Obama confirms, Progressive Democrats are "Bad politics"


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
The best thing to come out of Obama's "Appearance" on the Daily Show (I'm still not 100% that's really him, not even Obama can be THAT Fucking stupid) is he admits that Progressive Ideology is "Bad politics"

“There are a lot of folks who took some really tough votes over the last 20 months knowing that it was bad for them politically..."

Yes, Barry America is NOT a Socialist country, never was, never will be. You lied your way into power by pretending to be a fiscal Conservative the same way Pelosi and Reid lied their way into control.

Obama: 'Tough Votes' Cast in Congress Are 'Courageous' While Putting 'Congressional Careers at Risk' - Political Punch
All he did was confirm that the dems have turned themselves into the party of "FUCK YOU."
Yes, Barry America is NOT a Socialist country, never was, never will be.

Ahh, a non-believer wrapped in a desperate delusion of what America is, or maybe he is having a hard time defining socialism?

Ahh, the desperate delusion of a true believer who is convinced that the only reason Socialism has failed each and every time it's been tried is because it wasn't on a large enough scale.
The best thing to come out of Obama's "Appearance" on the Daily Show (I'm still not 100% that's really him, not even Obama can be THAT Fucking stupid) is he admits that Progressive Ideology is "Bad politics"

“There are a lot of folks who took some really tough votes over the last 20 months knowing that it was bad for them politically..."

Yes, Barry America is NOT a Socialist country, never was, never will be. You lied your way into power by pretending to be a fiscal Conservative the same way Pelosi and Reid lied their way into control.

Obama: 'Tough Votes' Cast in Congress Are 'Courageous' While Putting 'Congressional Careers at Risk' - Political Punch

Pelosi and Obama basically asked Dems to walk the plank for them on all thsoe votes. They told them at the time the public would adore them and they'd coast to re-election. But they knew those reps were screwed. they didn't care. Pelosi was eager to pass the progressive agenda and if it meant losing Congress the next election, she didn't care. Now we see Obama didnt either.

Remind me why the GOP should negotiate with this bazaar-dwelling shyster? He'll sell them out in a second for the sake of his agenda.
The best thing to come out of Obama's "Appearance" on the Daily Show (I'm still not 100% that's really him, not even Obama can be THAT Fucking stupid) is he admits that Progressive Ideology is "Bad politics"

“There are a lot of folks who took some really tough votes over the last 20 months knowing that it was bad for them politically..."

Yes, Barry America is NOT a Socialist country, never was, never will be. You lied your way into power by pretending to be a fiscal Conservative the same way Pelosi and Reid lied their way into control.

Obama: 'Tough Votes' Cast in Congress Are 'Courageous' While Putting 'Congressional Careers at Risk' - Political Punch

there were a number of things in that show that disturbed me, what I felt disturbed me, which is I felt sorry for the office of the president. His foundering and selling himself like a 3 dollar suit for handful of votes, hes the president and jon stewart looked sounded and was in fact more credible and capable, than he was.
Stature wise obama looked I don't know mentally and spiritually shrunken by the end of it no matter how many applause que announcements and signs were lit.

People were laughing AT HIM just as much as with him, if he personally doesn't have any dignity or care too, hey thats his gig, would it be asking to much to at least attempt to allow the office retain some?

He doesn't know what a PUN is either.

He screwed up, he really DID say "larry did a heck of job" and meant it, but you see thats only a phrase a nincompoop like Bush would use, so he had to back track, you can see it when he trys to cover it with that smirk and lame "pun intended" remark, epic fail, its not a pun for one thing, and even a friend here at work who attendees a 500 dollar plate fundraisers for the dem party, remarked to me that hes blown his "glamour", looked and sounded defensive and meandering.
Obama has turned CT, which he won by 22% in 08 into a Battleground state

How mush much people reject the Radical Progressivism of modern Democrats

"Barack Obam to me

show details 2:40 PM (17 minutes ago)

Friend --

I'm excited to gather with supporters in Bridgeport tomorrow.

We've got a lot of work to do to keep moving America forward. But this movement has never backed down from a tough fight.

I hope you can join me. If you haven't already, please let us know you'll join by clicking here.

Hope to see you there,

President Barack Obama"
I watched the videos here Obama On 'Daily Show': Stewart Presses President To Defend 'Timid' Policies, Hiring Of Old D.C. Hands (VIDEO) , scroll down a bit.

Jon seemed almost frustrated in that he didn't want to make Obama look bad but at the same time he asked the same question over and over and I think he realized he was getting the BS politician answers.

Obama also makes himself look like a clown when says things like "we couldn't fix it overnight" or and this one is big "we saved the country from a Depression."

The applause seems staged and I doubt your average person was allowed in anyways being it’s the president of the US.

Obama also never addresses the fact that the Dems owned congress for 2 years before he took over. He blames Bush I guess over the Congress he is trying to save today on that show that very much helped cause all these problems.

I guess in all it made him look bad. I don’t think him talking HC up when most of America does not like his bill helped. I don’t like that Jon nor Obama mentioned the Wars even when Obama was talking about what they ran off to get elected being he Wars was the single biggest issue for them.
I watched the videos here Obama On 'Daily Show': Stewart Presses President To Defend 'Timid' Policies, Hiring Of Old D.C. Hands (VIDEO) , scroll down a bit.

Jon seemed almost frustrated in that he didn't want to make Obama look bad but at the same time he asked the same question over and over and I think he realized he was getting the BS politician answers.

Obama also makes himself look like a clown when says things like "we couldn't fix it overnight" or and this one is big "we saved the country from a Depression."

The applause seems staged and I doubt your average person was allowed in anyways being it’s the president of the US.

Obama also never addresses the fact that the Dems owned congress for 2 years before he took over. He blames Bush I guess over the Congress he is trying to save today on that show that very much helped cause all these problems.

I guess in all it made him look bad. I don’t think him talking HC up when most of America does not like his bill helped. I don’t like that Jon nor Obama mentioned the Wars even when Obama was talking about what they ran off to get elected being he Wars was the single biggest issue for them.

I'm still willing to believe that Tina Fey dressed in blackface and did an Obama imitation on the Daily Show, why would POTUS do that to himself?
The best thing to come out of Obama's "Appearance" on the Daily Show (I'm still not 100% that's really him, not even Obama can be THAT Fucking stupid) is he admits that Progressive Ideology is "Bad politics"

“There are a lot of folks who took some really tough votes over the last 20 months knowing that it was bad for them politically..."

Yes, Barry America is NOT a Socialist country, never was, never will be. You lied your way into power by pretending to be a fiscal Conservative the same way Pelosi and Reid lied their way into control.

Obama: 'Tough Votes' Cast in Congress Are 'Courageous' While Putting 'Congressional Careers at Risk' - Political Punch

I agree. He knows it's bad for this nation. But then when you have a POTUS that hates this nation, has an axe to grind? He was telling us that he knows he was leading the Statist Democrats off the ledge that was no lover's leap by any stretch.

He does adimit too by that statement that he took a gamble to take the Democrats down. Mission Accomplished.
Yes, Barry America is NOT a Socialist country, never was, never will be.

Ahh, a non-believer wrapped in a desperate delusion of what America is, or maybe he is having a hard time defining socialism?

Ahh, the desperate delusion of a true believer who is convinced that the only reason Socialism has failed each and every time it's been tried is because it wasn't on a large enough scale.

and this is different from the keep trying the same thing republicans in what way?
Tax cuts, deregulation, cut spending, smaller govt.
Well the last two items are just all talk in the republican party, they have never actually tried them.
Ahh, a non-believer wrapped in a desperate delusion of what America is, or maybe he is having a hard time defining socialism?

Ahh, the desperate delusion of a true believer who is convinced that the only reason Socialism has failed each and every time it's been tried is because it wasn't on a large enough scale.

and this is different from the keep trying the same thing republicans in what way?
Tax cuts, deregulation, cut spending, smaller govt.
Well the last two items are just all talk in the republican party, they have never actually tried them.

No they were under Reagan...beginning with tax cuts. Republicans got cocky and acted like Democrats.
Yes, Barry America is NOT a Socialist country, never was, never will be.

Ahh, a non-believer wrapped in a desperate delusion of what America is, or maybe he is having a hard time defining socialism?

Ahh, the desperate delusion of a true believer who is convinced that the only reason Socialism has failed each and every time it's been tried is because it wasn't on a large enough scale.
...or that the wrong people were in charge. "But now that WE'RE running it, it'll work GREAT!"
Ahh, a non-believer wrapped in a desperate delusion of what America is, or maybe he is having a hard time defining socialism?

Ahh, the desperate delusion of a true believer who is convinced that the only reason Socialism has failed each and every time it's been tried is because it wasn't on a large enough scale.
...or that the wrong people were in charge. "But now that WE'RE running it, it'll work GREAT!"

It's been tried every which way anyone can dream of throughout history...

But yet some dufus hardhead thinks no one has tried it theoir way...while dismissing history.

Doomed to failure...as this crop is headed to the ashheap of more failures...
Ahh, the desperate delusion of a true believer who is convinced that the only reason Socialism has failed each and every time it's been tried is because it wasn't on a large enough scale.
...or that the wrong people were in charge. "But now that WE'RE running it, it'll work GREAT!"

It's been tried every which way anyone can dream of throughout history...

But yet some dufus hardhead thinks no one has tried it theoir way...while dismissing history.

Doomed to failure...as this crop is headed to the ashheap of more failures...
Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to vote Democrat.

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