something for sure.
producing a long-form, original Birth Certificate.

Reason he doesn't - can't.

Got and is getting kid-gloves treatment from the liberal media on very important issue.

BTW - mandadtory health insurance is UNCONSTITUTIONAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why should he produce his birth certificate when the REPUBLICAN Governor of Hawaii has already confirmed its existence? America isn't confused about his place of birth, morons are .. and who cares what morons think?

Why should he do anything to end the birther "movement" when they make such entertaining fodder for late-night talk shows.

Anytime he wants to demonstrate how completely insane the right-wing is, all he has to do is point to this hapless group of morons.

You want to take that away?

Not a chance.
The gov. claims there is a birth certificate but hid it from the public. It is like the other prepresidential papers and the millions of campaign finance funds kept sealed. If he does not have anything to hide, unseal them. He is hiding something for sure.

You idiots are being played like a cheap fiddle. There's a leftist TELLING you how you are being played and you look past it and keep on going.

It's simpletons like birthers that make me wonder how the hell we took the House.

Yes, he is hiding something; The biggest longest joke ever played.
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