Obama Claims unemployment Dropped To 7.8%


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
To provide cover for his poor performance in the debates Obama released a jobs rate that even CNN was questioning this morning.

Just 15 mins ago it was projected to go up because of the increase of new unemployment applications. But the rate somehow dropped below the target 8%

We knew this would happen.
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So a bunch of stores hired some temp help for the Christmas rush and unemployment numbers are down... How wonderful.
To provide cover for his poor performance in the debates Obama released a jobs rate that even CNN was questioning this morning.

Just 15 mins ago it was projected to go up because of the increase of new unemployment applications. But rate somehow dropped below the target 8%

We know this would happen.

When libs start questioning it, you know there's a dead fish in there someplace. Too many major companies have had massive layoffs or closed.
To provide cover for his poor performance in the debates Obama released a jobs rate that even CNN was questioning this morning.

Just 15 mins ago it was projected to go up because of the increase of new unemployment applications. But rate somehow dropped below the target 8%

We know this would happen.

When libs start questioning it, you know there's a dead fish in there someplace. Too many major companies have had massive layoffs or closed.

We need 129,000 new jobs a month just to keep up with population growth and people entering the labor market. They claimed 114,000 new jobs were created, which was merely a projection. A projection that will most likely be downgraded later.

The way they were able to get the drop by revising up July, and August's job numbers.

My how convenient. September Jobs Report: Unemployment Falls - ABC News
How could you add only 114,000 jobs and have a drop like that? It's impossible.
To provide cover for his poor performance in the debates Obama released a jobs rate that even CNN was questioning this morning.

Just 15 mins ago it was projected to go up because of the increase of new unemployment applications. But rate somehow dropped below the target 8%

We know this would happen.

Were they 'oversampling'?

Or did Acorn do this in the Conservatory with funding from Soros and Clooney?

To provide cover for his poor performance in the debates Obama released a jobs rate that even CNN was questioning this morning.

Just 15 mins ago it was projected to go up because of the increase of new unemployment applications. But rate somehow dropped below the target 8%

We know this would happen.

Were they 'oversampling'?

Or did Acorn do this in the Conservatory with funding from Soros and Clooney?


Using fuzzy math to bail the prez out of a jam isn't going to work. It looks orchestrated.
Ben Bernanke just said he's gonna' cancel QE Infinity because the Economy is improving.

Oh wait, no he didn't.
Unemployment is down!
Unemployment is down!
Unemployment is down!
Unemployment is down!

Is it true yet?
Do you think it could have been predicted that the numbers before the election the UE numbers would go down? :eusa_whistle:
To provide cover for his poor performance in the debates Obama released a jobs rate that even CNN was questioning this morning.

Just 15 mins ago it was projected to go up because of the increase of new unemployment applications. But rate somehow dropped below the target 8%

We know this would happen.

Were they 'oversampling'?

Or did Acorn do this in the Conservatory with funding from Soros and Clooney?


Oh, that had to hurt....
Most of the GOP is going off the rails on a crazy train. If they see a piece of news that they don't like, they instantly start babbling about a conspiracy. Not just a few of them, but the most of the party.
We know why the Republicans are losing it, of course. The GOP was counting on their economic sabotage attempts to hurt Obama's reelection chances. Now that their economic sabotage strategy has failed, what hope do they have?
We know why the Republicans are losing it, of course. The GOP was counting on their economic sabotage attempts to hurt Obama's reelection chances. Now that their economic sabotage strategy has failed, what hope do they have?


tin foil anyone?

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